Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

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Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

I'm trying to flesh out a group trip next year a la Turin Nice but running from Tarragona to Bilbao, Med to Atlantic in 7 days. It will be designed to be as bike inclusive as possible i e rideable on a cross/gravel bike or MTB but largely off road.
There are airports at each end, namely Reus and Bilbao, both served by budget airlines. Reus is the closest to where I live in Cataluña and getting there for under £50 is perfectly possible outside school hols. You can fly to Manchester,Bristol,Stanstead and Gatwick from Bilbao, I've looked at Easy Jet and Sunday evenings in March come in at around £50 as well.
The distance is likely to be around 7-800km, as the crow flies its nearer 500km so plenty of bail out options.
A route which appeals at the moment would entail going SE from Reus taking in a trail through the Priorat and Els Port ranges which I know pretty well, then onto the Ruta Del Cid to north of Burgos, leaving a run through the Eastern flank of the Cordillera Cantabria to the sea near the historic town of Guernica.
Now the tricky bit. When and who?
The best time to get the combination of cheap flights, agreeable weather and longer daylight hours would be mid May, avoiding the week's containing Bank Holidays, post WRT pre Tuscany, it's a real juggling act.
It would be great if readers could indicate their interest and throw in any salient points regarding this.
A few links to give a flavour of the riding, I can promise happy cafe owners, hill top villages, lots of history, and great weather(probably).
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Chew »

I'd be interested as its good to go to new places, and hopefully I wont be full of cold this time.

Like most of these things i'd say just plan a route and a time that works best for you. You can never please everybody, so if only a few people ride it with you, you wont have had to compromise too much.

For time of year, it would be whenever the weather is to be favorable. Mainly the heat.
The thing that surprised me about Spain, was the lack of water en route. Torino was hot, but water was never lacking.
Its quite a small group of people who can get away for a full week, so clashing with other weekend events isnt really a problem. Something to 'start' the year with would be good, with Torino ending the year (still musing on next year to do the bits we missed this year)

Learnings from Torino where, the distance wasnt the limiting factor, it was the climbing.
90-100k a day seemed quite comfortable sat at home, but more than 2,000m of climbing a day was the killer.
I'd say a max of 20 m/km over the whole route would be a good ratio to aim for
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Scattamah »

I'll put my hand up for this. Would be nice to see another country by bike.


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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by jameso »

Timing sounds good. We rode the Camino Frances across N Spain in April and it was lovely, not too hot by day and pleasant to sleep out at night. Keen to go back.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Mariner »


Not a trick question as I want to do this route or Via de la Plata with a credential.
Did you 'stealth' camp or used approved sites if there are any?
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by jameso »

We bivied with consideration to when+where, no issues. Also stayed in an albergue (B+B) a couple of nights for the Camino experience - mainly snoring older hikers : )
Got woken up one night by local police with torches etc but they 'ok'd and moved on when I got up, guess they were happy we weren't trouble.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by ZeroDarkBivi »

After a great time on TNR, I would definitely be up for this. April would be my preference, as I want to do some routes in Scotland next year and May is the only month with vaguely reliable, midge free(ish) weather!
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

Thanks all for the prompt replies. To reply/address some of the points made.
Chew, the planned route will take in many more villages than the trip we did at Easter. Generally there is a bar or at the very least a font in even the smallest pueblo. They will be highlighted on the cue sheet. Although there will be sections over 1500m I'm confident that the constant big ups and downs of the Alps will be avoided. As you know I did the CAT700 in July and the first day involved 160+km and 4200m of climbing through the Pyrenees which damn near finished me off. I see this trip involving similar daily distances but more undulating terrain.
Re the date, Easter next year is 14-17th of April, with schools having variable 2 week holidays either side of this you can virtually write the month off as far as cheap flights are concerned. At the moment I'm favouring the week following the 13th of May but the week before suits as well.
I really rate wikiloc as a route finding resource and to give a flavour of the middle section of the route, I've attached this for your perusal. We'd join the route at Teruel and do it in reverse up to Burgos.
This form the route from Reus to Teruel (no not the full 865miles, just the bit in the middle)
I've not found a gravel route from Burgos to Bilbao but not been looking long.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

Right, here's the plan.
Saturday 6th May starting at Reus airport which is served by several low cost airlines such as Jet2, Thomson, Thos Cook and the lovely Ryanair. Ride the 10 miles into Tarragona to start at the Roman amphitheatre on the Mediterranean coast. Follow a route I have compiled from local knowledge through to Priorat wine country crossing the river Ebro at Mora D'Ebre passing several historic fortified villages and skirting the Els Port mountain range. The route then follows the Camino del Cid for around 250 miles to the city of Burgos. This is a trail which passes through some fantastic countryside and takes in several walled citadels around which the medieval knight known as El Cid fought in the middle ages. From Burgos the route cuts back to the river Ebro along the old Santander railway line which is now a Via Verde or Greenway. There follows a road section before dropping down into Bilbao, finishing outside the Guggenheim museum on the riverside.
Bilbao airport is about 5 miles from the city centre and has direct low cost flights to Bristol, Stanstead and Manchester from Easyjet and ferry connections to Portsmouth and Plymouth. Flights can be booked now for Sunday 14th, teatime for between 50 and 70 euros plus bike.
The route runs to 580 miles Inc the bit from the airport to start. The trail should be 100% rideable on a gravel bike and I'm confident that 90-100 Miles a day is doable. I'm not planning to turn this into a Tuscany trail or suchlike, more a sociable ride with like minded bods, if you want to bring spot trackers then fine, if people want to ride faster or slower that's OK. If you want to bail at Burgos and let the train take the strain to Bilbao, that's possible. Mrs PB is doing an Ironman the following week so has kindly offered to meet us/me in Bilbao and can transport some bike boxes on a first come first served basis. If I was returning to the UK I'd look seriously at the ferry to Portsmouth as it goes on a Tuesday, allowing a bit more time to do the route or explore the Bilbao area.
I realise next may is a long time away but if anyone's keen, let me know and we can take it from there.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Chew »

Any estimation of the amount of climbing involved?

After Torino, I've learnt that's the limiting factor, rather than distance.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

Understood Chew, my best estimate is between 11 and 12,000m over the full route. I've ridden quite a bit in the Alps and Dolomites and the difference here is once you've gained the height, the terrain is rolling. The first 2 days are hilly as we start at sea level and climb steadily up to 700m then back down to cross the Ebro. Yes there's climbing but not the 2 hour straight up 1,000m slogs of the Alps.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Chew »

Thanks Duncan
Over that distance that's not overly hilly.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Mbnut »

This sounds very interesting.

Sorry but a bit of a novice at the whole long distance type thing, so a few questions if I may.

Do you bivi or use accommodation?

Is it every man for himself or do you stay together?

Actually, that is about it.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

The main objective is to have a laugh. Given the time of year, it is perfectly possible to bivvy or if in need of a shower, stay at a campsite, the route passes several. I wouldn't rely on staying in B&Bs as they may not fall at the right time of day. Different riders will have different strengths and weaknesses so riding together with people you have never ridden with can be tricky, providing you have a decent level of fitness and endurance, you should be OK. Sorry to be a bit vague but it is what it is.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by jameso »

Based on how much I enjoyed the rural track riding and little villages we passed on the Camino Frances I'm keen to ride this. Is the Camino del Cid marked out in the same way as the Frances, arrows on walls etc? Fancy signing the rest in the same way in advance? :-bd Great way to ride, no need for GPS and it makes you look around in a different way. Ferry back is a good plan.

Opportunity to ride into the Els Port mountains, a little further south by the look of it, as an alternate or added section? Looks nice there.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Dave Barter »

I'm very interested as well, but sadly my Spanish is non-existent. I'm guessing a decent amount of pointing can get you by?
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

@James, there are waymarks but the route doesn't slavishly follow the route on the Camino del Cid website as it snakes around all over the place. There are loads of variants depending on the way you are travelling, like the Camino de Santiago which has mushroomed into a spider's Web of different ways. We were out recceing last week and came across Camino signs as far south as Alcaniz which is a variant starting in Valencia. Rest assured the route I've chosen takes in lots of fortified Hill top villages and the highlight of the Canyon de Rio Lobo. Regarding the Els Port section, we do get in amongst it, I've routed through the Estrets d'Arnes which Chew will confirm is a spectacular trail in a canyon riding along a disused watercourse complete with herds of Ibex. Not sure that I've got enough paint for nearly 1,000km so no route marking, I'll probably split it into 100km sections and post it on Wikiloc so the stats will be available.
Dave, no issues with making yourself understood, "l'hostia" should cover it [url ... id=2619848 /url]]this is very rural Spain but pointing at the various dishes on the bar which constitute tapas will see you right.
I'll try to get some pics posted as soon as I've finished harvesting olives, almonds and decorating the house.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by jameso »

Not sure that I've got enough paint for nearly 1,000km so no route marking
:grin: Ah well, garmin it is. Wikiloc's a great site.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Mbnut »

Vague is just fine.

I am very happy to bivi as cost would be a factor for me.

This has actually thrown me into a bit of a spin regarding my plans for next year, it looks like a great trip!

Fitness/stamina wise I am confident I would be fine and there is plenty of time to train.

Really got to think about next year now.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

I am very happy to bivi as cost would be a factor for me.
Even if cost wasn't a consideration, bivvying will add to the overall experience ... staying indoors just makes it a series of day rides :wink:
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

Found a couple of videos, worth staying with the first even if your Spanish is poor. Second one is some of the route I've devised up until 7 minutes in. (in reverse)
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

pistonbroke wrote:Found a couple of videos, worth staying with the first even if your Spanish is poor. Second one is some of the route I've devised up until 7 minutes in. (in reverse)
Edit, not sure why but second one won't open. There's lots of others, I'll try again in a bit.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

Here's a nice one.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by pistonbroke »

Had a run out yesterday to recce a section which will probably be the start of day 3. Stupidly forgot my camera but these pics give an idea of the area, found a café in the village which did a lovely hot pork sarnie for 3 euros.
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Re: Musings on a Spanish Coast to Coast

Post by BreninBeener »

This looks vaguely exciting. Is it doable on tourers with 32mm gravel tyres? Or will it be mtb?
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