Sciatica & cycling!

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Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

Had the sciatica for about 3 weeks now. Going on 4. Comes an goes. Have kept moving as well as the prescribed (not seen a physio but from what I gather I have going on, tips taken from the physios on YT). FWIW it seems I have piriform syndrome....

Anyone got any interesting stories yourselves and the main thing I'm worried about, cycling. Went for a road ride and came back with a tingling but am sure mtb will be totally different. At the same time I don't wanna mess it up more. Tips from random physio at work is/was that it shouldn't be a problem but that was just in passing.

Like I said, not looking for a diagnosis but I'm certain there will be plenty stories of the good old sciatica as well as general back pain on here. Keen to hear it if anyone can be bothered :grin:
Last edited by redefined_cycles on Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by fatbikephil »

Sciatica is a term used to describe a symptom, not a cause. If your sciatic nerve is being impinged then it will hurt, so you need to suss out what's impinging on it - probably a disc in your lumbar. So said a physio to me many years ago. I think it's one of those terms that GP's dish out shortly before dishing out pain killers as a way of avoiding getting into too much discussion and time about what is actually the root cause.

Find a good physio and do what the tell you. Additionally build up core strength, improve flexibility and balance out those muscles that cycling favours. Best way of doing this is to do a pilates class. As another physio once told me - "we weren't designed to ride bikes" Cycling is a very limited exercise and your body is very constrained when doing it so you end up with some odd shaped muscles that don't really do what they are supposed to. Add in a sitting position that encourages discs in your lumbar to try to see the outside world and you have back pain and referred pain through the many nerves that start from your spinal cord.

The thing that really started me on the road to sorting my back was the realisation that I was the only person who could sort it, not the medical profession. They could offer advice and pain killers which is fine up to a point (and painkillers can get you out of a hole or help you sleep at night which is a big part of managing back pain / injury) but diagnosing back issues, even with a scan, is very difficult. A physio can start ID'ing the structural problems and give advice on how to address them but ultimately, it's up to you.

Back pain can lead to much misery (and pain) but it can be sorted, it just takes hard work. I treated the needed exercises as part of my training and a means of getting me back to doing what I liked doing. As an aside it's also worth looking at riding position - the physio said there is no magic in terms of stem length or saddle position - it's simply a case of getting yourself as upright as possible - reduce the angle between lower and upper body as much as possible. The more crouched forward you are, the more stress on your lower back = more chance of a disc popping.

Good luck!
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by Verena »

Ok, so I'm member of a triathlon club for my sins, and sometime in the autumn I went along to a track running training session one evening. Immediately afterwards I had a pain in my left knee and weird pains in my left lower back and shooting about in weird places. I kicked myself (metaphorically speaking) for being so stupid. Sometime later someone I know described her symptoms, said she has piriformis syndrome, and that the only thing that helped her was physio. Her symptoms sounded exactly like mine, so I reckon that's what I had.
Haven't gone and seen a physio, took it a bit easier for a while, and been doing yoga most days. It's nearly gone now, just took a few months. If you do any yoga, the pigeon stretch is perfect for this I reckon.
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by JackT »

Have suffered this - and variants - on and off for years. Plenty of good advice already but one simple thing that I found helped most, especially during an acute episode, was going for short walks. Try to do several a day. For as long as you can manage up, to about 20 minutes max. Don't worry if it's only 5-10 minutes. Not vigorous or uneven terrain, just steady. Walking seems to get things loosening up, getting the blood flowing to reduce the inflammation that's the root cause of the pain. There's a book called The Back Mechanic that I found quite interesting, the author's main advice also available in various podcasts. Good luck.
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

Ok, so I'm member of a triathlon club for my sins, and sometime in the autumn I went along to a track running training session one evening. Immediately afterwards I had a pain in my left knee and weird pains in my left lower back and shooting about in weird places. I kicked myself (metaphorically speaking) for being so stupid. Sometime later someone I know described her symptoms, said she has piriformis syndrome, and that the only thing that helped her was physio. Her symptoms sounded exactly like mine, so I reckon that's what I had.
Haven't gone and seen a physio, took it a bit easier for a while, and been doing yoga most days. It's nearly gone now, just took a few months. If you do any yoga, the pigeon stretch is perfect for this I reckon.
Yes... This is the type I have I reckon (btw, I did state that in my first few lines Phil :grin: ) thanks Verena. I've been squashing the piriform muscle with the roller now and that's really helping along with them funny stretches you described as pigeon - I'd have called em monkey-origami myself.

Such an interesting (and varied) thing is sciatica hey! Obviously keeping on moving is the key and I'm looking forwad to hearing all these stories. Thankfully (I think) it's most definitely not a disc (I really hope) which can be lead upto by having a dehydrated lifestyle (IMO).
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

Phil... yes, indeed pain killers are just a stop gap. Mine started from the chest infection which had me beating up my abdo and eventually the hips due to the coughin pressures. Then I ended up with 2 teeth infections (both extracted a week apart) and had to get on the Ibuprofen...

When I went for my second extraction the dentist (rightly so) pointed out that I'd probably overdone it with the ibuprofen. You see, any drug that can take away a symptom can also cause it. So quite possible the extra dosing (much needed to reduce the inflammation in the mouth pf which I even tried to self extract briefly :o ) probably had an opposite effect to the good ol back.

Inflammation is a right old pain in the bottom is it not. I can actually feel the random firing of the end of the nerve (it's aassive bundle of electric is how I think of the sciatic nerve - like the main livewire in the house). Still working on it and thankfully - some might think I'm daft - I've continued going to work and managing some pretty hefty patients/clients :grin:

You lot have given me the encouragement I needed to hear to get out on the bike (mtb) tomorrow for a 10 miler steadily hopefully.

Looking forward to hearing more and yes, already started working on that bloomin muscle (the horizontal piriform) and the big butt muscle around it to strengthen/stretch the both.
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by errol »

I had similar recently. Physio pointed out that basically you have a band from the base of the skull all the way to the base of the heel and when this is not stretched enough or gets used in the same manner all the time, the bits that dont get used tighten up and can pinch parts of the body that have an effect elsewhere. So the sciatica may be caused by a tight shoulder or achilles, usually something completely unrelated.

As pointed out, good management is the key, I found that stretching the tight parts identified by the physio helped relieve the pain, (didnt make it go away), and made it more bearable! (sic?) I do an Asian or full squat for 5 minutes a couple of times a day and find it really beneficial. In addition to doing some S&C on the core as previously mentioned.

Oh and ditch the drop bars. Flat bar here on all the bikes now!
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

errol wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:51 am I had similar recently. Physio pointed out that basically you have a band from the base of the skull all the way to the base of the heel and when this is not stretched enough or gets used in the same manner all the time, the bits that dont get used tighten up and can pinch parts of the body that have an effect elsewhere. So the sciatica may be caused by a tight shoulder or achilles, usually something completely unrelated.

As pointed out, good management is the key, I found that stretching the tight parts identified by the physio helped relieve the pain, (didnt make it go away), and made it more bearable! (sic?) I do an Asian or full squat for 5 minutes a couple of times a day and find it really beneficial. In addition to doing some S&C on the core as previously mentioned.

Oh and ditch the drop bars. Flat bar here on all the bikes now!
Oooh, thanks errol on that golden advice. That makes sense as during my 4 weeks of chest infection (with 1 x 999 call cos the breathing had gotten that bad but then recovered enough as I gave myself a salt water/hot water humidification as I waited) I hardly did ant exercise or stretching. It was just cough, cough deep breath, water, cough sleep... etc etc.
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

I'm not ready to give us this forum and bikepacking yet, let alone simply cycling (or is it the other way round!). So a brief update.

Had some cupping (alternative therapy, a prophetic remedy for me, some call it blood letting) done last week to try remove any bad blood/toxins as well as improve blood flow. Helped somewhat but my stretching routine seemed to be going the wrong way. So I stopped it and started treating for a piriformis that might be overstretched..

Not sure when/where but decided the doctor physio on YT wasn't really helping me as much. So went and found the 'most famous physios on'tinternet'. Brad and Bob...

Started doing this simple exercise which feels a bit yoga-ish and learnt the back flex exercise (push up with hips pressed to the floor) actually helps in both overstretched and a tight piriformis. Thankfully I can do the bow (ruku) during prayers again without being in alot of pain if I try to straighten my left leg.

Got myself booked with a local chiropractor/alternate meds type chap and kept myself moving (like... started on the loft after getting a telling off from my mate who came to add some electric in). Yet to ride the bike but the fact my left leg feels less electrified is (as per Bob and Brad) an excellent sign... May God give them what is best!

Here's that vid if it helps anyone
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by boxelder »

I've had it for over a decade, from a 'slipped disc' in my lower back. At it's worst, it was like the worst toothache, all the way from my knee, through my calf to my little toe. It's very unlikely to sort itself. By far the best treatment I've had has been from osteopaths - I know, I know, not even proper medical types - but they seem to understand that pain in one place is caused by a problem elsewhere.
Sure you've seen these ... s-syndrome
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

boxelder wrote: Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:52 pm I've had it for over a decade, from a 'slipped disc' in my lower back. At it's worst, it was like the worst toothache, all the way from my knee, through my calf to my little toe. It's very unlikely to sort itself. By far the best treatment I've had has been from osteopaths - I know, I know, not even proper medical types - but they seem to understand that pain in one place is caused by a problem elsewhere.
Sure you've seen these ... s-syndrome
Really appreciate this thanks Boxelder :-bd
So far I think these new steetches I started today seem to be helping so just continuing with the trial and error until I see this chiropractor type person. I totally agree about complimentary therapy :-bd
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by boxelder »

If you know any runners - especially fell runners - ask them where they go for sports injury treatment.
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by Wotsits »

I used to get bouts of sciatica after driving for over a couple of hours, but about a year ago had quite a bad episode where i had it almost constantly. My physio (he's always been excellent) advised that nerves don't like being stretched lengthways, so try to twist more & avoid over-extending. I found that simple stretches like 'downward facing dog', 'cat & cow', 'pidgeon' (but on my back), if done 2-3 times a day really helped.
I don't think that there's any quick fix for sciatica, you've just got to keep at what stretches work for you & continue even after it eases..
Hope you get it sorted Shaf
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

Thanks wotsits. Yes, I will keep up with the stretches and physio...
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

Just a quick update. Over the last week or so I've realised that I can actually straighten the left leg when in a bowing position - as thats the position that causes me most discomfort due to not being able to straight the left knee properly - by stretching the right. So as to take the pressure off the left.

But more importantly, todays ride confirmed something. During last years IT band problems (also in the left leg) I noted that I always put all my weight on the left leg when stopping at lights. I've struggled to try and get a bit of ambidexterity going like Ronnie for when I power off, ie. engaging the left leg to power off and standing on the right (at lights and elsewhere when stopped).

Today at the lights I also noted all the pressure coming into my left butt at the lights. I really need to work on this but, on a positive note... I think it's decided that the piriformis is actually super tight and not loose. So hopefully the loosening exercises will keep helping.

Chicken squats have been working well, as have the pressups from the spine up. Another good news is that there wasn't much numb bum on todays (road) ride and that I shouldn't really have this problem on the mtb :-bd
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by fatbikephil »

Keep at it. I would say that pilates did a massive amount to balance things out. However I appear to have developed (in the last couple of years) a rather large imbalance between the two muscles either side of my spine due to always pushing with the bike on the right and doing a lot of pushing through going single speed.... I'm on it with some specific stuff (and pushing with the bike on the left) but my attention seeking knees are now in on the act with quite a lot of pain :roll: Also got toothache. Maybe it's all related....
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

Thanks Phil. Yesterdays painful massage and dry cupping seems to have maybe hit the spot. Just soreness in the IT band area today and no tingling. Still got the tingling in the buttock but seems to be getting better.

The more I've read and the more I'm convinced it's definitely a tight piriformis muscle. Last year I wwas also doing lots of 'standing on one leg' type exercises so that probably didn't help. Lessons learnt and I'll have to fogure out how to push off with the left leg so dab the right instead (feels so hard).
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by kvragu »

Maan, I just got it last week. If I had to guess whether it's disc or piriformis related, I'd say disc. My left leg has been numb at varying degrees throughout the weeks, I'm limping around with an improvised cane. I haven't yet seen a GP or physio, apart from talking to a GP over the phone, and I've been recovering a lot, but definitely will stay off the bike for a while. There's definitely something off in the lower back apart from the tense and numb leg. I tried sitting on a bike indoors to see how it felt the other day, and I definitely felt the back sensation.

I figured out some stretches that seem to make the tissue/nerve/whatever that stretches from the toe to the neck taut. I gently get in that position, then ease off, or maybe roll it laterally. Veeerrry gently. Did it multiple times throughout this Saturday and Sunday felt tons better. Some cat-cow poses too. Can't do a lot of this in the office, though. I'm optimistic it'll get better, but it's in no rush apparently.
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

kvragu wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 12:37 pm Maan, I just got it last week. If I had to guess whether it's disc or piriformis related, I'd say disc. My left leg has been numb at varying degrees throughout the weeks, I'm limping around with an improvised cane. I haven't yet seen a GP or physio, apart from talking to a GP over the phone, and I've been recovering a lot, but definitely will stay off the bike for a while. There's definitely something off in the lower back apart from the tense and numb leg. I tried sitting on a bike indoors to see how it felt the other day, and I definitely felt the back sensation.

I figured out some stretches that seem to make the tissue/nerve/whatever that stretches from the toe to the neck taut. I gently get in that position, then ease off, or maybe roll it laterally. Veeerrry gently. Did it multiple times throughout this Saturday and Sunday felt tons better. Some cat-cow poses too. Can't do a lot of this in the office, though. I'm optimistic it'll get better, but it's in no rush apparently.
Needing a makeshift stick is pretty extreme. Don't forget that reducing inflammation is a top priority. I found using cold showers (or just cold shower around the back/spine/bottom) really helped give some relief.

Also, if you have frozen peas, they're your friend :-bd in terms of pain killers I've only used paracetamol/Ibuprofen less than a handful of times but am using an alternative medicine remedy to reduce inflammation (and it does a very good job) - warmed raw/organic milk mixed with a table spoon of honey, teaspsoon (or tablespoon as it's only good for you) of good olive oil and about 15 to 25 drops of black seed oil (I find the Iman one to be the best grade, extracted in UK and all that).

15 mins before breakfast and the pain relief/therapeutic effects can be felt in about 3 to 4 days. My initial (excruciatingly difficult) back pain is all gone and I'm just left with the sciatica/piriformis. Bob and Brad have an exercise that really helped me out and they also explained that the spine pressups are good for various/all forms of the problem (spine into the floor facing down and just pushing up whole body as far as poss).

Will try and find you the link...
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by kvragu »

redefined_cycles wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:38 pm
kvragu wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 12:37 pm Maan, I just got it last week. If I had to guess whether it's disc or piriformis related, I'd say disc. My left leg has been numb at varying degrees throughout the weeks, I'm limping around with an improvised cane. I haven't yet seen a GP or physio, apart from talking to a GP over the phone, and I've been recovering a lot, but definitely will stay off the bike for a while. There's definitely something off in the lower back apart from the tense and numb leg. I tried sitting on a bike indoors to see how it felt the other day, and I definitely felt the back sensation.

I figured out some stretches that seem to make the tissue/nerve/whatever that stretches from the toe to the neck taut. I gently get in that position, then ease off, or maybe roll it laterally. Veeerrry gently. Did it multiple times throughout this Saturday and Sunday felt tons better. Some cat-cow poses too. Can't do a lot of this in the office, though. I'm optimistic it'll get better, but it's in no rush apparently.
Needing a makeshift stick is pretty extreme. Don't forget that reducing inflammation is a top priority. I found using cold showers (or just cold shower around the back/spine/bottom) really helped give some relief.

Also, if you have frozen peas, they're your friend :-bd in terms of pain killers I've only used paracetamol/Ibuprofen less than a handful of times but am using an alternative medicine remedy to reduce inflammation (and it does a very good job) - warmed raw/organic milk mixed with a table spoon of honey, teaspsoon (or tablespoon as it's only good for you) of good olive oil and about 15 to 25 drops of black seed oil (I find the Iman one to be the best grade, extracted in UK and all that).

15 mins before breakfast and the pain relief/therapeutic effects can be felt in about 3 to 4 days. My initial (excruciatingly difficult) back pain is all gone and I'm just left with the sciatica/piriformis. Bob and Brad have an exercise that really helped me out and they also explained that the spine pressups are good for various/all forms of the problem (spine into the floor facing down and just pushing up whole body as far as poss).

Will try and find you the link...
Hey thanks for the tips. I actually don't have pain, it's just that the leg is still a bit numb so I don't have full control of it. I'm not even sure it helps, but makes me feel cooler about limping around.
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

The rule about short term illness/disease/pain is that if you don't have it looked at/treated there is always the risk of it becoming worse and in severe cases becoming a long term problem.

Just saying (maybe cos it sounded cool when I first learnt it at uni). Hope you get it soeted soon, but I do get what you mean about it being sciatica
Even the NHS brochure just says to have it looked at if it gets worse and in most cases it'll resolve in about 4 weeks. I think Imon week 6 now :lol:
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

Just a quick update and the changes I've made. The main bulk of the sciatica lasted almost 8 weeks. At week 6 or 7 I started visiting the alternative therapy/reflexology type chap. Got lots of deep tissue massage down my leg which did the trick and had me able to bend my back into the bowing position (for prayers).

Changes I've made now that I'm back on the bike are that I try to liaten to the body a bit more. Try to do lots of stretching pre and post ride (though it tends to be brief and I really need to work on warming up). I've also noted the tightness in the piriformis muscle is generally linked to being cold so have started to wear longjohns all the time, which is really helping with the sciatica flaring up as well as general knee pain (from the trousers constantly rubbing the knee then causin irritation).

Sorry if that's more of a random 'blurt' rather than a proper organised update. Main thin is that the cold showers are helping to reduce inflammation and that I'm able to ride without the leg/foot going numb.

:-bd Thanks all for all your help..
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by ledburner »

Ptvitals on a lot of posts on this, rehab posture etc...
PTVitals sciatica
I can't to any harm to look it up.
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
Warning - may contain value odded typos & ither mythspellings..
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Re: Sciatica & cycling!

Post by redefined_cycles »

Thanks Dan... Donthave Insta nor know how to use :smile:
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