The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

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The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by gairym »


Early on Saturday morning (after getting up with our daughter at 05:30) I set off south to the Ardeche Gorge for a little 24 hour adventure.

Here, for your viewing pleasure is a short (really!) movie of the trip:

The plan was that I would shift around some baby-duties and free up Saturday (day and night) to take a trip and be back in time to take the munchkin for Sunday to give Nikki a well-earned respite.

So.....I was out and on the road by 08:00 and riding by 11:00.

The route was simple enough: head north from Saint Martin d'Ardeche before crossing the river at Vallon Pont d'Arc and return on the other side back to where I started.

Here's a little shot of the hills in the distance:


One thing I hadn't planned too far in advance was where I would sleep.

I had three possibilities:

1. If I was too slow/tired then I would camp around half-way round and then head back to the car first thing on the road (I needed to be driving back by 07:30).

2. If I reached Vallon Pont d'Arc (half-way) and had some energy left I'd set-off on the second section of the route (a section I've previously ridden) and possibly sleep in the bothy I discovered on my last visit to the area in March.

3. If, by some miracle, I managed to complete the whole ride before it got dark I planned to find a secluded field somewhere near St Martin and sleep there (enabling me to get a nice sleep in until 07:00 and then head home).

But.....I hadn't banked on was just how insanely hot it was going to be!

The first village I came to said 32 degrees and by the time I hit the third village it had reached 35!


The first glitch I had was that my new fuel tank didn't work as I'd planned. No fault of Pawel's handy-work but more a simple impossibility of the way my bike is designed and set-up (there wasn't enough room to get sufficient support to stop the thing from drooping when loaded).

But.....all was not lost as by simply switching the mounting location the problem was solved as you can see below:





The next problem was the heat!

By half-way I was struggling. I'd drunk 5L/10 pints of water in the first 25 miles applied 3 coats of factor 50 suncream and eaten plenty but I was beginning to suffer.

This is the reason that the video only contains footage from the first half of first day and the morning of the second day. The second half of the first day mainly consisted of me riding with my head slumped and sweat pouring down my face trying not pass-out from the heat!

Here's one of the views I managed to get before the half-way point:

(right-hand edge of photo cut off)

By the time I reached the bothy I was well and truly pooped! I'd done 35 miles of serious off-road riding in the insane heat and I was ready to drop.

But.....we had a problem. Some local goons had decided that they'd have a party in the bothy and so I carried on as there was no sleep to be had there (and I'd have had to get up at 05:00 to get going).

By the time I got to another suitable sleeping spot I was only about 5 miles from the car and it was starting to get dark.

I'd been in the saddle for over 9 hours, done over 45 miles, was becoming dehydrated (I just couldn't get water back into my system fast enough) and I was hurting!

This is the profile of the route (although the 'official' route is only just over 40 miles long my version had additional excursions to the shops and included a couple of wrong-turns and so ended up a little over 50 miles)"

(right-hand edge of photo cut off)

So, site sorted I set up my tarp, inflated my mat, cooked some rice, ate some chocolate and got my self to bed!

Here's my spot:


The rain held off and I awoke early (06:30) and got my crap together and set-off to ride the remaining 5 or so miles back to the car.

All-in-all it's one hell of a ride to do in those conditions. I've been in reasonably good shape of late but this nearly killed me!

But.....I loved it! To say I only had a little over 24 hours away from the house I really did manage to fit in a mini-adventure - perfect!

Cheers, Gairy.
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Very nice but I don't envy you in the heat ... oh, making your pictures 600 pixels wide seems to stop them being cropped.
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Dusza »

What a great place for cycling. I'm still wondering how I'll cope with the heat once I get home...

Btw. I still owe you a thank you for your last vid. I discovered Stornaway for me, so Thank you :)
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Ray Young »

Great vid and story Gairy, that heat would have killed me. I have enough trouble just stopping to take a photo so your running back and forward to do video shots is highly commedable, keep up the good work. 8-)
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Dan_K »

Nice vid. Loving Nina on vocals!
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by gairym »

thanks guys.


yeah, the heat was almost more than i could take at times.

i usually do make the photos 600px wide but i just used the images from my blog and (at that level of tiredness) it was easier to mention that they were incomplete images than to re-open photoshop and edit the little buggers.


where is 'home'?

and you're welcome on the Stornoway front!


the running back and forth usually isn't a hassle but with that heat i just couldn't take after the first 25 miles - it was all i could do to stay upright on the bike!


yeah, i think it's been long enough now that people don't just associate that song with Barry Norman and 'Film 9x' - such a good song.
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Dusza »

gairym wrote: dusza,

where is 'home'?

and you're welcome on the Stornoway front!
Home is only a feeling you get in your mind ;) I call Poland my home, we get some crazy 30+ temperatures in the summer.
I hope I'll be able to free some battery humans back there.
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Matt »

Will be in the Ardeche in August :)
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by gairym »

cool. where and when?

fancy hooking up for a ride?
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Matt »

Largentière, last week of Aug

In 2 minds about taking bike at moment but if I do I'd be up for it.

Was half thinking about a 2 day canoe bivvy
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by gairym »

fair enough.

i may be away that week but if not (and you have a bike or would be happy to use one of mine) then there's some nice riding around Largentière (though i've not ridden that much of it).

the kayak/bivi option is always good (we did it last year).

they sting you with making you stay in one of their two 'official' campsites within the national park but they're not too bad (a little crowded but with fire-pit and free charcoal).

another option would be to wild-camp outside of the national park (as they patrol the banks inside pretty militantly) but you'd still probably be best to hide the kayaks away from the bank as they get arsey with wild-camping in that area (though the rest of the Ardeche is fine) due to there being so many tourists having campfires etc...

if you want any info/advice just give me a shout and, depending on other things, maybe it'll work out that a ride will happen?

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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Mike »

love this video, if only i could edit mine as good!! How did u find the routes over there or have u riden many times in that area, looks so good
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by gairym »


i've got a french gps route site which i usully use for starters and then just wing-it based on what looks good on the map and on the trail.

i've been riding around the gorge area enough now that i've got a good general knowledge of what's around but there's always so much to discover (sooo many trails!).

as for the video editing - i just use the free windows live movie maker software and (as a complete novice) it's really easy to use and make things that look semi-polished.

cheers, gairy.
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Mike »

Had a look at that link, im guessing u speak french! ha my first hurdle or can u change it to translate couldnt see an option for it tho... oh i will av to have a play with that windows editor cheers happy trails
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by Taylor »

Google Translate for the win.
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Re: The Return of the Ardeche Gorge!

Post by gairym »

yeah, that's what i do.

i do speak french (if very badly!) but it's much easier to google-translate it.
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