selling all and getting a cheating bike.

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selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by ton »

sorry for posting this, but i need to sound off a bit.

spoke to my heart consultant this week, outcome he wants is to leave my heart in AF. he says we should concentrate on controlling my heart rate rather than my rhythm.
my heart is too scarred for any more ablation work on it, and that is all that will possibly put it back in rhythm. he feels i will be ok for a whole lot of years and steady cycling with a controlled rate.

so my idea is the maybe sell my proper bikes, as A. i cant get above 10mph on them. B. i am buggered after 50 miles. C. plodding all the time aint much fun.
i have been looking at a few ebikes, some for distance riding, with quoted ranges up to 140km. a good days ride.
also some of the full sus ebikes look like bloody good fun.
a group of mates, who i cant ride with now apart from 1 weeks steady tour every september, well they are all riding ebikes now. never touch the proper bikes. i miss riding with them, we always had a good crack.
thing is tho, for some odd reason i cant seem to give in trying to ride my proper bikes, even with a knacked heart and even tho it leaves my done it some times. laid up at present with my 3rd chest infection this year. wife says i cycle too musch. i agree.
i feel guilty if i dont ride every day. and some rides are no fun at all. when i am away touring, that is fun, no matter how slow we travel.
but i just dont want to give in if that makes sense. riding a bike makes me who i am. it makes me tick and gives me a kind of inner peace with myself. or it did until recently.

so what do you reckon, ebike time ?
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by jay91 »

No harm in having a ebike.
couldn't you get one on hire for a while to see how you get on ?
Trying to ride bikes.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by benp1 »

Definitely get an e bike. It’ll get you out and about, and all bikes are fun
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by RobLyon »

bafang kit on current bike? Cheaper option but should sell on easily
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by redefined_cycles »

Ton. When I had my heart infection (HR was down to about 35 even a week after leaving CCU) the consultant afterwards told me I couldn't ride properly. Twas a nasty feeling and I did some pootling briefly.

A mate of mine who I did the Mary Townley Loop first time ever many many years ago, ended up having a heart bypass in his early 40s late 30s. Think he had 3 stents put in and was away from the bike for a good year or 2. Then got himself an ebike and now appears to be unrestricted with his slightly modified heart.

Get the ebike man :-bd let me know if we can go try that NorthPeaks100 when you've got it Ton. You'll have to wait for me obviously. Didn't know they're coming with 140km ranges now :o
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by psling »

I'm thinking the 140km range involves carrying a 2nd / piggyback battery.

I know finances may dictate but it would be a great shame to sell all your bikes to invest in just an e-bike especially if you get enjoyment and are able to manage particular rides eg touring.

Perhaps list the type of riding you want to do, the type of riding you can manage and the type of riding you enjoy and then list the bikes required to achieve each of those categories. Now the difficult bit - narrowing it down to affordability; prioritising, compromising, and being realistic. Probably end up with a touring bike (and let's face it, your current bike can do that) plus an e-bike for those longer day rides at faster pace. Are those longer, faster rides mtb rides? Do you really need the expense of a full - sus e-bike?
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by Jurassic »

Funny that you posted this Ton. I was down in my LBS today talking to my mate (who owns it) and he's just ordered himself a Giant Trance X e+1 pro. It comes with a 750 watt hour battery and there's an option to add a 250 watt hour range extender as well. He reckons that with both batteries it should have a usable range of around 100 miles. I have 20 months to go until I retire and have been promising myself an ebike as a retirement pressie but I'm really tempted to go for it now instead and get the extra use out of it. FWIW I bought my wife an eeb a few years ago and it's really good. It allows her to ride at the same pace as me (faster on the climbs) even though she's not fit and suffers from a debilitating illness. I'd say go for it. If you love cycling that much (clearly you do), what price something that allows you to continue follow your passion?
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

{I have no issue with e-bikes or people with them} .... but I do know what you mean to a degree Tony. I have a feeling that the e-bike has taken something highly efficient and very 'green' and turned it into something much less, so despite all the clever tech' it kind of feels like a backwards step. However, that's just a feeling and if the act of cycling / travelling / moving keeps you sane, then that is far more important.

I know a few people who no longer ride with 'their group' because everyone else bought an e-bike but perhaps if that's what it takes to maintain a social circle, then it's a small price to pay I reckon.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by PaulB2 »

I’d say get an ebike. I bumped into someone a couple of years back who had a German one designed for touring - dual battery and he carried a third for extra range.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by PaulB2 »

Had another thought, if you can work out how to strap it to a rack a Jackery 500 has enough oomph to recharge an e-bike making overnight bivvis an option :grin:
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by Mariner »

Perhaps a rule modification would allow e-bike riders a battery change at pre arranged spot via a third party?
The reason that wouldn't work is because then everyone would get an e-bike.
Aha what you would need is a handicap system that adds time to an e-bike against conventional bike or just another category.
Ooops did I think that out loud? :oops:
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by riderdown »

As with anything it depends how you use it. As you are not planning treating it like a silent Mx I really would just do it. It will help you do the thing you love, it's up to you how much "assist" you get.

No-one grownup cares what you ride if you are still pushing the pedals, just get out there

No ebikes owned, nor planned here btw, if it kept someone on the bike I would advocate for one every time.

What I do worry about is the silent MX derestricted riders who whizz around like everyone should get out of their way who are getting more common around here. But that's just my opinion
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by In Reverse »

Tony the world moves on mate. I reckon the majority of today's cyclists will end up with an ebike, myself included.

If its going to prolong your enjoyment of cycling then there's no question about it is there? Crack on lad.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by Lazarus »

What he said ^^ If it lets you get out and ride with mates then get one
The fact ebikes exists fills me with joy as my physical limitations and ageing wont stop me riding into old age. I doubt any of us look forward to this day arriving but at least its the day i got an ebike and not the day I gave up cycling.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by voodoo_simon »

Just get one, ride it and enjoy it.

Hopefully you’re in a position that you can keep the Fargo and also have the ebike? You don’t have to ride the ebike everyday and you don’t have to ride the Fargo each day either, mix them up :-bd

Now the preachy part (and this will be badly worded so apologies in advance) but you’ve mentioned previously that need to ride each day? Why is that? Guilt? I used to ride each day for commuting and then on my day off (so not quite each day but 6 days a week). With a change of job, I now ride twice a week (sometimes three if the stars align) and my enjoyment of riding is at an all time high. The riding is much more fun too as I can go when I want and where I want too. I haven’t lost as much fitness as I would have thought too, guess I had a lot of grey miles in my commute. Maybe ride a few less days to give your body chance to recover but I’m no medical expert. Not sure why I’m going with this… :oops:
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by ScotRoutes »

For me, cycling has one physical and two mental rewards. The physical one is obvious - it keeps me fit. The first mental reward is just enjoying being outdoors. I've remarked previously that I'm really a hillwalker with foot problems. The second mental reward is something to do with accomplishment. I find it hard to describe but it's there whenever I complete some ride or part of a ride that was physically challenging.

Looking at Ebikes, I guess I can still get some of the physical one by riding with a bit of assist. It's not a motorbike after all (though they have their own physical requirements). Hey, ride longer/further if necessary.

The reward/feedback of simply being outdoors and enjoying it is going to be there whether I have pedal assist or not and, if fitness doesn't allow, then a battery will help me enjoy it for longer.

That third reward is the one I'm struggling with. Logical or not, the idea of electrical power helping me to achieve something I could otherwise do manually currently feels wrong and I think I'd miss that. If I couldn't ride a non-assisted bike for some reason then I'd have to accept that loss and enjoy it for the other two reasons. I think this might be the bit that you are struggling with too?

One of my riding mates has recently bought himself an ebike and only ever rides it solo or if out with his Mrs who also has an ebike. We still ride in a bigger group too - he has another bike for that. I guess that group might change if any of the other guys buy ebikes too and it's possible I might feel compelled to do so if/when I'm the last without one.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by Lazarus »

to achieve something I could otherwise do manually currently feels wrong and I think I'd miss that.
I agree but none of us are riding away form the ageing process. The question then becomes which is better not doing them or doing them with an ebike?
I am confident I will be picking the ebike option and just glad i can get out *- i cannot remember not cycling - I have just always done it.

* i assume you can still do something that feels like exercise/effort on them, rather than beign sat in a motorbike, but i have never even ridden one.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by ScotRoutes »

Oh, I think that day might come but then I'll also have to weigh up the not insubstantial cost of an Ebike against my perception of "value" and, at the moment, that's something I just can't do. If
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by Lazarus »

Luckily we will have a few bikes to help us liberate some funds :wink:
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by ScotRoutes »

Yeah. Just think of the extra space in the garage too!
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by Disco »

I've got a working class friend from a small Welsh town who was the first person in town to buy an ebike.
He was working in Rotterdam on the docks and was hit by a container that came loose and his leg was partially trapped by the container. He was given a massive payout He can barely walk but is out everyday on his bike and loving it, loves it more than his new Aston Martin!!😁
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by Jurassic »

I've had a few rides on my LBS mate's demo ebikes over the last few years and regarding the comments about just sitting on it not working hard or it being like a motorbike they're really nothing like that. Remember that you need to put pressure on the pedals to get any assistance from the motor. In my experience you end up riding further and faster in a given period of time than you would on a conventional bike but I've always come back equally knackered. Obviously this is down to your personal situation, I'm lucky enough to not have any physical impediment at the moment so for me an ebike would mean more laps of the trails and more time riding fun descents. My wife though uses her ebike to allow her to mitigate her physical limitations and ride a bike when she otherwise wouldn't be able to. Both uses are equally valid imho.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by whitestone »

A bit of a bugger that Tony. :|

Something to be aware of is that e-bikes need quite a bit of maintenance and as is typical for the bike industry, nothing is standard. Drivetrain and brakes seem particularly prone to wear. Whether that's due to riding "skills" or just the nature of the beasts is open to question.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by ergaster »

A friend of mine has recently had massive health problems and spent about nine months in hospital. He's been on bikes all his life. He got an e-bike so he could begin building his fitness again. He told me that he can get out with 'normal' bikes and keep up or get knackered if he wants a work out. It seems to have done him the world of good.
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Re: selling all and getting a cheating bike.

Post by AlasdairMc »

E-bikes keep people riding, and for that reason I’m supportive of them. I know someone with MS, and another guy late 70s, and they’ve kept them able to ride.

For me, the grey area is as a replacement for a regular MTB. Part of biking for me is the suffering, and you lose a lot of that with the motor. Locally, E-bike riders seem to be wearing trousers even in summer, versus shorts for all the regular bikers, so it feels to me that it’s less effort.
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