YAL 200km South Wales route, April 2015

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YAL 200km South Wales route, April 2015

Post by trickyname »

You're Afan a Laugh 200km
I'm a long time lurker of this fine forum, and have decided to say hello and see if anyone is interested in a bikepacking ride around the Afan, Neath, Rhonnda and Llynfi valleys.
I havent taken part in any of the organised rides through the forum, so noone on here knows me from Adam, but I would like to indulge your guys, and girls, need for bike packing routes.
I am planning to take part in the Paris Brest Paris Audax this summer, and I have decided to see if I can do most of the training for it off road.

The route I have in mind will hopefully be 95% off road, and 95% rideable. There are approx 300 km of forest roads in the local area, and there is also a load of bridleways, and mx ruts to ride. The idea started from me adding together all my fav bits of riding round my local patch, and I thought why not share it?

I will aim to start the ride from a 'safe' place to park and within easy access of the m4 and Port Talbot train station.
It will be the most basic of starts and finishes, ie noone waiting with tea and cake at the end, but there is a cafe, and accommodation there also, camping, eco huts, and a lodge. (Although this needs to be finalised with the owners)

I believe this route could easily be done in under 24 hours, but then you dont get to spend a night out under the stars, or rain as the case may be. I could extend it to 300km if theres more takers.
Start date has yet to be decided on, but I am aiming for just after the clocks have turned. Probably in the first 2 weeks of April.

I will be riding it anyway, but I am more than happy to pass round the gpx track once its finished, and you can decide for yourselves.

Please leave a reply if you're interested, and I will post more information in the next month or so.

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Re: YAL 200km South Wales route, April 2015

Post by slarge »

Yes, could be interested, but am off to Italy to see eldest son in early April.
2 stipulations: must include a timed climb up Fan Fraith, and if you choose the Roman road across the ridge down to Neath, it must be nearish the start and not the end. That bit is burnt in my memory of pointless never again rides.

Also, if you use lots of forest tracks that are not rights of way, be aware that the Forestry Commission might want money (unless you ask for forgiveness rather than permission)

Thanks for publicising this though!
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Re: YAL 200km South Wales route, April 2015

Post by trickyname »

Thanks for the interest.
Haha, the Sarn Helen Descent down to Neath.... I wouldnt want to impose that on anyone that wasnt riding a full suspension bike, and certainly not loaded up! . Its pretty trashed from 4x4's and mx bikes. As for Fan Fraith, it's an amazing forest road, but it goes a bit out the way for the route I'm planning. And a certain Mr Barrington has the KOM for that one!

When you say ask for forgiveness from the FC, is that the way to go about these things?
I know that the forest roads are just permissive, rather than rights of way, but I figure that no one will notice as it'll be a weekend. NRW as they're known now don't have a budget to employ people on the weekend... But I'm not sure of the laws regarding this type of thing. Obviously it's not a race, but as Stuart eluded to the fact that the authorities are taking an interest in this type of thing, with the bb200, I don't want to stand on a load of toes, as it were. Or indeed get into trouble for this, and mess up other peoples routes in the future.

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: YAL 200km South Wales route, April 2015

Post by Ian »

And a certain Mr Barrington has the KOM for that one!
'tis true

If you're thinking of Easter weekend, I'll be away doing something else.
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Re: YAL 200km South Wales route, April 2015

Post by Ian »

trickyname wrote:When you say ask for forgiveness from the FC, is that the way to go about these things?
I know that the forest roads are just permissive, rather than rights of way, but I figure that no one will notice as it'll be a weekend. NRW as they're known now don't have a budget to employ people on the weekend... But I'm not sure of the laws regarding this type of thing. Obviously it's not a race, but as Stuart eluded to the fact that the authorities are taking an interest in this type of thing, with the bb200, I don't want to stand on a load of toes, as it were. Or indeed get into trouble for this, and mess up other peoples routes in the future.

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Seeing as it's not a formal event, and you're not timing it in any way whatsoever, and there won't be any published results and you're not assuming responsibility for anyone, I can't see what the problem is. Some ground-truthing to determine where harvesting operations are, and any restrictions that might arise from that, should be all that is required. In practice, I head out into Mid-Wales most weekend and ride forest tracks wherever, and just use common sense if I encounter harvesting operations where there isn't a diversion in effect.
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Re: YAL 200km South Wales route, April 2015

Post by trickyname »

Thats what I was thinking about the route and timing ect. It's just a ride with some people taking part.
I ride forest roads all the time, and apart from the harvesting, I never have any problems.
I'll aim to ride most of the route a week or 2 before to check its all open.
I'm not sure of the date yet, but will post here fairly soon.
I did try for that kom the other day, but fair play, couldnt get close!
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Re: YAL 200km South Wales route, April 2015

Post by RayKickButts »

Depending when in April i'm interested i only live 20 minutes from afan and know the trails well up and over to sarn helen way was planning a bivi up there for the bivi a month challenge

16th -20th April would be out for me as its my clubs annual Bike trip (piss up) to north wales
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