Fat Fighters '23

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Fat Fighters '23

Post by gairym »


Reet then! Who's in???

Same format as always...

Weigh-in once a week, post it here along with any progress, issues and general weight/health related banter.

Let's keep it friendly, supportive and non-judgey and we'll all have a lovely time.
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by gairym »

Thought I'd go back through the first weigh-in for each year I've been participating in this fun thread - here goes.....

2023: 119.1kg
2022: 125.1kg
2021: 115.4kg
2020: ???kg
2019: 115.7kg
2018: 111kg

So.....what I'm taking from the above was that, despite feeling very negative about '22 and my weight, I actually lost 6kg compared to the same time last year - that's not a small win!

Hopefully I've passed peak-girth and am on the latter half of the weight bell curve :-bd

As with last year I intend to continuing working through the many and various head monkeys leading to me having an unhealthy relationship with food and drink as opposed to simply trying to fight the results of those head monkeys.

Despite a veritable sh1t storm of maladies and illnesses I'm actually in a pretty good place.

Currently not really drinking (had 3 beers last night and was in bed by 10 and that's on the back of +/-5 weeks of no (ok, two birthday evenings) booze.

Currently managing to totally abstain from any/all soft drinks (I don't drink tea or coffee so can easily fall into energy drink addiction if I'm run down or unhealthy and need to function).

Going to do vegan January (or at least veggie and vegan much of the time) which will be a nice excuse to dust off my skills in order to eat fun stuff (was veggie for ~12 years and I've never been so creative in the kitchen).

My only other aim is to stay uninjured long enough to get back to a decent place fitness-wise as that is not the case currently.

Ok, I'm über keen to get at it - see you out there.....
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by redefined_cycles »

I've ordered Veloforte and gone on their 6 weekly subsrcitpion. Really nice bars and energy stuff.

Gonna try and update my weights each time I've dropped another 0.5kg.

Starting weight as of 1/1/2023 = 83.1kg
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »

I'm in :-bd

Just been for a 2 hour local wander. So that's a start. Bacon butties for dinner though :grin:

Will do my initial weigh in tomorrow, and then Friday.

Last year was terrible health wise. I did some nice rides, but very much to the detriment of that health, and the last month or two have been dire with me I'll on a d off and all over Xmas. Here's to a more measured 2023. The one thing I am in control of is what goes in my gob, so there's really no excuses there :roll:
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »

After today I'm going to be cutting back bread/wheat to minimum, preferably zero. I'm not going to be checking labels, but not going to be eating sandwiches and pizza and pasta

Soft drinks or 'sweets' reserved for longer rides. I don't drink booze anyway so that's not an issue.

I've got a load of Huel black (banana flavour) that I get on with as it's gluten free and low carb high protein so that's likely to be my go to breakfast with ss milk in it

I'm also going to do an element of intermittent fasting as I find that helps me. So no food after tea (usually eaten by 6pm) and then hold off breakfast until around 10am.

Calorie aim is around 2200 a day logging on my fitness Pal.
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by AbzSouthish »

Noob to the site and the challenge but definitely need to get eating habits under control.

Last family day of the hols today so weight in will be tomorrow.

Onwards and downwards 🤞
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »

Welcome :-bd

How southish of Abz are you? I'm about an hour by car.
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by AbzSouthish »

Only 6 miles short of Abz.

Mostly been a (fat) roadie up until last year so just playing catch up with all you adventurers
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »

Well I'm mostly a fat roadie as my wrists struggle to do too much off road at the moment. Hopefully that will change! :grin:
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by petemaz »

I'd like to join in this year please. I'm fed up procrastinating every few months about losing weight and getting fitter, so this will hopefully give me the motivation to move my ass.
Getting older and lazier makes it harder to keep the weight off, plus blood pressure and cholesterol going in the wrong direction means I need to take this more seriously. :roll:

Starting weight 1/1/23 = 88.4kg
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Escape Goat »

Yeah, I’m in too as October seen me at 100.2 heights a big thing too - I’m 6ft.

Been meal prepping since October, cut out bread, cut down on milk, cut down on cake and also beer. I have one bad day a week so it’s a treat, not a habit.

I said I’d join 2022. Had zero motivation, but as I’ve been going now for 2 months, I’m relatively committed I’d say.

93.8 as of 01/01/2023
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »

Ok start weight Monday 2nd Jan is a whopping 122.9kg :sad:

Let's see come Friday....
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by AbzSouthish »

And so it begins.

02/01/23 - 113kg
09/01/23 - 113kg - At least it didnt go up! Must try harder
16/01/23 - 112 kg.....and we're off. Slow but steady wins the race....maybe
28/01/23 - 111kg. Missed a week , ooops
Last edited by AbzSouthish on Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Rapideye »

I'm back in for this year. Target still 72kg but haven't weighed myself yet as I'll wait for Saturday. I like to build a little tension.
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Keith74 »

Definitely in this year after gaining 6 kg over December. Struggled last year with work and life from both an mental and health point so need to make some big changes this year.

02/01/2023 92kgs

Stay in the banks of Loch Fyne in Argyll.
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »

Wow I love day one weight loss. Down 1.1kg :-bd Pity it'll not be like that every day :roll:
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by yourguitarhero »

I'm in
03/01/2023 - 88.8kg.
Bit heavier than the ~80kg I like to be, but it's been a very stressful year with work which has lead to less riding and more beer.
However, my gym work is paying off, have definitely gained muscle and strength, so that potentially adds a kilo or two.

Am doing the dry January thing as well as getting training for bikepacking the Loch Lomond/Trossachs loop with some pals in April so have some focus there to help.

Then I'm stopping working for a year or so in April (hence last year's stress - working enough to build a pot of money to do that) so will should have lots of time to go a-wandering. Stress compounded by trying to get every single DIY job done before work finishes! I have a list of lists haha
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by ootini »

I'll be weighing in on Friday. I'm sticking with 2022's goal. However, I'm also considering tracking lifting goals too, and not worrying about loss of body weight so much.
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by arkay »

I have no idea where my bathroom scales are, as most of the contents of my house are still in storage due to building work, but I reckon I am currently around 83-84kg when I should be more like 77kg. Almost three years of working from home and no bike commuting has taken its toll.

So getting back the right side of 80kg is my goal!
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »


Homemade pizza not the best pre-weigh-in meal, but was making them for my son having friends round, and a poor day with my wife's Grandpa passing this morning.

I still should be within my calories, as I have been all week, but a belly full of dough fails to pass my minimal wheat plan :lol:
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by gairym »

Looks good, what's the crazy white spirally sauce?
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »

Garlic sauce/mayo :-bd
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by FLV »

I’m in too. Had an up and down couple of years also. Many struggles I won’t go into but am determined to move towards ‘balance’ in the next few months.

I have some ambitions and plans which all involve a big change of mindset and approach for me.

Anyway, weigh in and targets on Sunday when I’m back from a little family trip.

Best of luck and support to one and all :-bd
Last edited by FLV on Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by yourguitarhero »

I'm trying to do some exercise 6 days of the week, either gym, on the bike or walking. Was out on the bike tonight. Didn't fancy a big ride but I figured night + rain + rigid bike and slicks on mud might keep things interesting. It did!
Quite nice to focus on even getting out for an hour as normally only do a "ride" which takes up most of the day
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Re: Fat Fighters '23

Post by Moder-dye »

I've been trying to do something everyday too; walk, ride, strength & mobility. But also a limited amount, so like an hour ride or walk, with strength and mobility drip fed in when I'm not.

In the past I'd go for a 3 hour ride and be good for nothing but sofa time. Doing some small amount regularly I'm not so drained, but also can be more helpful around the house.
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