Extreme road rage

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Extreme road rage

Post by BigdummySteve »

Today I had one of the worst example of cyclist hate I’ve experience to date.
Cycling out from Morton-in-marsh on the A429 I suddenly had a car leaning on the horn behind me, at the time I was roughly two feet from the curb and very well lit. The driver then executed a ‘punishment pass’ at a distance of about 12”

At this point I’ll admit I was not entirely blameless for what ensued as I communicated my displeasure via the medium of ‘sign language’
The guy then braked hard enough to cause me to end up on my arse on the verge, jumped out and called me a “f**king idiot” for cycling in the middle of the road, grabs hold of me and try’s to slam me into the boot of his car. I pull him off balance and we both end up half way into a ditch.
Thankfully no actual blows were exchanged, at this point he got up and went back towards his car, accusingly saying “my kids are crying” (his wife was not very happy either).

Festive 500 my arse! Although I’m obviously biased being a cyclist, why does being forced to slow down momentarily cause some drivers to get so pissed off? Most drivers seem ok with giving horses some consideration but not us.

I’m done with cycling on busy roads, it’s just not worth the danger and hate.
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Re: Extreme road rage

Post by redefined_cycles »

Really sorry to hear that Steve. Some people are just impatient idiots. Glad you're safe though...

On my 300 miler (not calling it the Festive/R&pha500 cos it was just 300 for Iraqi orphans/charity) thwre was only 2 occassions. Once going through RollsRoyce village near/in Derby where there was a cycle lane but me and my mate were side-by-side on the (wide) road. Driver gave a slight punishment pass whilst going past and my mate then tells me its probably cos of the massive pavemented cycle lane...

The other was a couple of annoyed drivers whilst getting towards Retford but not sure what their problem was...

Like I said, some people are just serious idiots and its a damn shame
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Re: Extreme road rage

Post by In Reverse »

Some people are just arseholes. Bollocks to them Steve - don't let a tiny minority of wankers in cars stop you enjoying riding your bike.
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Re: Extreme road rage

Post by benconnolli »

I like to think it comes from a lack of understanding. The impatient drivers have probably never ridden a bike on the roads. They do not understand why cyclists don’t all ride in the gutter. They feel entitled to the road at or beyond the speed limit. They do not realise that the slight short hit to their average speed makes marginal difference to their journey time. The time they are completely stationary at junctions because of the other cars couldn’t possibly be infuriating because they would be just as much to blame themselves.

Cars are metal boxes with controlled climate so feel disconnected from reality. People on bikes disrupt this fantasy car world where transport is merely a to b so from the position of ignorance they may see us as deliberately inconveniencing them, which if we were would be valid to get angry about.

I really really think our worlds would be a better place if everyone who drove knew someone who cycled for transport. They would see their friend on the bike. They would consider their friend. They would look out for their friend. It is our job to be that friend. Let everyone we know know that we ride the roads and are a valid part of the transport network and it will grow from there.
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Re: Extreme road rage

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Sorry to hear that Steve. Personally, I think the issues are caused by a number of things ...

Everyone is in so much of a rush these days. This need to rush is in most cases simply an illusion brought about by the demands of society. Having to slow down for 30 seconds will f*ck someones entire week up. :wink:

The media - the press appear to enjoy stiring the pot and seem very happy to drive a wedge between all transport users making the gap between 'them and us' ever wider and to a degree increasingly tribal.

Percepton - the non-cycling publics perception of a cyclist is very wrong. Maybe the media once again?

Cyclists - let's be honest, there are some poor cyclists out there. A percentage have the same tribal mentality as some car drivers and they themselves push the 'us / them'. Others appear to have little awareness of their surroundings and seem unable to alter their behaviour to suit changing conditions. If a car driver should meet one of the above, they'll simply assume that you're the same.

It probably comes down to respect and consideration ... two things only available in limited quantities it appears.

Much of the above was applicable to those riding motorbikes in the 70's and 80's.
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Re: Extreme road rage

Post by Lazarus »

its because they are dicks they do this - this was a grown man in his car with his kids behaving like this - you dont need anyone to tell you he is an areshole.

Sorry to hear about your exprince but i dount anything like this will ever happen again so dont stay off the road its letting the arseholes win.

My only near physical confrontation involved me and a mate forced off a road/made to stop by a transit van driver who then got out with his mate and challenged us to a fight. My mate - the calmest man I know lost the plot and accepted. They kindly let him take his road shoes off- asked me if i was joining in - " he does not need my help was my reply" . No fight ocured as they were put off when he started doing the splits and high kicks to warm up. They became incredibly apologetic at this point. he did not hit them but was abusive in the extreme. There were no winners in that exchange and i doubt it changed their view of cyclists.
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Re: Extreme road rage

Post by slarge »

To balance it out I did a club ride today and there were some very patient drivers behind the group waiting to get past. Sometimes over cautious in my opinion, but it's nice to see. Some people are dicks, unfortunately they also mostly drive cars/trucks/vans etc - you'll never change that but if you get a registration then at least you can do something positive about it.....

| have reported a twit to the police, and they asked what action I wanted taking - my response was for the driver to slow down and have more consideration before he kills someone. They phoned him (at work) as it was a company car, and his boss answered the phone - he then had 10 minutes of police lecture and I'd have loved to hear the boss discussion afterwards.

Keep positive, and don't get bullied off the roads - they are there for everyone!
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