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The demise of the Hydro bothy

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:42 am
by whitestone
Had a chat with a chap from SSE the other day as we were approaching Orrin dam.

The bothy and the land on which it stood was owned by SSE and they did the majority of the repairs. In recent years they’ve seen a big increase in anti social behaviour: the window would regularly be smashed even when it was replaced with Perspex; the door would be ripped ripped off and burned; litter; etc

Then SSE wanted a piece of land next to the intake pipe so they bought that off the estate and sold them the Hydro land. The estate “hate walkers and cyclists “ (his words) and within a week they had demolished the bothy and carted the remains to the tip.

So a combination of bad behaviour and selfishness. :sad:

Re: The demise of the Hydro bothy

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:41 pm
by fatbikephil
Interesting Bob. The gate where the access road emerges at the estate used to be locked and the kissing gate beside it too tight for a bike. There was also barbed wire wrapped round the top rails of the gate and kissing gate to make it harder for bikes to be lifted across - my Krampus has a nice big scratch on the forks from HT2014 because of this! I believe the Council had to serve a notice on the estate to get the gate unlocked....

Re: The demise of the Hydro bothy

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:21 pm
by whitestone
Oh, the gate at the bottom of the road is locked, very locked, I’ve a shot of the four padlocks :shock: but the gate at the side is easily wide enough for a bike.

Re: The demise of the Hydro bothy

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:35 pm
by ScotRoutes
The last time I did the singletrack descent from the bothy, the gate at the bottom of that (Achederson) was also locked.