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Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:05 am
by psling
RIP wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:47 am Nice pic :smile: .
(*) only one rule: the caption must have the word "Stu" in it somewhere :grin:
Very astute Reg :-bd

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:38 pm
by BigdummySteve
RIP wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:47 am Nice pic :smile: .

Caption Contest? (*)

(*) only one rule: the caption must have the word "Stu" in it somewhere :grin:

Quite cheery here. Pissing with rain. I like rain.
No chance Reg, i want to eat lemon drizzle cake at the next WRT :wink:

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:02 pm
by RIP
Landslide wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:11 am "Oh god, Stu swapped out the shampoo for superglue again, didn't he?"
:grin: very good

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 2:06 pm
by RIP
psling wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:05 am
RIP wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:47 am Nice pic :smile: .
(*) only one rule: the caption must have the word "Stu" in it somewhere :grin:
Very astute Reg :-bd
Or indeed A-stu-te :smile: (of course, that's what you meant, sorry :smile: )

Loving Dave n Peter's captions too!

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:07 pm
by fatbikephil
Hmm. Bit of a funny week for me (ie it was rubbish) ending in a total 'puter crash and loss of a lot of photos and stuff. Obviously it realised I'd forgotten to do my usual 3 monthly back up..... Conclusion? Computers are xxxx and we've all been stitched up by microxxxx and axxxx

Anyway. Drank beer and loaded bike for a bivvy. Can't be arsed with any midsummer epic, will just find a bit of woodland and laze around eating and drinking. See yahs later....

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 6:29 pm
by Bearlegged
Chippy tea at Landslide Towers, and a few beers in the fridge.

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:26 pm
by frogatthefarriers
I’m out of isolation, all my stuff's packed and ready to go sailing tomorrow. A week late and a hundred miles further north, but hey! I’m goin'.

Ya should have seen my heart hammering when the results of my second COVID test pinged in… :shock:

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:06 pm
by RIP
frogatthefarriers wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 8:26 pm I’m out of isolation, all my stuff's packed and ready to go sailing tomorrow. A week late and a hundred miles further north, but hey! I’m goin'.

Ya should have seen my heart hammering when the results of my second COVID test pinged in… :shock:
YAY! :-bd

Those first 100 miles were rubbish anyway.... nae bother.... :wink:

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:38 pm
by Boab
Wur gonna need a smaller monitor... 😂


Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:00 am
by RIP
Yep, cheery, after a brain-overloading three days in N Wales.

I was going to put this next thing in the 'no poo' thread - I originally thought that thread was indeed about, er, restricted defecation. But CF here generally ends up being pretty base, lavatorial and scatological so it seems appropriate.

Considering how large a concern bodily functions are when bivvying - the regularity thereof, the location, the logistics, the mechanics, the varieties, the LNT - we rarely seem to talk about them other than the odd mention of a new poo trowel or something. So come on, no need to be shy, all us bears sh1t in the woods eventually.

Except sometimes we don't.

I am prepared to divulge that over the three days I did not build one log cabin. I did not fabricate a copper bolt, nor sink a dreadnought. No kids were dropped off at the pool. No netties, dunnies, crappers, or grannies' greenhouses were visited. The kak cannon remained unfired. No undesired trots were got, including any smallroom dancing, Tijuana cha-cha, sour apple quickstep, or even the Aztec two-step. I don't believe I even emitted a one-cheek sneak. Or for that matter shot any bunnies, produced a cushion creeper or a leg lifter. In short (or indeed 'in shorts' thank goodness), no shites were shat.

I did do a lot of wees though.

Usually I am Roger Regular at home, almost to the minute every day. You could set the clock if you so wished. My last visit was Monday morning, and today, Friday, I am back in action. But it was a completely normal visit; in quantity, size, variety, length of stay, and indeed general air of relaxed easement. I read a page of Bill Bryson during the appointment.

So the question is, the question is, nothing tawdry like "how long have you lasted without a poo out there", but this: where the fuck did it all go? It's completely ridiculous. I've unpacked everything now and didn't find any surprise three-legged seating-furniture hiding anywhere. No pony and trap were stabled in any pockets. So all those large breakfasts, never-ending FJ's, nuts and raisins, Tunnocks etc - where did they go?. Four whole days worth. And yes I feel fine and dandy nae bother.

I wish everyone a Cheery and regular Friday.

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:10 am
by Bearbonesnorm
I had my second jab yesterday and have woken feeling a bit under the weather (oddly, no effects after the first). It's also a damp grey day but that ^ cheered me right up ... thank you Reg.

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:11 am
by fatbikephil
Its all in the considerable storage space offered by your intestines.
I find that if I 'stop' (as opposed to go) my digestive system grinds to a halt and my energy levels plummet, I get nauseous and feel generally rubbish. This happened the other week on day one of the Highland Trail and the rest of the route seemed like bits of riding interspersed with toilet stops. LNT principles were fully observed, including one particularly challenging 'go' at the track side in horizontal rain. Careful loo roll management was required.

A couple of pints before bed time usually ensures normal service.

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:27 am
by RIP
htrider wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:11 am my energy levels plummet, I get nauseous and feel generally rubbish.
Sorry to hear that Phil. Strangely I was full of energy and beans the whole trip.
LNT principles were fully observed
Good man
Careful loo roll management was required
An interesting sub-discussion point there in itself!

Hmm, this is a nebulous subject. We really should have had a separate thread.

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:47 am
by RIP
htrider wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:11 am Its all in the considerable storage space offered by your intestines.
Just re-read your reply Phil, and in fact this is the whole point. Upon return to base my first poo was normal size. I mean I didn't measure it or weigh it or anything - perhaps I should have - but it was the same volume as usual. So 'storage' is not actually the issue at all. It went somewhere.

Firstly it's interesting that your body adjusts so quickly to a new situation. Although, I could plainly have had a poo any time I wished - I possessed all the equipment for a successful release into the wild, and unlimited space - but my brain chose not to.

Secondly, maybe my body also switched into some sort of hyper-efficient food processor for the duration and converted everything into something useful and then instantly used it to further my onward progress :smile: .

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:53 am
by RIP
Bearbonesnorm wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:10 am I had my second jab yesterday and have woken feeling a bit under the weather (oddly, no effects after the first). It's also a damp grey day but that ^ cheered me right up ... thank you Reg.
:-bd . Hope you feel better after the jab as the day progresses

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:53 am
by whitestone
I noted this a year or two back, possibly on a Highland Trail thread. Greg May posited (not deposited! :lol: ) that it's the body reacting to increased energy demands allied with eating less bulk forcing things through as it were. The body's trying to extract every last kJ out of your food. Lower fluid intake might have an impact as well - I notice that I'm less regular if it's hot and/or I don't drink enough.

Oh, and it's stopped raining :-bd

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:22 am
by benp1
only posting to say that Reg, that's a cracking post. You should probably look into writing a thesaurus

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:30 am
by fatbikephil
RIP wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:27 am
htrider wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:11 am my energy levels plummet, I get nauseous and feel generally rubbish.
Sorry to hear that Phil. Strangely I was full of energy and beans the whole trip.

Hmm, this is a nebulous subject. We really should have had a separate thread.
whitestone wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:53 am I notice that I'm less regular if it's hot and/or I don't drink enough.
I think this is my problem and definitely was on the HT this year. As it was cold I didn't feel the need to drink as I would if it was hot. A bit of cause / effect - I don't drink enough = I'm not digesting food properly = everything grinds to a halt = no energy (compounded by de-hydration).

Bodies eh? they have a mind of their own.

Anyway I'm on call this week so no excessive beer consumption or bike rides. Look out garden, here I come. :-bd

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:32 am
by Boab

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:36 am
by RIP
whitestone wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:53 am posited (not deposited! :lol: )
that it's the body reacting to increased energy demands allied with eating less bulk forcing things through as it were. The body's trying to extract every last kJ out of your food. Lower fluid intake might have an impact as well - I notice that I'm less regular if it's hot and/or I don't drink enough.
Interesting ideas yes, thanks Bob. Although I was chugging best Eryrian H2O almost continually so I think I was ok for hydration.

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:39 am
by RIP
benp1 wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:22 am only posting to say that Reg, that's a cracking post. You should probably look into writing a thesaurus
Ta. Yes, I can't claim credit for some of the synonyms - I learned many years ago under tutelage from The Master. The lessons have stood me in good stead ever since - although I was amazed how many I managed to dredge back up just then!

[edit: yep KT, that's the man in question :smile: . "Bollocks!"]

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:51 am
by BigdummySteve
scatological, I thought that was something to do with jazz, you learn something every day :-bd

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:14 pm
by AndreR
BigdummySteve wrote: Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:51 am scatological, I thought that was something to do with jazz, you learn something every day :-bd
Scatological, I thought that was something that happened after a suspect chicken curry! :grin:

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:51 pm
by PaulB2
Not so cheery Friday since my babysitter had to cancel due to getting a self isolation alert. Bah humbug

Re: Yay, it's cheery Friday.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:30 pm
by RIP
This Place being what it is, I'm amazed nobody else has yet given us the benefit of their bodily functions stories (apart from good old Phil and Bob). It's a gift surely. The subject, not the poo that is.