Do people really get scared?

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Do people really get scared?

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

I've heard it twice today ... someone wants to try bikepacking/bivvying but they're scared of, well, stuff that isn't there I suppose.

It's something I've never thought about if I'm honest, so do you ever get scared, anxious, etc been out there on your own in the dark?

If anyone does get scared then may I suggest you watch Dog Soldiers before you go out ... it'll sort you out and put your mind at rest ;)
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by didnothingfatal »

The mind definently plays tricks in the dark, and never mind Dog Soldiers, I'm more concerned with Deliverence when in Wales! :shock:
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

You've heard me play the banjo then?
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by fatsimon mk2 »

ear plug works can't hear so can't get scared that and lots of *red wine/real ale/whisky/brandy/rum* *pick one drink lots of* :shock: :D
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by valleydaddy »

Nah I don't get scared I find the gentle hum of a banjo and squeeling pigs quite soothing!

In the UK really!

What is out there really too be scared of??
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by Ian »

What is out there really too be scared of??
Many years ago I camped with a friend up in beside Llyn Idwal, high up in Snowdonia. We walked in at dusk and set up the tent in the fading light, cooked some tea and sat chatting outside beside the lake. We'd walked in under a cloudless sky and the stars were beginning come out. It was all very spectacular against the dark towering slopes and faces of Glyder Far and the Devil's Kitchen against the starry sky.

After we'd eaten, it began to cloud over and the wind picked up. We retreated into the tent out of the wind and lit a candle lantern and carried on chatting. After a while, we noticed that the wind suddenly dropped to nothing. The gentle flapping of the flysheet gave way to complete silence. Then we heard a noise, quite distant, of something rushing quite fast. It was coming from across the lake and as we listened it got louder and the rushing noise became quite intense. Suddenly there was a great impact as it hit the tent - the flame of candle flickered and went out - and we heard the the rushing noise fade into the distance. It all went completely silent again.
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

So, shall we have a contest to come up with a scientific explanation to Ians encounter?
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by valleydaddy »



Bryn Hall
Bryn Hall was haunted by the ghost of a headless horseman. The haunting is said to have ceased after one of the servants received a message from the horseman pertaining to the location of a buried body.

The body was that of an illegitimate child belonging to the Lord of the hall.

maybe Ian was encountering the headless horseman???? :shock:


the ghost of Rhitta, a fearsome giant who created a cape for himself out of the beards of his enemies. His corpse is covered in huge stones at the summit of the mountain :shock:
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by Matt »

Or Whiskey
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Re: Do people really get scared

Post by MM-on-POINT »

Last october whilst bikepacking in the forest of Dean I heard really strange noises whilst riding through noises that seem to be stalking me and I couldn't place them, I had little knowledge of the wild life in that forest so I couldn't work out what it was to dismiss it, it sound like there was a a wild boer on the lose!
Not scared I simpily pitch up on top of a small mound the noise still sounded like it's was following me and came close to the site whilst I was cooking being October it was dark before 7pm so I got the torch out a had a pan round the noise moved on.
I retired to my tent and half through the night I heard movement, heavy breathig and grunting it came right up to the wall of the tent and grunted and sniff about, I simply just turn over and went back to sleep!
once I arrived home after the weekend I google wild animal in F.O Dean and it immediately said wild pigs had been reintroduced in F.O Dean for some years now.
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by Ian »

Fantasticmrmatt wrote:Or Whiskey
I was a student at the time - funds wouldn't stretch to anything so exotic. Also, my mate doesn't drink at all.

As far as scientific explanations go, I inclined towards some sort of small tornado or other wind related event that was very focused/ directional.
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Re: Do people really get scared?

Post by Aidan »

When I was on the Iditarod Trail, I had the distinct feeling that I was being followed. It was just getting to the point where I was too tired to carry on, so I was looking for a bivi spot (and swaying alarmingly!) but I heard noises in the trees on the side of the trail. My head torch was too faint to pick anything up when I looked.

I pushed on for another hour or so until the feeling of pursuit faded. Eventually, I had my bivi and forgot about the stalking experience.

I later found out from Jay and Tracey Petervary (who were behind me at the time) that there were lynx tracks stalking me on that section :shock:

I don't worry in the UK, though.
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