The big clean up?

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The big clean up?

Post by redefined_cycles »

Earlier in the week I went out to the Peaks, Wessenden Head, with the kids. Witnessed a tiny bit of racism from some young idiot (made the 'bud bud, ding ding' accent like from the Two Ronnies if anyone recalls that period of racism in our history - no offence to them) but thankfully the kids (11 year old niece and her mate,y daughter both in head scarves and my little eight year old hero Abdurrahman) didn't realise what had occured.

When at the end of the footpath near the stream/pond I picked up a piece of litter. No biggie as there's bound to be one piece of litter in such a big national park. I actually see Wessenden Head as the gateway to the Peaks... Kindof.

Anyway, so we did our thing and enjoyed the stream, views and a tiny bit of pasta cooked secretly on our stoves on some rocks (not sure if we should be using tiny stoves if I'm honest, especially with so many litter lout idiots about who don't know their bottom from their top) and headed back the way we came. The way this young army had just walked past us on the way back to the gate.

The gate had been left open (not necessarily by them) as there was a lot of traffic, like I've never seen before. So on the way into the hills I'd closed it. Never seen this gate left open in as many as 15 years unless its been physically manned during an event. On the way bacl out of the gate after we'd enjoyed the Peaks, same thing. Gate left open once again and I waited for the couple who we'd seen earlier who seemed impressed that I was taking my litter home with me - almost as though that because I was wearing traditional muslim clothing, so surely I wouldn't know something so basic as 'pack in, pack out'.

Anyway, so I waited for them at the gate after closing it yet again and asked what were their thoughts. Surely its not the farmer as it was National Trust managed land and it's never something seen before. Especially since the gate leads straight out to the national speed limit road and it's too narrow for livestock anyway. There's a bigger gate for traffic, maybe from the water/reservoir board as there's 3 reservoirs and other managed bits.

Their theory was that, 'it's the bikers as the last person can't be bothered to close behind him/her'. Just a minute before a group of bikers had indeed gone down in a disorderly fashion, going at about 15 to 25mph riding close to the kids (my kids) and others with no concern about flying rocks (it's kindof a pebble/small loose rocks garden). That's not my main concern and why I tried to write this post almost 3 times now.

On the way back to the gate we noticed more litter. A full bag of rubbish which I wondered about picking up but it did look dirty. Then I was just about to pick up a nearby Coke/Fanta can but when I looked around there was at least another 4. All looked fresh enough but were over the rocks in the actual reservoir which was currently dry. Obviously I wasn't gonna go and fetch that.

So, disappointed I thought about writing a post (like I said earlier) but each time it didn't take off and self deleted whilst updating and adding imagery. Then I went to work and was personal assistant to an ex landrover events type of chap. Talked about how they manage which tracks they'll go and race on and in and amongst the discussion he explained how they'd named their group 'Tred-Lightly'. The essence being that if anyone could see that they'd been, then they shouldn't have been there in their massive off roaders.

During the week and since that Wessenden visit I've thought about what can be done about this. Part of me said to do a ride from North to South Peaks or visa-versa to raise awareness. At the time ofnthe walk I recorded it (but not the litter) on Strava. Added a little info/blurb sharing my experiences so the, 'passion' if you can call it that, would spread or whatever. In other words, to not 'do nothing'. Then it hit me and here I am...

Please share your thoughts, but in my experience - and what I told the silly local who helped me clean the back path but then flung a bed board in the same path - once something is clean and tidy, people tend to not throw their litter. The opposite seems to also be true, that once there is litter, other idiots feel that it's an invitation to do the same. I'm thinking of somehow opening an initiative and so far the two ideas that came have been...

1. Getting people to sign (online, on paper, whatever and wherever... Whatsapp, Strava, FB) a covenant that when out and about they'll not litter...

2. When out and about in the national parks and AONBs they'll not only pack in and out but actually bring a significant portion of rubbish away with them. Like the Liverpool park I once went to with a chap that didn't believe in picking up the dog crap but his missus did. So he'd never argue with her (nice chap, just potentially low level of edu or something) and becuae there were signs everywhere and there had obviously been a masive awareness campaign it wasn't the sub standard-dump as it had been previously.

The above got the name 'Tread Negatively' in my head and I don't want anyone thinking I'm trying to start some massive initiative to get it setup. It's obviously everyons everyone's responsibility but would be willing to put some effort in to try and get something going. A campaign, maybe... Dunno.

Point being, we cannot do nothing and today after parking my car at Hollingworth Lake (really beautiful but really busy) I headed off into the PBW. Here, just 3 minutes from all the hustle/bustle there was hardly a sole. What was better is that the fact that the Lake had kept em occupied and falling over each other (it looked that busy) they'd missed the point that the rest of the beauty was in the hills. Soon they'll probably reach them and like the oub landlord Rugby coach told me when I'd mentioend how the fans had this time left all their litter : "well it's been really hot at the last match and the bins have been full, so they obviously had to just leave their rubbish/bottles* on the grass.. and it's the park keepers/councils job to come and clean it".

*He never used the word 'rubbish' and nor did I know he was the local pub landlord or the kids rugby coach. To me it was just an elderly bloke, with a beer belly run-walking around the same rugby pitch in a quiet area of the park...

Bit of a mouthful I know. Sorry and thanks for reading and hopefully sharing ideas and God-Willing being part of this priject (if you can call it that).
Last edited by redefined_cycles on Sat Aug 13, 2022 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tread Negatively?

Post by redefined_cycles »

These are the pics I wanted to share on the original 'ranty' type post which never made it to press. I had name it Wessenden Head - (northern) Gateway to the Peaks.

In 15 or 18 years, maybe because I've always been busy riding up the final track to the gate, I've never actually noticed the wind farm. The walkers who suggested its cyclists that are leaving the gate open spotted it and I tried to get it in a pic.

The gate that was left open twice. Once by walkers who I'd just closed it ahead of. Maybe they thought there was a gate keeper that would be along shortly to wnsure the livestock (none about today) in the hills.

My little man was so impressed when I told him I always ride up here. I then challenged him to run it all. He did MashaAllah (Whatever God Wills). He also helps me clean the path on the way to the masjid and it's one of the (limited) evidences we've seen of how people drop less when its clean. Future trail runner, maybe! Definitely one that's happy bringing one piece of rubbish back with him. Thanks to Sean (the sheep) for the idea many years ago on a thread...

Looking back up towards the north. As the actual gateway is Marsden though back in the day if you was asian you'd not wanna be hanging around there too long on your own. Especially if you had an unnaturally high (for those that didn't like it much) amount of melanin...

They absolutely loved it and didn't actually allow the litter to spoil their fun.

I used this sign (the rock wall is unstable and could come down on you) as evidence to encourage my little one to not try and make an extra stream path at the stream. Learnt that from Colin (thanks) to leave everything as untouched as poss. Mentioned that to them walkers who were impressed that I wasn't actually throwing my litter :roll: and they gave the 'aren't you overreacting' face to each other - I think. They also looked besumed when my little one asked if he could go wash his hands after their dogs had licked em all over (with love and joy obviously :grin: ).


Bit of a cliff edge on which types of paths I always get a touch of vertigo.

The Yorkshire Water hut which had the little ones asking why there was a house next to the res.


We actually took a naughty dip in the res. Except thwre was no water as the water line had receded really badly. The local council had a bit of a delay before introducing the hose-pipe ban! Idiots!

Framing the Landscape art thing added by the uni of Hudds a few years ago. Not sure if I agree but it does have its use (maybe).
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Re: Tread Negatively?

Post by redefined_cycles »

NB. I realise that many of us probably do come back with more litter than what we produced ourselves. But I suppose it's getting 'the world' to do it :smile:
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Re: Tread Negatively?

Post by Rob S »

Good for you. I take a carrier bag with me to pick up litter as well. Well, when I'm climbing I do. Seems so much faff on a bike ride, you'd be getting on and off all the time and never getting anywhere.

Nice photos, good to see young 'uns having fun outside :-bd
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by jameso »

Beautiful spot..

Have you seen this initiative? - doing the same good work as you are there
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by redefined_cycles »

Thanks James/Rob. Yes, that DoItYourself thing on TrashFreeTrails is basically what I'm heading towards. Am hoping others might get out and help aswell with a dedicated ride a month (by whoever wants to be involved) to just go and ride and bring back a load of trash.

If we let it go on it's only gonna get worse. Last years BB200 was probably the first in 3 years where I actually saw litter on the route. I was one of the last and it was definitely cycling related 'our' litter. Wasn't weathered at all (so freshly chucked) and in areas that only a Bearbones200 madhead would care to venture (ie. somewhere in the middle of a tussock or wotnot).

If we (the outdoor respinsible folks) don't act fast I reckon it's only gonna get worse. Especially since in around 10 years of riding the trails (not many, just here and there) around Wales I'd never remembered seeing any litter even at the trail centres. Maybe I'm overreacting... But watch this space :-bd
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Firstly, good work Shaf.

I don't venture into cities very much but a few years ago I went to Liverpool* for an event. I was utterly amazed how much litter was on the streets and also by how no one really seemed to care or even notice it. I tend to think that if people possess that mindset, then changing their surrounds won't alter it. I think we're also now on the second generation of 'litterers' so the habit is becoming deeper ingrained from an early age. It's a tough nut to crack but don't think you're over reacting, littering is a selfish, lazy act that highlights just how sh1t some of our species really is but trying to do something about it helps redress that.

*other cities are available and no doubt similar.
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by redefined_cycles »

That's ace, thanks Stu. Really encouraging and I'm definitely gonna do summat (even if it's only a little - like taking charge of that 3 mile singetrack between the 3 reservoirs, Butterley up to Wessy Head).

Years ago when we first got married (like, me and my missus :lol: ) I once got fed up with the non-locals coming near my inlaws in Bradford - all the takeaways are here - and just throwing the rubbish straight out the window after eating their takeaways. I ended up opening a door after a chap had thrown out his Coke can (or similar can) and popped it back in his lap. Didn't work but the point is - I tell myself - the litter in the hills is a much smaller problems as is the cities. Every little helps and all that :smile:
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by tobasco »

A few ideas -

Bar codes wherever possible so can trace owner, make people accountable. Culprits to do litterpicking community service.
One day a month have school kids out and about collecting litter, urban and rural.
Make companies accountable for unnecessary/excessive single use plastic.
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by jameso »

Make companies accountable for unnecessary/excessive single use plastic.
Thinking about how every time you see a logo it's advertising in some form, I do wonder if a smart social media campaign could work to highlight how poor it looks for a brand to be seen as litter*. McDonalds, Red Bull and in cycling, SIS are 'branded litter' companies I see more than most. I don't spend money on any of them as I see them as companies who sell a product that creates a disproportionate amount of litter. The product, use, target market etc all add up and are all the company's own doing - McDonalds and Red Bull are bought by drivers mid-journey and thrown out of vehicles because the stuff stinks. SIS gels .. don't get me started : )

*I guess it wouldn't matter to their customers and the companies wouldn't lose out.
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by RIP »

Verena tells me she's taken charge of this one :grin:
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by whitestone »

Anyone remember the public service films encouraging good behaviour? I mean who could forget Joe and Petunia! ... ountry.htm

No doubt the current government would say it's the nanny state and people should be responsible for themselves and then introduce draconian laws to deal with the outcome rather than offer education to stop the behaviour in the first place.

Full list of films - ... _films.htm
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by redefined_cycles »

RIP wrote: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:11 pm Verena tells me she's taken charge of this one :grin:
I was thinking about dog poos out on the trail today. That (if it was a points system) dog poo should get you highest accolade.
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Re: The big clean up?

Post by redefined_cycles »

Anyway... spoke to a chap on the trails today. Mentioned what I'd been thinking and what he would do about it (as he looked a gardened walker who appreiates the clean paths - or that's what I told him) and he came out with the same old, "there should be more bins... 2 metres apart :lol: Explained to him the error of his ways and that litter is best taken home (and why).

Then got a conviction off him. That he'll try to pick at least 3 pieces of litter when out walking the trails from now. Told me it was easy and he would :-bd

Also been thinking of a name for the campaign/thread etc. Tread negatively doesn't have a good translation and our Mohammed (sallalahualayhiwasallam) taught us how serious positive names are.

Thought about many other names but they don't conjure up the image to hopefully get as many people as poss to chip in. So... unless someone has a better suggestion I'm going with 'Tread Positively'. The idea being that whether you're walking, running or mtbing (won't expect much from road riders as they already have cafe stops and manned bins and also don't like much stopping as it'd affect stats :grin: ), so long as you're in the hills/trails. Just do something and hopefully report back and hopefully it'll encourage you for next time as well as others..

Most important thing... Do it for yourself and the nice folk out there. No point arguing with low IQ idiots who might just not get it. Leading by example I reckon is a big one but also education (like above-mentioned).

Tread Positively (and I thought of a blurb to go under it in case it ever gets to badges stage, but I forgot :o ).... Pack out more than you packed in (but that's a bit long winded... darn how could I forget it!).
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