Recommend an exercise bike

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Recommend an exercise bike

Post by Rapideye »


I've been lightly encouraging my Wife to do some exercise. To be fair, she has a demanding job with special needs kids, so spends quite a bit of time running around after them and, in turn, brings home a lot of stress with it. She isn't the natural exerciser but, I think she really could get into it once she gets started.

She's mentioned getting an exercise bike to be able to just jump on it for a bit in between kid's duties. She has got a bike but has ridden that less than 3 miles and it's sat in the garage for a few years now. So, anything to encourage her to get started.

I'm after a reasonable secondhand bike. I've got a very vague idea of the type but pretty much clueless otherwise. It needs to be comfortable and decent enough to encourage her to get started and continue adding time and miles on it. I'm thinking of spending £200. Not bothered about linking it to a computer, it just needs to be good enough for her to keep wanting to get on it.

Any help on the type to go for...brands, expected prices etc appreciated.
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Re: Recommend an exercise bike

Post by voodoo_simon »

If she’s got a bike already, how about a turbo trainer instead? Plenty about on the second hand market too, so wouldn’t cost £££ Would probably just need to change the rear tyre and then you’re good to go
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Re: Recommend an exercise bike

Post by Lazarus »

I have a turbo trainer tacx Flow * ( powered but not smart) yku ca have with a free tyre and front whell lifter and all the gubbins to.attach the wheel. Might even have a spare wheel

Posting would be expensive as its bloody heavy. Me based just north of manchester

* had it a decade not done 100miles on it
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Re: Recommend an exercise bike

Post by PaulB2 »

My missus was in a similar boat and we ended up getting one of these (though second hand for 50 quid on FB Marketplace): ... =plp:12:34

I can't really give you a review since I only ever used it the once when we got it for 10 minutes (though I should have used it over the winter) and the missus has sat on it once and that's about it. My youngest uses it the most because he can't sit still at the best of times so he'll jump on it for 5 minutes at a time while watching the telly.
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Re: Recommend an exercise bike

Post by Leerowe76 »

Before I ventured into the world of Zwift, I did a little research and ended up getting myself a spin bike rather than an exercise bike and swapped the pedals out for SPD's which I'm guessing the misses wouldn't be needing then I sold it on FB which isnt a bad place to grab a bargain now and again, the only thing I would say is if you do go for a spin bike the seats can be rather uncomfy, but you can also swap these out too & theres more adjustment on the spin bikes compared to exercise bikes. I covered according to Strava 3800 mile on it so it worked well for me after a few minor changes and the addition of a speed sensor to track the miles. :-bd
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