An enjoyable couple of days.

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An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

It all started so well ... a rear puncture even before I'd left the yard and a rather big fly in my left eye within the first half mile ;)

I didn't really have much of a plan, so I just set off in a direction that I don't usually go. I thought that Dyfnant forest might contain a reasonable overnight spot so that's where I headed first. On the way I remembered that I'd have to travel across the infamous bridleway that some might remember from the 2012 WRT. Thinking that we haven't had much rain over the previous weeks, the ground conditions might be okay ... that assumption was very wrong :shock: 4km of wet pushing later and I was rewarded with the chance to stock up on Happy Shopper Kiddy Mix and a brew.

I picked my way through Dyfnant relying on memories from the last time I rode through with flatfishy and Steve (I had a good look for your Oakleys Steve but alas, they're long gone). Once I was through it dawned on me that I was meant to be spending the night in there :roll: I decided that turning round wasn't an option so pressed on ... a couple of miles later I suddenly remembered something Pedalhead had told me about a possible overnight spot on the shore of Lake Vyrnwy. I had a very rough idea of its location, so I set off in search of what must be one of the hardest to find spots in Wales.


A couple of hours later and I'd found my accommodation for the evening ... Day 1, 30 miles ridden.


It was dry, weather tight and would serve me well. There were obvious signs that although not an official bothy it had seen much service over the years.


It certainly had a view, I'd known that it was 'right on the edge of the lake' but I didn't realise just how right on the edge it was. The tree outside the door is actually under water :)


Half an hour later I'd sorted my kit out, made a brew and settled in for the evening.


The next morning was a slightly earlier start than expected. Awake at 4.15, packed by 4.45 and on the road by 5.00am. Kiddy Mix can only keep a man alive for so long so I decided to head over the old mountain road to Bala for breakfast. Arriving before any cafes opened I occupied myself with brewing up on the edge of the lake, chasing midges and trying to conjure up some kind of plan for the day.


With a full Welsh inside me and a quick raid on the Spar I started to put my newly formulated plan into action ... it was a cheeky plan and one that I wouldn't recommend. My stupid plan was to ride through Bwlch Drws-Ardudwy, an old drove route that runs directly between Rhinog Fawr and Rhinog Fach. These days the Bwlch is officially a footpath but I figured it was once a drovers route that saw all manner of animals cross it and besides what was the worst that could happen if I were challanged by someone? Telling my dad seemed to be it!

Before I could start the journy through the Bwlch I had to get there. The map showed two obvious options that would take me between Bala and Traws, the first was another high mountain road and the second was a bridleway ... like a nob I chose the bridleway :D 8km really isn't far but it took me 3 hours of pushing, carrying, swearing and I have to say laughing. At the far end I was met by a farmer who congratulated my endevours by saying 'fu*k me, have you just come across there?' as he waved a hand in the direction I'd just arrived from!


The next section to Traws was a nice steady climb, followed by a long, long descent and as I was spat out onto the road I saw the next part of my ride on the horizon. The Bwlch is the gap between the two mountains ^ Fawr on the right and Fach on the left.


The Rhinogs have a bit of a reputation. That reputation involves rock and heather in equal measure ... it also tends to mention 'pathless' quite often. In this case there was a path but not one you could ride ... what you could do was push for a few metres, then pick your bike up and carry it before slipping / falling down said path and landing in a giddy pile of legs, wheels and arms. This went on for quite a while, the path never offering any assistance only hindrance ... 7km later I was on the other side with my yearly quota of type 2 fun taken care of ;)


At this point a sensible person would have found some food and started to look for a sheltered spot for the night ... this didn't happen. For some odd reason I started to think about how quickly I could get home and the seed was set. What followed was possibly one of the most painful and liberating cycle experiences I've ever had ... I won't go into details but I did sleep in my own bed ... Day 2, 100 miles ridden, pushed and carried.
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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by Dan_K »

Sounds like an adventure Stu!

Was it one of those "good with hindsight" trips?
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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by Zippy »

We've all had terrible trips like that, it's nice to hear other people have misfortune too :lol:

schadenfreude :D

Enjoyed the read the Stu, glad you posted that.
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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Was it one of those "good with hindsight" trips?
It was actually good at the time ... I quite like the suffering and hardship ;)
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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by faddyvictor »

Stu I salute your ability to suffer, there are some nice pitches in the Rhinogs, its just easier to get to
them on foot. :)
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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by welshwhit »

Looks fantastic! Great trip by the looks!

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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by gairym »

Great trip/story fella!
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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by 99percentchimp »

Looks like fun Stu... that 'path' through the Bwlch looks like a challenge!
I cycled round Vrynwy last week and don't recall that spooky looking overnight spot - must be pretty well hidden!
Epic last day - how was the knee?
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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Epic last day - how was the knee?
I'm glad to say that the knee held up well. I did make a point of using my full range of available gears though, which is something I don't usually bother to do. I was expecting the hike-a-bike stuff to set it off again (similar terrain to Scotland where it first went) but luckily it behaved fine.
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Re: An enjoyable couple of days.

Post by Firmo »

Sounds amazing!
I would have been sub standard-scared camping in that stone hut though! Blair Witch
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