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My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:11 am
by redefined_cycles
Just thought it's good to open this for anyone that wishes to own up :lol: Maybe even the Tramadol person might attend and tell their story. I'll start but might elaborate later as more evidence of my own drug taking comes to light :-bd

Re: My name is ------, I'm a (wannabe) ultra cyclist, and (potentially) do drugs...

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:30 am
by redefined_cycles
So... I always try to carry some of that kinesis tape for the knee. I also always carry a 'line' of ibuprofen and CoCodamol. CoCodamol comes in two different grades and its not to be taken with Paracetamol as you might overdose :grin:

I carry the '8mg of codiene/500mg paracetamol'. Once during a route building ride to London (or was it an actual ITT attempt - for myself) a mate came past - or did I go past his in Derby :lol: oh dear... wait til I tell you about the filming crew - and due the pain in my knee offered some of his missuses CoCodamol. That would be the non-overcounter version and I managed to get close to Lieghton, the home of Buzzard before deploying it.

The knee pain was terrible and I remember it was a long straight road. Anyway, I ended up getting high in the pitch black with my lights. It was terrible and also the day I decided to never take someone else's families preacription drugs ever again. Especially if they have 30mg of Codiene per 'hit'. That was many years ago and you'd have thought I'd learnt my lesson.

So this December when I rode down, on the same route - I've tried it many many times and finally called it the Aafia Siddiqui Way in her honour and also due to how tough it is - with Karl I'd taken some Diazepam in my TT bag. It was a prescription drug but my own from about 15 years. It was only the one or two left. It's older than my marriage and I deployed it at the 200 mile mark in the freezing cold. Not sure if it was another terrible idea but I came home with ITB syndrome and ended up walking the final 2 miles of the 240 mile route. Thwn it took me almost 8 months for the ITB to heal.

So as can be seen so far... Don't do prescription drugs when you're doing an ultra folks. Might seem a good idea at the time but it only made me slow and stupid/wobbly...

My name is Shafiq and I plan to try and stop taling prescription drugs on extreme bike rides. May Allah make easy for me... Oh and did I tell you about the time I took so much honey that I had to go and get some antihistamines... It was after the BB200 but lets save that for another thread :smile:

Re: My name is ------, I'm a (wannabe) ultra cyclist, and (potentially) do drugs...

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:34 am
by psling
Well, according to a certain 70s rock star love is a drug and we all enjoy a bit of that don't we.
So, if we love riding our bikes, especially over longer distances, then we're all at it. Aren't we.... :???: :wink:

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:17 pm
by ton
i hope i never get pulled over by the uci drugs testing police. i ride every ride juiced up to hell........... :lol:

tildiem is a drug the opens your blood vessels to allow more blood through and ipixaban keeps the blood water thin and running freely.
all good for keeping a dodgy ticker running sweet.

Re: My name is ------, I'm a (wannabe) ultra cyclist, and (potentially) do drugs...

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:23 pm
by redefined_cycles
psling wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:34 am Well, according to a certain 70s rock star love is a drug and we all enjoy a bit of that don't we.
So, if we love riding our bikes, especially over longer distances, then we're all at it. Aren't we.... :???: :wink:
I remember the last attempt at the above route (just last month - gave up after 20ish hours and 201 miles just on the edge of London and got an Uber... that's definitely mechanical doping, right :smile: ) which I joined just cos another lad was trying it - so to try and make it a realistic attempt for him and be another body/rider on the route. At about 100 miles or so I saw one of the other (3rd) riders and it gives such a boost. Just seeing another cyclist who's going through the same situation as yourself. Gave such a massive boost and took my mind back to the doping threads of recent on here...

Yes, adding soundtracks (for me the Quran or rhymes/poetry) definitely gives an advantage but others are most welcome to the same I suppose. Recently I've given up trying to build my mental toughness by having the full route-mileage displayed (of miles remaining). Changed the main map screen on the Wahoo to display total-average kph instead. Not sure if that's wise trying to train for the bb200. Maybe I should employ someone to punch me in the face instead (for the mental toughness development):o

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:28 pm
by fatbikephil
On the HT in 2017 I drank quite a lot of Irn Bru. I can't remember where but there was one (well there were several obviously) occasion where I was absolutely knackered - proper falling a asleep on bike job. Breakfast at the Kylescu hotel made me feel worse but the can of Irn bru I grabbed and drank on the way up the road literally picked me up off the floor....

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:59 pm
by lune ranger
Irn Bru.

If Scotland becomes independent do you think they’ll make it by the old recipe again? :grin:

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 8:45 pm
by frogatthefarriers
ton wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:17 pm …. and ipixaban keeps the blood water thin and running freely.
You ain’t kiddin’. I was on it for a short while when they found a clot in my heart a couple of years ago. The tiniest scratch or pinprick would bleed for hours - turned me into a haemophiliac it did. I dread to think what a dose of piles would have been like.. :o

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 9:47 pm
by fatbikephil
lune ranger wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:59 pm Irn Bru.

If Scotland becomes independent do you think they’ll make it by the old recipe again? :grin:
More likely it will become sugar free...

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 10:00 pm
by lune ranger
fatbikephil wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 9:47 pm
lune ranger wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:59 pm Irn Bru.

If Scotland becomes independent do you think they’ll make it by the old recipe again? :grin:
More likely it will become sugar free...

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 11:22 pm
by redefined_cycles
fatbikephil wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:28 pm On the HT in 2017 I drank quite a lot of Irn Bru. I can't remember where but there was one (well there were several obviously) occasion where I was absolutely knackered - proper falling a asleep on bike job. Breakfast at the Kylescu hotel made me feel worse but the can of Irn bru I grabbed and drank on the way up the road literally picked me up off the floor....
I love it... so yours (if we was in the alcoholics anonymous type group) would be: "My name is FatbikePhil and I'm an IrnBru-olic" :grin:

No one using deep fat dried mars bars for doping?

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:47 am
by fatbikephil
By the end of the route my tongue was burnt from all the sugar.....

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:50 am
by redefined_cycles
That's nasty Phil (as in, sorry to hear that - sounds painfuland I think I've expereinced it too). I used to aim to add plwnty of sugar during my long rides (short for many on here) but I reckon my teeth were suffering despite carrying my miswak. So now i still carry toothbrush/miswak but cut down/cut out the sugar bit. It also seems cheese and onion pasty are no good for me whilst on an epic*.

*My version of epic...

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:48 am
by Boab
I carry ProPlus, antihistamine, ibuprofen and co-codamol on bikepacking adventures. The ibuprofen and co-codamol are for deployment if I have an nasty off of some description; thankfully I've never had to use them. The antihistamine if I get stung by a bee, wasp or hornet, or if I get a dose of serious nettle rash; I've had to use these quite often. I haven't been carrying coffee kit recently, so the ProPlus is for when I wake up, till I can get to a resupply point to buy a coffee or a Red Bull / Monster / other caffeine based cold drink.

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:13 pm
by godivatrailrider
I too carry Piriton just incase of wasps, baaad nettles ( I hate nettles !)
Ibuprofen and Paracetamol, usually taken as a preventative when I feel the knee twinge.
Allopurinol for controlling the gout.

Earl Grey teabags. The Taylors coffee bags are superb but the almost instant evacuation 'effect' is something I can't risk when riding so all coffee is off the menu.

Can't take Cocodamol, it makes me puke and really dizzy ... like " need to lie down and sleep for 4 hours " ...

Other than that I have an emergency eye-wash just incase too.

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:19 pm
by Bearbonesnorm
I always have aspirin in case someone decides to have a heart attack and Rennies ... pub food isn't always what you'd hope and riding with indigestion is no fun.

I recall something a while ago about some roadies using nicotine patches to enhance performance.

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:28 pm
by redefined_cycles
Not exactly sure how it would enhance performance (but I suppose that 'marginal gains' side of life which most of us here don't care or think about). It (nocotine) does dilate the blood vessels though (thereby dropping the blood pressure slightly) so maybe it's got to do with having more blood freely travelling through.

Well done on carrying the Aspirin btw Stu. I do the same but not on the bike (it's in my car side door in case - for me or anyone else)...

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:38 pm
by PaulB2
lune ranger wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 7:59 pm Irn Bru.

If Scotland becomes independent do you think they’ll make it by the old recipe again? :grin:
They never actually stopped, just look for Irn Bru 1901.

Re: My name is ------, and I....

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:53 pm
by boxelder
I snagged a large bag of Irn Bru Jelly Babies for this last weekends YD fun ... k-20230365
Bru'd in Scotchland from...........