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Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:33 am
by JimmyG
I’ll definitely get back up that way again before too long. I fancy checking out the Lochindorb area, etc.

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:55 pm
by sean_iow
Another school-night bivi for me. Usually I choose a Thursday but the forecast isn't very good tonight so I decided on Wednesday rather than risk leaving it another week. That does mean I keep thinking it's Friday, which it's not :sad: I packed the bike as soon as I got home from work so there could be no excuses, had dinner, went to the supermarket for Mum's weekly shop, dropped that off and home to get going.

It was a sunny late afternoon when I packed and the overnight low was forecast at 7 so I selected the Ultralight 200 bag, rated to a comfort of 3 but for me it's only really good down to 6 or 7. As I left home and rode off down the road I noticed it already seemed chilly and it was only 20:30. It was a clear night and it was a nice ride through to Newport on the normal commute route but minus the dog walkers who are there in the mornings. As I skirted round the edge of Newport I passed a young couple walking the other way, 'give us a lift mate' inquired the lad 'on this?' I replied... 'yeah' he said... quite how he thought 3 of us would fit on the bike I don't know (4 including Ralph) and I was also going the opposite way to them :???:

I rode up the cycle path form Newport towards Cowes and checked out a future riverside spot overlooking moored yachts, but it would be far too cold that close to the river tonight. A bit more meandering (I had no route only a destination) and I made it to the forest. My destination was a grass enclosure in the centre, owned by the Council and used as a forest school/activity center/campsite. This I think has closed (the sign is missing from the gate) so thought I could chance climbing over the locked gate (inspired by Reg's activities) and have the luxury of a perfect grass pitch. Once in I discovered the reality was a sloping tussocky bog :roll: A bit of exploration - heading uphill - and I found a spot that was flattish and dry. Set up and in my bag I could see a vast array of stars overhead, I could also notice how cold the breeze was blowing across my face.

I woke several times in the night due to the cold but I had all my warm kit on already, including the down jacket, so I'd just have to suck it up. The birds were up at 4 to start their day but I managed to lay in until sometime approaching 6. Packing up I spotted the frost on the bags next to me, plus the record of the overnight low.


Considering that I think the bag managed ok. If I'd been under the trees it would have been warmer but I'd not have the view of the sky. In the 10 years or so I've been biving the increase in moving objects in the night sky (I assume satellites) is noticeable. Either that or I witnessed the start of an alien invasion :lol:

Despite the tussocks it's quite a nice spot. The kids have had a fire nearby and left their rubbish :roll: On Google earth the area looks like it used to be mowed and maintained. I couldn't imagine a large group camping here.


I was soon packed up for the commute to work, I was only about 3 miles from the office and it was only just after 06:00 so I'd have to meander my way there to avoid being too early - not an issue as it's only me who'd be in but I'd prefer to be riding than working. There's a well trodden path through the middle so rather than climb back over the gate I thought I'd follow that, I assume there is a gap in the fencing somewhere dog walkers use? No sooner had I rode past the gate and through a gap in the trees that run across the centre when...


So THIS is the bit they used to camp in :lol: I rode back down to the path by the river, passing Vesta's research centre just as the night shift was leaving, weary looking workers walking out into the car park. The sun was now up and I could start to get warm when it could get through the gaps in the hedgerow.


All too soon I was at the office car park :cry:


In by 07:00, for a much needed coffee and a warm. The landlord was in on Tuesday and had turned the heating off, he was trying to program the timer to reduce the time its on to save money so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he'd turned it off by accident. Luckily I noticed and put it back on. He's trying to save money as the gas bill is £1000/month... but he doesn't need heating as he's mainly on his yacht in the Mediterranean, so tough luck it's back on!

4/12 and 38 in a row (37 for Ralph)

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:57 pm
by RIP
Nice one!

"[entered or climbed a] locked gate (inspired by Reg's activities)". Interesting one that. I've just tried looking back to remember doing that but I'm not convinced I have. I've opened any number of closed and latched doors and gates certainly, but not sure about locked ones. I've also availed myself of a couple of open windows too. I try very hard indeed to avoid 'assisted entry' but anything else is fair game :smile: .So, I believe that statement to be, Sir, a gross calumny :grin: .

"yacht in the Mediterranean". Now that would be a good bivvy spot!

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:57 pm
by sean_iow
It was your spirit of exploration I trying to channel, but good point about the lock, I apologise unreservedly for the implied slight on your character.

As there's now a path into and out of the site I didn't even need to climb over the locked gate but it's more exciting that way :wink:

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:32 pm
by RIP
sean_iow wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:57 pm It was your spirit of exploration I trying to channel, but good point about the lock, I apologise unreservedly for the implied slight on your character.
:grin: I've got loads of other faults though still available for slighting :smile:

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:28 am
by Moder-dye
So, I finally got out last night for April's BAM after a new mount for my ebike conversion battery arrived yesterday afternoon. Here's Old Sparky loaded up and ready to go. Some weight! But the only excess items were my DSLR with telephoto lens and a full walking waterproof jacket. The hammock under quilt and top quilt take up the whole bar bag. I love hammocking, it's so comfy, but the under quilt makes packing a challenge.




Now as I was loading up etc I noticed some play in the rear wheel. I suspected the thru axle adapter I'd put on the wheels for this QR frame was the culprit, but I wasn't about to abort the mission yet again, so off we went with about 22miles of mainly road to the planned camp spot on Kinnordy Loch near Kirrimuir. Along the way I had a combination of clunking, grating and squealing noises that I kept stopping to investigate. Was it the e-motor, something else lose, or more obviously a rear wheel with lateral play and a heavy load both in weight and drive. Regardless I kept deciding to push on. Failure was not an option!

Set up on the less visited side of the loch...



My camp can just be spotted through this arrow slit (?) of the remains of East Lodge...



An old beaver munched tree near my camp and the view over the loch...



It was a surprisingly cold night, with super clear starry skies, but no northern lights.




And while I drank my coffee and ate a flapjack bar gently swinging in the hammock I watched a Roe deer stag pottering about in the grass land in front of me.

Spotted a couple of these, someone isn't a fan of Charlie!


Well I didn't see any beavers and the big heavy camera and telephoto would have struggled in the low light anyway. They are obviously a lot more active on the other side of the loch. Picture from another visit...


Here's something cuter than the beavers anyway...



So, all I had to do now was get home! My big 48v 960wh battery had hardly been dented with the ride there in tourer mode. It was a beautiful sunny day, so maybe I'd head to the coast near Dundee and the back along the coastal path to Arbroath and home inland from there. Sadly Old Sparky had other ideas. By the time I was approaching Kirrimuir in addition to the squealing, clunking and grating from time to time the wheel had developed a distinct bump and a limp! In fear of imminent explosion and collapse in the middle of the road, and being left 20 miles from home with a bike and gear the weight of a small planet, I decided there was nothing left but to call the Team Car, this was 7am. My wonderful amazing wife leapt in to action though, rescuing me, taking our son to school (just in time) and then carrying on to her work. Super Star!

So the BAM for April was accomplished despite all efforts from the universe to stop me. I just need to buy another QR wheelset for this bike. Maybe I was unlucky with my adapter, an aluminium tube with 4 rubber grommets on it, but I'll just go back to the old QR tech for peace of mind.

I hope others get their BAMs in with less challenges!

4/12 2023

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:26 pm
by Moder-dye
So,it wasn't the axle adapter afterall, it was totally fine. The cones on the axle were loose. 17mm cone spanners needed and the biggest I have is 16mm, and all my 17mm spanner are too fat as you'd expect :roll:

Anyway I've swapped everything across to my hope endura wheels I was keeping for rougher stuff on the gravel bike and it's all working fine now :-bd

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:48 pm
by whitestone
I'd seen that Moray Triangle on a YouTube channel and thought it looked a nice easy tour in an quieter part of the area. Interesting to see the inside of the "halfway house: as I'd considered it as a potential bivvy!

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:32 pm
by fatbikephil
whitestone wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:48 pm I'd seen that Moray Triangle on a YouTube channel and thought it looked a nice easy tour in an quieter part of the area. Interesting to see the inside of the "halfway house: as I'd considered it as a potential bivvy!
There is a notice in it saying that it's not a bothy but I suspect a quiet nights kip in there would go both un=noticed and un-minded.

Good trip Modder - looks like the bloody beavers are getting everywhere! :grin:

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:05 pm
by fatbikephil
April bam in progress- on a hill under a tree in bivvy bag (no tarp! ) cool, breezy, but dry! Dry!

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 10:36 am
by Stinginglip
April's BaM plan for me was Dales Divide but that went tits up and I scratched early evening on the Friday. Head reset needed I did another ride from the back door last weekend.
Rough plan was to head over a few Moors in the general direction of the Mary Townley Loop then see how the time was ticking regarding the camp spot.
Not much road at all on the Saturday but plenty mud/farm poor show and endless gates made progress slow going. Food & beer was appealing in Hebden Bridge but then a lost phone led me back down the big climb up to Widdop that I'd just completed. Luckily I couple walking around the Reservoir had picked it up, so big relief when my wahoo paired with said phone on approaching them.
About turn and straight back up the climb now thinking I couldn't be arsed pushing onto Hebden. Was a tad early setting up camp on top of the Moor but sheep are all you see really so made a nice change not using the headtorch pitching the tent. Made some food but I was pretty low on water and had no booze of any description so lights out early.
Slept OK by my standards but woke up about 4am hungry with the flappy tent making sure no more sleep was on the cards. Posh baked beans used up some more water supplies but was worth it and made my mind up..the return leg would be via the road .
The Lancashire cycle way was picked up but heading in the opposite direction I'd rode previously and it is rather good in all honesty. Stocks were replenished at Co op in Earby before tapping more miles out. Received a few comments about the loaded bike from the Sunday morning Mamils mainly regarding the lack of engine and another Co op raid to keep the bonk at bay but overall an enjoyable weekend topped off by walking in the back door just as Amstel Gold was getting spicy :-bd 4/12

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:53 pm
by fatbikephil
Another dull bivvy.... (well the weather wasn't at least!)
I almost certainly should have driven up north to ride round sun drenched mountains but I had a complete motivational failure to fanny around stuffing bike into car and fighting through Friday evening traffic on the wretched A9.

So instead it was load up bike and oot the back door, the local hills in view once more. Still; last month it was wazzing it down so it was most pleasant to be twiddling along in bright sunshine. The forecast had suggested it would be damp from 10am the next morning (later this moved to 12) so I was happy not to be fighting up a tarp in the rain.

Moody Jones shot (keen eyed may recognise this location from a previous bivvy - I'm nothing if not unimaginative)

Quite like this sunset shot

Yup, just the bivvy bag - thought I'd better get in on the BB only act, given how many others are doing this, this year. That said my DCF flat tarp, pole, pegs and borah bivvy weighs less and takes up less room. But as it was quite breezy (and dry, dry I tell you!) this made sense. Still in the heavy quilt though....

After a fine evening I crashed out and slept soundly until 7.30 ish. Lazed around for a bit whilst the sun warmed things up then it was coffee, pies and sausage for brekkers followed by a lengthy ride home via lots of very big hills.

Look - sunshine!

No sign of the 12pm drizzle (nor yet) so that makes my first dry bivvy of 2023. (and probably my last :roll: )

Oh well - next month will be a jaunt on the weekend of Chucks ascension to heedie, as a final prep for the Highland Trail. Depending on how the HT goes (or more specifically how my knees do on the HT) I should have a bumper month in May and June!

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:33 pm
by Moder-dye
I'm thinking of being a bivy purist next time assuming decent forecast. My biggest bivy is a hunka XL but my exped mat, me and quilt are a bit tight for it so I'll need atleast some tarp under the exped mat on the outside.

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 6:11 pm
by fatbikephil
Aye the Rab ascent is also a bit tight - I actually woke up with a bit of mild claustrophobia at one point.... Also not ideal to lie in whilst reading!

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 10:01 pm
by Lazarus
Where does the time go. I either do loads in one month or struggle and then panic near the end of the going to have to do a bivvy and go to work either Tuesday or weds.

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:05 am
by Stinginglip
Yeah month's just fly by doing this BaM business..not sure if I could manage a day in work after a midweek outing tho :lol:

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 1:15 pm
by gecko76
Waiting for a broken finger to heal, so it's next weekend or never for me. Fingers crossed (not that finger).

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:00 pm
by Lazarus
Sneaking one in currently ...seems weird to camp in daylight just getting serenaded with the disk chorus

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:34 am
by Lazarus
well that was eventful

Local quick one as time crunched again and about 12 ish i was " discovered" by 4 youths off their head on mushrooms who had just been to asda to buy a tent and had brought their duvets with them- i dont think it was a well thought out plan on their part.

I explained how to get to a better spot for the size of their group and they were polite and friendly if a bit out of it [ they were way more paranoid and worried than i was] and then discovered by a dog walker who simply frowned at me as i was packing up

Note to self dont Bivvy in that area except in winter.
Pics to follow as home now and about to commute to a work meeting

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:30 pm
by sean_iow
Lazarus wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:34 am .... i dont think it was a well thought out plan on their part.
Reg would point out that is the best sort of plan
....then discovered by a dog walker who simply frowned at me as i was packing up
Probably thought you were packing up after a night on the 'shrooms :lol:

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:32 pm
by RIP
sean_iow wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:30 pm Reg would point out that is the best sort of plan
Yep they sound like seasoned bikepackers in disguise :smile:

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:11 pm
by Lazarus
They really were not but they were super friendly and polite considering their state.
I thought they would go at first but they did not know anywhere else to camp so took about 10 minutes to pluck up the courage to ask to camp next to me sending he approached I said , before he even spoke "evening connor how can I help- he ran of going "he knows my name how does he know my name"

They were actually quite sound with me and we chatted for about 15minutes mainly because the instructions back down the path turn right, turn right at the forest and walk to the gate were quite hard for them to remember.
Pics for the grand total of 8.3 miles will certainly go further next time as everyone has camped up the Nab at some point
I dont recall the last time I bivvied before dark 2020? possibly earlier.

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:11 pm
by KernowSteve
4/12 April ticked off the list. A great ride on Dartmoor
out along the old railway to Princetown and then back via eylesbarrow tin mine (remains of) to Gutter Tor and then back down the railway path to Plymouth. Found an old bridge to shelter under as the forecast was damp, although it turned out to be dry in the end with much less cloud than I expected. Hard going in places with a loaded up old non suspended hybrid frame that I repurposed into a bikepacking machine! Managed to only fall of once, slightly bending the mech hanger. Thus a slow ride home with a dodgy drivetrain, stopping in Halfords on the way past because Google told me they had the right hanger in stock for a tenner. Looks like I'll be mending bikes on the Bank Holiday!

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:50 am
by gecko76
Couple of reasons for not wanting to be very far from home so, having cleared up the litter earlier in the day, put what all was needed in the pannier of the work bike and pitched up in the sluice pond of the local mill (disused).
It rained from about 2 to 3am but flipping the bags over kept it off and it was still cosy, albeit my face was in a puddle. Beginning to see the appeal of a tarp. One of the neighbourhood cats got the fright of its life when it jumped over the wall to find me packing up this morning.
Aiming to get further afield next time but still ticks the box of things-you-wouldn't-have-otherwise-done.

Re: Bivvy a month 2023.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:22 pm
by samwise
4/12 - A dry but chilly night out on Wed 26th. Riding the Cairngorms Loop with two friends. We spend the first night near Drakes bothy :grin:


