Loch Arkaig to Loch Nevis & Loch Morar

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Loch Arkaig to Loch Nevis & Loch Morar

Post by Rasta »

I have just tried both these routes but only as day rides and only got half way as both ran out of excellent trail and seemed to turn to bog.

Anyone gone all the way? Worth continuing or will it be 5km of dragging the bike along with camping gear.

2 nice bothies but too close to the start of the trail for me.
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Re: Loch Arkaig to Loch Nevis & Loch Morar

Post by fatbikephil »

Years ago friends went into Glendessary from loch Nevis on a trip - the pass is a solid hike up and ultra technical on the way down, but it went; albeit with a fair bit of time needed. They took the path through the woods to link to the forest track and it was a swamp. The path from the bothy that contours the hillside above the woods is rough but drier. More recently a work colleague hiked it and encountered bawbags at the bothy...

Glen pean over to Loch Morar looks an absolute mission - don't know anyone who has taken a bike over this.... My friends got the boat from Malaig to Inverei then went up Glen Meadail over to Loch Nevis / Sourlies bothy. It too was a bit of a hike.... My mate reckoned it was worth doing though. They came back via Kinlochhourn and the lochside path to Barrisdale - this was terrible with a bike apparently. I walked it in 1995 and it was fine! From barrisdale they did Mambarrisdale back to Inverie which was more uber technical hill path.

A place I've always fancied but I'm waiting on a weather window!
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Re: Loch Arkaig to Loch Nevis & Loch Morar

Post by Rasta »

Thanks for the input.
I think I will pass on the Morar route then. I was up to my knees in bog. I've often camped on Morar, but by canoe. There is a bothy there but it has always been locked. An 'emergency' shed next to it though. Oban.

The Nevis route I will give another try, maybe in a week or two. I'll remove the frame bag and expect to carry for 5km. Didn't see any BawBags. Both bothies were spotless. Except some army rations. So I ate a lot of very hard raisin biscuits.

I think there is an Ultra Run coming up soon, so they will be full.
Nice how the bothies supply axes and saws. Help yourself to the forest I presume.

I'll report back if I get through. Cheers.
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Re: Loch Arkaig to Loch Nevis & Loch Morar

Post by whitestone »

Pretty sure that the Glen Dessary route featured in a Huw Oliver/Annie Le video on bikepacking.com or Huw's blog.

Got a feeling that PostieRich also did a ride or two out there in the last year or so, might be mistaken about that, Rich can confirm.
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Re: Loch Arkaig to Loch Nevis & Loch Morar

Post by Rasta »

Thanks. I will have a look.
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Re: Loch Arkaig to Loch Nevis & Loch Morar

Post by Rasta »

Well, there was me moaning about riding through bogs and now the sun won't stop shining. Drying it all out.

Went over to Loch Nevis via Glendessary. Camped on the beach/grass, by the river. Beautiful trip. Stunning valley. Had a swim in the sea, then pushed/rode back up again. Stopping for a swim in the mid lochans. There is supposedly a very big cave near the lochan that I will try to bivi in next time.
The descent down to the sea is top class. I tried to ride as much as possible, but really needs an unloaded full sus bike or cable car.

I then went down the Glen Pean valley via the bothy. But only as far as the loch as I wanted to camp next to it for a swimming spot. And I've already spent over a week camping near Oban bothy on Morar (canoeing). So didn't need to continue. There is a very thin trail that climbs up and past the loch, on the south side. Maybe remove a pedal for it.
The loch is amazing for swimming as it has crystal clear water which is rare, as most up here are peaty. This maybe one of my favourite valleys. Small and cosy.

Anyone been on the Ardnish peninsula down to Peanmeanach Beach/ruins? Heading there next.
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