BB200 Well done.

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Re: BB200 Well done.

Post by Purty »

Cheers Stu and Dee. Vaguely exciting route, great mix of single track, open moorland and epic scenery. Very glad that the event was on Saturday and Sunday as today we have an amber weather warning in North Wales with all the schools in Anglesey closing due to 70mph winds.
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Re: BB200 Well done.

Post by slarge »

Stu (and Dee), you should get a huge satisfaction from having 70 or so tired but happy riders returning to down mugs of tea and coffee and talk crap. It is an event with not just great routes that are a challenge to everyone, but a great social feel. It's not a race, but it is competive if you want it to be (Karl for instance - sorry mate :-bd ), a challenge of yourself, or just a good social ride. There is no right or wrong way to ride it (backwards is bad though......). It's unique, and long may it continue. Thanks for past events and future ones!
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Re: BB200 Well done.

Post by adjustablewench »

A big thank you from me! I can quite honestly say I didn't speak to a single person about the BB200 before the event who thought it was a good idea for me to give it a try. However I was compelled to do it as I knew it would be a real test of what I was capable of post neck fiasco.

It was tough and the bits I found most difficult were walking and especially having to lift my bike. I am pleased to say however I felt good in terms of energy levels and ok in terms of riding fitness. I have a t-shirt that says it isn't about the taking part it's about the finishing - that definitely didn't apply to my approach this year, but I'm chuffed I managed about 100km of the route :)

Thanks Stu for setting such a brilliant challenge yet again :)
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Re: BB200 Well done.

Post by Roobell7 »

Dee (and Stu :wink: ) keep up the good work

I joined the forum in April this year and never thought a black badge was in my realm. I've altered my clothing, pedals, kit and bicycle based on a filtered view of the collective BB thinking. I even took a gamble on new boots for the event and it paid off

I dropped by for a cup of BB towers tea on the Friday and we spoke of the draw and challenge of the BB200. It is not the WRT and nor is it the HT550. People should come to it to see what challenges you've posed and test themselves against this...

The weather this year might not have been as extreme as it could have been but the wind, some rain and the standing water certainly told on the body. I didn't see anyone fresh and looking to go straight out again for a 2nd lap!

Already thinking how to improve for 2018 :grin:
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Re: BB200 Well done.

Post by Pete-G »

Thanks again to everyone involved. Stu and Dee through to the guys I met on route. It was a superb challenge.
I'll be back. The other half has already thrown down the gauntlet by saying she doubts I could do sub 24hrs. :lol:
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