500 miles in Portugal

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500 miles in Portugal

Post by Borderer »

Another cycle touring trip I'm afraid! This is a very long post - the potted version is here - do the north bit, not the south unless you have fat tyres and a fondness for hike-a-bike.


On the 9th of March the boy and I flew out to Portugal with the intention of cycling pretty much all of the coastline, from Faro in the south, to Porto in the north a distance of roughly 1000km (620 miles).
It was the first time I had taken bikes on a plane and I have to say that my first attempt at packing the bikes was no fun at all. Not wanting to carry heavy bike-bags around with us I opted for throw-away cardboard boxes which I blagged from Halfords. These were very small and took a lot of tetris style ingenuity to cram everything in. The front wheel had to come off, plus the pedals and handlebars and the saddle had to go down. I couldn't then fit the panniers in while they were full, so had to pack them empty and cram our gear into all the little gaps inbetween (I wrapped the chain in clingfilm to stop everything getting oily). On the return journey I discovered that decathlon give away huge boxes that you can leave both wheels on and still have room for fully packed panniers. It was a lot easier and less stressful! Decathlon next time for sure.


Arriving at Faro airport we found a brilliant bike assembly area, complete with stands, tools and a pump.


The intention was to follow the newly opened Portuguese section of Eurovelo 1 - the superb path we followed the previous summer in France. I knew that this wouldn't be as good as the French path, but I had no idea how bad the Portuguese contribution would be! But, more of that later....to start with the route seemed great, even if the entrance was confusingly hidden behind a 'Private property no entry' sign :roll:


We saw flamingoes, but not pink ones...


The boy had been unwell with a nasty bug for much of the winter, so we took it very gently at first, just 17km on the first day wore him out. Even though the Algarve seems like one big golf course, we still managed to find a perfect wild camping spot. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that this was the first time we put up our new Trekker tent stealth 1.5. It was trickier than our old tent to put up and was running wet with condensation in the morning, but otherwise did the job.


The route began to get a bit dodgy, including this railway crossing, where you were just expected to find your own way across as if the railway line just wasn't there.


More wild camping by the beach this time - I was gutted that I couldn't get the tent to stay up on the actual beach so we had to opt for the dunes behind it instead. Will take better pegs next time.


We rode through Albuferia,


Rode a lot of dusty back roads..


Did a fair bit of climbing... in this shot you can see where we started out (at the level of the camper vans). It was a very steep dusty loose track that was impossible to ride on our city tyres - if I was doing it again I would take mountain tyres for sure.



Random boat on a beach shot, just cos it is pretty....


At Cabo Sao Vicente - the south western corner of Portugal (and Europe)


The coastline around there is really stunning...


Turning north we entered the protected forest park area. 'Donkey tracks' is about the best description of the path in this region - not at all what I had expected or packed for - pushing the bike up endless dusty hills would have been a lot more fun without the panniers.


Some bits were even rideable!


....but the wildcamping almost made up for it. At this spot in the middle of nowhere, we were just going to bed for the night when we heard a grunting and shuffling in the bushes at the edge of the clearing we had pitched our tent in. Just as I was considering crapping myself, Joe said 'I think it's a pig' and to my relief I remembered that this forest is supposed to be home to a number of wild boar. While this was preferable to the predatory human of my imagination, I didn't sleep well that night thinking our tent (and us!) might be ripped apart at any minute by something the weight of a small car equipped with sharp tusks.


We did have some other cool experiences though, like when we were caught up in the morning herding and found ourselves surrounded by cows, sheep and cute little baby goats.


We rode through some quaint little towns...


Aljezur viewed from the castle (that the route needlessly went up to - a very steep hill was involved and I was not happy!)


This was in the middle of nowhere - some sort of irrigation thingy, but just impossible to pass up the chance to climb it....just because it was there....


Then we came to The Worst Bit of All...... it started here at this beach. Nice beach and all, but wait, where does the route go? Surely not up that rocky crag on the right? Yep...


We shook our heads, and routed round this but worse was to come. We had already done a fair bit of pushing our bikes on sandy tracks on this trip, but this section was just ridiculous. It was just mile after mile of sand....


Once we had started we were committed - going back would be as hard as pushing on and there was no easy way back to a road or anything. Several hours later we finally came to the end of the sand and found this.... a narrow rocky ledge around a massive sheer drop to the rocks below. There was no other way out - we were trapped, with our only options to brave the ledge or slog back through the sand the way we had come.


I stripped the bikes down and with the help of some German hikers, made several trips to carry the bikes and everything else along the ledge and then up hundreds of bloody stairs that we found the other side. Classic hike-a-bike stuff maybe, but not at all what I expected from a Eurovelo route.


At the top of the steps I dumped our gear down against a sign post - looking up I read this.... not suitable for bikes. Well now, you don't say. I had begun to think that this 'route' was just something someone had plotted on a computer from the comfort of an office without ever having ridden it, and this day really confirmed it. It was a hiking path, not a cycle path and certainly not one touted as suitable for touring cyclists.


When we reached the next town Joe just about cried with relief


At this point I gave up on the idea of completing the route and changed our plans to just having a holiday in the sun with a bit of cycling thrown in instead. We spent a few days at Porto Covo, then headed north towards Setubal, where we knew we could get a train that would take us to Lisbon, or further if we wanted.


Catching the ferry to Setubal...


It was our third visit to Lisbon, a city we are very fond of.


We then hopped the train up to Figuera da Foz, where I had my first Francescina - a traditional Portuguese dish. Seriously good...


We thought about continuing on the train, but found the path much improved and so we continued northwards towards Aveiro.....


....passing some strange artwork on the way.... this is made from a wind turbine blade...


West coast sunsets are the best.


We had a mini holiday in Aveiro...


....where we tried Ovos Moles - seriously good but undescribable - you just have to go there and try them!


We made friends with a Portuguese cyclist and visited the stripey houses of Costa Nova....


Another ferry, then north along the Aveiro lagoon...


...until we reached Porto


We scored new bike boxes from a Decathlon store and watched from the window as they were loaded onto the plane


807 km or 502 miles in total. Not what we expected but a memorable trip with plenty of sunshine and good food instead. If you are considering going then the bit from Lisbon south to Cabo Sao Vicente would make a good bikepacking route - north of Figuera da Foz is better for families or cycle touring.

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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Why would you wanna go there, eh?
May the bridges you burn light your way
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by MuddyPete »

A superb adventure with plenty of "pub stories" for both of you. Love the photos, too. Thanks for that :-bd .
May you always have tail wind.
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by Chew »

Its stories like these, that make this place great :-bd

The best stories come from when unexpected things happen.
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by Borderer »

Thanks guys. If nothing else it toughened us both up a bit!
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by ton »

seriously vaguely exciting that. :-bd
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by Richpips »

Adds Portugal to the list.

It's been great following your trip.

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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by Borderer »

Thanks Rich, I should probably have said that the campsites were very cheap - usually around 8E a night for the pair of us at that time of year. The last one just south of Porto was only 4E a night as it was a municipal one. I think the most we paid was 14E a night. There were of course, abundant wild camping opportunities too.
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by Borderer »

....oh, and you probably know this already but - fit derailleur guards before the bikes go on the plane! I read a lot of online tales of woe where people had their derailleurs or drop outs broken in transit - the bike boxes will get thrown on their side by the luggage handlers so for a couple of quid and a few grams extra you can save a lot of grief when you get to your destination by just fitting a guard.
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by ZeroDarkBivi »

What an epic!!!
I did a MTB stage race through Portugal from North to South a few year ago, but the route only hit the coast in the last day, and we where told cycling on beaches was illegal...
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by jameso »

Wow :-bd Wish I went on holidays like that when I was that age! Been to a few of those places during a trip to Portugal so enjoyed seeing it here from a bike trip pov.
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Re: 500 miles in Portugal

Post by Borderer »

Thanks :) I am missing the weather there already. It has been very sunny here lately but you just don't get the warmth to go with it.

You may well be right about it being illegal to cycle on beaches, but I think you would need fat tyres for that anyway. We did try in a couple of places, but just sunk into the sand. In the shot where we are camped by the beach we were in a very remote section of coastline - I doubt there was another human being for ten miles in any direction, so I would not worry about the rules - someone would have to be out there to catch you and that is very unlikely. To drive to this part of the coast involves ploughing through miles of soft sandy tracks - you would need a pretty specialist dune-buggy-type vehicle to do it, and I am sure the Portuguese police would never bother.
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