Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

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Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by psling »

The SWWB started out with a suggestion in the WB'22 thread back in September, began to gather some momentum as a few wary boners put their heads above the parapet and culminated in 4 hardy riders meeting at the Dragon Inn, Crickhowell on Friday evening.
Originally six of us wanted to brave the worst that the Brecon Beacons could throw at us but unfortunately two had to abandon at the last minute due to family health issues. None the less, the four of us remaining - Verena, Raggedstone, Sean IoW and myself - indulged in a fine 2 course meal before heading out in the sub-zero temperatures to spend a -3°C night in a derelict farm building.
Saturday morning and a short ride to the café in Talybont on Usk for breakfast followed by a steady off-road 10km climb up into the hills... and the snow. The day was mostly spent exploring quarries, film locations, and old tramways before descending on the Top House Inn at Trefil, Wales' highest village.
You may have noticed a theme here but, yes we did enjoy another 2 course meal and fantastic hospitality in a very busy Inn until we spilled out into the dark, the sleet and the ice to carefully head into a nearby wood where it was nice and sheltered, only dropping to -2°C before waking to frost covered bivvy bags.
In the morning more old tramways led us through old mining towns in the valleys of South Wales and out along the 'balcony road' famed for its spectacular views. We rode it in heavy cloud and falling snow.
Downhill now back to Crickhowell and waiting vehicles, a fantastic weekend of chat, riding, freezing weather and... well, a lot of good eating. Only 65km and 900m of climbing but what a great ride, what a great weekend.

Hopefully one or more will post some pictures please! I'm not very good at that!!
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by RIP »

Desperately gutted and sorry to have bailed at the last moment, but what a great time you had :-bd . Superb weather for it too with all that snow about, same with Jeff's. :-bd
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Well done all. We're still snow-bound sadly, although someone seems to enjoy it.

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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Verena »

Ahh, glad Ruby is enjoying the white stuff!

A grand weekend out :-bd

Yep, I'll post some of my pictures later today, and hopefully others will as well ...

Just been catching up with news, sounds like we were very lucky with the weather ....
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by sean_iow »

Great weekend of riding and exploring :-bd

I'll put up some of my photos and a better write up when I'm back at work tomorrow.

We had perfect weather, just the right amount of winter with -3 overnight, snow but not too much and I only went down on the ice once :-bd
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Raggedstone »

Following the previous night's Bam and unfortunately deprived of two of the team for family reasons the four of us set off in the company of a beautiful and crisp morning. with only one thing on our mind the café in Talybont on Usk
ImagePXL_20221210_085332976.MP by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
Suitability refreshed the long climb up and beyond the Brinore tramway was our opportunity to warm up and it certainly delivered some got hotter than others
ImagePXL_20221210_122129543 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
The views were stunning in all directions occasionally spoilt by the passing hoards
ImagePXL_20221210_123456670.MP by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
ImagePXL_20221210_123510198 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
ImagePXL_20221210_123525193 by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
We eventually reached the top of the climb and traversed across a bog that has on more than one occasion seen me exit the bike out of the front door :smile: no such danger today as it was frozen solid . Our destination was the quarry at Trefil now this is an amazing place even more eerie in the winter landscape and it's easy to see why it's a popular location for the makers of Sci-fi .
ImagePXL_20221210_135351990.MP by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr

Dinner was booked at the Top House in Trefil village for 5 as it was the only time that they could fit us in . We went via the naughty stone and V had been saying there was a stone commemorating Aneurin Bevan ( apparently famous for something or other ) Pete and V found it Sean and me were to busy talking to notice only one more attraction to enjoy before dinner the Dukes Table which I knew the whereabouts of, that didn't help at all we eventually stumbled over it and then on to our own table . After taking multiple layers off we were treated to a very good meal and an exceptionally warm welcome including the offer to drop in to warm up anytime after 8.30 in the morning .
All good things must come to an end so multiple layers back on and after a bit of bother with frozen locks it was back into the ever more frozen night our original bivvy spot under the trees on the edge of the woods didn't turn out to be any good as it wasn't possible to get the pegs in due to some silly bugger's having left a tramway lying around just under the turf . We had looked in the woods earlier and established that there was plenty of flat bits should we require them .
ImagePXL_20221211_082101195.PORTRAIT by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
ImagePXL_20221211_082151135.PORTRAIT by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
Potential Zombie sighting
ImagePXL_20221211_082113659.PORTRAIT by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
It was sheltered enough for the bivvy bag I was woken by snow in the early hours but fortunately it wasn't prolonged but looking out from the trees into the wilderness beyond it was fortunate that we ended up in the trees
ImagePXL_20221211_082032425.PORTRAIT by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
ImagePXL_20221211_093432884.MP by Kevin Hawker, on Flickr
We followed another tramway down to civilisation and had a late breakfast at Costa in Brynmawr where i was able to check my decline caused by over 24 hours of tea deprivation you can say what you want about coffee but it isn't TEA .
After a bit of a discussion following all the hints about snow it was decided to go back the easy way via the balcony road to enjoy the views fortunately we had V with us and she was able to paint the picture for us as the visibility was pretty much zero . As we reached the canal i headed back to Talybont for more Tea and the others went on down to their respective vehicles and journeys home .
What a great weekend i now know a lot more about the local customs on the Isle of Wight !! thanks Verena, Pete and Sean for the great company and to V for getting the orginisation done beforehand .
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by RIP »

Brilliant. That viewpoint above Talybont reservoir is amazing isn't it - you can see Hay Bluff in the background!

I can see I'm just going to have to request that you repeat the whole thing again exactly at some point next year please :smile:
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by MuddyPete »

Looks ace! Well done :-bd .
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Verena »

Arghhhh, work and stuff keeps getting in the way of me putting up my photos, will have a sneaky go later tonight, but at least now I know which photographic gaps still need filling, and which bit have already been covered by some grand photos and write ups...

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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Verena »

In my usual style, I arrived a little late, and in a semi tizzy, after a couple of friendly dog walking ladies had quizzed me the second I had parked up my car behind Sean's (shiny new) van and lifted my bike out of the boot ("Are you going out or coming back?" "Going out" "Where are you going, if you don't mind me asking?" "Oh, just down along the canal for a bit" "Are you crazy?" "Working on it"). I was worried that they might be worried, being locals, to see my car still there in the morning, and then all day, and then Sunday as well....I had visions of the police being called, search parties sent.... Sean, Pete and Kev however were quick to reassure me that no-one would care about me that much, and so we proceeded with a jolly evening of eating food and drinking a couple of pints.
ImageIMG_20221212_064120 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

It wasn't as much a bed of roses as a bed of dried leaves, but plenty of them, and I had chosen the nice spot with a sky light.
ImageIMG_20221212_063718 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20221212_063631 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

I like this view
ImageIMG_20221212_063255 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20221212_063112 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Not sure what was going on there, Sean phoning a friend?
ImageIMG_20221212_063210 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Heading into to the wilds
ImageIMG_20221212_062714 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Spot the cyclist, and a first bit of the white stuff
ImageIMG_20221212_062610 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Once at Trefil quarries we started mooching around to look for potential bivvy spots.... kind of decided against this one...
ImageIMG_20221212_062534 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Got proper wintry at this point
ImageIMG_20221212_062055 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

About this tall Sean reckons...
ImageIMG_20221212_061832 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

We did seriously consider this one as a place to sleep, deeper into the tunnel where it was dry :shock:
ImageIMG_20221212_061703 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Why travel to Iceland when there's places like this??
ImageIMG_20221212_061615 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

We found somewhere where we could have had a room each. Then decided to stop for a brew, it may not look like it but we were actually really quite enjoying ourselves.
ImageIMG_20221212_061521 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20221212_061555 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

It all turned a bit stone themed from here on in... I didn't take a picture of The Naughty Stone
but here is the Aneurin Bevan one.
ImageIMG_20221212_061422 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

On to the Duke's table, where I demonstrated how the ladies would have walked elegantly through the specially crafted gap in the outer stone circle to sit and take their hunting refreshments.
ImageIMG_20221210_160617 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

By now we were ready for some warmth and shelter, and we had what really was an amazing meal (including Christmas pudding with custard!), great hospitality and several hours of warming up, me hugging the radiator, before heading out into a bitterly cold, moonlit night....
ImageIMG_20221210_174012 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Meths stove doing its thing in the morning
ImageIMG_20221212_061110 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Pony doing its thing
ImageIMG_20221212_061459 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Universe finally rebalanced with Kev enjoying a cup of tea at last
ImageIMG_20221211_113334 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

The end
ImageIMG_20221212_061338 by Verena Zimmer, on Flickr

Oh, and final stone, The Lonely Shepherd, in Clydach Gorge: Didn't see it, too foggy...
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by sean_iow »

I'll add some of mine, there may be some overlap but we were riding the same route :grin:

Approaching the top of the tram-road, after this the going got rougher until the quarry


The quarry, just about everything of any scrap value has been removed so only the bits of no value or too hard to remove were left in-situ


Arty graffiti


Our own arty pic


I wonder where this goes?


Ah, the end of the line (tunnel) It was quite a way into the hill so nice and warm (compared to outside) and the tunnel was earmarked for emergency refuge if needed later, there were dry sections and it was wind and snow free.


Not much shelter in the main quarry


We had considered this building as a bivi spot, but the lack of roof means it probably best left to summer


The weather closed in whilst stopped for tea


Vegetarians look away now - Amazing pork belly at the Top House


The overnight low was actually 1 degree higher than the night before by the canal


Some snow did manage to make it through the trees



The neighbours




I didn't take any pictures after this, a combination of the fog and not wanting to take my gloves off as it was snowing on and off. A great trip with just the right amount of winter :grin:
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by sean_iow »

Also, this came up in conversation on the trip so seems as good a place as any for it :grin:


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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by psling »

Some great photos from the trip there guys (and gals :-bd ), lovely to look through them whilst sat in a warm office :cool: We really were quite lucky with the ground conditions, was quite a shock to drive back up towards home afterwards through a winter wonderland of snow covered trees.
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by psling »

sean_iow wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 2:51 pm Image
Analysing this photo I am in the gloom to rear right and appear to be peering out from my bivvy bag probably thinking 'what the f*#< is that man doing shining a light about at this time of the morning' :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Mike »

Nice trip
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Verena »

sean_iow wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 3:25 pm Also, this came up in conversation on the trip so seems as good a place as any for it :grin:


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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Verena »

Just read this and if you look at the map of where the epicentre was, that is really very very close to where we spent the Saturday night :o
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by riderdown »

Just read this and if you look at the map of where the epicentre was, that is really very very close to where we spent the Saturday night
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by psling »

Verena wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:10 pm Just read this and if you look at the map of where the epicentre was, that is really very very close to where we spent the Saturday night :o
That is pretty much exactly where we were isn't it! Imagine experiencing something like that while cocooned in a bivvy bag :shock:
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Verena »

psling wrote: Sun Feb 26, 2023 3:30 am
Verena wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:10 pm Just read this and if you look at the map of where the epicentre was, that is really very very close to where we spent the Saturday night :o
That is pretty much exactly where we were isn't it! Imagine experiencing something like that while cocooned in a bivvy bag :shock:
I know, that's exactly what I thought!!! Especially with some of those trees above us being a bit precariously balanced...

Or worse, imagine if we'd slept in one of those old quarry buildings....or the tunnel 😱
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by RIP »

As I said to you the other day I could picture you all there in your b'bags next morning: "did the earth move for you darling?" :grin:

Wonder if Chartists Cave is still in one piece? Come to think of it I wonder if anyone's been down Aggie etc to check out the damage?
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Verena »

RIP wrote: Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:57 am As I said to you the other day I could picture you all there in your b'bags next morning: "did the earth move for you darling?" :grin:

Wonder if Chartists Cave is still in one piece? Come to think of it I wonder if anyone's been down Aggie etc to check out the damage?
:lol: :lol:

Or: "I know we all had sprouts with our dinners, but that was something else!?!?"

Yep, interesting to think what that might have done to the caves...

I would go have a look, but I'm painting the kitchen...
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Raggedstone »

I think I will go and have a look next weekend to see what's left and as it's going to be March stop for a lie down at a safe place .
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Re: Winter Bivvy, South Wales installment

Post by Verena »

Ohhh nice Kev, I would ask if I could tag along, but I'm away to see my parents ...
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