Isle of Arran trail info?

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Ray Young
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Isle of Arran trail info?

Post by Ray Young »

I am thinking of going to Arran for two or three days and would like to do some of the higher trails around Goat Fell. I have sent an email to Arran MTB club but have not heard back yet. Does any one know what the these two paths are like-
Corrie Burn up to Meall Breac and down Cnocan Burn
Glen Sannox up to The Saddle and down Glen Rosa
Fat tyre kicker
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Re: Isle of Arran trail info?

Post by Fat tyre kicker »

I've only backpacked there but the routes up Goat fell were steep and rocky,your're
Literally going from sea level to summit,it's truly beautiful on a clear day. not sure on
The specifics of the paths you've mentioned,will dig the map out,one thing I do know
Is the fact that we got eaten alive by the bloody midgies,they were tenacious! :roll:
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Re: Isle of Arran trail info?

Post by Ray Young »

The two routes mentioned avoid the ridges apart from crossing over The saddle but still take you up high. I don't mind some bike hike but want to avoid serious scrambling.
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Re: Isle of Arran trail info?

Post by whitestone »

I've not ridden those routes but have walked the Glen Rosa - Saddle - Glen Sannox route and I wouldn't take a bike anywhere near it :o The MBR crowd did it a few years ago and wished they hadn't bothered. There's some serious hike-a-bike on the Glen Sannox side of the saddle. Here's a photo or two Lots of boulders on the path in Glen Rosa.
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Ray Young
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Re: Isle of Arran trail info?

Post by Ray Young »

Mmm, maybe not the best place for a two to three dayer then unless you want to add in a lot of roads. Maybe time for a rethink. Thanks for the links, I didn't realise the saddle would be that bad!
deft punk
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Re: Isle of Arran trail info?

Post by deft punk »

Hullo, been lurking & learning a wee while, but since I know the island & this place seems friendlier than your average forum I thought I should maybe say hi & pitch in with some beta...

I'm assuming you don't mean any time soon, it currently looks as if someone has parked a bit of the Alps on the Clyde... All your routes will go, but how much you'll enjoy them is an unknown. They're also likely to be busy with walkers, especially the descent off Goatfell. Obviously midweek, early/late starts & damp days will be quieter.

Corrie is a straightforward push for near enough the whole length, but once you cross the burn you're lifting/throwing/hauling your bike up & over some "challenging" ground.

"Tourist Route"/Cnocan Burn off Goatfell is fine. I'd say it's worth pushing to the top, others will disagree. On the way down there's a pedal depth narrow rutted bit where it levels off in the middle & once you're through the deer fence it's water bar central. Tourist route should give you an idea of the amount of walkers.

As for Sannox... the last bit scrambling up onto the saddle is steep as hell and although you can get up & over on your lonesome you'd be better off a) taking a pal or two & some rope, or b) not bothering and just doing it as an out & back up Glen Rosa.

Coming off the Saddle into Rosa is straight forward, then it levels off & you're into pedal depth narrow ruts again. I hope you like fording.

Finally, in spite of the mountains the best riding on the island is probably on the lower altitude paths. I can fire some stuff in your direction, but if you're anything like me then plotting routes yourself is half the fun & for once there aren't many ghost paths on the OS maps.
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Ray Young
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Re: Isle of Arran trail info?

Post by Ray Young »

Hi deft, l would appreciate any trail info or gpx files. Still might be interested in going even if the high stuff is not really doable, thanks. youngray50 at gmail dot com
deft punk
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Re: Isle of Arran trail info?

Post by deft punk »

They're doable, and there are bits of each that I'm fond of. I'm just no sure it's worth the effort, unless you're local & out ticking boxes.

I'll have a look at the maps later on & fire over a few suggestions. I've never bothered with GPS so you'll need to flesh out the routes. I'll buy one, one day, probably :D
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