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Re: Wildlife

Post by fatbikephil »

As I was stotting about on the planks up my local hills today I noticed loads of insects emerging from the (increasingly porridge like) snow and buzzing around me. I disturbed some wee furry thing at one point (but left it some bits of oatcake) and loads of birds were tweeting madly in the sun.

Looks like spring is in the air! :-bd
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Re: Wildlife

Post by JoseMcTavish »

Heard my first Skylark of the year on an early ride last week - snow still hadn't thawed, but nothing beats their song for making you feel summery!
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Gummikuh »

Was out riding on Sunday morning and spent a good while watching a woodpecker go at a tree, it was quite melodic, I brewed up a cuppa whilst it was making a lot of noise
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Re: Wildlife

Post by GregMay »

First bee last night. I was surprised, but we do have flowers out now, so at least they have something to do.

Supposedly lambs in on the other side of the hill now. May run over to go awwwwwwwww you'll be tasty soon.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by whitestone »

Holy thread resurrection batman!

Had a bat flying around inside the house this evening. We've a summer roost in the eaves but it's a bit early for that. I don't know what species it was but we eventually got it out through the garden door. No idea how it got in.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by ballibeg »

There's something about barn owls and blue lights at night. I killed another last night on a fast run. Nothing I could do, it swung across me and you can't lock up when the back is full of unsecured Drs working on a patient.

It's such a shame and quite upsetting.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Alpinum »

Saw a wolf two weeks ago. For me the first time I saw one in Switzerland, well Europe entirely.
After seeing marks if a bear last summer in the eastern part of Switzerland, I'm quite pleased to see nature doing what it does best. Happy to see there's room for wildlife in small Switzerland.

Yesterday we had I saw a goosander with chick just behind the house. Not too common to see them where we live. And on the ride home I saw a red deer hind, much more common to see them, especially towards dusk
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Re: Wildlife

Post by gairym »

Saw a beaver with its kit yesterday which is only the second time ever (the first was from a car on the motorway) which was pretty exciting until I read that Gian had been spotting wolves!

Gian, I remember seeing wolf tracks when we bivi'd in the Jura and I spent the entire night worrying that I'd see a pair of yellow eyes staring into mine every time I opened them.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by whitestone »

It's surprising how much wildlife there is very close to us especially if you live in rural areas (as we do).

Last weekend in Scotland we saw lots of red deer hinds right next to main road during the day, they just aren't bothered by cars but got startled when we cycled past, apart from one that was happily chewing on someone's border plants :lol:
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Re: Wildlife

Post by belugabob »

Our local woodpecker (which I've only heard, but not seen) was busy this morning.
Considering that I live in a fairly large town, close to Gatwick (albeit on the edge of town) it's good to know that the wildlife is just getting on with it.

It's only a 5 minute bike ride to the more rural surroundings, and there's a definite feel of spring, along the quiet lanes - you can almost hear the bluebells forcing their way into view.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Alpinum »

Gairy, can't remember spotting wolf tracks in the Jura. Chances are much higher it was a fox. Snow prints often amplify the size and to be honest, I don't thing I could tell the difference only by seeing the prints, except for the size. They are quite similar otherwise. The wolves and tracks GF and I saw in the wild in Canada and Alaska where huge. Like the full front foot of size 45 shoes. The wolf I saw a little back was a young one. By the prints only a professional could tell the difference between young wolf and fox.

Only other time I spotted wolf tracks was just above Val Mora skimountaineering. Adult, lace like track.

Once saw a beaver in riding from my Dads to Thun along the lake. First thought it was a tree stump. Was dark and I had some drinks...
Quite tricky to see them otherwise if I think about all the signs he leaves us down at the river Emme.

Here birds are in full swing now. Many are coming through on the way to Scandinavia, Baltic, Arctic. Quite busy, especially around the lakes shores. Should be similar in the UK.

"If you took the city of Tokyo and turned it upside down and shook it, you would be amazed at the animals that would fall out. It would pour out more than cats and dogs, I tell you. Boa constrictors, Komodo dragons, crocodiles, piranhas, ostriches, wolves, lynx, wallabies, manatees, porcupines, orang-utans, wild boar— that's the sort of rainfall you could expect to find."
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Re: Wildlife

Post by gairym »

Alpinum wrote:Gairy, can't remember spotting wolf tracks in the Jura. Chances are much higher it was a fox.
It was you that told me they were :???:

There were some bloody big prints on the side of the trail and I presumed I was being silly but I was (un)reliably informed that there were most definitely and 100% certainly the biggest man eatong wolves in the world *

*Ok so that's how I remember it.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Alpinum »

gairym wrote:
Alpinum wrote:Gairy, can't remember spotting wolf tracks in the Jura. Chances are much higher it was a fox.
It was you that told me they were :???:

There were some bloody big prints on the side of the trail and I presumed I was being silly but I was (un)reliably informed that there were most definitely and 100% certainly the biggest man eatong wolves in the world *

*Ok so that's how I remember it.
If you remember some one telling you "100 % certainly the biggest man eating wolves" - yes, that clearly must have been me...

Well, still can't remember, but this just means I should learn to ride better and stop crashing on my head.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Pete-G »

Saw some Roe deer out in the fields on my little ride out the north side of town earlier.
Had some great sightings on night rides in the local woods, my favourite being a tawny owl swooping down in front of me into the headlamp beam for about 20-30 yards before it drifted back up into the canopy.
I live in the middle of suburbia, but we're quite lucky with the chunks of green space around us. We have all the usual garden birds, but with some large old sycamore trees around we've also got regular sightings of green and greater spotted woodpeckers and in a small patch of woodland across the main road, there's a pair of Sparrowhawks that have nested the last couple of years and heard term calling again yesterday.
Funniest thing though had to be trying to get the cat in one night, seeing a fox trot up the road and under a hedge with our ever inquisitive cat following about 15 foot behind. Stupid animal.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Mart »

Late evening and dark along the canal Ive had bats collide with my helmet as they got distracted by the light. Also seen owls
Daytime there are herons also
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Re: Wildlife

Post by benp1 »

Mart wrote:Late evening and dark along the canal Ive had bats collide with my helmet as they got distracted by the light
More likely that insects were drawn to your lights and bats were drawn to them. They probably touched you as you were moving (rather than motionless)

I saw a red squirrel last week in glenmore forest with the kids, it was ace :-bd
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Re: Wildlife

Post by fatbikephil »

Autumn = more wildlife spotting! :-bd
Was up in the hills near to Glenshee ski centre today (sans bike) and on the way up to Glas Maol saw a couple of mountain hares, then on the approach to the summit of Cairn an tuirc I saw a whole heard of them - there must have been at least 20 sat on the skyline of a small bump below the main summit with a number of others all running around nearby. I never expected to see so many hares in one place at one time so well chuffed after my hare coursing bad experince back in August

Bad picture of some of them....
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Mike »

On a trip a few weeks ago whilst riding towards nant sydion bothy a male goshawk took a black bird right out the air in front of me. Due to their very timid nature it just sat on the floor in front of me for 5mins on top of the black bird before flying off with it.... Would of made a great photo had I only been able to move. Had I moved the thing would of gone straight away. Only my 2nd ever sighting of a wild goshawk. My first sighting was a big female flying near church Stretton yrs ago when I was out flying my hawk one early Sunday morning.
This week down on the sdw I also saw a stoat chase a rabbit :0)

Oh and maybe I should mention the mutant hornet that landed on my jersey in the week. Scared the sub standard out of me it was so big!! Like a wasp on roids
Edited just now.... having just Googled large hornets.. check out the Asian hornet, that's the fella right there what a scary bastard
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Re: Wildlife

Post by slarge »

Mike, if it was an Asain hornet then Defra need to know. They are invasive and should be exterminated.

European hornets are much more friendly....... (We have a hornets nest in one of the roofs. Leaving windows open at night is best avoided!)
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Charliecres »

Blimey! I was attacked by what Looked like a giant (50mm long) wasp when night riding earlier this week.

I stopped to adjust my brake lever and this huge buzzing thing appeared and started repeatedly crashing into me, obviously confused by my lights. It was much too chunky for a moth - seemed more like a stag beetle in size and weight. Then I caught a glimpse of it in my light as it flew away and it looked just like a giant wasp.

At that point I sh@t myself, turned my light off and scooted my unrideable bike up the track in the dark, hoping to god I could lose it. My paranoid mind could hear buzzing every time I slowed down for the rest of the ride.

I’d never heard of Asian hornets till now but it seems likely that’s what it was. :shock:
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Re: Wildlife

Post by psling »

Charliecres wrote:... this huge buzzing thing appeared and started repeatedly crashing into me, obviously confused by my lights. It was much too chunky for a moth - seemed more like a stag beetle in size and weight.

That actually sounds like a Cockchafer (I kid you not!!) except it can't be at this time of year, they're commonly known as May or June Bugs and are around, perhaps unsurprisingly, in May and June!

Seeing a lot of feral Boar on my commute/local rides at the moment; won't be long 'til I start seeing more deer around too as we get into Autumn. We have breeding Goshawks in the area, April/May best time to see them above the trees though.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Solo »

I've had a good year for wildlife, including a kestrel, vrass snake (first time Ihad seen a wild snake in the UK). Also rescuing a moorhen chick.

Best moment though:
Riding through a fairly open path (cyclists and walkers use) with dense ferns either side I heard a rustling as I passed so slowed to look back. Out stumbled a new born deer, wobbly legs and all. It staggered towards me. I wasn't sure if they would be rejected due to scent so I kept my bike between us. I was pretty corncerned about leaving it out in the open so guided it (it followed the tick of the Hope hub) back into some ferns and it settled there. I then sat and watched from a safe distance as the doe trotted out and went to find the little one.
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Re: Wildlife

Post by Scattamah »

Marmots...everywhere! Saw a lot more of 'em than I did on 1st TNR. They seemed to be enjoying the sunshine. Hooray for riding slower and taking time to see some critters.


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Re: Wildlife

Post by fatbikephil »

Charliecres wrote:Blimey! I was attacked by what Looked like a giant (50mm long) wasp when night riding earlier this week.

I stopped to adjust my brake lever and this huge buzzing thing appeared and started repeatedly crashing into me, obviously confused by my lights. It was much too chunky for a moth - seemed more like a stag beetle in size and weight. Then I caught a glimpse of it in my light as it flew away and it looked just like a giant wasp.

At that point I sh@t myself, turned my light off and scooted my unrideable bike up the track in the dark, hoping to god I could lose it. My paranoid mind could hear buzzing every time I slowed down for the rest of the ride.

I’d never heard of Asian hornets till now but it seems likely that’s what it was. :shock:
Could be a wood wasp - big evil looking things but they tend not to bother you. There sting can bore into wood though and is quite sore if it mistakes your leg for a tree :mrgreen:
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Re: Wildlife

Post by whitestone »

When we were touring around Brittany last month we saw quite a few otters including this pair in the centre of Pontivy. They weren't bothered by anyone or anything.


We also saw some huge bird, a bit like a crane or heron but much bigger that I still haven't identified. It was sat on its nest so I didn't really get a good look at its plumage.
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