Bivvy a month 2023.

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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Stinginglip »

I parked near a telephone exchange building opposite a church on Shawpark Rd..its just down from the police station & free,also can pick the route up really easily. I recommend a Selkirk start as personally I think from there to Glentress is the hardest section on route. Take your hike a bike legs and a sense of humour..just the usual I suppose for these things! It's a great route,especially for a BB tester. Try and get a recent route as I was messing about in Edinburgh when my loaded route was taking me through a huge ongoing new housing estate that was all fenced off.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Lazarus »

parked near a telephone exchange building
Ta and yes selkirk start ( nearest part to me anyway) so good to get the hard bit ober witj first. I have ridden glentress, dont think a loaded rigid 3 " tyred bike is the ideal option.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Stinginglip »

Agreed on the glentress section fully loaded, can skip no probs..I would again anyway. Was talking with a peebles local after I'd finished, and he couldn't understand the addition of those trails when he said there's better bikepacking friendly options. Also, there were some locked gates & fences I had to lift the tank over..its the down part of the lift that is tricky solo..wasn't amusing..just like those locked gates on the BB200 last year,coming down through the wind farm.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by fatbikephil »

Stinginglip wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 6:15 pm Agreed on the glentress section fully loaded, can skip no probs..I would again anyway. Was talking with a peebles local after I'd finished, and he couldn't understand the addition of those trails when he said there's better bikepacking friendly options. Also, there were some locked gates & fences I had to lift the tank over..its the down part of the lift that is tricky solo..wasn't amusing..just like those locked gates on the BB200 last year,coming down through the wind farm.
I adopted a full on sack of spuds pose through Glentress on the 2015 group start. I'd miss it out as it would make the route nearer a 200 and adds little in the way of good riding. Heading through Embra I'd just follow NCN 1 - it misses out Portobello (although you can include this if you want an ice cream by the sea, by using NCN76 for a bit) but saves all the fiddling getting onto the Royal mile and round Arthurs seat. It picks up the route coming out of Mussleburgh.

As Markus Stitz isn't really maintaining the route or completion list there is no compulsion to stick exactly to the line
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Rapideye »

Finally managed to get my arse into gear and get out. I read Rockbus's post about faffing about and understood completely. I mean, sometimes, there are genuine reasons and this year, much like last year, there have been genuine reasons. All the same, though, I need to put in a bit of effort to get something back from it. Better that than the feeling of letting myself down.

So, with that in mind, I planned a trip out to the Broads approx 10-15 miles away. I'd looked at this area quite a few times but didn't know of any specific spots to aim for. While out on a day trip with the kids, it started bucketing down…like really peeing it down! I drove home thinking that I wasn't going out in that! But, two miles from home, it all cleared up. The outlook was much brighter in the direction I was heading too. I still had to sort out chores and ended up leaving about an hour later than I wanted. Typical.

I picked up a bike trail for six miles until I hit the town at the end, where I then took a few back roads to the area I was headed for. Took about an hour all in. The entry into the Broads area did say that it was a footpath only and bikes were not permitted.I thought the trail I started on was bike friendly all the way, continuing all the way to Great Yarmouth, 15 miles or so away. Hmmm…more on that later.

It was getting dark when I arrived at the Broads and I didn't really know where I was heading. I wanted a waterside edge camp with nice views over the water. I passed an entry to a wood I'd thought of when planning but kept going, lured into the perfect pitch just around the corner. I passed a bird hide and thought of you Guys. I would come back if I couldn't see anything else. In the end I couldn't find anything and headed back to the hide.


This area is really popular with walkers and bird-watchers and I did expect to be disturbed at some point. I had something to eat and a beer and let it get dark before pulling out my sleep kit. I didn't think anyone would come in so late. I set alarm for 6am, hoping that would get me up and packed before any early risers appeared. The night's sleep wasn't great. The birds on the Broads were noisy. Really noisy. They would quieten down for a little then all at once they'd start up again. I did sleep though, maybe only a few hours though. There was a bump underneath the hide at some point which I think was a deer coming in to sleep. This was probably its usual spot. I probably scared it off by snoring!

I woke just before 6am and packed up and made a coffee. 20 mins later the first dog walker appeared. Her dog took an interest first then she also came to look. She was fine but it was slightly awkward getting busted. We chatted for a minute about sailing. She left but popped her head back around to ask if I knew that bikes were not allowed on the footpaths. I just made an excuse. Another 20 mins late a couple walking passed. The Guy stood chatting but his wife (I presume) stood with a 'WTF' look on her face. I mean it was pretty clear I'd slept the night there and she didn't look as if she comprehended that at all. Off they went.


I finished up packing up and rode home. I was glad I went out. Not quite sure about using the hide again as I think a lot of people will walk past it. Maybe in winter less people will appear. Hopefully, by then I'll find better spots to go to. Decided to post this in BAM thread as I've got a trip planned in Scotland towards the end of Sept and, optimistically, this could be the start of a year if BAMs next year. No promises.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Lazarus »

I'd miss it out as it would make the route nearer a 200
Cheers and this is now the plan and hopefully in a oner
I'd just follow NCN 1
Cheers not that interested in the town( poss re supply aside) as i am not sightseeing
Take your hike a bike legs and a sense of humour..
.and navigstion skills :wink: .good to bunp into you sorry i was so time pressed ( i had to get to 2 lads)

Cheers both for the help / advice
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Raggedstone »

A couple of weeks ago I had a gap between jobs that coincided with a couple of nice days weather wise and having a few cycling events coming up I thought I better get a few miles into the legs . I have been wanting to ride to and spend the night in the Mortimer forest for a while so this was a good time to go , having heard about the cycle travel site on here I thought I would give it a go and chose the gravel option it gave me an excellent route which followed a reasonable amount of the National Byway .
It was a hot afternoon and the community shop in Bishops Frome provided a welcome amount of cold things to eat and drink refreshed i continued on my way on some more nice lanes until i reached the A49 i managed to miss the bridleway around the back of Berrington Hall what followed was the most terrifying few minutes i have spent on a bike, after some hard riding peace was restored on another quiet lane one nice bridleway later and i was at Orleton where i thought i would stop for a cold one a quick ride around the pub car park convinced me that this wasnt the sort of pub where a bit of banter with the locals was a thing a bit posh so onwards and upwards i got a nice view all the way back to the Malverns where i set out from just before entering the woods .
ImagePXL_20230809_190730562 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
After a couple of more miles of pleasant tracks i got to the spot i hoped would be suitable for the night amazing views and a bench perfect
ImagePXL_20230809_193341565 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
I settled down for the night after some food and a lukewarm one just as it was getting dark to the now familiar sound of noisy deer, as the sky darkened the stars started to appear it was magical also got to see a lot of shooting stars it was a few days before the meteor shower . The morning was quite a transformation thick fog/cloud the bivvy bag was soaking the sun did pop out for a look but didnt hang around .
ImagePXL_20230810_044650147 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
ImagePXL_20230810_045340603 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
I had breakfast packed up and as i left met the first dog walker of the day . I enloyed a good explore of the woods and saw loads of tracks heading off in all directions must go back with a more suitable bike. I know there is a viewpoint over Ludlow with a good view of the town and castle not today i could barely see the bench 30 feet away so carried on through town and along the river to pick up lanes that would take me to Bromyard for a snack.
ImagePXL_20230810_104016733 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
It was getting hot by now so more gentle riding along lanes to the big climb back over the hills to home and lots of tea . A very enjoyable couple of days .
8/12 for this year
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by RIP »

Captain's Log, Stardate 45.12.87/2a, additional. Cool, damp, drizzly wood in Wales. Luckily picked up some essential supplies in Chepstow Lidl. Good thing about Lidl is they don't give a monkeys about people wheeling bikes and gear round the aisles!


First option, usual graveyard....

But how could we possibly pass this up :grin:


Very soggy, drizzly, mossy Welsh wood. Great to be back under the big tarp. They really are palatial these 8x10s, airy, stacks of room to move around, and nice view in flying diamond setup. Quick too: tree, line, 3 pegs, done. Pole jammed inside for bit of extra headroom.



Don't mention the owls.

Last edited by RIP on Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by frogatthefarriers »

August BaM - Done!

A two nighter from Blaenau Ffestiniog to Machynlleth.

So 12:09 train from Wrexham to Blaenau then pedal south as far as comfortable, bivvy, pedal more, bivvy then finish at Mach to catch a train home. That was the plan, but the train was cancelled.Options were to get the next train at 13:00-ish to get to Blaenau at 17:35 or catch a two-hours-later train to get there at the same time. So on getting to Blaenau at tea-time, a very nice fish 'n' chips was had and I rode off into the sunset for bivvy one. I'd intended to get as far as CyB but when this prime spot presented itself...

Image was too good to pass by.
Onward, then. This made me smile..
..."Just think son, one day all this will be yours..."

I only had breakfast bars to start the day and it took me 'til 12 o'clock to reach Dolgellau.

"I'm sorry", said the girl behind the counter, "We've finished serving breakfasts. You could have an all-day breakfast with chips". :roll:

I guess they'd had some leftover bacon because when my meal arrived...

... there were 2 eggs, 2 sausages and 4 large thick rashers of bacon hiding inder the eggs. Beans too, and chips obviously. I was stuffed, and then I made a big mistake and ordered a slice of Bara Brith to finish off with. It did finish me off. I'd intended to climb up to Cregennan lakes but the thought of that hill on my drum-tight belly was too much and I opted to let lunch go down while riding the (nice, flat) Mawddach trail before climbing. When I stopped for a few minutes on a picnic bench, this little feller came cadging for crumbs..


Unluckily for him all I had to share were a few pieces of Soreen, which he didn't seem to like very much.

So to bivvy two. I carried on over the top and down to Bryn Crug and headed on up to Nant Braich-y-rhyw but before the end of the tarmac I'd run out of steam and started to look for a spot to lay my weary head. Found one! Through a gateway off the lane and in a bed of nettles. There was a sort of clearing but I had to smash a few with a stick to make enough space for my bed. Got a lot of stings on my legs in the process - such that I had trouble dropping off to sleep.


There must have been a homestead there at some point because there were a couple of plum trees. With fruit...

The next morning, I was still full from yesterdays' lunch, so packed up and thought to reach Mach early. It was only about 12 miles, how hard could it be? Answer, Very very hard. 3 miles of relentless steep hill with large rocks to make it even harder. No chance of riding. Once at the top I'd thought it would be easier - downhill, after all - but no, I ended up pushing down a lot of the rock outcrops as well. Was I relieved to see some tarmac after that lot.

The end is nigh..

I got to Mach at about 11:15 and I could have caught the 12:06 train, but I was starving (only a handful of plums for breakfast, remember?) so waited another hour, to have Breakfast, normal sized, in a caff and a pint of soda and lime in the White Lion.

Got home at five o'clock to the news that our old farmyard cat was really ill, so had to take her to the vets to be euthanised, poor thing. Poor me, too. It cost over £200 and sort of put a damper on the homecoming.

But anyway, That's 8/8 for 2023.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by RIP »

frogatthefarriers wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:54 pm
"I'm sorry", said the girl behind the counter, "We've finished serving breakfasts. You could have an all-day breakfast with chips". :roll:

Top work that man.

Did you carry the traffic cone all the way on the train?
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by fatbikephil »

This is all top stuff folks, defo been a good month August!
Rapideye - nice to see you joining the criminals! I think next time I get moaned at for cycling on something I shouldn't I'm going with the 'Pardon me sir, I'm on a bivvy' which should confuse them...

PS - Reg in normal bivvy shocker!
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by frogatthefarriers »

RIP wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:02 pm
Did you carry the traffic cone all the way on the train?
Nah! I was surprised to find how heavy they are though. Heavy enough to hold the side out without falling over. Respect to the road guys who seem to be able to throw them around like matchsticks.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by RIP »

fatbikephil wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:33 pm PS - Reg in normal bivvy shocker!
Aye well I like to keep you guessing!

And Cockshoot Wood indeed...I really don't know what's, er, come over me... Erm.
Last edited by RIP on Tue Sep 05, 2023 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by RIP »

So survived that one, although seemed like half the stolen cars in Gwent turned up at midnight in the car park what with all the screeching and yelling. Either that or there was a particularly specialist type of canine pursuits taking place down there. All to be expected in Cockshoot Wood I suppose (alright alright Reg, we get it, no need to trowel it on!).

Back to town to choose the most interesting independent caff. There's folks in C*sta already, why DO they do it, such a lack of imagination. Anyroad, station cafe it is. Wonder if she's twigged there's no trains today! Thank goodness she's open anyway...

Plainly these JW's haven't twigged there's no trains.. reckon they'll have a fruitless day waiting for a convert!

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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by RIP »

Well I'd recommend that. No frills brekkie, get what you see, lots of banter with the owner ladies. Sat outside and watched the world, well Chepstow, go by.

Even got offered drink of water for the pandas...


Young lady in the pub last night wanted to take one home with her. Sadly she seemed less enamoured with taking home what panda was attached to, ie. Reg. Well either we both come, or neither. Ah, ok, woods it is then.

Right, a shiny new day beckons... who knows what mayhap... exciting... what a big kid eh!
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Leerowe76 »

August BAM Report
So guess what, got it done with 59 minutes to spare. Not much to report to be honest, rode for 2.2 mile with a massive 157ft of climbing at 23:01hrs and leaving for home at 04:32 for another equally demanding ride of 2.1 mile and 49ft of climbing with a partially loaded bike carrying only tent, kip bag, down jacket and a tin of mackerel. Happy to get this one done as I actually thought my run was at an end. :-bd

Image1000030159-01 by Lee Rowe, on Flickr
Tunnel of trees
Image1000030160-01 by Lee Rowe, on Flickr
Flat spot for camp for a change
Image20230901_043134 by Lee Rowe, on Flickr
A Snail
Image1000030183-01 by Lee Rowe, on Flickr
Lovely out
Image1000030184-01 by Lee Rowe, on Flickr
Some of Flintshire's finest tarmac

August The Late Late Show Edition BAM Complete 8/12 :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Wotsits »


Quick smash & grab local one at the death for me last night..

Septs edition should be a bit more of an adventure..
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by RIP »

Some excellent last- minute cliffhangers here, people :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by NeilA »

BAM Aug 31
8 of 8, 20 of 20

Its all getting too predictable now. The same old story...last day of month...raining all day...moon in a similar phase of its cycle...leave home late...short cycle ride...tiptoeing through the park trying not to alert nearby residents while holding still my rear wheel with a notoriously noisy Hope Hub...flat pitch with cut usual spot!...quick set up...nestled in abject luxury taking in the oh so quiet panorama...glugs of whisky...falling in love with the Squall...slept well...up early to ready for a few essential tasks at work.

And no procrastination either. My steely 'come what may attitude' got me there.

But I feel somewhat guilty, even ashamed. Is this bikepacking? Have I ripped the very soul from this noble and wondrous art.

Turning things round with a more positive bent, at least I fitted a military bag up front, used a waist bag and packed a sit mat.
My trip has conjured some learning points. I love the military bag. Robust and with a zip. Plenty of scope. Might even break my love for Alpkit. The waist bag sits nicely inside the tent keeping valuables and essential kit safe. Sit mat, endless possibilities! A new equation...kit I usually lug along minus kit carried this time + a few necessary items = massive load and weight saving. Been looking for this secret for many years now!.

Even more so I do recognise the many flaws of leaving everything so late. Mastered it, made it my own and exercised its logic :-H

I have four months left to get some fire in the belly and a few darned good trips organised o:-)

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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by sean_iow »

NeilA wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:49 pm But I feel somewhat guilty, even ashamed. Is this bikepacking? Have I ripped the very soul from this noble and wondrous art.
I often feel the same, mine are also often predicable. But it's BIVI a month and that's the important bit. There are over 2000 members here but only a handful committed to this lunacy. It's the sleeping outside which makes it worthwhile, no matter how near to home.

Not all of us can spare the time (or money) for 12 big adventurous trips a year. I aim to get away at least twice a year but that does also mean 10 bivis in the local woods.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by fatbikephil »

Some of the 'local' bivvies are the best (well from a participant point of view, not necessarily form a readers perspective, not including above last minute equalisers!) Nipping out to your local woods to sleep out just for the sake of it seems preposterous compared to going on some epic expedition and pegging your tarp to the side of a rock face but that's what makes it a laugh! (especially when Reg is involved)

Anyway, On Sunday I'm off for an epic trip and may well pitch my tarp halfway up a rockface :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by NeilA »

sean_iow wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:52 pm
NeilA wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:49 pm But I feel somewhat guilty, even ashamed. Is this bikepacking? Have I ripped the very soul from this noble and wondrous art.
I often feel the same, mine are also often predicable. But it's BIVI a month and that's the important bit. There are over 2000 members here but only a handful committed to this lunacy. It's the sleeping outside which makes it worthwhile, no matter how near to home.
Not all of us can spare the time (or money) for 12 big adventurous trips a year. I aim to get away at least twice a year but that does also mean 10 bivis in the local woods.
Well put Sean :YMAPPLAUSE: b-) :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by Tractionman »

I love this part of the forum, it matters not whether it's a local bivvy or a major trek, it cheers me up reading everyone's antics, long may they continue :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by NeilA »

fatbikephil wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:43 pm
Some of the 'local' bivvies are the best....
You are so right, reminds me of a few gooduns from the past (Bridge Inn debacle!) /:)

Nipping out to your local woods to sleep out just for the sake of it seems preposterous compared to going on some epic expedition and pegging your tarp to the side of a rock face but that's what makes it a laugh!
Beautifully put Phil :YMAPPLAUSE: b-) :-bd

(especially when Reg is involved)
A perfect llustration. Reg wrote this in reply to my July post:
RIP wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:34 am
NeilA wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2023 11:23 pm there's no procrastination options in my plan.... not helped by buckets of rain... demons dealt with... wasn't my first choice but decided while cycling to go for it...
Good work Neil, one compliments your fortitude :smile: . Playgrounds are always a good bet, usually flat and grassy, with the bonus of having a go on the slide in the morning!
Lol i can read that time and time again, so facking funny Reg :lol: =)) I really should've replied to your post quote

Anyway, On Sunday I'm off for an epic trip and may well pitch my tarp halfway up a rockface :-bd
Looking forward to your tales of derring-do :grin:
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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Post by gecko76 »

Nipping out to your local woods to sleep out just for the sake of it seems preposterous... anyone who would never dream of doing such a thing. Took advantage of a promised dry night to do just that, with minion in tow.
She makes a good flask of hot chocolate. Anyway she's up for going further next time, and we might get her sister out too (though that means three sleeping bags etc. We'll see).

So that's September ticked off early, and 2/3 becomes 3/4 just like that. Even though last night wasn't far from home it was still a spot that was new to me and pleasing for that fact. Didn't sleep much because I kept thinking the wind in the trees might be rain, but it stayed dry. We saw two deer this morning and after a blueberry muffin each headed back for a proper breakfast.

Personal challenge is to make each bivi unique this year. Next year can be a bit more relaxed perhaps.
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