The Alternative Winter Event...

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The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by fatbikephil »

So as you may be aware, Shaff aka Redefined Cycles organised an alternative Winter Event for those who couldn't be bothered trailing down to Wales for the real one. The format was as per the 2021 Covid edition - some random stranger gives you six grid references and you have to ride round them all. 'Twas a fairly select bunch so I ended up giving Shaff his GR's and Jon AKA Lazarus gave me mine. He graciously asked me for some hints to avoid send me on some horrible death march so I provided a few pointers. No such compromise to Shaff though - I just picked 6 points on various Bridleways around Huddersfield which looked like they would make a notional circuit.... (sorry Shaff)

Anyway, mine duly arrived and thanks to a last minute day off work to cash in on a fab weather forecast I planned to get going Friday Lunchtime, bag as many as I could be bothered that afternoon, bivvy somewhere and do the rest the next day. Thanks to Lazarus's ace map appraisal, he picked out 7 spots (two were optional) that I knew well and in fact bar one had been to dozens of times. Ace, no route planning needed just head out and grab 'em all. Better yet they were all accessible either off road or on quiet back roads. :-bd

So off we go then - first stop Culross (pronounced cooross) on the Forth estuary coast. Rolling down the village main street I could see Ben Cleuch (my highest GR) bathed in Sunshine. Of course a sprinkle of rain came in soon after... But this didn't sour the easy run downhill via various back roads, a bit of the west Fife cycleway and the odd trail to my first GR.


A very nice place although the irony that the best view is enjoyed by the Council house tenants rather than the posh old house residents does amuse me. Many of the old houses have pan tile roofs. The pan tiles came over from Holland and were used as ballast in the ships that would return full of coal from Lord Elgin's various mines that were dotted around the area. He (and his descendent) was a model Scottish large landowner - hidden away in a big posh castle that no-one could get near, horribly exploited the locals to extract his coal for maximum moola for him and minimum moola (and terrible working conditions) for them. He also tried to block access rights from applying to any of his property....

So from sea level I was off to 725m! Lazarus had given me an option of a GR on the West Fife way if I didn't want to go to Culross but I bagged this anyway as it's on-route to Tillicoutry and the long old climb up into the hills. After a steep pull out of Culross I followed various trails, Devilla forest, cycleway then more nice trails pretty much to the start of the climb.


GR2 (more or less)

In the spirit of the undertaking I went for the direct route up the hill which on any bike is a solid push. In theory this is the best way to tackle a big climb on singlespeed as you'd be pushing anyway so best go via the shortest route. Or something.


Heave ho - this goes on for some considerable length of time. A brief pedal on a nice bit of singletrack before a final heave to the top.


Summit of Ben Cleuch with the West Highlands laid out in the background. In theory you can spot some of the bigger peaks of the Cairngorms from up here (I have) however today they were shrouded in cloud - hopefully dumping snow on them!

I followed an oft used route along the ridge via hills, Andrew Gannel, Skythorn, Tarmangie and Innerdounie before a lengthy descent, more climbing then a final plummet to Muckhart


Looking back along the ridge


Near the bottom - the rounded lump on the right of the picture is my final GR.


The Inn at Muckhart, in Pool of Muckhart (just down the road from Yetts o' Muckhart) my next GR. I suppose I could have had a pint here as it's a good boozer that I've not been to for years but it looked quite busy so onward I went, dusk approaching. The next GR was at Milnathort. I could have climbed back into the hills to get there but I couldn't be arsed. Instead my route took me via more backroads and a bit of cycleway. Crook of Devon proved a small shop but it didn't have much so I grabbed a cheap coffee to wash down a ham roll and crisps. Milnathort provided a far better offering - a Nisa which had a Stuarts bakery counter (there appears to be a bakery war going on in Kinross-shire and West Fife - this used to be the preserve of Stevens or Baynes!) Anyway more pies were purchased and a couple of beers for the evening. But next up was the next GR!


GR5 - Burleigh Castle which I've been past a few time but not stopped - basically a fortified manor house dating back to the 1400's. Then my ever reliable nose got me onto a trail which took me down to Loch Leven and the trail around it. I was now 7.30 and I was considering my options. Round the loch was another sizeable climb over to GR6 / castle number 2 at Lochore Meadows. After this was Blair Adam Forest which would provide plenty of bivvy spots. I'd only got my bivvy bag as shelter but despite much dryness I was thinking of a cop out. This took the form of one of the bird hides beside Loch Leven - in theory it's most remote so least likely to be used the next morning. I arrived just after 8 thanks to the ham roll taking its revenge on my digestive system and figured on eating more food and having a beer before rolling out the bag, just in case a late night dog walker turned up. They didn't and the temps were dropping so I did my bivvy standard of eat, drink beers (Stewarts Radical Road :-bd ) and read until nigh on 11 when I my eyelids started to droop.

Now all evening, I'd been aware of much honking, screeching, flapping and splashing from nearby. Peering out of the window revealed very little but I figured the geese / ducks / swans or whatever would knock it on the head later on. Except they didn't so my nights sleep was somewhat interrupted. Just after 7 I figured on making a move in case any early morning bird watchers turned up.


Quite salubrious really and made for a luxury bivvy.


So much for a flock - 4 swans (actually mum, dad and two kids) who promptly took off and flew away, finally leaving me in piece. Various other duck-esque birdies remained but these were quiet.


Must remember this for future bivvies.

Anyway, after using the well appointed loos at Vane Farm nature reserve (open 24 hours - I could have had a heated bivvy!) I stomped up the climb over Benarty hill and took an easy option for the descent. I passed the Lochore Meadows Conservation Volunteers (me and various other reprobates) extensive coppice areas and into the fine Oak woodland of Harran Hill. Somewhere on the fun descent I picked up a hole - I seem to be plagued with punctures at the mo. It sealed but on pedaling around the loch it kept letting go. At the castle (GR6) I set to with a plug but in my haste forgot to take a pic. It's just a lump of masonry so no loss! Then back round the other side of the loch and up again through Blair Adam then out onto the moor for the final heave up to Drum Glow, the final GR.


Soft focus unintentional - the camera must have fogged up... Anyway if it was clear you could see my hilly route of the previous day. Near home now so off down the precipitous descent (which I bottled as I could only get my seat down a couple of inches) plough through the woods, one final tussock fest and then the quiet road home.

Total distance about 120k in 10 and a half hours of riding with 2500m of climbing so a good ride by any measure. Whilst it didn't take me anywhere new I really enjoyed a different focus to one of my usual local rides so cheers Shaff for organising and cheer Lazarus for the GR's!
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by Lazarus »

he picked out 7 spots (two were optional)
I said they were ALL mandatory :wink:

Glad you enjoyed it and I have to do mine next week due to kids this weekend so will also post up - i went ambitious with my circle so likely to end up with a similar mileage and hopefully a better nights sleep
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by RIP »

Enjoyed that Phil, nice bird hide too.
"My God, Ponsonby, I'm two-thirds of the way to the grave and what have I done?" - RIP

The sign outside the asylum is the wrong way round.....

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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

Right then, I hadn't read Phils report as I didn't want it to make me feel like I need to be 'gung-ho' and 'well 'ard'. It worked but I've read Phils report now and what a lovely couple of days spent riding. History lessons much appreciated.

Firstly, about this here event in one paragraph. I suppose I don't really like travelling by car to go and ride the hills. Especially since I first got my bike to get to and from work and the folks wouldn't allow me a bike when younger. Also I'd always been a bit crap at geography and can't ever remember actually learning anything at school on the subject, despite having Mr Senior!!

An event with grid refs is the perfect way of learning a bit more about how to read them beautifully crafted OS maps. Thanks to Phil and Jon - I didn't want to get Jons grid references wrong and it was mission refining his area of play let me tell ya :lol: - I now know that you go across the corridor first and then climb the stairs. But, Phils references were alot more digits than what I sent Jon.

For Jons grid refs I used 3 digits for across the corridor (is that eastings or northings... who bloody cares!) and another 3 for up the stairs. I also found out, after some initial confusion, that each OS map has it's unique 2 letters. But then what if one doesn't have access to the paper maps and just using OS maps digitally (don't answer, it'll take me ages to get it) and I also learnt that the northings/eastings are written inside them beautiful maps. So I don't need a paper copy to look at the margins - who'd have thought.

Anyway, back to the topic of my entry of this local winter event thingie. Didn't need to travel 2 hours to Wales and also clarified where Lepton is in relation to Dewsbury and Hudds (where I was born and bred so) - another advantage of why I love riding as it helps me get my bearings of the lay of the land. Hopefully it'll get more peopls involved over the years as it's also a charity (optional) project for me. (Optional) entry fee being a tenner which you just put in you preferred human rights/most needy project. I sent mine to the Syria relief effort for the earthquake via One Nation.

Enough of that, now my ride!!
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

Phil kindly sent me a few grid references and I got to work along the corridors of OS maps and up the ladders. Most of the points having some bearing of where I've ridden over the years. The farthest being Jacobs Ladder and the closest being Little Lepton. Blackmoorfoot res being midway and the first reservoir we were introduced to back in junior school as it was just up the road - we used to walk/bus up Blackmoorfoot Rd to get to school.

Right, so, in pictures... I only got one of the grid points but it was a good ride all the same. I'm calling it Still Life.

Enroute back home and I was dreading this climb as Iveonly ever really ridden down it and then across this road. I now know what it's called.

The night was gorgeous Alhamdulillah.

The Durston tent was busy on bookpacking duties in the garden. So I took the bivy with a little loop on it. Thankfully I kipped in the perfect spot to help avoid suffocation.

The sleep was good. But only lasted about 2 hours. I'd brushed my teeth so I knew I was properly commited and I'd planned to wake and ho fetch the rest of the 5 grid points. Got the Little Lepton minutes before the bivy.

Doorway of Shotton Joinery. Perfect place to kip after a few hours of nice riding.

I always wonder whether I'll ever see the Northern Lights. Probably not, but who cares. This was good enough for me. Amazingly gorgeous and if I looked carefully it too was bouncing about :smile:

There'll be lots of these. But I couldna help it... Trees just look amazing at night!

Evidence of my one and only grid ref being accounted for. Little Lepton is round the corner from Lepton which I always thought was little anyhow. Maybe this should be called, Tiny Lepton!

Nowt special as you can see. Won't bore you with the photo of the opposite side of the road.

I'd banged my head through the cheeky footpath before I was spat out here. I did wonder if I went and bivvied in their gardens, would it be classed as luxurious too... or would I get chucked out. Didntbother finding out.

The branch with the singletrack (you know, cheecky ST) that almost gave me concussion! ThankGod that we wear helmets properly.

Not sure if anyone else can see what I could. Absolutely stunning!

Some more local skyline looking fantastical...

But before all that loveliness. After I'd departed. The (squeaky clean Smooved chain) was sounding a bit odd. Not quite like I'd wrong-threaded it. But a waxy sort of click that is usual when you first Smoove (hardcore wax) it. Gear changes were all spot on but the sound was a bit more than usual...

Couldn't get the chain link off to rethread it properly around the jockeys. This method obviously didn't work either and I still don't get why chain (quick) links need an extra tool these days to get em off. Wasn't the whole point to make it easier and the initial SRAM ones used to come off.

I was determined not to break the chain with my tool but didn't want to end my ride. Contemplated (I always think, 'what would Gian do') and All Praise God, it came to me. Removed the screw for the jockey wheel and manipulated the chain into the correct slots!! Bloomin idiot me (I even checked during installation that I'd not hit that tab).

There you have it...

1 grid point. 18 miles riding in about 5 hours :o. Teeth brushed. Coffee packed but no cooking done. Missed the heavy rain and slept in the joiners doorway... £21 raised (and counting :-bd ). Can't wait til next year and hopefully a few more people on baord to go explore their local but with points from a stranger (to that area).
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by ledburner »

Long Tongue Scrogg lane*.
It makes you wonder [edit]where name come from?

Well done. Only damage a shredded usb cable. Or were you picking up some other guts rubbish. [guys]
Shotton joinery at the bottomnof Fenay lane . :-bd
Funny my son said he saw a tramp Kiping the the other day, on his walk to work. :roll: :lol: No mention of a bike.

*I guess Long tongue (of land) of scrogg (stunted bushes/scrubby land) lane- along side/leading to, etc .
[Middle English skrogge, scroge]
Last edited by ledburner on Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

No Dan. It was my back up USB cable and I thought it might just help snap the quick links open. Muddy and leafy underfoot so I had to be super careful of losing anything...

Yes, at about 1205 there was someone in an expesnive people carrier that drove past and slowed down to stare at me. They must be a good joinery as allthe doors and gates looked precision built :lol:
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by Lazarus »

I have my grids ...knew only one and a mere 23 miles from mine as the crow flies.
Looks like a 85miles + to bag them all this weekend
Get to use part of MTL ( Mary Townley loop ) which I have done once ...sadly it's the gatey section.
Doing it sat /Sunday with a bivvy spot where ever I stop. Almost certainly carrying all my food as few stops and at the wrong time ....might get a warm late tea depending on my legs.
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by fatbikephil »

Good one Shaff and I'm pleased my grid ref lead you to Long Tongue and Scrogg Lane - makes it all worthwhile :-bd
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

Good one Shaff and I'm pleased my grid ref lead you to Long Tongue and Scrogg Lane - makes it all worthwhile :-bd
Not only that, but you've opened my eyes up to how close Jacobs Ladder actually is to me. 58 mile round trip it was (meant to be) so I'm putting that on the cards for a BAM mission. Hoping I can get it to 40 miles there n back! Thanks again Phil/Jon/Ton/V...
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by ledburner »

fatbikephil wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:51 pm Good one Shaff and I'm pleased my grid ref lead you to Long Tongue and Scrogg Lane - makes it all worthwhile :-bd
It one long name 'Long Tongue Scrogg Lane'! Which roughly translates as a substandard long piece of farm land. Goats recommended,

see my post above. :grin:
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by fatbikephil »

oops missed that, even better!
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

Well... As it so happens, I had every intention to educate you all about Bill Horsefall Street. At juniors (1 street away) we were taught how Mr Horsefall, who's real name must've been Bill, fell off his horse and died on that very patch of land. Never quite corroborated that story and unsure if it was just a playground topic. But looking at it now, it makes sense - if you look carefully it's not Horsefall Street for long and the last part become Delamere...

Interesting stuff, on the way to Blackmoorfoot res. Which in them days was the source of our Huddersfields water apparently and the first ever res we ever visited. Massive it used to look too.
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by ledburner »

fatbikephil wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:14 pm oops missed that, even better!
No worries.... Now go find an unusual local name & report back! :-bd :-bd
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

Right then, so, aftwr managing my fiest ride the other day without thw scistica flaring up. I thought it's high time to start this little project of mine, similar to Karls 'Thursday Night Rides', only these aren't in/from Chapel en le Frith and they're not on Thursdays. Named, the Friday Morning Rides from Dewsbury.

Hopefully Dan might join me some day and maybe others will too (boys/men only for religious/personal preferance - sorry to whoever might find that offensive). Anyway, I'd been waiting for this day for weeks/months so told the missus yesterday. Straight away I was commandeered about taking 'the' daughter to school and then I could go!

Woke up at early morn prayer time and got the OS map laid across the floor to see if I could make a decent loop with lots of bridletracks. Karls Thursday rides are famous cos they don't go to the same place twice of which I might struggle. Making it and I found Frank Lane, hence why it's being reported here. I'm still working on fetching a few more of them grid points and Frank Lane remains an interesting one as it's named in OS maps but pics of it online remain elusive.

Before departing I thought I'd make the cats new house/climber. The missus would at least be happy even if the cat wasn't. Planned to get back to catch one of the later Friday Prayers at a different local masjid. But 1300 came so quickly so I got the Friday Prayer (a significant one) done and I was off. "Don't forget to be back for the cats appointment at 1645", she commanded as I shot out the door... Best not overshoot then but surely 27 miles of uncharted terrain could be done in 3 hours...

So I decided with plan B, of aiming for Frank Lane (at the end of the loop which was lots of criss-crossing) but missing the extra trails and trying to ride as the crow flies. Kept checking the clock and turned back round when I thought its best to do so.

I obviously didn't get back for the appointment as I overshot and only realised the time enroute back, at 1643 :o

The ride was hardcore enough that I ate both the 60p Cliff Bar (out of date from GoOutdoors) and the Velobar (£2) which Imalways careful yo get my rides worth out of.

The fact that I've been falling asleep this eve, means it was indeed quality riding well spent (and eating the £2.60 of bars was worth the while :grin: ).

I wore a few layers, of which the winter hat, gloves and fleecy Sprotful jacket were stripped off early. Despite it being 7c and me usually feeling cold, I was unusually comfy. The cold showers maybe doing their trick and making me a bit better at managing the cold. The jacket is a Paramo (thanks Tim for the bargain) which I've always wanted one of but couldn't justify the costs. It's just as I thought, a perfectly worthy investment.

Even though it's high vis yellow, I still had to turn my day bright light on and fight off some stupid idiotic drivers!

This, and this probably bwingone of the highlights of the ride. I've never ridden it inreverse and uphill but I'm glad I did. I love a bit of techincal uphilling and maybe next time I'll manage to cler this little tight junction.

Came by twice, so thought it best to at least retry this final section before the road (and after that rock above). Thankfully (Alhamdulillah) I made it, but all the while being aware of the sciatica. Couldn't afford it flaring up again.



A good ride and on the way back, I thought to try this technical climb of about 0.4 miles. I managed to just about make it up by looking ahead and catching the right lines, with a little grunt here and there to just get a boost. Didn't fall into the stray barbed wire this time but at the top, my sciatica did give me a bit o gyp...

Lastly (but most importantly) i remembered to stretch pre and post ride. Summat I've not been doing for the past 12 years at least, so it's a habit that'll be hard to remember to break!!

Strava link here but I'm sure the full loop will be even more amazing.

Strava: :-bd
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by Lazarus »

Finished mine I wil lpost ip a proper update at some point Monday when I have the time

Glad i did it after record low rainfalls as it was spectacularly muddy in places- like lowest gear on the flat.

I got all 6 [ probably] i forgot top put POI on the Garmin so only new roughly where /what it was.

I will even explain why my bag is strapped up with a random find of farmers twine - GOD BLESS IT FOR BEING THERE - and the waking up in the snow [ ish but not sticking] after the shonkiest pitch ever [ stones dont make good pillows ], some building of character was had :cool:

Last edited by Lazarus on Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

I was thinking of you earlier and how you'd be getting along. Solid effort there Jon and lookig forward the writeup. You never know, V and Ton might even pull out their own versions in a week or few. I'm probably gonna give up on reaching the farthest points just now, but will try and take a peek at the closer references Phil sent me...

I'm still imagining Frank Lane to be a decent rocky path...
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by ton »

sorry about forgetting about this.
slipped my mind completely. have a terrible time with my memory of late. bit depressed with it.
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

ton wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:52 pm sorry about forgetting about this.
slipped my mind completely. have a terrible time with my memory of late. bit depressed with it.
No worries Ton. It's kinda on felxi time remember and it appears winter has been extended aswell... Besides, Reg said that one year he did his winter event in June or July..

Let us know if anything we can be of help with mate. If you want some grid refs then am sure one of us could also oblige with that :-bd
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by Verena »

ton wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:52 pm sorry about forgetting about this.
slipped my mind completely. have a terrible time with my memory of late. bit depressed with it.
No worries Ton. Did you get my message on here, asking about where you'd like me to send you to?
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by Lazarus »

Set off at just gone 8 am as was the plan and Shaf very kindly made the nearest one to my house [ and he has been so no excuses ] a mere 22 miles away. At least I knew the way and it was the only point I knew riding was fine, weather was cold but no wind and it was easy going. Thought about clearing the climb to peel tower but thought better of it with such a long day and walked the very steep bit. At the top they were doing a charity abseil down it but i did not hang around [ see what i did there] to watch
Followed the path to Edenfield and then made my way to the bottom of Gin croft lane [ 666 ft of climbing ahead] and stopped for a well earned chip barm [ roll for Phil] and then had another. This was when i realised i had forgotten my joystick but was not worried as still had my other wrong i was to not be concerned I knew this was largely going to be push as I had ridden once before but about 15 years ago. I am sure it can be cleaned but on a loaded bike not a chance for me anyway .
Topped out and then realised I had forgotten to note the exact points so few random pics- was it the lake? the quarry [ perhaps he wanted me to know where to bury a body should the need ever arise - nah it was probably the trig point- surrounded by bikers so no photo
Dropped down into Waterfoot and loaded up at the Co-op as I thought this would be my last and only food stop . Back on to the MTL [ Pennine Bridleway ] loop to Thieveley Pike . The route was badly muddy and horse trampled and it was proper poor going till I turned off the MTL to the very definition of "indistinct path" so just followed the GPX to the top

Then entered a very weird area where the residents had somehow managed to make the countryside look like a run down industrial wasteland . That said I saw no one so it was a whole lot of nothing [in a good solitude sort of way]
Eventually the mud ended and I was genuinely pleased to be riding a "road" made of bricks thrown on the path and then rolled over - I really had had enough of the mud by this point and it was getting near 6 ish so made it to the next high point and was considering putting my light on before the descent. It was that weird light that is dark enough you want a light but not dark enough it really makes much difference.
Down i went on the only proper descent of the trip when midway down disaster struck. Strap snapped bag fell , but worst of all the battery bank , powering the light went as well as it was attached to the strap . It was steep so i took a bit to stop and then realised what are the chances of me finding a jet black power bank in tusseted rocky mud- i did not even bother to look and had to deal with the immediate problem of strapping my bag up, still held on one side. The gods smiled on me and i got the farmer string[ literally net to me mile from anythingc and tied it up sharpish, I made it to the cobbled road/mud and realised that it was basically dark and I had to pitch now as i had no light, it was also 400 m and hilly so id di not fancy my chances , I spied a tiny space at the side of a broken down wall and realised i could just about pitch between the stones . Can I pitch my tent in the dark , why yes i can. Can I pitch my tent well in the dark amongst stones,hell no;still it stood up and i stayed warm and dry just squeezed it in there

Woke up 7 ish to what i thought was rain but it was hailstones and light snow. Time to get moving as i had a massive 250 ml of water left and needed water pretty urgently
started climbing and hurrah its yet more mud and indistinct paths- its really rare for me to ride anywhere without tyre tracks but i saw none for ages on this ride and again this morning.

Made it to another quarry and by heck this was crazy place of paths everywhere except for the BW i was meant to be on - would have failed an ITT and lost a good 30 mins trying to work out WTF was going on/where to go - the BW was crossing actual gravel roads not on the OS map and the BW was not ther eon the ground at all. Lucky I was not doing this on the dark or i would have been in trouble Somewhat prophetically this is called Hades and Hades Quarry - its lived up to the name
Descended down to MTL again and followed this to Rolly Moor road but turning left to get to Greenbank Ressi. Lovely views and went round it on the FP
Then began the only real bit of road with a long shallow climb up the A 680 a ruralish road just outside Rochdale to then turn past the ressie to the last grid point

Unexpectedly there was a tiny cafe and they actually did pasties I could eat so got a brew and pasties x 2 - so glad of that as I think I would have been struggling afterwards or have had to stop and cook what i had . Cycled on nice gravelish road to cob farm

and then dropped down to Burnley via Burrs park to catch the Kirkless[?] cycle path to Ramsbottom It was sunday it was busy it was the usual too many folk not responding to a bell whilst doing a shallow drag uphill to rammy.
Final BW climb up to the bottom of peel which i surprisingly cleaned but never overtook the walker who set off at the same time as me . It was weird to feel like i was home 3 hours from home and Peel tower is the furthest i ride locally and even then only a few times a year .Rest of ride home the wind picked up and gave me a strongish head in for 20 ish miles
All in I reckon less than 8 miles was on road., I saw every permutation of mud possible, East lancs is weird place, desolate and run down and very very quiet. Really enjoyed the ride and seeing what can be done from my own doorstep was good but next year I am 100% choosing somewhere different
Did get all 6 and Shaf has my full GPX
The ride is unlikely to be possible in winter so i did every lucky with weather as it was the driest feb on record. would have been horrible if there had been serious rainfall

Mandatory random mud pic - i have about 5 of these [random places] it was clearly getting on my nerves when it forced me to stop . Glad you came up ith the idea shaf and it was a good end to winter to get a good long bike ride in and the weather was as good as you are going to get in winter. Cold but almost no rain or wind, till the end.
BIKE- was faultless

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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by fatbikephil »

Reminds me, I've to get my GPX to you Jon. Will need some sanitising....
I was lucky, mud wise, a few wet tracks and one soggy moor but mostly it was remarkably dry.
Full on winter here for the next 2 weeks, maybe I'll do it all again :grin:
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

Nice one Jon. Really enjoyed that too and glad you both liked the idea/event. I'm hoping this will be a long term thing and many others will join in coming years. Who knows, we might yet make some money for the Spot Project/Gambia project (optional off course).

It's also opened my eyes to how much rudingis closeby and me and my little one are now going every other week to do a nice local mountain walk/climb...
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by Lazarus »

Do you want me to pay you and then you the charity or me to pay directly ?

Dont mind which way it gets done tbh
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Re: The Alternative Winter Event...

Post by redefined_cycles »

Lazarus wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:08 pm Do you want me to pay you and then you the charity or me to pay directly ?

Dont mind which way it gets done tbh
Totally optional so probably best you just log in and do it yourself... I had planned to make a page for it but didn't bother. Phil sent me a screenshot but there really was no need... :-bd

I'm just glad it's hopefully had a decent start and looking forward to next years now... I still hope to get them grid references for this year aswell :grin: but I am a great big fat softie...
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