2017 goals and achievements

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2017 goals and achievements

Post by voodoo_simon »

How did 2017 go for you?

Still a few weeks to go to tick off those goals.

From memory, my 2017 goals were
-Rovaniemi 300 (DNF - too fucking cold and rubbish food choices)
-Cycle the River Findhorn in Autumn (pipe dream in all honesty, so didn't do it)
-Become a teacher (yes, really), but I've just left the training!

All a bit of a disappointing year in that regards, but have had some good times too :-bd
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Very much a year of 2 halves for me. Got off to a cracking start on NYD with a few days heading down to the coast and back with Mike. It continued in the right direction with a trip to Scotland with Jameso, a weekend in the Lakes and a few other trips most of which I hadn't planned to do.

Some time late summer it all went west and the bottom seemed to fall out of the bucket I use for carrying enthusiasm / motivation / drive. It wasn't just cycling that suffered but pretty much everything. It was a steady decline that kind of snuck up on me, I'm hoping that now I've seen it, I can rivet a new bottom on the bucket and once again set-off on my journey to cycling self-destruction. :-bd
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Moder-dye »

2017 Started off pretty good with my longest single road ride to date in May of 204km which I was dead chuffed with and had a plan to do a one day C2C from Kyle of Lochalsh to Aberdeen (200mile). A little 3 day Shetland tour with friends.

But then it went rapidly down hill with crippling knee pain and me being told I'm looking at a knee replacement due to osteoarthritis and currently still waiting to see a consultant. Its mainly been controllable steady turbo sessions since then.

I managed a couple of easy trips with my wife around Orkney and a few days trip with a friend in Sutherland, but other than that its just been pain and frustration.

I've just had a cortisone injection which has helped a bit , but still in limbo really so it's not looking great for 2018 unless cortisone can keep me going.

Still seem to have managed 5500km, but a big chunk on the turdo.
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by BigdummySteve »

Started off in January with a nice BAM trip to a forest and bearing disasters should complete with the winter bivy. Highlight of the year was my first WRT which was great fun, rode the bottom half of the ridgeway. Not as many long overnight trips as I wanted but not a bad year. Have gradually refined my kit resulting in a serious reduction of weight, also just changed to a salsa Fargo which is lighter and more suitable for most of what I ride.
Looking forward to 2018, no firm plans apart from the winter event and WRT, I would like to do more multi day rides, this years WRT was the longest trip since my JOGLE.
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by summittoppler »

A good year TBF.
An all expenses trip to Switzerland in January for Fat-bike.com to be a journo to cover a 4 day stage race. :-bd
A trip up to East Lothian for a fat bike rides/pi$$ ups in April.
Took a couple of the kids wild camping in May, they loved it (again).
A great bivvy on Snowdon summit late may after and before work!
An amazing trip to Iceland with John climber late July.
Other memorable rides out around spectacular north Wales.

Plans for 2018? I'm gonna jump on the BAM again and my monthly ride reports will be on fat-bike.com
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Oli.vert »

A freaking amazing year for me.

To be fair I was starting from the utter pits of despair at needing a hip replaced at 52 which got did in Feb. It's been upwards from there, to the point I'm now way above 100% of what I was prior to surgery, 80% of where I want my strength to be. Next year is going to be about building up endurance again.

So major plusses this year - Dived the East coast of Shetland including Out Skerries and almost Out Stack. Dived The most westerly point in the UK, Bishop Rock on the Scillies and found a handful of Manillas from the wreck of the Duoro (?), got out for a few weekends of medium level cycling including one along Wenlock Edge from Telford ending up with walking on the Long Mynd, and either a walk and/or a day ride at least twice a month - which is a huge thing compared to my last 7 years.

Currently enjoying the sweet torment of the postie being late in delivering a sweet frame to be built for more off-road adventures in 2018, and making plans for rides close to home and further afield. How much I can manage before the next hip wears out is unknown, but I'm going to enjoy finding out!
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by whitestone »

At the start of the year there was the "2017 Plans" thread on which I posted:
Now that the selection has been made, a slight modification to my original list:

Rovaniemi 150 (gulp!)
Lakeland Loop 200
HT550 (double gulp!)
Cairngorms Loop (rollover from last year)
Cambrian Trail
Borders 350

Also looking at the Pennine Bridleway but as more of a touring route with Cath than an ITT.
So I managed the Rovaniemi, HT550 and almost the Cairngorms Loop. Never got a look at the others but did have a trundle along the PBW but headed home at halfway. I did a few other long rides, the Trans Cambrian Way was the only one I didn't really plan in advance, I had intended to do the The Cambrian Trail but the weather had been poo so a change of plans.

Didn't quite manage the BAM - 10/12 but it's the thought that counts :???: Did a big mileage (or kilometreage?) which probably accounted for a definite slump in enthusiasm in October and November. Quite a bit of chasing VeloViewer squares which kind of forces you to find new trails and areas.

Most importantly I've enjoyed it. :-bd

Edit: oli.vert - I had my hip replaced 4 years ago, keep at it, things will get better.
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by ton »

2017 has been my annus horribilis to be fair.
surgery in october 2016 took until feb 2017 to get over. zero fitness.
started the Jenn ride and jacked after 20 miles.
2 week touring at a snails pace in june was good.
a week touring in somerset, devon and cornwall was okish in september.
the a hip replacement 2 weeks ago, put paid to any more thoughts of riding for a while.

a crap year :-bd
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Blair512 »

My year started good but tapered off when I found out the flat I let out had been wrecked so I've spent the last 6 months sorting that out! Apart from that my 3 goals were BAM, double my distance from last year and complete the Capital Trail. On track for BAM all going well next week, coming up 800 km short of doubling my distance but I'll be happy with 6000 km's seeing as I've spent most weekends decorating and I failed miserably at the Capital Trail bailing out at Pebbles, the head wind was hellish and I just straight up wasn't fit enough! Also managed to get the whole family on a bikepacking trip to a bothy, the girls loved it, a proper highlight of the year for me! :-bd

Hopefully my flat sells quick next year and I can crack on with more cycling and seeing a bit!
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Karl »

Fantastic year all in all.

Strathpuffer mixed pairs with sister (8th in class - not bad for her 1st ever event)

Long weekend in the jura mountains with Gian fat biking in Feb

Then the big one....2600 miles on a fat bike in the month of March. Rode from Manchester to Nordkapp via Dover. Trip of a life time...still can't believe it happened.

Rounding off the year with another BB200 black badge.

And looking forward to winter Bivvy this weekend :-)

Lots of little mid week bivvys filling the gaps
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by JohnClimber »

2017 career wise started off a bit same old same old.
Getting out 3 time a week on the bike and ticking off the days.
I won't bore you with my career changes but I made a big career jump and finally after 30 years I'm finally out of on the road sales and now in an office based transport managers job that I really enjoy.
I've been doing my BaM and I'm on track to finish this year with 12/12 having spend around 30 nights under canvas this year.
A fantastic wild camping trip over to Iceland where the 4x4 did the boring road bits leaving Jeff (Summittoppler) and I to enjoy some great riding all over the South and the Highlands of the island.
Since October my focus has changed away from riding a bit and I'm spending every spare minute finishing off the conversion of our campervan that the wife and I intend to use for a Wild Camp (in the van) a Month, plus I'll be able to take it to events such at next months Winter Event and The Jenn Ride etc.

in 2018 I'll be commuting to work on the bike more when it's lighter and not just once a week as I did up until October.

Bring on 2018 :-bd
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by fatbikephil »

I think my goal was to ride my bike a lot:- 6200 miles in 645 hours so job done.
All of my trips seem to involve sunny weather and dry trails for most if not all of the time I was away. Highland Trail was the highlight, pass over from Fruid res to Moffat the lowlight :shock: ... Finishing up the year with some proper snowy fat biking has really put the tin lid on it.

Only real bummer has been continued back pain (now possible light at end of tunnel) and currently my knee is giving me gyp as well.....
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by In Reverse »

From the 2017 Plans thread:
In Reverse wrote:Definites
BB Winter Event
Dirty Reiver
Jenn Ride
Tour de Mont Blanc & Haute Route double-header
Did all of those. :-bd (although I only managed half of the TMB-HR trip after snapping my frame)

Pennine Bridleway End to End
Trans Cambrian
Did neither of those. :-bd (Chose the WRT and YD200 on the two bank holiday weekends instead.)
Wish List
A warm trip would be lovely, so one of:
Fannying about in Crete
Did none of those. :-bd Did manage a warm weather trip though - pistonbroke's Spanish C2C, which was splendid.
Also, inspired by Ian's efforts I'd like to attempt an Everesting, been scouting possible hills for a couple of weeks. Got my eye on one in north Wlaes and one in East Lancs...
lol, maybe next year :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Richard G »

Hit every single target I set myself bar one (still haven't learned to bunny hop properly)... then realised that no-one should have to push themselves like that all the time, and the wheels completely fell off. :lol:

Going to enjoy a couple of chilled bikepacking rides, then get back to smashing it.
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by gairym »

The plan:
gairym wrote:- 2017 - 52 x weekly century ride challenge
- January - fatbiking.eu Winter Fatbike Camp
- April - Veneto Trail (gravel version)
- May - Cyclotour du Léman (Lake Geneva Sportive)
- June - Tuscany Trail
- September - Torino Nice Rally
- October - BB200
The reality:

- Got nowhere with the weekly century nonsense which isn't surprising.
- Great fun on the FBEU Winter Camp and doing another one in January again!
- Did most of the Veneto Trail route in March couldn't make the mass start due to work.
- Didn't enter the Lac Leman event as too busy with work.
- Did my 3rd year in a row of the Tuscany Trail (officially a DNF due to GPS issues in day two but still had fun).
- No TNR or BB200 as we decided to buy and renovate a house and have a 3rd child which took up the entire latter part of the year (and the next 18 years :-bd ).

All-in-all a great first half to the year and a predictably lacklustre second half but there's always next year.....
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Single Speed George »

generaly a good yer for me but with a lul in the middel , started with lots of bikepacking and a good time on the jenride ... with the aim of getting super fit for nepal....
then kindal lost momentum and didnt do verry much most of the mid to late summer.
then went to nepal and managed to single speed round the annapurna ciruit so ye all in all goal achieved
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by sean_iow »

From the 2017 Plans thread my stated plans were:-

"Braunton 150" - came joint 4th
"Downs 300" - don't think there is a definitive route yet so I did a South Downs Way Double starting at my house on the Isle of Wight, so 270 miles (250 riding)
"At least one BB event - BB200 is the most likely assuming I can get a place" Got a place and finished in 20hr 53mins
"Either Lakeland 200, Cairngorms Loop or Yorkshire Dales 300 - Probably Yorkshire Dales 300 (you can work out my 2018 aim from this)" Attempted the YD300 as an ITT but failed and bailed at half way (ended up riding 135 miles by the time I got back to the car), although I think I learnt a lot more about myself and this type of event through that so on reflection that was a better result than just riding round without any issues.

The successes above meant I achieved my main goal of getting a place on the HT550 2018 group start :-bd

"To get the wife back out on the bike and biving after having a knee operation this year and having a back issue as well, but now thankfully on the mend" Not yet back biving but has been back on the bike albeit only for shorter rides.

I am also only one sleep away from completing 2017 BAM :smile: And as an added bonus of entering organised events/social bivis and getting to ride with like minded folk I also made some new friends :grin: So in summary 2017 went even better than I had planned.
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Charliecres »

Not the best year on the bikepacking front, although I’ve had a few cracking trips, including some time in the NW Highlands (and it doesn’t get better than that). BAM was a washout, owing to first illness then work, but I did complete another BB200 and now have a full set of badges. Yay! The best thing has been my wife getting out on the bike more, albeit mainly on the road, and that’s been ace.

Next year I’m passing up a downhill-focused trip to Tuscany in favour of a (slow) HT550 ITT. I’ll also probably have another crack at BAM and that’s as far as my plans have got.

Bring it on!
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Pete-G »

Well I don't think I replied on the original plans thread, but I did discover VV explorer which became a good riding excuse and got myself upto 17x17 squares, and a couple of squares required to take it 20x20. Hoping to do that before the year is out.
Got myself out on my first bike packing race, the BB200. Loved it and have every intention of doing it again this year with a sub 24hr aim. Maybe YD200 too?
I did want to do the trans-cambrian and a ridgeway ride, but just ran out of available time.
Not managed to get as much riding done this year as the last two years, but not far off and a lot more commuting miles. Technical riding feels like it has come on too so all good.
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by Roobell7 »

Rediscovered my love for MTB with the the Big Ed. Bitten by the bug of bikepacking to go further and longer. Managed 7,500km by September and thought 10k might be on the cards. Rode BB200 in under 21hrs off a flight from Las Vegas and have hardly ridden since due to work travel. Hope to be back in the UK to have a crack at the Festive 500

Not complaining about the work but missing riding my bike now

Planning for 2018 ;) \:d/
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by BreninBeener »

Mr and Mrs Beener didnt really have any plans for 2017, but in early Jan we found out she had won the grand prize in the Crikey, how much Festive 500 run through strava.

So we hastily organised a trip to do the NC500 in May, which we both loved. We arent really experts in this stuff and Ruth is a novice cyclist...

In June we had a fortnight in Colorado where Ruth collected her custom Moots Ti gravel bike, and we were guests of the Moots factory with escorted rides in Steamboat Springs...pure joy.

We then drove to the Alps and had a fortnight DH riding with my daughter in Les Gets. Crashing and laughing....amazing family time.

Within a few days, Ruth was off to ride the Franch Divide, with what turned out to be a tough set of timings resulting in her having to abandon and return to work.

Since then we have both been a little flat with a slow recovery from a chest virus. Ive found it hard to get out and have put weight on...bum.

So going to put a big effort into BAM in 2018. Also looking at an myb bikepacking adventure in april/may time, spain looking fave....
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Re: 2017 goals and achievements

Post by AlasdairMc »

I had a great year for riding, and managed most of what I think I said I'd achieve.

Puffer - actually enjoyed it this year until I injured myself
Cairngorms Loop - finished it in my fastest time, rode with mates, had fun.
Highland Trail - finished it faster than previously, and really loved it. Everything just came together perfectly and I can't recall any low points whatsoever (other than dynamo disaster). Met some more great people, all in it together, and went away from it loving the whole thing
Ride to the Sun - first double century, 220 miles, had a good chat with Tom and Rich at the finish but rode the whole thing solo.
GT24 - didn't manage the 24, nor the not sleeping bit, but 31hrs including about half an hour of cat naps was good enough for me. The toughest ride I've ever done because of the sleep deprivation.
Black Hills Expedition (South Dakota) - managed 185 out of 430 miles. Tough going. 75 miles of pushing the Centennial Trail, but interspersed with truly sublime singletrack and an overall awe-inspiring experience.

Scratching on the BHX meant I had more time to go explore the US, so I went on a road trip and rode in 4 states, found some lovely trails, and managed to fulfil a long held wish to go to Moab. My only disappointment was finding out I could have stayed a day longer and still made my flight.

Distance wise, I'm still aiming for 10,000km. With 150km to go, I think I'll manage it.
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