Bivvy a Month 2021

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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by ledburner »

Borderer wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:36 pm
K1100T wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:01 pm Love a good handful of blaeberries...
Me too. They are early this year thanks to the good weather.
wow, the sheep always get to our bilberries. :cry:
the only perk :-bd of being hot and woolly this time of year . :oops: :oops:?
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by sean_iow »

I'll probably do a fuller report separately, but for this thread here's July. Ralph waking up with the view of Worms Head on the second morning of the Gower trip :grin:


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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by ScotRoutes »

Not the first to wake up to a view of a worms head I guess?
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by Verena »

sean_iow wrote: Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:10 am I'll probably do a fuller report separately, but for this thread here's July. Ralph waking up with the view of Worms Head on the second morning of the Gower trip :grin:


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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by Raggedstone »

7/7 for this year

As it was getting hotter and hotter each night in the house during the recent heatwave i decided to ride up the hills in the hope that it i might cool down a bit . I took some tyvek my neoair, pillow and a cumulus 150 quilt plus a couple of cold drinks .
It was quite an education in tls . I had a great ride enjoying the sunset and slightly lower temperatures and i found a bivvy spot prety much where i thought i would it even came with a cooling breeze . I got the sleeping kit set up and realised that with such lightweight kit the cooling breeze was becoming a bit of a pain and had to put some weight on top to keep it where it was while i enjoyed the not quite so cold drinks .
ImageIMG_20210718_044551956 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
Within five minutes of retiring for some stargazing and having the quilt blown off me i thought what a great idea the elasticed straps that come with quilt are shame they were at home somewhere . Once i had wrapped myself up in the quilt i slept quite well i even felt a slight chill at one point which was wonderful . The morning appeared with a beautiful sunrise a perfect counterpoint to clear night sky
ImageIMG_20210718_051706221_HDR by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
After a very quick packing up session there was no option but to ride my bike and enjoy the peace and quiet of the hills while it lasted, by 6.30 there were a lot of people out walking their dogs before it got hot again .
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by Charliecres »

As mentioned elsewhere, I did the Trans Cambrian Way last weekend, timing it perfectly to get three days of dry and sometimes sizzling weather while those at home endured a deluge. However, we were taking it easy and staying at campsites, so that left me still needing to do a July bivy.

With a very changeable forecast till the end of the month, I grabbed the chance to add a bivy on to our regular Wednesday night group ride. So I packed light and headed out on the singlespeed for a couple of hours of fast, twisty Surrey Hills fun in on-off rain followed by a couple of pints and a chance to dry out at a country pub. I was very pleased how well the Stooge performed on some pretty techy trails with the light load - much better than previous experiences, when I must have been carrying more.

I’d left my options open but on leaving the pub it seemed like the rain was done and the wind had dropped a bit, so I bade farewell to my companions and set out to find a place to make my bed. I stuck mainly to the road in an effort not to get wet and muddy again and headed for a secluded spot I’d noticed previously on a dead-end track near a very well used mountain bike trail. I was lying on the track, which turned out to be properly compacted aggregate under the grassy top layer, so there was no option to use the micro-tarp I’d brought but I wasn’t too worried and as it turned out there was no more rain, just a bit of blustery wind, so all was well.

It was, however, a cooler night than we’ve had for a while, so I packed up soon after dawn and headed home, hoping to catch my wife before she set off for work. I did, and got a proper rollicking for not leaving a note telling her what I was up to. :oops: (I had but ... long story.)

So anyway, that’s 7/7 for me so far in 2021. No pics because I left my phone on the train two weeks ago and it’s still making its way through SW Trains’ lost property system ( :roll: ), which is also part of that long story.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by JimmyG »

With the good weather we’ve been having up this way in recent weeks, I’ve been concentrating on just riding my bikes and any thoughts of a bikepacking trip have taken a back seat. As July has drawn to a close, however, I became ever more conscious I was running out of time to squeeze in this month’s bivvy.

Did I say we’ve been having good weather? Well, all good things do come to an end and throughout the past week we’ve had Met Office warnings of thunderstorms/heavy rain. Eventually, after several false alarms, we did have a couple of heavy bouts of rain although we were spared the thunder. Despite some forecasts predicting further rain, as I pedalled out to East Lothian on Wednesday evening the skies were overcast with a cool but light breeze. I’d decided to travel with a lighter load on this occasion i.e. no tent, tarp or bivvy bag. The reason being I was going to seek out ready-made overhead cover just in case the rain did decide to make a reappearance. I had several such options in mind and in the end plumped for one of several tunnels that are features on a quad bike circuit/assault course I have passed on previous rides. As I’d hoped, the site was deserted and I was soon able to settle down for a quiet, undisturbed night.

ImageUntitled by Jimmy G, on Flickr

ImageUntitled by Jimmy G, on Flickr

ImageUntitled by Jimmy G, on Flickr

I was woken in the morning by a buzzard noisily patrolling the skies above my bedroom. Nature's alarm clock having done it's thing, it was a case of get up, a quick and basic breakfast, load up and head homewards. All in all, a nice, straightforward outing and, despite the threat of rain throughout, all completed in dry conditions.

ImageUntitled by Jimmy G, on Flickr

ImageUntitled by Jimmy G, on Flickr

ImageUntitled by Jimmy G, on Flickr

ImageUntitled by Jimmy G, on Flickr

ImageUntitled by Jimmy G, on Flickr

So that makes 7 from 7 in 2021 and my 43rd consecutive monthly bike and bivvy.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by JoseMcTavish »

Love that sheltered spot improvisation Jimmy - could be one hell of a wake up call if you really slept in!

Still playing catch up here - April was my first non-garden bivvy of the year, but I didn't stray too far from home, heading out on the last moody night of the month to follow the Elsick Mounth through to the far edge of Durris Forest and returning on a pleasant sunny morning. All in all a delightful return to proper bivvying.

Moody skies weren't stopping me getting my night out the garden

I dined like an emperor

Nice and dry above the sodden ground

Messed about trying to get an icy selfie in the morning


Rolled down towards Stonehaven and back home over the Netherley Road

Slightly more words here as I try to update my blog too!
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by JimmyG »

JoseMcTavish wrote: Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:17 pm Love that sheltered spot improvisation Jimmy - could be one hell of a wake up call if you really slept in!
:o True, true. Just as well I took along my trained buzzard eh! :lol:
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by frogatthefarriers »

A last minute BAM for July. That's 7/7 for this year.

Start near Llangollen and trundle along the canal towpath to where the Ellesmere canal begins, then back lanes to Glyndyfrdwy (on the A5), then start climbing. Lots of climbing to the summit of Moel Ferna and down to the old slate quarry of that name

On the way up:-
The track was a bit overgrown, as you can see.

The bivvy:-

Guess what I had for breakfast?

I pootled around for a little while, just looking. These concrete pillars looked a little incongruous amongst all the slate buildings

Mine's the one on the left. I don't fancy yours much. :grin:

The start of the descent:-

An inclined ramp that led down to a horrible little stretch full of deep motorbike troughs that had grown over and were invisible until my wheels or feet plunged in to axles or knees. Too dangerous to ride, but thankfully, not too long.

When the track levelled out on to the old railway, it was rideable but....

'S funny, but under all that bracken was a clear level path with short grass. Easily rideable. The challenge was forcing a path through the eye-level fronds. The only clue where the path lay, was a slight dip in the height of the bracken. There were a couple of boggy patches, a couple of styles to lift over and a fence, but on the whole, an easy passage, slightly down hill most of the way. I don't think it would be so much fun going the other way.

Another inclined plane to another quarry:-

Then down a path to the old Pandy slate mill where the slate was finished.

And finally, anyone for some male bonding?

Finished in Llangollen with a "Croque Madame" (fancy cheese-on-toast with ham and a fried egg, and a pint of IPA at Gales Wine Bar with my daughter.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by Bearlegged »

A couple of nights out to report for July.

Trip 1: Headed out with a vague “somewhere” in mind. Found that somewhere to be full of people. Rode around in the dark, not wanting to put a light on and draw attention to myself. Went somewhere else, pitched camp by the light of the moon, then rolled down deserted trails as sunrise spilled over the moors. Met some new additions to the local fauna. It was a good morning.

Trip 2: A chilled and cheeky sub-12hr overnighter with my mate Dunc, featuring dusty trails, excellent skies, inquisitive roe deer and big smiles.

It’s a good thing I don’t suffer from hayfever!
Waking up in the long grass was like being surrounded by a fuzzy barrier, holding back the hard edges of modern life. Now, if only it could hold back the midges...

Did wonder about adding an extra loop to the commute, but the call of second breakfast was too strong and we took a pretty route home.

2021 BAM 7/12
2021 total bivvies 9
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by RIP »

frogatthefarriers wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:24 pm
And finally, anyone for some male bonding?
Bearded Men Adventures! BMA. Nice anagram of BAM there. "Archery and Axe Throwing" course sounds fun!

Nice to see the fairly rare two-wheel tarp config as well :smile: .
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by shutuplegs »

Late write up due to job change busy-ness. However, said job change did allow some unexpected leave to be taken at the start of the ‘heatwave’ so I could venture out on a longer trip.

I usually enjoy planning a route etc but decided to just head out on the King Alfreds Way which starts locally and therefore reduced my prep time to packing my bags and wheeling out the door.

Nice rolling country, mostly very dry but occasional deep muddy rut territory. A surprise issue whereby riding through a freshly cut field of long grass, a large amount of it managed to wrap itself around my derailleur and jockey wheels which took a bit of sorting.

Riding around the artillery ranges in the full heat of the day was bad enough but during live firing made for an eerie experience, ground shaking at times!

Met a few other folk who were mostly on very heavily laden bikes and looking at a few days to get around, seemed relaxed. Huge thanks (not sure if they’re on here...) to the three lads on gravel bikes who chased me down to return a dropped bottle, it was only half full but contained all my remaining water at the time! My offer of ginger nuts in return was not welcome, maybe they subscribe to a different athletes diet than I do.

Picked up a few items from a bakery in Amesbury and ferried them along another few kms to stop and eat over looking Stonehenge in all its glory.

Stopped at a lovely little village called All Canning whereby the community shop was very well stocked and priced (see ginger nuts) and the local pub extremely accommodating to roving bike riders. All the staff had stories of riders that had stopped recently who had succumbed to more than a few pints and ended up camping in their garden. Wouldn’t have dismissed the idea myself if it wasn’t for the lack of view from there. So I prised myself away after only the one pint and carried on to the ridgeway. Sunset was sublime but meant it was getting dark and I found a spot with a view not long after.

My second BAM with only groundsheet, mat and summer quilt. Funnily enough I seem to sleep best once the dark has gone and it’s dawn. Woke up to see mist in the valleys around me while the stars slowly retreated just as they had appeared 8 hours ago.

Breakfast of porridge type thing and coffee then I rolled on getting wet feet at every section of long grass due to the dew.

I had considered rolling on to Reading but needed to be back to collect some beer from the local brewery for another camping trip that evening (no bikes unfortunately) so peeled off the KAW/Ridgeway and headed for Didcot. Surprisingly pleasant process of booking my bike onto the GWR train, loaded up on Greggs for the journey and called that my July BAM. Total mileage didn’t matter, I had fun riding when I wanted to ride and stopping to eat and chat with people when I liked.

7/7. New job starting so August BAM won’t be as long and I think I’ll be back to nearby spots.



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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by Alan63 »

Fraser and I went 7/7 last night. We made a trip to our local spot. I'll post a wee trail report later.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by frogatthefarriers »

RIP wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:18 pm Nice to see the fairly rare two-wheel tarp config as well :smile: .
I’m still trying to come to terms with “tarping”. Using the wheels is another step in the endeavour. When I’ve used the Holden pitch I’ve found it to be a little low at the foot end. The wheel was an attempt to address this. In the event, I must have done something wrong because one of the wheels fell over in the night.

The thing I don’t like with these tarp shelters is the lack of headroom - crawling around trying to get changed in a low space is not for me. Give me my hammock any day, where I’ve got room to walk around, get changed, have somewhere to sit, shelter to cook under and somewhere to keep my stuff dry. And, best of all, I get a comfortable nights sleep. It’s fair to say, it’s a lot more faff to get set up, but I don’t race, so a little extra weight and set-up time are well worth it.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by RIP »

Cue lots of tarp discussion :smile: . Depends how big the tarp is. Eg. 8 x 10 should give you acres of room and plenty of height with 110cm pole(s).

Mr Bearbones will be along in a jiffy to extol their virtues I hope :smile: . Don't give up just yet :smile: .
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by fatbikephil »

I'll claim this as a provisional for August, but no pics....
Anyway I duly departed on the 31st of July on a bike ride but crucially continued into the 1st of August, pitching up at the hour of 2 am on said day. Unrolled lightweight bivvy bag, inflated mat, wore all cloths and lay down a for a couple of hours, one of which was spent sleeping. Up with the owl (that was sat on a branch right above me hooting like mad), noting the rain which the dense leaf cover of the beach tree entirely protected me from; out and off.

I'll probably do a proper one later in the month with tarps, food and beer. :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by RIP »

htrider wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:55 pm 31st of July on a bike ride but crucially continued into the 1st of August, pitching up at the hour of 2 am on said day.
Noooo-o-o-o!!!!! :grin:

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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by fatbikephil »

I'm looking for your support on this one Reg :mrgreen:
Did I need to start the ride on the 1st??
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by Bearlegged »

As far as I'm concerned, you were out on a bivvy trip on both the last day of one month, and the first day of the other. I don't see why one month has to take primacy over the other, though this does seem to raise some hackles.

However, it is only one night, so you can't claim for both months. I think everyone is agreed on that.

Lastly, I trust it was enjoyable.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by RIP »

Nah you're all good obv. Just like to bring a bit of tension to the proceedings now and then. Keep us on our toes and all that :smile: .
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by fatbikephil »

Landslide wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:40 pm
Lastly, I trust it was enjoyable.
It served the purpose :???:
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by Boab »

Attempted an Icknield Way double at the weekend, which was entertaining, and another last gasp final night of the month bivvy. I'm going to have to go back past Letchworth again, as there was some fantastic riding on the way to the end near Chinnor.

I did my usual and didn't eat enough, so was teetering on a bonk for hours, then ate too much and felt sick for hours. The frequent rain showers didn't help either, making the roads slidy and the off-roads squelchy, which meant I couldn't get any traction going up hill and had to get off and push stuff I should've been able to ride. I managed roughly ~237 KM on Saturday, which was about 50 KM less than I'd hoped for, due to the slow going from and back to Dunstable Downs. I eventually stopped for the night just after crossing the A5 (A505), after leaving Houghton Regis.

Sunday dawned misty and wet, after more rain over night. After a horrible push up the hill at Sharpenhoe Clappers, things improved, and I had a massive grin on as I sped down various wide open byways.

It didn't last though, as the lack of calories the previous day started to bite again and the pace slowed. I knew I'd never get to the other end at Knettishall Heath and back home for a reasonable time, so I decided to head for Phoenix Cycleworks and a cup of coffee and cake, then turn around for home. I'd been pretty good at keeping dry in all the rain on Saturday, but shortly after passing he house, I was soaked to the skin in 60s but a brutal downpour. I decided I wasn't having fun any more, so turned around and went home.

2021 BaM: 7/7
Streak: 19
Last edited by Boab on Tue Aug 31, 2021 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by RIP »

"Houghton Regis".

Just nip out and check yer wheels KT....
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2021

Post by Boab »

RIP wrote: Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:18 pm "Houghton Regis".

Just nip out and check yer wheels KT....
I was more worried in Dunstable! 😆
Especially when I had to slam on the brakes while going round a roundabout, lest I be splattered all over the road as some twit came steaming onto it at speed, trailing vast clouds of ganja smoke...
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