Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

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Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by gecko76 »

I was meaning to get out mid-afternoon but having knocked a big hole in the bedroom wall I found myself building bookshelves to fill it. Got away just as it was turning dark and, after stopping briefly to pick up breakfast, hit the quiet road that wafts you south between the A701 and 702. Always turned off before the end but this time kept going and onto a series of tracks that take you up to the moors in easy measure.

Here starteth the hike-a-bike.
Found GR1 (Covenanters Grave) without any trouble and set up for the night. First time using a tarp and it's going to take some getting used to. It felt very low, and I've mentioned before the diffulty of finding a flat spot in the dark (it was dark, but the camera on the current phone is very good at hiding it).
Stove worked well with the new windshield, but the name of the beer haunted me the next day.
Slept fitfully (sleeping bag toboggan) and was woken at 6.30 by a skylark, which was confusing because that's my ringtone. Rolling, well walking, by 7.15 without coffee because the water in the bottles was frozen.
GR2 (Bawdy Moss) was nothing special. GR3 (Muckle Knock) was circumnavigated and GR4 (Cock bicycle) was hailed in passing. GR5 (Bavelaw Castle) was given a cursory nod at best.

Thing is, and no disrespect to John Lazarus, I'd asked for the Pentlands having not been seen on them much since the kids were born, and I'd forgotten that the Pentlands are best avoided in winter, being very wet. The other thing is that I learned to navigate on Dartmoor where it was often best to join two points with a straight line and height gain be damned. John had suggested I might like to zigzag...

It was 11.15 before I found a navigable track. The other way the Pentlands are like Dartmoor is that the North Moor was generally well-trodden and well-kent from 35 mile Ten Tors training while the South Moor turned out to be a trackless wasteland, and so it proved here. Tussocks. Oh I hate tussocks. And boggy bits, and heather up to your waist. It's enough to undo your shoelaces.

As soon as I was back on bits I knew it was lovely but I scratched GR6 (Allermuir Hill, 493m) because I needed to get home and not at all because it was 493m.
That's actually Castlelaw, of souterrain fame. Allermuir is behind it and even bigger and uglier. It also meant scratching GR7 (the Stewart Brewery), which I was sorry about.

Fun? Laughs hollowly. Yes, alright it was fun, of one kind or another. Lots of little fords like this one.
And some fences to climb over and bridges to negotiate. Went across this one like Danny Macaskill, you know, when he had that ear infection.
Mostly it was trying to follow sheep and deer tracks through the clumps of grass and heather, which got harder as the sun rose and then clouded over.
Excited by this but it was too wet to be ridden without doing damage.
Once on a proper track I was like the Chef in Apocalypse Now ("Never get out of the boat"). I soon messed that up.
Met these chaps.
Also saw two owls last night and heard a woodpecker today. By lunchtime (no lunch but plenty of snacks thanks to my girls: "What do you want for Christmas dad?" Bivvy snacks) the screen of the garmin was misting up like my brain, but everything else performed beautifully. I might try and knock off Allermuir and the Brewery on Tuesday afternoon, which I nominally have off for teaching evening classes.

Anyway, thanks to John for showing me parts of the Pentlands I'd never seen before. If I never see them again that's fine. Actually, there's bits that'll be just fine in summer - I'll have a look for more rude names. Thanks to Shaf too for setting it up. Remind me to for something a little more sensible/realistic next year, like a tour of mini golf courses.
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by redefined_cycles »

Nice1 there Gecko. I think I'm the only one yet left to complete mine (and John, but I think he's got an injury at the mo). Enjoyed the reort and piccies. Thanks v much :-bd
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by Lazarus »

SHAF injury is OK for riding ( not broken after all just hurt) but I was not free this weekend( glorious sunshine no wind) so next weekend for me( wet)
I know what you mean about boggy round here the non hardpacked trails are barely rideable on 3 " tyres ( walking and leaving the bike at home would be quicker and easier) and such hard going
Last year I got lucky as it had been dry for a month and the day was windless ( Did freeze mind) so it was all rideable.

This year I chose road as I would pretty much have had to repeat that route and would not get lucky twice. Did get 150 mile route though.

Congrats on completing and I did not realise it was all going to be type 2, that was not my intention.
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by fatbikephil »

Good BB200 practice!
A gravel bike is probably your best bet for that kind of stuff, in terms of it being fairly light to carry / push / drag...
Was just thinking I should have done my ride this weekend instead of last. However earlier I was floating over one of my GR's briefly :grin:
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by gecko76 »

You're fine John; it wasn't all type 2. Seriously, I've never made it that far along and it's got me excited about local hills again, so all good.

Phil, is that the one in the reservoir?
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by gecko76 »


GR6 - Allermuir Hill this afternoon as hoped. Took the fun bike which hasn't been out much since they tore up the local bike track to build the new high school: 26 ain't dead.

Which just leaves a visit to the brewery to organise. How hard can it be?
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by Lazarus »

Good effort going back to do it. mMne is sat/ Sunday need to be a oner as the neares grid to me is about 25 miles away.
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by gecko76 »

Mission Accomplished. GR7 Stewart Brewery in Loanhead which I have a lot of affection for a) having enjoyed a keg of Edinburgh Gold in a mate's garden when lockdown restrictions lifted and b) they supply free beer for the morning after the Ride To The Sun and c) turns out they do a damn good haggis pizza.

20 minutes from home on the bike to meet the family who have just left while I'm sipping on a final Moa Mountain (IPA 4.7% 2/3 of a pint) to follow the In Bruges (Belgian IPA 6.3% 1/3), Under and Over (Cream Ale 6.5% 2/3, with 1/3 free) and Pentland (IPA 4.7% 1/3). Feels rude to leave before sampling a stout but the rain is on and off so we'll see how it goes.

Cheers all
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by fatbikephil »

None of my GR's were like that :((
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by Lazarus »

Should have asked nicely then Phil

Well my attempt lasted 4 miles ( and a walk home)
Rear mech jammed chain locking wheel - chain slipped between cage and a jockey wheel I think - and removing mech from hanger and bent beyond repair the mech

Thankfully it was a slow uphill and not flat out so no damage to me, frame or wheel.. It's a mullet drive 10 speed sram MTB long cage mech so not going to be the easiest to replace.
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by gecko76 »

It was a cheeky ask right enough, and thanks to Lazarus for humouring me. The plan was to stop in for breakfast on the way home last Sunday (they're open for 10) but I like this way better.

Nearly got mugged on the way home just now mind.
Stopped to pump up the front wheel having punctured again on the way out (seriously it's time to go tubeless) and was passed by a couple of young lads on maybe ebikes. Weird thing is when I followed them, slowly, two minutes later they'd completely disappeared. Either very fast or actually ghosts.
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by redefined_cycles »

gecko76 wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2024 10:15 pm It was a cheeky ask right enough, and thanks to Lazarus for humouring me. The plan was to stop in for breakfast on the way home last Sunday (they're open for 10) but I like this way better.

Nearly got mugged on the way home just now mind.
Stopped to pump up the front wheel having punctured again on the way out (seriously it's time to go tubeless) and was passed by a couple of young lads on maybe ebikes. Weird thing is when I followed them, slowly, two minutes later they'd completely disappeared. Either very fast or actually ghosts.
Glad you're ok mate.
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by gecko76 »

Cheers. You can't see them in the photo but there were a couple of broken and abandoned panniers which I was investigating. Had headphones in so didn't hear these guys approaching and probably entirely innocent. Still no idea where they went though as there's a slight corner and then a long straight and I was convinced they were lying in wait. Dramatic much? Yeah alright.
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Re: Alternative Winter Ride Event Thing - Pentlands edition

Post by redefined_cycles »

Good to be aware. Too many nasty people about nowadays so no harm in thinking things through. Usually I've found 'that feeling' is a good safety net..
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