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Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:10 pm
by Zippy
That looks vaguely exciting :smile:

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:15 pm
by RobMac
FLV, aard core or what :YMAPPLAUSE:

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:07 pm
by FLV
RobMac wrote:FLV, aard core or what :YMAPPLAUSE:
That would mark of this parish. I had a tarp.

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:38 pm
by ianfitz
Looks like a cracker. I've ridden a lot this week but not done February yet...

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:00 pm
by slugwash
2/2 - Got February's in. Sub zero, but not as cold as a recent Dartmoor bivi. I skied out into the Nordmarka (forest north of Oslo) along the 'street lit' trails until I left them and steered by head torch. A navigational error meant I didn't end up where I'd intended, but it all looks the same in the dark, so I plotted up on some firm snow under the partial shelter of a tree, and settled down in my snug, toasty down bag just as it started snowing. However, several hours later I awoke in a damp bag of sweat. I was still warm but very clammy, so I think I'd better start looking for a more breatheable bivi bag, as this is the second time it's happened in recent weeks. If it was a multi night trip I'd of been in a spot of bother. I took my MYOG solid fuel stove with me, but didn't use it as it would probably've sunk down into a three feet of snow as it heated up. Next time I might do what the Norwegians do and take a light shovel to dig down into the snow to prepare a bed. I woke up again about 0730, packed up and wandered through the forest until I found a skiable trail back.

So, who needs one of those new-fangled fatbikes :wink:

ImageNordmarka Bedroom by Dittisham Stickleback Breeding Station, on Flickr

ImageGentle Downhill by Dittisham Stickleback Breeding Station, on Flickr

ImageMonday Morning Ski Home by Dittisham Stickleback Breeding Station, on Flickr

ImageErleh Brejforst by Dittisham Stickleback Breeding Station, on Flickr

ImageSki Routes #oslo #tryvann by Dittisham Stickleback Breeding Station, on Flickr

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:39 am
by Ian
February done for me - 2/2. Didn't want to leave Finland without having got a bivvy in. Hooked up with a couple of other racers: Evan Simula and Antti Simonen. We rode up some trails I'd ridden with Nigel last week, but explored a bit further north until we got to Sinettajarvi lake, which the race went across. Here there was a small open sided shelter and lots of firewood. We followed the race course back to Rovaniemi, cutting a new track into about 2 inches of fresh snow that had fallen overnight. Hard, but fun :grin:

Sinettäjärvi Bivvy by ianbarrington, on Flickr

Ride here, with some more pics linked to Instagram:

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:35 am
by Dave Barter
With the end of Feb approaching can I check whether non-bike bivies are allowed?

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:00 am
by ianfitz
Dave Barter wrote:With the end of Feb approaching can I check whether non-bike bivies are allowed?
It's your rules Dave so do what you want. I have always included a few non bike bivy outings. For me it's about spending a night out each month to experience the change in conditions over the year

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:06 am
by Bearbonesnorm
With the end of Feb approaching can I check whether non-bike bivies are allowed?
I think they've always been excepted, actually I think garden bivvys are allowed :wink:

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:11 am
by Chew
s8tannorm wrote:I think garden bivvys are allowed
To quote Mr Goldsmith it has to be someone else's garden

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:15 am
by Dave Barter
Chew wrote:
s8tannorm wrote:I think garden bivvys are allowed
To quote Mr Goldsmith it has to be someone else's garden
I think he lives near me. Maybe I should sneak into his back yard on Friday night.

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:42 pm
by Mike
Dave if I weren't working you could of came and slept in my back yard, I'd of got the chimena fired up and u could of had bacon sanies in the morning! But all this is a could as I'm at work :lol:

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:36 pm
by Dave Barter
Mike wrote:Dave if I weren't working you could of came and slept in my back yard, I'd of got the chimena fired up and u could of had bacon sanies in the morning! But all this is a could as I'm at work :lol:
There's always next month....

I'm probably going to go out on foot Friday night and see just how light I can go. All my old tramping days were done with a tent and bloody great rucksack so it will be an interesting experiment.

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:29 am
by gairym
1st bivi of 2015!

Val Ferret, Italy.


Great ride up, nowhere in the trees less than waist deep in snow (and no shovel) so retreated to a little to an abandoned village and took shelter under an overhanging roof.



Spoke to a fella who is the only person still living in the village and he said that the night before was -14°c and windy as hell (he offered to give me food in his cabin).


Later he arrived (having xc ski’d 1km from his place in the dark) with a bottle of local beer which he thought I might like – what a thoroughly nice bloke!



I don’t think it got down to -14°c but it was mighty cold all the same and so I got up nice and early and made it home in time for breakfast.

Bring on March…..


Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:11 pm
by Bearbonesnorm
At least you had better luck with the locals this time :wink:

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:28 pm
by gairym
For sure, couldn't have been more different.

The more I see the two countries the more it seems that Italians are a happy and friendly bunch and the French are a bunch of.....(let's just say not so much happy and friendly).

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:27 pm
by Zippy
That looks glorious Gairy :cool:

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:46 pm
by Blackhound

Left it late and decided on a local 24 hour ride from home. Was all going so well and had a late stop at Hcks Lodge which is open until 9pm on a Thursday. About half a mile from the cafe I had a puncture so went back to sort under the canopy and borrow a track pump. Setting off I had gone a bit further and anothe rpuncture in same wheel and had to use my second tube. I found a thorn the first time but not the second time. Dodgy tube fix? Both punctures were in the rear but both times I fouled the wiring for the Revo on the front meaning a second stop.

Not far from HL I had an eejit in a Range Rover wait until I was on the junction before starting to pull out, fortunately for me be saw me late and braked in time.

Some miles later going up a steep, narrow poorly surfaced lane I drifted to the edge of the road and my wheel caught in a rut I couldn't see bringing me down on the elbow I fractured last July. I landed a lot harder than last time but other than a slight twinge all was good though a little bruised today.

I stopped a few miles later near Foremark reservoir and camped in the trees and the next morning popped into the visitor area to make coffee with ginger Ready Brek, chia seeds and goji berries. This kept me going to the outskirts of Derby where I had second breaakfast of bacon and egg roll, Belgian waffle with chocolate and ice cream (it is almost the Classic's season) and two coffees. Roll on March.

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:21 pm
by Zippy

Little local one, grabbed literally just a rucksack, sleeping bag, rollmat, pillow and Bivvy bag, then walked about 25 mins from house to somewhere I know from walking the dog. Bedded down at about 2230, although it's a bit noisy because it's Essex innit and could hear cars and aeroplanes and stuff. I might also have spotted some local squaddies on an overnight exercise with little red lamps and night vision glasses - they left me alone though :lol: Woke up to the sound of local farm animals and birds, wandered back home.

Bivvy - Feb by zippyonline, on Flickr

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:47 am
by Charliecres
2/2 for me, and another local one. Me and a mate slogged through the sticky clag that's everywhere at the moment to this relatively dry, cosy spot under some tall pines. We got home just before more heavy rain arrived. Hoping March's bivy will be a bit further afield.

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:58 am
by Joshvegas
2/12 done.

Took my parents out my mum insisted she braught a pillow!

Plenty wind and plenty rain had me out to adjust pegs and at one point using my knees as an aditional pole. So not much sleep for me!

Feedback was.

Dad pretty positive about the whole thing and loved the idea of a tarp for size and open front for cooking and watching.

Mum was pleased it rained and was a bit miserable but ultimately claimed it was pointless as she slept right through she might has well have been in bed. I think she was joking.

Me I had about 4 bloody hours of sleep. But on a positive side my two season bag is warmer than i expected!

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:07 pm
by Chew

Playing Russian Roulette with the weather of leaving it to the last minute.

A quick stroll t'other side of valley, to find a suitable place out of the wind. Managed to miss the rain as well.

Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:02 pm
by Dr Nick
2 for 2

Like chew, was a bit of a gamble weather-wise but turned out dry but very windy.

Snuck into a local nature reserve at about 10.30 last night after supper at a friend's house.

Bivvy-ed amongst the snowdrops - with a leave no trace ethos I found a flower free space so I didn't squish then...

Home by 6.30 am to find myself locked out, so another hour and a half's kip in the car until family awoke.

Had to use the car as I can't bivvy in the garden coz the cat will climb over it and trash it with its claws...


Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:04 pm
by Scattamah
2/2...rode south from Caersws and crashed in a barn somewhere on a hill south of Elan Village with Composite. Sheddin' it down in Mid Wales this hailed and sleeted on then caught in some semi-biblical rain. Time to break out the Nikwax. Was going for 3/3 tonight, but C. has biomech. issues so the trip was cut short.



Re: Bivvy a month 2015

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:51 am
by sean_iow
2/2 As newbies we didn't stray too far, as we live on the Isle of Wight there's not very far we can stray. Managed a 22 mile ride out, but left late on Friday night so after stopping at a chippy on the way we didn't get to our spot until midnight, by which time it was raining. A hastily pitched tarp which flapped in the wind all night, near to the radio mast which is also surprisingly noisy! The weather wasn't any better in the morning, not actually raining first thing but quite heavy on the ride home, which was fortunately only 6.5 miles. Still enjoyed it and so did the wife. Ours looks a little tame compared to some on here though!
