Dirty Reiver advice

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Dirty Reiver advice

Post by Mbnut »

I got talked into entering this event a few months back by a mate.... not really my bag but the reason for entering was to go and have my yearly catch up with said mate.

As it goes I have been working every day for some 38 days so far and will be working every one until the event (starting a business in order to take control of my own life back has somewhat backfired).

As a result I go into it in the worst form for years.

I'll not be racing it but my mate has been 'training' so I will have to give it some beans.

The question is really around surface, pushes and general info about the event.

I've had a read up but I figured a bit of knowledge from Boners that have done it would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Dirty Reiver advice

Post by whitestone »

I did it last year but the route has changed for this edition. Apparently the rough sections of track are not on the new route - they weren't that rough anyway so long as you weren't in a lot of traffic and couldn't pick the smoothest line. The worst bit for me was a short section that had just had a couple of lorry loads of gravel spread over it, riding through a layer of golf ball sized gravel isn't fun.

There'll be a lot of ascent with a lot of very long drags, very long as in several kilometres. There was only one very short push, maybe 20 metres, that I knew about beforehand and being on a singlespeed knew I wouldn't get up. It's steep enough that I've only ever cleaned it once.

Make sure your bike is properly serviced - there were lots of mechanicals within a couple of kilometres and quite a few drivetrains that obviously weren't indexed properly. Tubeless is preferable, I rode on 37C but bigger would be better. Compliant handlebars and/or double taping to deal with the constant chatter from the surface.

If you are not racing then just take it easy at the start - several hundred riders on narrow forest roads take some negotiating so don't worry. I must have "passed" two hundred riders at the first feed station! I had a couple of stem cells for food so just a quick grab of a few snacks at the first two feed stations then something more substantial at the third.
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Re: Dirty Reiver advice

Post by JohnClimber »

In good weather it's a great event, (too expensive now though) but to be honest there are lots of racers out there.

Your mate who's trained for it will get his race head on and really push like the others do right from the start.
TBH if you're not fit enough if you try and keep up with him and it will make your "event" rubbish and his "race" rubbish as well.
He will be cursing you (under his breath) every time he has to stop and wait for you to catch up. and you will knacker yourself out trying to keep up. It may kill your friendship. and the event will be ruined for both of you.

If I were you I'd take him to one side just before the start and tell him not to stop and wait for you should you get split up at the start, that we you'll both really enjoy your day, you won't do the full route but it sounds like you don't real mind if you don't anyway.
You just go for a ride and go for the shorter route (even take shortcuts off this as well), you may end up back at the finish in enough time to cheer your mate and then take him in the pub for a beer or three at the end of the event after he's raced and your ridden it.
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Re: Dirty Reiver advice

Post by In Reverse »

I think you'd get round it fine with your baseline fitness tbf Nige. Take your rigid mtb and you shouldn't have to push any of it. Like John says though, let your mate fire off at his own pace once the pack has spread out a bit (will probably take at least an hour) then catch up with him in the pub at the end.

I really like it as an event. Nice vibe around it and great feeding stations, particularly the third one.
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Re: Dirty Reiver advice

Post by 99percentchimp »

I did it a couple of years back - slow and steady with a mate and so at event and not race pace. If I'd had to push harder it would have meant a blow up late afternoon (or earlier). Same advice as John ^ about having a chat - there were three of us and we agreed beforehand - one was off like a scalded cat on the first climb and the two of us stayed together all day at a sustainable, gentleman's pace.

I made sure I paced myself all day and didn't go into the red on any climbs with no stopping, kept drinking/eating all day from the first hour and made sure I had no mechanicals (prep and 2.1 inch snake skin protection MTB tires).

Hope that helps
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Re: Dirty Reiver advice

Post by Mbnut »

Thanks all.... sounds pretty much what I was expecting.

The thinning process at the start should be helpful for not going off too fast.

Good point about the feed station, I'll have a stem cell full of my special trail mix that can normally see me through about 60 miles or so.

My mate is a sensible guy... there'll be no falling out. Our friendship was forged at a very tough event.

Thanks Andy... I appreciate your faith in me :-D
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Re: Dirty Reiver advice

Post by Justchris »

I'm doing it with the intention of noodling my way round, with minimal time at the service points. I will be taking it relatively easy as I have something else a few days after. Drafting is allowed and I will take full advantage of it.

Might see you there.

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