Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by jameso »

Bloody 'ell Rich, not good. I felt a bit queasy reading that! I hope the anchor they fitted is a few mm across, looks :shock: without anything to scale. I see from your fry up you're going for alternative artery filters now instead :grin:

GWS ...
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Richard G »

In Reverse wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:47 am Good luck with the recovery mate. I've got loads of books I'm going to be offloading if you want any reading material.
Cheers, but sadly having lost a significant amount of income from all this time in hospital, I'm likely to be working my arse off for the next couple of months anyway!
jameso wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:34 am Bloody 'ell Rich, not good. I felt a bit queasy reading that! I hope the anchor they fitted is a few mm across, looks :shock: without anything to scale.
I expected it to be tiny, but it was actually fairly large (in the scheme of things).
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by liamg »

Christ! That just kept getting worse the more I read! Glad you're out the other side and on the mend. Hopefully, whatever your choices in the future re: riding will be down to you and not forced by physical limitations.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Richard G »

Cheers. I think ultimately that would be the best possible outcome from all of this.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by pistonbroke »

Really sorry to hear of your injuries Rich, you didn't even get to hear that you'd won a Grand Tour from your hospital bed :sad: Get well soon, I know it's easier said than done but don't rush back to work, it'll still be there when you are mended, your health is the most important thing.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by slarge »

Healing vibes Rich, and you will be back onthe bike, working, etc etc. It's now time to sell all the junk that's been hanging around, search ebay for bargains, and do those office jobs you've been putting off for ages.

Best of luck with the recovery :-bd
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by redefined_cycles »

Richard... Firstly regards that 17H before pain relief and especially when they knew the injuries you had... totall unacceptable (I'm a nurse and have had heart related issues with A&E ambulance visit in the past but more on that later) as well as that surgeon/Radiologist/Vascular Imagin Unit (I imagine) Dr who was retrieving the filter.

Regards both them things - and I spoke to a colleague yesterday who's also been inpatient for X problems - you need to get yourself in touch with PALS (patient advice and liason service). Its not a matter of just being "complaining" so you shouldn't feel that you are inconveniencing anyone.... They need to learn (and I understand how busy Southmead is as have done a few shifts there) as its still unacceptable.

How I ended up as inpatient (on coronary care unit) was after a 50 mile steep/fasted (during month of fasting and just before the fasting of the day ended). I used to vape alot (a very very lot) and used to smoke even worse before that, and they're definitely the culprits (thankfully I was forced to stop with this issue).

So after the ride and finishing my fast (with a vape straight after food), I went to the masjid (mosque - in case anyoje from the home office 'being british' dept is watching/reading) an hour or so later for the night prayers. These last around 50 minutes and unique to that time of year. After around 15 minutes I started getting shortness of breath (SOB) symptoms.

Thinking I'd eaten too much I finished my prayers midway during a unit - which is allowed as life/emergency takes preferance over prayers - and quickly hobbled home. Thinking I had probably eaten a bit much, I hobbled home (to have a poo) to try and ease the breathing situation. Whilst on the toilet I realised something wasnt quite right so called, as best I could, down to the missus to call for ambulance. Whilst awaiting them I sat myself on chair besides kitchen table and arms folded I leant and rested on the table. Sat upright (google Tripod sitting in COPD as its a good thing to know) to increase lung volume as best I could, I waited for the !!! :cry: paramedics.

During that time I took some pain killers. They came and assessed. I had chest pain. They tried to leave me at home (even though I said "but I've got sharp chest pain... which I had by now and already informed them) but then decided its good to take me in (after i reminded them I'd got chest pain and I'd also read my ecg which they'd done and there were obvious changes in there that would need some sort of clarification... but I dont think I went as far as telling them that... they knew!). Asked them if I could have some pain killer, they told me they dont do such things (refere to my earlier slight substandard wording) but alloed me to go get my own. Not sure how I managed to get into the house and out again (gave myself some aspririn! Like you do)...

Got to hospital and was left im a cubicle in a and e. I understand, its super busy and I'm a young asian muzlamic (a term coined by one of Tommy Robinson chaps in a youtube interview :lol: ) looking chap who's obviously talking crap. My pain crept up and up over the course of that half hour or maybe an hour. Excruciating and not wanting to bother them I did what I knew. Read a certain chapter of the Quran* which is reported (field reports over the years I believe and they've worked for me in past) to relieve pain. I was crying by this point.

I imagine someone in the dept must have said to someone else "will you shut that #$%k$r up will ya before we have the anti-terro squad all over us". I couldn't really care less by this point and it was helping. Few minutes later as if by magic, someone turns up with more pain relief than you can shake a stick at (including Morphine which would normally make me sleepy I believe... again from field reports of the prescribed 30mg Codiene).

Aftet that and blood results being back. I got told about the blood results. That I could be admitted. I obviously (like you do) said I'd go home and come back to the Ambulatory Care Unit in morning. Troponin (a cardiac muscle marker which shows distrubance around there) was about 15 at this point which for my limited knowledge was just/could just be a bit of muscle disturbance.

Next day I went in and after sending and recieving my blood results, suddenly the full cardiac team was all over me. Told me my Troponin was 2000 (massive heart attack territory). I told em I'd come back for further tests (as you do) and the specialist cardiac nurse, had a word :lol: and I was sure they'd be retaining me anyway...

To end it all (the story for now, noy the episode which turned out not as bad but bad enoigh) I ended up in Coronary Care unit. Had an infection or inflammation or both around the outer layers of the heart (perimyocarditis... inner layer is endocarditis which is IV drug users get after lots of dirty abuse and is almost always one or two steps not far from deaths door). Got put on Ramipril (a heart failure drug... which I didnt take... dont try that at home and I'm only telling it now). Heart rate overnight on CCU was in the 40 and I think as low as 35.... I just enjoyed being in Chris Froome/the hardcore Eddy Merckx (who was reported as being as low as 30s or lower during rest as his hesrt was that strong) territory. But my normal resting heart rate is around 60 and 70...

*Suratul Haqqah (chapter 69: The Imminent Happening).

That was over 2 years ago now (ramadhan of 2017 I believe). It was around 6 months before any cycling after heart scan csme back clear/clearer, and around 12 months before risking another 100 miler and 24 months before I tried another fasted ride :lol:).

So what do I do now:

Well Im constantly at risk of chest infection (and have IMO successfully overcome a pneumonia at home: it was a rather painful few days) and I also take my csrdiovssculsr risk very seriously (without becoming paranpid and bothering the doctors/hospitals):

I have honey as its described in the Quran as

Your Lord reveiled to the honeybee: " Make homes in the mountains, in the trees and in the structures they raise (68) Then eat from all the fruits, and go along the pathways of your Lord made easy for you." From their bellies comes out a drink of various colors in which there is cure for people. Surely, in that there is a sign for a people who ponder. (69) [chapter 16; Surah Nahl/The Honey Bee]

Here comes the science bit (and why I know how to use it and yes, some of the better hospitals do use it as a wound dressing and yes, it is used in the community by nurses on wounds... but it can be painful... and yes, I do use it on my saddle sore risks and yes it does work rather well... mainly I use it to decrease the risk of infections of chest as I reckon them 20 years of smoking (40ish pack years if not more) did catch up with me.

Thats an old article but it would always fascinate me (the health sciences from the Quran and hence my pathway chasing a nurse/paramedics career)... if anyone wants me to post pics of the actual article just say...

So thats how i manage the infection side of things. The way I manage the cardiovasular/cholesterol risks is again from the nursing mags but caught/stayed on my mind from the Quran. Allah swears an oath in the Quran 'by the Olive' and in the nursing course I learnt bout the olive oil and how it gets rid of the bad cholesterol and keeps the good (high density lipoproteins being the good and low density being the bad)...

So I often have a spoonful/raw and it really is remarkable. Its how they (I've not really kept up with evidence bases in this dept as much as I should have) explain why the Mediterranean diet helps with reduced heart attacks and strokes (the Greeks are generally a bit 'round'and eat well... but they drizzle olive oil :lol:

Anyways... Richard. Hope that helps buddy and this in no means a way of saying "dont take your drugs" as I'm not a doctor (just a bog standard nurse who's not really very clever but just gets fortunate here and there with the info falling in my lap). Just might help (especially the honey and i reckon everyone should be having honey in diet... drug companies probably wont be hapoy but antibiotic resistance would probably go down :-bd

Most importantly, keep smiling (must keep cup half full and not half empty) and pushing forth. Which it looks like you're doing... PALS (if you wish.. dont forget!)
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Mart »

‘Kinell Rich, just reading and horrific
It brings back some memories for me
For me once the surgery was over the frustration kicked in as there is nothing you can do
Keep you mind busy on other things, focus on the future when you will be riding again

Mrs B has said if i ever do anything like getting injured again then she is dropping me off at the care home so they can look after me as she’s not going through that again
I think she found it hard too!
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Richard G »

Cheers Duncan / Steve / Mart.

@mart: Yeah, things are pretty busy thankfully. However, at some point soon I'll be looking at next year's calendar and it's going to suddenly look very, very empty. :cry:

@redefined_cycles: Man, that was some experience you had. I tend to get quite anxious and I imagine I'd be hugely anxious when it came to anything heart related like you had (clots are bad enough for me). Seemed like you were far more chill than anyone has any right to be!

I'll have a look into the PALS thing, and thanks for the tripod sitting info, could potentially come in useful one day.

Edit - Oh, and technically I'm a beekeeper, so that's funny (technically in that I pretty much just leave them alone as I don't like honey!).
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

I've being using honey on the dogs leg. So far, it appears to be working very nicely.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by redefined_cycles »

Bearbonesnorm wrote: Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:43 am I've being using honey on the dogs leg. So far, it appears to be working very nicely.
Nice... well done Stu. My guesstimate would have it yhat in your neck of the woods the raw/local honey would most probably have a very high antibacterial (whatever the fancy smanshy term is for it) property to it anyways. Do let us know (so when I/if manage to convince myself/ come BB200) so we can gtab some of that local goodness ourselves (not the Spar stuff please :lol: )...

One thing you might 2anna know that it can be a bit stinging and much of the older folk who refuse to use it on, for example leg ulcers, normally refuse cos of the stinging aspect of it.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

One thing you might 2anna know that it can be a bit stinging and much of the older folk who refuse to use it on, for example leg ulcers, normally refuse cos of the stinging aspect of it.
Good to know. She is a big baby and will generally let you know if something hurts but she doesnt bat an eyelid when I put the honey dressing on.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by ScotRoutes »

I've used honey on chicken legs. Adds a nice extra flavour. Dog though? :shock:
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Richard G »


Unrelated, I'm trying to find info on other cyclists that have the same type of injury as me, but so far not having much luck. Seems it's usually the femur that gets fractured.

I wonder what it was about my crash that was different. Also, if it could be that my socket (acetabulum) was weaker than it should have been for some reason.

I did find this, but I don't think the riders studied had surgery:
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by paramart »

swift recovery rich, and hopefully you go back and face the demons.
it's not that I can and others can't, it's that I will and others won't.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by cloudnine »

Was the bike OK?
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by redefined_cycles »

Richard G wrote: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:00 pm :lol:

Unrelated, I'm trying to find info on other cyclists that have the same type of injury as me, but so far not having much luck. Seems it's usually the femur that gets fractured.

I wonder what it was about my crash that was different. Also, if it could be that my socket (acetabulum) was weaker than it should have been for some reason.

I did find this, but I don't think the riders studied had surgery:
Main thing that I'm aware of and why we are more susceptible (and therefore roadies even more so) to fractures and bone injuries. Is because of the fact that (what I knew before) weight bearing activities - lile weight lifting - increase the bone density. Also (according to what my brother said who's just a posh snob anyway and I've not really verified it) impact sports increase bone density aswell. Thereby giving an inbhilt extra protection...

Also with age (and I'm not saying any of us are old) the fracturws and breakages tend to heal more slowly etc etc etc. Not sure if it answer your Q (maybe a little)
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by In Reverse »

Out of interest Rich, I know you said you we wearing body armour - did that include hip/arse protectors?
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Richard G »

@paramart: Cheers. Yeah, that'll be an interesting day if it happens. I doubt I'd ride it alone.

@cloudnine: Bike needs a check, it's carbon.

@redefined_cycles: I've actually been a long term weight lifter, and could (at least prior to getting sick last year), deadlift / squat about double my bodyweight. Sadly though I haven't really done much beyond single leg squats etc since I got sick.

@In Reverse: That's the real kicker. I was going to be, but it arrived a day late because of the bank holiday. :cry:

It's sat in a box across the room from me. I can't face opening it, but I'll have to at some point, because it needs to be returned.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Richard G »

First visit to "my" physio seemed to go pretty well. He seemed pleased with the mobility / strength that I've currently got and has given me additional exercises on top of what the hospital gave me.

He's looking at trying to get me onto an "AlterG" machine, which is pretty exciting. Will help massively with my rehab.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by middleagedmadness »

Glad you have a decent physio rich ,I.M.E some are more physio terrorists than therapists :wink:
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by Richard G »

I've been using him about 5 years off and on now. He's good people.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by dlovett »

Richard G wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:55 am First visit to "my" physio seemed to go pretty well. He seemed pleased with the mobility / strength that I've currently got and has given me additional exercises on top of what the hospital gave me.

He's looking at trying to get me onto an "AlterG" machine, which is pretty exciting. Will help massively with my rehab.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by mark »

You’re not defined by what happens to you but how you choose to deal with it.

This is so important and a great lesson for life and far better than the one I may have passed on to my children - ‘No way is my obituary saying - I died cooking Bolognese’

Let me explain, 5 years ago things changed for me but not as traumatic as your injury. I went to a minor injury unit and was told I had a bacterial infection in my lower leg. Straight forward treatment and follow ups at GP and I carried on as normal getting miles in ready for the Scottish Coast to Coast. A couple of months later I was still having pain and difficulties with my calf so I was sent to hospital to get things checked out. 5 minutes after walking into A+E I was been wheeled between departments having been diagnosed with a blood clot and told I was lucky it hadn't moved or I might not be here. Unfortunately after a year of treatment I had another blood clot probably due to the first clot being untreated for a period of time causing damage to the valves that stop blood flowing the wrong way and scar damage to the vein. It ended up that i will always have bother with my leg and I was also put on warfarin for life.

At this point I was very unsure about mountain biking or backpacking and it was even harder to convince my wife and family that it was as an option while on warfarin. Anticoagulants and blunt trauma coming of a bike in the middle of nowhere don’t mix well or so I thought. Then one evening while cooking I lifted the lid off a saucepan and was hit in the face by a waft of steam. The resulting whack to my head from the cooker hood left me seeing stars. The noise brought my wife to the kitchen and for ten minutes we just waited for something to happen, it didn’t and it was that light bulb moment. I realised that the only thing that might limit what I could still do was me and my attitude to what had happened

I decided to accept what had happened and concentrate on getting back as close to where I was before as possible, doing the things I did before but accepting the limitations that I might find. As part of this process I did the usual fitness training, the warfarin changed my diet very much for the better but for me the psychological block was the Coast to Coast I had missed.

So as part of my recovery I planned for and rode that route so many times on paper and in my head that I don’t think I’ll ever need to do it. Besides it had achieved what it needed to do, I was cycling and bike packing again. It was different to before but the last three years have been some of the best and most enjoyable cycling ever. I discovered that what I really enjoyed was simply being on a bike and outdoors and now each opportunity I have to do either is special.

Good luck with your rehab and your recovery.
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Re: Broken Riders - Joining The Party (Long Read)

Post by rich.mike »

Oft, just browsing the forum feeling a bit miserable myself.

The curse of being called Rich and cycling at BPW hit me hard yesterday on the qualifier of AC-DC. Needless to say I did not qualify and I now have a broken elbow, 5 days before I'm the best man at a wedding!

Hopefully it'll be ok for my Rwanda cycle in 5 weeks :|
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