North York Moors 300

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North York Moors 300

Post by fatbikephil »

300kms, 6000m of climbing, 'gravel bike friendly' (!) 50/50 road and dirt, white horses, coffin roads, mediaeval standing stones, seaside, ice cream, vampires, monasteries and ICBM early warning radars...

A fair old mix of stuff to keep you happy on this route. I was focusing on the numbers I guess, as this indicated a ride that would be a chunk easier than Stuart Ryders previous masterpiece, the YD300, but still offer plenty of fun. It would also enable some reminiscing about various childhood adventures I've had in the North York Moors, being on my parents door step and so a regular destination for us when I was a nipper.

The start was fairly relaxed with around 20 odd folk gathered at Red Sky Bikes in Thirsk. I chatted to Boab (Boab) and Andy (Boxelder) and I think Duncan (DLovett - apologies I forgot to formally introduce myself!) Duncan netted the faffers prize after laying out all his stuff and even setting up a camp stool to enable last minute bike and kit fettling ahead of the start. The shop is a newish establishment run by Gemma and James, who had recruited Stuart as a mechanic. He'd obviously no sooner moved to the area than scoped out the terrain and plotted an ITT route... Breakfast was provided so I dug in, then it was the riders briefing and we were away at 8am sharp.

As is my wont these days I trundled slowly and steadily away, the long escarpment that sets the boundary of the moors my target. Bob caught me on the first climb and we chatted a bit about long rides, pacing, eating and how we were going to get our BB200 entries in. I didn't photo the white horse as it looks a bit odd from just below it - the best vantage point is the East Coast mainline! Bob dived into the visitor centre to try his luck at getting on line and into the BB. I figured I would chance it the next day as I couldn't be bothered faffing with the phone... Tom then appeared stressing about his bottom bracket which had developed some play. He was after advice but I'm the wrong person for this as my 'ach it'll be fine' attitude isn't necessarily that helpful. Sorry Tom...

Anyway beyond here it was a fine mix of made gravel singletrack and easy stony tracks. A fair few folk were about - mainly Cleveland Way walkers but even other bike riders. I never see people on my rides so this was a bit odd... It was a bit cloudy still and the wind was strong, albeit behind us. The beeb had forecasted 0% chance of rain at Thirsk and Whitby, all day and all night so I was a might concerned by the large black clouds around, and the odd spot of rain. That said the trails were dry. After a few ups and downs we dropped steep and fast into a section of natural and made trail, culminating with a steep push out of the woods and across Live Moor, Holey Moor and Carlton Moor. I'd been a bit dubious about this bit as its shown as an FP, not a BW. We got a few funny looks from some of the walkers to boot however Stuart assured us that the Cleveland Way is promoted for all non-motorised use, irrespective of ROW status - hurrah! More hurrah was the descent to Lordstones - steep, rocky and steppy - just how I like it (up to a point)

First summit and the first of many waymarking stones.

The next bit was a gem of swoopy hard dirt lines with a few rocks and ruts to keep you on your toes. Also featured were the days only puddles! I hooned along this bit catching Karl on his cutthroat and a couple of others on drop bars. Between this trail and the next was the first of a fair bit of nav faffing - head along a trail, check GPS, realise you are wrong, repeat until you get on the right trail (3 times in this case) Me and Karl chatted about his ITI ride and other related stuff until I dropped him on the next push!

Another wide open moor, views opening up all around. To my left was Roseberry topping, a spiky lump that I had first climbed (been dragged up) age 3. I passed the point where the route rejoins the outward loop and hared off down more rough gravel. At one point we passed a monastery. It's a curiosity of these hills that there was quite a bit of religious goings on over the years and still a couple of active monasteries and abbeys, including Rievaulx Abbey to the south which had been a huge place. The hills are littered with random marker stones which marked the various pilgrim and coffin roads. The most famous of the latter became the Lyke Wake Walk. This roughly follows an old coffin route from Ravenscar, just down from Robin Hoods Bay, to Osmotherly, which we had passed above earlier - 41 miles! I'd walked this route at the tender age of 10 in 16 and a half hours. All I remember was lots of bleak moorland and a series of endless ups and downs, plus nearly falling asleep on my feet in final miles. Not bad going at that age!


One of the routes highlights - a narrow singletrack across a moor with plenty of ruts, rocks, twists and turns to keep you amused

Much road followed but of the singletrack and little traffic type (apart from a bunch of glaikit German motorcyclists, one of which was too busy looking at his GPS to see little old me...) Then came another route highlight - a fine narrow and easy double track with grass growing up the middle and a steady descent. more nav errors at Castleton then more of the same to Danby and a fab bakers cum tea room. Fair to say I was feeling a bit weary by this point so grabbed food, coffee and coke and sat outside in sun. k80 so quite a bit to go yet and on the climb up to Danby beacon my stomach registered its protest at this effort on top of cramming it with food. I took it mighty steady, knowing that easier times were coming.


Danby Beacon. Whitby is in the distance and its famous Abbey. It's also the scene of Dracula's landing on British shores in Bram Stokers book. There is a vampire museum apparently... However the route just skirts the town and as it would probably be mobbed on this fine sunny day, worth a miss. Instead we hit the far smaller (but also mobbed ) Robin Hoods Bay. This was our last chance of a shop en-route and what a shop - just by the main car park and well stocked with pies, cake, coffee and other stuff. I sat out chatting to the others but the wind gusts were fierce. I guess we knew what was coming - death by headwind after so much easy riding but it's not like we had a choice...

In the event it was actually fine. The route zig-zagged west and north on more minor roads climbing all the way. Then it was gravel-tastic on a long, long length of smooth forest track. The climb was steady, my belly had ceased it's grumbles, and my legs were back on form again.


Robin Hoods Bay, sea and sunshine!


Where our route crosses the Lyke Wake Walk as it climbs away from Ravenscar. Bike fairly lightly loaded given my vague aim to do the route without sleep.


Dr Strangelove Moment... This is the Fylingdales Ballistic Missile Early Warning radar station, established in the '60's as part of the west's nuclear deterrent. The idea was that this (and other similar stations around the States and in Europe) would give enough warning of a Russian ICBM launch for us to launch right back, coining the phrase 'Mutually Assured Destruction' which allegedly would stop the Russkies contemplating such a thing. Who were they kidding! I well remember government films shown to us at primary school telling you what you had to do if the sirens went and wondering, even at that age, "whats the point in four minutes?" Back then the station had three enormous spheres (aka the golf balls) housing the radars which really did look sinister (these days they would be considered an art installation). Now it's just this edifice that looks either a complete fake or like a giant loud speaker.

The descent went on for miles and miles - very steady and with a gentle breeze shoving you along. The 'Tabular Hills' walk went due west but thanks to the trees was sheltered so still no nasty headwinds. Also a very nice bit of made trail, with K150 fast approaching. Half Way! Dalby forest was largely empty with just a few trail centre types packing up and leaving (you have to be out by 8!) This is probably my favourite thing about such rides, that transition from the day to the evening when normal people disappear and you keep riding, no other person in sight. Lots of easy miles followed on various trails, finishing with another fine double track across Levisham Moor as the sun started to sink. The pub at Levisham looked inviting but I was now on a mission to get as much done before dark O'clock.

As usual I'd done a fair bit of map revision for the route, not really knowing the lie of the land in this area. But it's too much to take in so I was a bit vague about the next section. I could have fished the phone out and checked where I was in relation to everything else but given the easy riding, evening sunshine (after a couple of brief sprinkles) and shelter from the wind, I was quite happy to wing it.

More nice tracks and empty roads as it happened, taking me to Wheeldale Bridge and Karl and another chap (whose name I didn't catch) filling bottles. This was also an intersection with the Lyke Wake Walk which goes directly east / west whilst we wiggled back and forth. Dusk was now falling but lights were kept off until I hit a narrower way through the woods and darkness. Of course, all perspective disappears when you can't see beyond your light beam so I'd even less idea where I was or going. But a famous climb was approaching!

First up a fast road descent (I'd hit 65kp down a previous road plummet, I was a might more careful on this) then Rosedale Abbey. I could do with the loo and one was signed, but on trying the doors they were all locked. Except I could see the bolt on the disabled loo, so out with the leatherman and spring it for a brief sit down, eat of food and fill of water bladder. Andy was hunting for the Church water tap but I left him too it as I was for pushing on. And push was what I did. I got up as far as the first bend than the gradient went to 1:3 so off we get and start walking. In truth it went by fairly quickly and after not too much huffing and puffing was back on over another windswept moor.


Aye right! Well I did on the climb...

Now I'd ruminated over various clothing choices, given the dry forecast, and gone fairly light. But it was mighty cold on the long descent to Hutton le Hole and I was quickly chilled. That said more ups soon followed but in my head I was planning various contingencies if the temps really dropped. I'd only brought a lightweight bivvy bag and my down jacket for sleeping (which I'd pretty much decided wasn't happening by this point) so I figured I could bung the jacket on if required, as long as it didn't rain...

The next major challenge was Ruddland Rigg, a long steady climb for around 5k. Of course 5k felt like 20k, my dot had seemingly paused on the gps screen and I was going nowhere. 10 hours (actually 40 odd mins) later I turned off on a surprise rocky plummet back to the road, then more road descending and another gut busting climb. At the top of this I was on notionally familiar ground as I recall the old mineral rail line over Farndale Moor well from my Lyke Wake walk campaign - an-unremitting slog on foot which dragged on and on and on....

By contrast, being on a bike, it was an un-remitting slog which went on and on and on... Hmm. So far we there had been no real headwind issues, all thanks to the routing and trees, plus nice high hedges along the lanes! But there was no hiding from this. I think the wind had a hint of the northerly in it as the line wiggles roughly west north west; i.e. right into it. It wasn't the relentless blast I've previously had to deal with and I was able to make progress on 32/21 without too much pain and suffering however it went on for some considerable length of time. Then it started to rain. Oh oh, this won't be good as it was chilly. But it didn't last and soon the sky was clearing with the first hints of dawn to the north.

But worse, I could feel the beginnings of the dreaded bonk. Earlier, after riding past the last woods section I figured would do for a bivvy, I was feeling great, it was only 11 so too early to stop. Of course on the windy exposed section I started to feel my eyelids drooping. But up here this was developing into a full on energy dip. I was hoping to push on to lower altitudes and warmth before stopping to eat but I needed food now. So I cowered behind a patch of dense heather and crammed down my remaining toffee waffles. In fact out of the wind it was still plenty warm, so no need to panic. Finally I got back on and finally the outward route appeared on the screen. So back the way we came, more or less. And I knew what was coming! A nice steep, rocky descent then more track and a proper stop for food watching the dawn slowly break.


Dawn and Roseberry topping. The industrial wasteland of Teeside behind.

Beyond Lordstone the route turned onto Billsdale Moor. I'd first spotted the TV mast the previous morning but when dusk had fallen it's warning lights were clearly visible from Wheeldale Moor. I knew we were to pass close by and it seemed to take an awfully long time to get to it. Now the miles were counting down. Back up to the outward route for the last time, one last push and then final easy cruising back along the Cleveland way before the last descent through Boltby Forest.

In 1989 I'd raced in the 'Boltby Bash.' My memory was of lots of fire breaks down which a thousand horses had galloped, followed by a lengthy dry spell so the resulting hoof holes were iron hard, and brutal on a rigid 26er... Today I was on the 'High Paradise' route and didn't think much more of what I was riding - easy gravel track, a few ruts, all nice and dry, into the descent proper, a few rocks, more rocks, a steep rocky, steppy chute... Oops best get my remaining neurons back on line and on with the job of piloting the plot down this in good order. Just as well the Jones is pretty good at this sort of thing. Once the initial shock had passed it was highly enjoyable actually and provided a fun finish to the trails.

So final road miles left, a final nav faff in Thirsk itself then an easy roll back to Red Sky bikes and a finish at 6.21am. Stuart and Gemma were there and a couple of others, with others already asleep. I chatted, ate toast and drank coffee, whilst assimilating the last 300k. As usual I'd passed though the various stages of wondering how I could ride such a distance when I was feeling a bit wabbit at k80, to cruising past k150, then k200, dealing with the hills and wind with only a token amount of grumbling and swearing to finish in pretty good shape. More riders arrived until eventually I figured I should head back to Mum and Dads before the sleep monster took hold.


Defo a good one and highly recommended! Not sure about using a gravel bike though...
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by Johnallan »

Great read Phil, nice one!

I should probably try something like this on a single speed, just to see if it's as utterly ridiculous as it seems :lol:

Nice to chat briefly over breakfast. That was me buying jockey wheel bearings off Stuart if you hadn't noticed. £5 I could've saved by ditching the rear mech :grin:
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by padonbike »

Good write up. I also did the Boltby Bash in 1989 on a Saracen Trekker with Shimano Deore XT 3 x 6 (no, that's not a tipo!) and a rear U brake (weight approx 1kg).
I remember seeing my first Cannondale MTB there, back when oversized aluminium was a thing of the most exotic and rarest wonder!
SPD had still not been invented - the first pair surfaced at the Grunding World Cup in Aviemore later in 1989.
Oversized headsets - ditto. Any you could forget about disc brakes and suspension forks for a couple of years yet.
XT did go up to 3 x 7 though, and then soon after to 3 x 8 (there was already suspicion of this because the 7 speed XT thumbshifters had an "extra click").

Halcyon days. :lol:
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by phy7tes »

Great writeup Phil, I wish my memory of the event was that good!

My version is documented within these pics and incoherent video selfies.

An absolute banger of a route.

Nice riding with you for a bit early on, and you were right. The crank/bb wobble was absolutely fine.

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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by Boab »

I was going to write a load of words, as it was quite the experience. However, I'm off on holidays tomorrow and have a ton of work to do before the end of today, so I'll keep it brief...

I pitched up, got everything out the car and got the bike ready to go. This all happened with enough time to pop into the shop, nod hello to Phil and scoff some toast. I also got to chat to Karl, which was nice; didn't quite have time to chat about his ITI. Mainly as I noticed my bike has blown over in the wind and it was time for the riders briefing:

I'd previously loaded the route onto my Wahoo ELEMNT ROAM, but it froze after switching it on just before the start. So much swearing ensued, switching it off and back on again multiple times seemed to do the trick and six minutes after everyone apart from Duncan, I was off. I tried to keep it slow and steady, but the nerves and anxiety were still in evidence and the heart rate crept up. I didn't even notice the white horse, but I did notice Phil so slowed down to chat for a bit. Shame it was on a steep hill, both my heart rate and Wahoo threw a sub standard fit. Bailing at the first country park on the pretence of booking a BB200 spot gave me a chance to catch my breath and calm, myself down.

We were soon onto the push up the footpath on the way to Lordstones. I was totes apprehensive about this, it being a footpath and with my lack of local knowledge. Thankfully lots of hellos, thanks yous and dodging Duke of Edinburgh expeditions later, we were on the push down the other side; way too steep and technical for me to ride.

I'd really not been looking forward to the push up to Carr Ridge, but it was over faster than the previous push, which was something. I'd ridden some of the bit at the top in the other direction on the Moors100 a few years ago, so some of it was familiar, some of it I'd forgotten. While the views were cracking, the wind was less so, but at least it was mostly behind us for the foreseeable. I caught up with Karl, who was having bike issues, which he seemed to be well on top of, so I carried on and instantly felt my left calf getting wet. As it wasn't raining, this meant only one thing, which was confirmed when I hauled a massive thorn spike out of my rear tyre. I hoped that it would seal while whizzing down the road, but it didn't, so at the bottom I stopped to shove a noodle into the tyre. This meant that pretty much everyone I'd caught up with and passed, came passed me. But it also meant that I caught them up again and about six of us all rolled up to the bakery in Danby. The ice cream was lush, as was the huge slab of bakewell tart.

I didn't want to hang around for too long, as the legs were already feeling the effort, I also didn't want to shovel too much food into my face as this generally means there's a stiff climb immediately afterwards. I did push the steepest bit of the next climb, but just kept plugging away. Now earlier when ridding with Phil., my ROAM had frozen on 14KM for about an hour, I'd changed the battery in the wheel sensor and that seemed to fix things, but it meant my total distance covered was totally wrong. So I kept on having to do mental gymnastics to try and work out how far I was from Whitby and what my actual average speed was etc.

I'd already decided to hit the Sainsbury's in Whitby, mainly to guarantee some vegetarian savoury options; I've been bitten by lack thereof on a couple of BAM rides recently. I was very surprised to be there hours earlier than my most wildly optimistic expectations, which was nice. The cinder track to Robin Hood's Bay was lovely, I really enjoyed that bit. The climb back out again not so much, I just need an extra gear, or maybe two. I's caught with with Martin and David who I'd been leap frogging with all day, they seemed slightly faster up the climbs, I seemed slightly faster on the flats. With a, I hope, a cheery see you on the next climb, I pushed on as there was a lot of tarmac to cover at this point.

The gravel through the forest on the way to Hackness was lovely, made me wish I was on the gravel bike. Then it was off to Dalby, which was on reflection was a tad disappointing, as it was tarmac in and tarmac out again, rather than using forest roads or trails. I did use the facilities at the Dalby cafe area as well, which still open, thankfully. There was the very friendly horse on the steep climb to North Riding Forest Park, I stopped for a quick chat. At one point there was an off road bit with hundreds of orchids growing in the verge, which was pretty cool, although I can't quite remember if it was before or after Dalby... 🤷 Lost in my own thoughts I came to a gate, opened it, only to hear Andy (boxelder) saying he'd close it; one of the downsides of being deaf, I did not hear him approach, and am surprised I didn't jump six feet in the air. 🤣

I was still quite shocked at how quick progress was, so just kept turning the pedals over and trying to shove food and water into my face. There was a nice grassy section at around 200KM in, which was quite nice; I stopped at the end to put my arm warmers on. I passed Andy again, eating a pasty or something, then Levisham then came and went as did the light. I was starting to really feel the effort and anything remotely steep and I was off and walking.

The village sign at Rosedale Abbey was excellent, with reflective prism jewels stuck to each letter that reflected the front lights and made for a cheery sight. I dived into the campsite and filled up with water from the camper van drinking water tap. Then the chimney... I didn't even make it as far as the White Horse Farm Hotel before I was off and walking, I'd been hoping for that first hairpin, but the gears, the legs, the matches. It didn't take that long, not really, even though it felt like it took ages. I kept looking back, expecting to see various lights catching me up, but there was nothing but darkness.

The run down to Hutton-le-Hole left me freezing, so I stopped and put the knee warmers on. It also planted a seed of doubt, as I knew I'd have to go up high twice more and didn't fancy suffering any more than I was. I'd been looking forward to the next climb, having crossed over the top of it on that previous Moors100. Would've been much better in daylight, with an extra gear, I pushed most of it.
The seed of doubt now grew into a sapling and the urge to stop and have a rest was strong. I managed to convince myself that stopping would be bad though, the wind and the cold would still be there at 05:00, I'd just be even more tired, sore, stiff and grumpy; best to just continue. The drop down to Church houses was needlessly rubbley, so quite a bit of that got pushed too; my over active sense of self preservation and lack of competence. The climb up the other side was a brutal push and worse than the Chimney.

Having ridden the bit from Blakey Ridge to Carr Ridge before, and really enjoyed it, I knew what to expect. I tried to just shut out the wind and turn the pedals over, although being blown from one side of the track to the other a few times made this a touch difficult. As did the fact that someone had been out in an excavator and had scrapped the centre of the trail in places, leaving it washboard like in places. There was no point stopping now, as the sky was getting noticeably lighter, so we just slowly pressed on.

I stopped at the top of Carr Ridge and had a Curried Chickpea Naan, while sheltering being a wall. I was starting to believe at this point, not just that I could get round, but that I could get round in under twenty four hours. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought that was on, but thoughts such as that can be dangerous, so I tried to squash them and just focus on what was in front. Namely the push back up to the trail leading to Lordstones and the final water tap. I didn't need my lights any more and this gave me a lift and I found myself being able to get up stuff that a few hours previously I'd been walking.

The bit after Lordstones towards Black Hambleton I'd ridden before, although I couldn't remember the first half of it being that rough, and those gates weren't padlocked shut. Most of it was pretty fast though, which was nice. I pushed up Black Hambleton, one day I will ride all the way up it, one day. The view West was concerning, with what looked like some rain heading in, so that added an extra frisson to the run to the end.

Then there was just the bit down through Boltby Forest, which finished on some boulder strewn chute of death; how people rode that on gravel bikes in the dark I'll never know. 🤯 I tried to stamp on the pedals after that, and also had issues finding my way around Family Life Church and Thirsk & Sowerby Leisure Centre, but we made it. Then it was head down for the last few KM back to Redsky Bikes.

It was lovely to chat with everyone at the end, while pouring coffee into my face. Funny how all the stuff I hated, everyone else seemed to like, and almost vice versa. I just don't ride techy singletrack, as there just isn't any locally, so I absolutely hate it when I encounter it, as I just don't know how to cope with it; I feel like a pinball in the bumpers. Same thing happened on the Jennride where I threw my toys out of my pram. 🤷 Lots to takeaway from this one, mostly that I can do it, I am capable, and I could probably do with another gear or two...

I think I may very well put myself through it all gain next year.
There are theories at the bottom of my jargon.
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by boxelder »

only to hear Andy (boxelder) saying he'd close it
I passed Andy again, eating a pasty or something
The pasty eating came before the gate surprise Boab - funny how these things mix up in the memory :lol:
That third pic's a stoater.
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by fatbikephil »

Nice one Bob!
I learned techy single track aged 18 in the lakes when I was fearless and stupid! Not an easy thing to pick up as we get older and wiser.... Being objective, riding it doesn't really save much time.
padonbike wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:15 am Good write up. I also did the Boltby Bash in 1989 on a Saracen Trekker with Shimano Deore XT 3 x 6 (no, that's not a tipo!) and a rear U brake (weight approx 1kg).
I remember seeing my first Cannondale MTB there, back when oversized aluminium was a thing of the most exotic and rarest wonder!
SPD had still not been invented - the first pair surfaced at the Grunding World Cup in Aviemore later in 1989.
Oversized headsets - ditto. Any you could forget about disc brakes and suspension forks for a couple of years yet.
XT did go up to 3 x 7 though, and then soon after to 3 x 8 (there was already suspicion of this because the 7 speed XT thumbshifters had an "extra click").

Halcyon days. :lol:
Ha nice one - I was on my Denton, also 3x6!
There weren't many races in the NE back then - that year I also did the one in Hamsterley and one near Robin Hoods Bay organised by Pete Tomkins aka Mr Crud. A few of our loose club did the Aviemore Grundig round but I couldn't get transport. A pity as it was a classic!
Johnallan wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 8:02 am Great read Phil, nice one!

I should probably try something like this on a single speed, just to see if it's as utterly ridiculous as it seems :lol:

Nice to chat briefly over breakfast. That was me buying jockey wheel bearings off Stuart if you hadn't noticed. £5 I could've saved by ditching the rear mech :grin:
Cheers John - give it a go you'll love it :grin:
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by Boab »

boxelder wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:04 pm
only to hear Andy (boxelder) saying he'd close it
I passed Andy again, eating a pasty or something
The pasty eating came before the gate surprise Boab - funny how these things mix up in the memory :lol:
That third pic's a stoater.
The bit between Dalby and Rosedale Abbey is all mixed up in my head... 🤣
There are theories at the bottom of my jargon.
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by dlovett »

That was a fun ride!!

I was about ten minutes behind you all at the start, but bumped into Jasmin at about 40km in. We ended up riding the whole thing together in the end. It was nice having company for a change. It was pretty good going on the Camino, only a few places were tricky, but the weather really seemed to find us and we got soaked a few times and seemed to be in a permiant head wind from Whitby onwards.

Still it was a great fun ride, lovely scenery and great company.

Plus I can legitimately say it was a "Prize Winning Ride".
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by whonickedmename »

Great write ups chaps, love the photos too.

NYM is definitely one of my favourite places, one for next year perhaps...
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by Johnallan »

From Redsky Bikes on FB

2023 North York Moors 300

08.00 am start time on Saturday 1st July 2023

Finishing time

Richard Rothwell 01.45am
Elliot Gowland 01.46am
Mike Wragg 03.15am
John Allan 03.44am
James Stockton 04.53am
Daniel Bannister 05.24am
Roland Kelly 05.57am
Phil Clark 06.21am
Bob Arnott 07.25am
Jason Brooks 08.05am
Rich Cutsforth 08.05am
Paul Blair 08.45am
Andy Williamson 09.54am
Richard Gate 10.35am
Garry Whitehead 10.41am
Andrew Ellwood 11.55am
Karl Booth 12.48pm
Tom Stockton 12.48pm
Tim Brown 14.20pm
Matt Larkin 14.20pm
Martin Kitchin 17.42pm
David Riley 17.42pm
Linden Wilson 18.47pm
Duncan Lovett 01.50am Monday
Jasmine Harrison 01.50 am Monday
Matt Whittle @Dalby Forest.

A few honourable mentions.
We all tip our hats to you Matt. Getting to the start of your NYM300 must have been a challenge. One you conquered and by getting as far as you did, you bit off a big chunk so let's hope we see you next year.

Jasmine and Duncan. You both spent a long time up on those windy Moors. You may of “phoned a friend” but your resupplies and off-course jaunts still put you over 300 kilometres so even though you did not complete the whole route you are our 2023 honourable 300 members.

I thought I'd get the ride results posted for you to gawp at.
I'll be needing your addresses so I can post you your badges when they arrive so bear with me. I'll contact you soon.
We will also be making a donation to Heart Research Uk this week so keep your eyes peeled for a post.

Finally, can I just say on behalf of myself, Gemma and James. Thank you. Thank you for joining us on our first event. You guys rock.
Next year's event will be better and longer?. The same 300km route but with more trail, less road (if I can) and we will also be having a 300-mile route because some of you are just too damn quick.

Right, I'm off for our Wednesday night gravel ride. See ya. Xx
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by fatbikephil »

Cheers for posting that John.
300 miles? hmmm, could be a good excuse to make a long weekend of it!
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by Blackhound »

I enjoyed the reports, thanks for sharing.

I lived in York for nearly a decade and knew the golf balls well travelling to orienteering events or Whitby, I did not know they had been replaced. Won't be taking the grandchildren then.

I only did one Boltby Bash but that would have been around 1994 or 1995. I would have been on z rigid Trek or Kona, 7 speed. The event started with a short time trial and I punctured on the initial descent meaning I was at the back for the next stage. Happy days.
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by fatbikephil »

I moved up to Scotland later that year to go to Uni so didn't do another race in the area apart from a couple more at Hamsterley forest. I remember the downhill time trial for seeding - just a blast down a fire road I think. I'm also remembering more of the race near Robin Hoods Bay - it was right above the coastline on a short circuit with ramps and everything! Team Orange were there in force and a few guys from 'Pedal Power; which I think was a local-ish bike shop. It's all coming back.....
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by Mart »

Love the write ups - :-bd

Phil you used my favourite word Glaikit :cool:
Oh and toffee waffles …….. mmmmmm
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Re: North York Moors 300

Post by fatbikephil »

Mart wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 8:18 am Love the write ups - :-bd

Phil you used my favourite word Glaikit :cool:
Oh and toffee waffles …….. mmmmmm
Cheers Mart. It's a word so descriptive of many people I encounter :grin:
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