Bike Art

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Bike Art

Post by redefined_cycles »

Other day, due to time commitments and other 'home work' I had to really shove myself out the door for some training. But instead of seeing it as a training ride I decided that if I did fall off the bike, I'd use it as a photoshoot opportunity.

Probabaly not safe to try it on the DH as a pic after an Endover wouldn't be nice. Especially trying to recreate where you fell off after being ejected down the trail. So, if you have a nice off road climb that you always struggle up every time. Why not take it as a photo shoot instead.

Whereever you fall off/slip out (whatever), just stop dead still. Keeping the bike in the same position and try and get it upright (I used some rocks and the third was the hardest to keep it up). Then snap a pic and share. Simples...

I had three 'offs' but took a couple of pics after all that effort. The climb was a local one of 0.5 miles and 285ft of up.

First 'off' just trying to get over what I've named, The North Face. It's the section seen on the right - to my left when climbing - and I just couldn't hold the momentum.

Next came the section just before The Death Zone. By now you're panting like a dog without water on a hot summers day. Think I just didn't manage to find the right line and then getting the bike to stay up took some doing. Rock under the back tyre and one under the pedals. Face on view below.

Then this final 'moment' where the correct line is to the right. But you've already gone past the Death Zone and the terrain is a bit easier. Good grip to yhw right and the rocks, but steeper. Poor grip to the left, but slightly flatter. I failed the line and was off...


Took ages getting it to stay upright though as the distance to the floor from pedal was just too great. But I couldn't afford to put down the bike to find a bigger rock as I'd lose my natural marker!

Worthy of bike art... I think so :smile:
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