Bivvy a Month 2024

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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by vegancheese »

Bivvy in a quarry somewhere above Hebden Bridge. 113km Pennine ride from home with Mr and Mrs Polisherman.
Back to the trusty 'Coffin' tarp to keep the rain off my head.
The Polishermanses climbing out of a steep valley after the pizza/pub.
And a general flavour of the conditions, and the difference between the Polishermanses... :lol:
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by MuddyPete »

May you always have tail wind.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by RIP »

“Nice one Centurion, like it, like it!” (dungeon prisoner, Life Of Brian).

Or is it centenarian? No, that’s not right. Anyway, whatever, 100 Bivvy a Months in a row then. Maybe there's some sort of bonus attachment for the Four Seasons Legion badge? A “bar” perhaps, or some gold stars, like they have for military medals? Surely at least a telegram from King Stuart? No, no, I know exactly what Stuart would say, and quite right too :wink: .

I decided that I would mark the, meaningless, occasion with a return to my very first BaM location near Hope in the Peak District. Full circle style of thing. This was also conveniently close to where Kevin Blackhound lives, which was fortuitous because I very much wanted to ask him along to thank him for originating this fabulous idea and indirectly giving me some of the best experiences of my life. I spent a while last week reviewing some of the ludicrous japes and wheezes that I’ve called “BaM” over the last 100 months and was very grateful that someone had given me an excuse to cook them up and enjoy them. I also asked Bearlegged if he could come, and perhaps PaulE, both being close by in Steel City. Unfortunately Paul was otherwise engaged but Bear signalled that he was up for it.

After seeing The Sex Pistols Expose gig in Brighton in January I had noted that they were also playing Stoke on Trent on the 15th March – more or less on the way to the Peak - at the same time as this 100th BaM, so I immediately booked a ticket: a good opportunity to inject considerably more complexity than a normal BaM, and, so yes, Gigpacking is back as well! My sixth one in fact, and “full fat” with none of this hotel luxury stuff :-bd . But in my enthusiasm I of course omitted to consider how I was going to attend a gig upstairs in a small venue with a bike and loads of gear in tow…. indeed Gmaps showed the place to be in a dodgy-looking industrial estate with nothing as helpful as a bike shed (either to stash bikes or to kip in)….. oh, and since it finished at 11pm, there was also the small matter of where to bivvy in the middle of Stoke afterwards (the middle of Stoke….). This is the dark and sordid underbelly of bikepacking in action, what could possibly go wrong?

Almost straightaway I discovered that engineering work was planned on the Hope Valley railway line on the 15th and 16th, so that ruled out the first suggestion of starting somewhere like Bamford or Hathersage – easy for Kevin and Bear. Hmm. A quick bit of map work reminded me that I could get to Buxton by train, and from there down the Monsal Trail to Bakewell to where Kevin could also ride from Matlock station. Bear indicated he was happy to meet us for lunch in Eyam. Sorted.

Ah, the next problem was that closer inspection showed the gig would actually take place in Tunstall, one of the “Six Towns” of Stoke, but 5 miles north of the centre. The easiest thing seemed to be to catch a local train from Stoke to Kidsgrove then bike to Tunstall from there.

A third problem occurred as my train sped north on Friday afternoon, when a passenger apparently caused a bit of trouble meaning the train would be fifteen minutes late into Stoke, and therefore just miss my connection to Kidsgrove with the next one being an hour later. Sigh! Well this is all going swimmingly.

Arriving in Stoke, I’d resigned myself to biking to Tunstall, but as I jumped off I saw what I knew was the local train sitting next to us in the adjacent platform. Arg! It’s probably going to depart just as I cross the platform isn’t it. I should have realised that it had been held back not for any altruistic reason of assisting Reg with his journey, but because if it had departed on time it would have held up our Manchester express train all the way north causing great expense for the operator. Still, at last I get a good break.

I’d allowed a bit of time at Kidsgrove to scope the area, and immediately switched my spot radar on. Canals can be a good bet can’t they, so that was worth a try. But first some beans and chips and time to think. Having seen the venue on Gmaps I’d brought along a rucsac full of hefty locks, but it seemed a good idea to arrive with nothing else worth filching so I needed a place to hide my gear. A map check revealed a small woodland and church just outside town so I set off along the canal to look it over. The wood wasn’t very promising but the church had a large graveyard with some unoccupied corners, plus a nice compost heap to stash my baggage in. That done, I returned along the canal with just the rucsac of locks, a credit card, and my gig ticket.

Up the hill into Tunstall and an early arrival to find a bike hiding place. Luckily at the back of the venue was a metal fire escape in a dark area behind a skip, and another bit of luck revealed an old black tarpaulin under the stairs. Wheels off, QR skewers into my pocket, three locks attached including around the stairs, and pull the tarp over. Hopefully 4 hours later I wouldn’t be marooned in Stoke with just a credit card and no bike or gear! Nothing like a bit of edgy risk.


To be honest I didn’t rate Blondie UK much, “Blondie” didn’t move around enough in that recognisable Debbie way – and I’d forgotten how samey a lot of their stuff was (sorry) – but they did their best, despite not even playing “Denis”! However “Sex Pistols Expose” made up for it, naturally playing more or less the same as at Brighton but with a different set of adlibs and Stoke-based backchat. Great fun.

11.30pm and a moonlit toddle down the canal yet again to unearth the gear from the compost heap and set it up in a corner a respectful distance from any graves. A quick chat with some of the incumbents and the hooting owls, then it was six hours of fitful kip, to wake up to the sound of the crows in the churchyard. Lovely.




The forecast said there had a been a low of 1degC and things were a bit crunchy, but I quickly packed away and set off for the station. I’d intended to catch the 08.04 but turned up in time for the 07.04 so jumped onto that instead, arriving in Stockport with 20 minutes to spare for a breakfast sandwich and a brew, before boarding the 08.12 to Buxton. As I left the cafe with my sarnie and brew a bloke steamed out and accosted me to say my credit card hadn't gone through. Well that was his fault for not checking properly, but I did enjoy my first ever "arrest" :smile: . From Buxton it would be an easy wobble down the A6 and Monsal Trail to meet Kevin, but on a sudden whim I bailed out at the previous station, Dove Holes, to see what was occurring there. Not much as it turns out, but the lanes south to the Wye valley were pleasantly bleak until I reached the cutely named Woo Dale down which a farm track led to the river. I had wrapped the locks rucsac in an old bin liner and hidden it behind a wall at the station, as I didn’t fancy carting a hundredweight of locks around the Peak with me thank you.



Dicing with death for 200 yards along the A6, I ducked off down the track to Blackwell. I hadn’t realised that there’s a bike hire place here (has been for ten years!) but I noticed a “teas” sign so immediately stopped. If there’s a “tea” sign anywhere, I always stop on principal. Brew and a biscuit please. “Congratulations on being our first customer of 2024”. We get chatting, he’s into bikes obviously and indeed bikes as well, and after a while for no reason I suddenly say “do you know Stuart by the way?”. Turns out that of course he does :grin: . It’s your old pal Ashie/Ashy, Stu, and he sends his best regards. And I never knew that about you either :wink: .


Off we go down the Monsal Trail, the top end of which is as fabulous as ever, with all the deep valleys, tunnels, and silence apart from the birdies.




I’ve only been at the Thornbridge Hall café for a couple of minutes when Kevin arrives and we take the place over in true BBB fashion, festooning every available surface with drying gear.


Suitably refreshed (my fourth café stop of the day already, and it’s only 11am!) we considered the route to Eyam, eventually opting for the nastiest hill up out of Longstone, which didn’t do much for Kev’s temperamental front mech. Still, we made it to the top, then down through Black Harry and the old Cavendish fluorspar works, and up the next hill into Eyam. It was extremely pleasant to sit outside in the sunshine partaking of lunch, sunshine that was obviously not long to last. Bearlegged appeared after his ride over from Sheffield – good to see you again Chris - and we set off along Tideswell Lane passing through a lovely patchwork of Peaks limestone walls and fields.


Nice view…


Various wanderings brought us to Little Hucklow, where Bear knew the proprietors of the Michelin-guide Blind Bull, so most unfortunately we had to pop in for a quick pint. Unfortunate, but there we go :smile: . By coincidence we bumped into A Famous Cycling Personage in the bar, who rather incompetently I had never heard of :oops: ! At one point, the bar lady lit candles on the tables – quite what romance she thought there could be between three smelly bikepackers I don’t know :wink: – and we had a look at Kev’s map. A wisp of smoke alerted said bar lady to the imminent conflagration resulting from inadvertently holding the map over our candle, narrowly averting us burning the pub to the ground.

The route continued over the remotely bleak Bradwell Moor, conditions getting ever more gloopy as we progressed, the general gloom enhanced by the rain finally setting in.


Bear decided he fancied dropping down to Castleton through Cave Dale and its rockfest path, the mad person :smile: . Kevin and myself took the avoiding route along Dirtlow Rake, then we all met up at the Cheshire Cheese in Hope for a convivial evening of chat, food and beer. Perfect. Sadly, Trep(idExplorer) and her dog and her scooter (and indeed her dog's scooter for all I know) didn't manage to make it. Next time, Trep.


Kevin very kindly presented me with a superb “congratulations” needlepoint card with some nicely thought out fine detail made by himself and his partner Marion, and I was really touched. I thank you Kevin for all the fun I’ve had over the past few years :-bd .


Needless to say it was still raining away outside – of course it was – and we started to wibble a bit about our intended bivvy spot high up above Edale, although none of us wanted to be the one who initiated a bail out... Luckily it seemed to end up as a joint decision, with me suggesting a football field we’d passed earlier, and Bear offering the town rugby pitch or playground. The footie field had a locked gate, and also a sign proclaiming it to be “Hope School Playing Fields” so that sort of clinched passing it by. The rugby pitch was at least open but was soaked and boggy, so we proceeded to our last ditch option of the playground, after which we’d be a bit stuck. Only marginally better but at least it was flat, so Kevin and Bear set their tarptents up, and I attached my tarp to the climbing frame. We awoke to continued rain, with my mat more or less floating on a lake of water. We retired to the pavilion for a first breakfast, while we waited for a Bear-recommended café to open at the very handy time of 8am. The Old Hall Hotel café was excellent, a nice full breakfast, with proper teapot and proper cups too.




Suitably refreshed, Bear and Kevin headed off east to Sheffield - thank you for your excellent company chaps - and I ground my way up the notorious 600' Winnats Pass climb, fairly chuffed with myself for not pushing any of it in the drizzle and headwind. Down to Sparrowpit, and back round to Dove Holes to pick up the rucsac and await the train to Stockport and thence the express back home. I enjoyed a nice lunch on the train, staring out of the window for an hour or so, marvelling as ever that every other passenger was engrossed with their phone, oblivious to the passing scene outside. Nowt so strange as folk.

Mrs Perrin was as thrilled as ever as I covered the washing line with all my soaking wet kit.


Nice one, Centurion, like it, like it……

3/3, 3/12, 100/100
Last edited by RIP on Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:10 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by thenorthwind »

Congratulations Reg :-bd
Sounds like the celebration distilled all the elements of your inimitable style down into one trip :grin:
RIP wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:41 pm the middle of Stoke…
I believe from The Influencers that that's what we're all aiming for, so congrats on that :wink:
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by sean_iow »

Congratulations, another excellent trip there :-bd
RIP wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:41 pm Mrs Perrin was as thrilled as ever as I covered the washing line with all my soaking wet kit.
Ahh, the post bivi kit drying :grin: If it's raining mine gets hung about the house, I even have some strategic screw eyes in the picture rail* in the dining room to allow a tarp to be aired :lol:

* As there are no pictures hung from it does it still count as a picture rail :???: but if I referred to it as the tarp rail I guess that might be more confusing
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by fatbikephil »

A nice mix of urban and rural challenges duly overcome there Reg
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by RIP »

thenorthwind wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:48 pm Congratulations Reg :-bd
Sounds like the celebration distilled all the elements of your inimitable style down into one trip :grin:
RIP wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:41 pm the middle of Stoke…
I believe from The Influencers that that's what we're all aiming for, so congrats on that :wink:
This influencer? "Tunstall TikTok influencer accused of ‘ambushing’ [and murdering] mother’s young lover after blackmail bid". She was probably at the Sex Pistols gig!
"My God, Ponsonby, I'm two-thirds of the way to the grave and what have I done?" - RIP

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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by gecko76 »

One hundred! Well played sir, and marked in style.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by thenorthwind »

RIP wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:47 pm
thenorthwind wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:48 pm Congratulations Reg :-bd
Sounds like the celebration distilled all the elements of your inimitable style down into one trip :grin:
RIP wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:41 pm the middle of Stoke…
I believe from The Influencers that that's what we're all aiming for, so congrats on that :wink:
This influencer? "Tunstall TikTok influencer accused of ‘ambushing’ [and murdering] mother’s young lover after blackmail bid". She was probably at the Sex Pistols gig!
:shock: is that a real headline?
I meant more dude, that was sick! I'm in the middle of the Stoke now!! :cool:
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by RIP »

Aye it was a real headline from last year! You can see why I was mildly concerned about my bike. Although I don't think Tunstallies go as far as murdering bikes....
"My God, Ponsonby, I'm two-thirds of the way to the grave and what have I done?" - RIP

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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by JimmyG »

Congratulations on your impressive 100 Not Out Reg. :-bd Here’s to many more!
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by PaulE »

Congratulations Reg - wish I could have been there, sounds like a decent weekend all round, and took in plenty of my favourite eating & drinking spots!
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by Blackhound »

Reg, thank you for inviting me along, it was a real honour to attend. I will do my write up when I am home next weekend.

The cross stitch work was all herself’s work, I just asked her is there anything she could come up with to mark the occasion and that was the result.

I don’t think I ever thought that #bam would still be happening over a decade later, I am both surprised and chuffed (or is it fair chuffed?).

The cycle sleb we encountered in Little Hucklow was Stef Amato from Pannier.CC that both Bear and I know.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by Bearlegged »

Well, my cunning plan of not compiling my report straight away, and waiting for Reg to weave his usual excellent narrative as per seems to have worked nicely.
All I'll add is that Cavedale was a bloody stupid idea.

Some pics:

2024 BAM 3/12
2024 total bivvies 3
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by MuddyPete »

Congratulations Mr. Perrin :-bd
Here's to the next hundred :wink:
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by RIP »

MuddyPete wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:10 pm Congratulations Mr. Perrin :-bd
Well thank you for your esteemed company on many of them :smile:
Here's to the next hundred :wink:
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by samwise »

Spring Equinox special for 3/12 :cool:

3 of us (@fieldoffice & @buntysouth) met in a village pub for a some liquid refreshment before heading out to a spot in the woods I had recced on a commute a few days before.

A really warm evening but a few spots of rain when setting up camp. Messing around with a small plough point tarp for a little bit of protection.

Temp got down to 6.7 degrees just before dawn.

Nescafe 2in1 for breakfast before a 10km roll back home to get ready for work.

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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by frogatthefarriers »

BaM for March '24 - Done :-bd

Continuing my flower-themed BaMs. I've bivvied in violets, in primroses, in wild garlic (phew!),in bluebells and now in Daffodils.


I spied this place on my way to work last week and thought it would be a good addition to my Flower-BaMs. I have to confess its not really in the ethos of bike-packing, since it's about the bivvy and not the ride and is more about the Insta-photo really. But Hey! A ride and a bivvy is a BaM. So There :-P

In a ride of 18 miles or so, there was only one bit of off-road - maybe a mile - but that mile was fraught with unexpected hurdles and took the best part of an hour to travel. It was OK until the deer-farm when fences became 8ft high, as did the kissing gates.


These were so tight that there was barely room to get a body through, let alone a loaded bike. At 8ft, lifting over was impossible. I know - I tried. In the end I got around it by lifting the gates off the hinges and moving them aside. That was the easy part. Getting them back on was not, especially as each had a return spring that fought back. Getting one hinge on was easy, the other not so, but I managed in the end.

So, back to the bivvy. I knew it was going to be a noisy night. The site is an abandoned hotel beside the A41,(hence why i was able to spot the daffodils from the road)....

.... and my bed was a mere 25 yards from it...

...but after a couple of pints of Guinness in the nearby pub and my standard nightcap of 100ml of Captain Morgans in bed, I slept OK. Sure, I was woken up a few times by the traffic and the rain but managed to get back to sleep again OK.

In the morning, breakfast....
Image a truckers cafe a hundred yards from camp.

A meal fit for a King. :grin:

Home by 10:30. Didn't need lunch...

BaM 3/3 for 2024.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by RIP »

Nice one, bit different. You could have taken a bunch of daffs for your truckers caff table, that would have baffled them.

Reminds me of the time eleven of us spent a WRT night on the verge of the A44 outside the George Borrow at Ponterwyd. I reckon my left ear was actually touching the tarmac :smile: .
Last edited by RIP on Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by Leerowe76 »

Congrats on the 100 Bam's Reg, your adventures always look good and the 100th didn't disappoint :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by RIP »

Thank you Lee, and other wellwishers :smile: . I'm getting worse as I get older I'm afraid. Eh? Wh-what? Er, yes, yes nurse, I'll come quietly. Please can I have an extra biscuit with my cocoa tonight?
"My God, Ponsonby, I'm two-thirds of the way to the grave and what have I done?" - RIP

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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by gecko76 »

Fuly expecting you to have spotted dogs on the next one.
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

And I never knew that about you either
Not many do and even less would ever believe it :wink:
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by redefined_cycles »

Well done af hitting a 100 Reg :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a Month 2024

Post by GoneCaving »

So has anyone studied what looks like an inverse correlation between the time remaining in the month to get in a bivvy, and the likelihood of it being raining?

I ticked off March last night, with a quick and local outing, back to the comfort and shelter of some old stones walls and the remains a famine-era village. Someone's now keeping a horse on the land, so the trails were pretty churned up, meaning a little more hike-a-bike than usual. It was my first outing with a new thermarest, as the Alpkit Cloudbase doesn't cut it in winter, or what passes for Spring these days. I definitely felt the benefits of the additional insulation. Rain started at midnight and got pretty heavy for a while. The need for a pee at 5:30am, and a short break in the weather was my cue to pack up and head home.

Back out next week for a decent three day spin and two consecutive nights out (April weather should be glorious as a consequence!)
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