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Estates in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:26 pm
by robbie
Does anyone know of an up-to-date map that shows which estates own a certain bit of land. A Google hasn't turned anything up yet.

Re: Estates in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:31 pm
by GregMay
Erm... this perhaps:

One does enjoy the land register.

Re: Estates in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:00 pm
by whitestone
Somewhat surprisingly there is the "whoownsscotland" website run by Andy Wightman (no relation). I'm sure you used to be able to view the map without subscribing but it seems you can no longer do that. The map showed the boundaries and name of a given estate when you clicked on a location.

There used to be a book "Heading for The Scottish Hills" which gave contact details of estates so you could check if your chosen hill/route was clear of stalking activities but books are soon out of date so it's now a website - ... tish-hills with numbers to ring for each hill/estate. I suppose with the somewhat contentious issue of hunting the estates don't want to broadcast their specific itineraries.

Re: Estates in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:20 pm
by robbie
Yes Whitestone that was the kinda thing I was looking for rather than having to go through the land registry each time as there will be multiple.
I suppose first call is to ask on here to see if people know the estates that own the following. Any help appreciated.
Glen Artney
Artalnag to sma glen
Bridge of balgie to loch rannoch
Corriarick pass

Re: Estates in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:35 pm
by fatbikephil
Don't know off the top of my head Robbie but I'm pretty sure, having been to all of those places, that there are signs up with shooting info that name the estates. I just can't remember any of the names....
Good excuse for a few bikes rides?

Re: Estates in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:46 pm
by whitestone
OK, I've a copy of the "Heading for the Scottish Hills" book but it's the 1990 edition so numbers may well be out of date! Actually they are as they aren't prefixed with 01 :roll:

Glen Artney - Glen Artney estate.
Artalnag - Auchnafree
Bridge of Balgie to Loch Rannoch = Meggernie & Camusericht
Corrour - Corrour
Corriarick - Culachy (west side), Glenshirra and Sheramore (east side)

Re: Estates in Scotland

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:43 pm
by robbie
:-bd thanks