faustus wrote: ↑Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:47 am
Looking good! I think that'll be a much more interesting route than following the eastern loop of the KAW. Using the Wayfarer's Walk is a good idea, as is turning off at Inkpen, as that last western bit of it is horrible to ride on as it gets really rutty. The Wayfarer's is quite a decent ride actually, I think it's tougher riding than the ridgeway, and definitely a path less travelled in comparison, so well worth it. You go past the real Watership Down and the views are lovely. Also, it crosses the A34: whatever you do DON'T try and cross the road, which is an option (there's no bridge or tunnel at that point, you have to scuttle across 4 lanes and central reservation!). I have crossed when it was very quiet, but it still terrified me. There is an alternative short detour that goes under the road on farm tracks and back up to the main path. Your current track goes straight across but the safer option is on the RWGPS map. Hungerford is a lovely little town to re-supply, and the route you've chosen towards Ramsbury/Savernake forest is a nice one - be sure to stop near Littlecote manor as there is a fantastic Roman villa and mosaic to view there just off the path (
https://www.visitpewseyvale.co.uk/busin ... la-mosaic/). Ramsbury has a good pub and is supplied by Ramsbury brewery
Going west on the north scarp of Pewsey vale will be lovely, and depending on your timing and plans, there are tons of good bivy options along the wayfarers, in savernake forest, and on the Mid Wilts Way/north Pewsey vale bit. Only mild things to be aware of are: some bits will have plenty of vegetations to deal with, and if it's been dry (which hopefully it will be!) then there'll be chattery hoof-print terrain in parts. As touched upon above, the routes near my neck of the woods are paths less travelled, and they don't always flow as easily as the ridgeway for instance - the ridgeway is the motorway to wayfarer's/mid wilts way B-road - but all the more rewarding for it I think.
Enjoy it! It's certainly better than watching Wimbledon!
Thank you
A34 crossing duly modified !
I think this'll be close to the final route .... maybe modify around Bristol maybe, but it seems mostly on cycle paths even now.
As for Bivvy spots ... excuse the pun but tentatively looking at 46.5 miles for day 1 Patchbourne Woods there's a flat triangle (or other possible spots further into the wood.
Night 2 at about 93 miles Milk Hill looks fairly possible if a tad exposed a couple of miles earlier might work better ....so yeah somewhere along the Pewsey Vale bit
Night 3 will be near the Severn Bridge I think....
Night 4 North of Ross, maybe along the Wye ... ideally near the Cottage of Content in Carey

Route is currently the other side of the river but I'm still looking at options...
I want to take it easy, sit and enjoy the views, look at the roman villa, have a beer or a tea & cake, not just head down following a fecking line.
It's shaping up really well