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Anyone at GrAviemore this weekend?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:14 pm
by Moder-dye
I know it's a bit off topic gravel wankery and all, and not wild camping, but anyone going? I know Scotroutes is maybe hoping to pop in.

I'm going with a mate, but I won't be doing anything major due to health issues (also taking a glamping option :shock: ). Hopefully a slow 50-60km option both days if I can manage. My friend, currently on a 140km tiling gravel route down to me as we speak, is planning the 126km gravel route in the Saturday.

Re: Anyone at GrAviemore this weekend?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:09 pm
by ScotRoutes
As you say, I'm hoping to pop along sometime on Saturday, after my duties in Blair Atholl. The 126km route (Route 6) looks like the "best value" option, with a nice range of scenery and tracks. Of the rest, Route 1 gets my vote, then maybe Route 4. That's quite a bit longer and has both a twiddly sheep-path bit and a mahoosive climb but does take you into the upper reaches of Glens Tromie and Feshie.

Re: Anyone at GrAviemore this weekend?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:16 pm
by Moder-dye
My current thinking is to do route 4 on the Sunday with my mate, assuming I'm ok after Saturday.

Saturday I was thinking route 2 or 3. Maybe up adding upto Loch Eanaich like I mentioned on STW asits an itch I want to scratch, but maybe route 1 is a better bet to be able for route 4. Decisions decisions...

Taking my swim kit too :grin:

Re: Anyone at GrAviemore this weekend?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:26 pm
by ScotRoutes
I was up at Loch Eanaich yesterday. Weirdly, we had a tailwind in and a headwind out. That never happens!


Re: Anyone at GrAviemore this weekend?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:36 pm
by Moder-dye