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My Garmin Dakota has fixed itself...

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 10:58 am
by fatbikephil
I retired my original Garmin Dakota at the beginning of last year as various strips of dead pixels were appearing on the screen. Given it's extremely hard life I was happy I'd got 7 years out of it. It's replacement has always been a bit erratic (an ebay special) with tiles of the 50k mapping regularly disappearing and various other minor glitches with the mapping. To check to see if it was the card or the image file that was the problem rather than the GPS I put the map card into my old Dakota to check. The screen is now perfect without any of the strips of missing pixels.... I thought self repair tech was only available in the realms of sci fi so whilst I'm glad to be using my trusty old Dakota again it is a bit odd. Anyone able to shed any light on this?

Re: My Garmin Dakota has fixed itself...

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:10 am
by Taylor
I’ve got 4 strips across my screen currently so I’ll have a play about before I contact garmin.

Re: My Garmin Dakota has fixed itself...

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:35 am
by Bearbonesnorm
Shall we simply put it down to 'magic'? It's my default explanation for anything I don't understand.

Re: My Garmin Dakota has fixed itself...

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 6:35 pm
by fatbikephil
Well that's about as good a theory as any. It could also be it having one last fling of being fully functional before croaking completely at some inopportune moment...