Todays ride

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Re: Todays ride

Post by whitestone »

I did look at the bottom end of that track and the sign says footpath only, plus it goes right by the farm so you couldn't really get away with being cheeky. Apart from the Roman Road the BWs heading down to Wensleydale are mostly descent only, or at least much better as a descent.

There's a big area at the head of that valley - Bardale and Raydale that are bereft of routes. A couple of years ago I did take the fat bike along the ridgeline between Stake Moss and Fleet Moss but even after a prolonged dry spell it was still soft...



A good freeze and a bit of snow cover would be good. :lol:
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Re: Todays ride

Post by fatbikephil »

I recall wandering up there with Mum and Da when I was a sprog, one hot July day, and it was indeed a swamp!
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Re: Todays ride

Post by ledburner »

climbing up Lowscale fell to Skiddaw house from Keswick. on yesterday's North Lakes 'bimble'.
Nice very warm :-bd
IMG_20032022_231444_(800_x_600_pixel).jpg (182.61 KiB) Viewed 2496 times
apparently some one exited stage left on the risks at the far end of the track on the ridgle line. curtains for him. fatL outcome apparently. :shock:

thanks for a great weekend BoxElder.
thanks guys for welcoming and putting up with me.... :roll:
Sorry it didn't work out Ton. My fault entirely. :sad:

take away lessons, pack a few days befor& dont work the evening before an early start... .
Take less Stuff.
drink lots more...
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

What a difference a week makes... A week passed Friday, I was out in blazing sunshine and summer weight Lycra. It was the second of three days use it or loose it holiday, so another chance to get a long ride in and some miles in the legs before the WRT. Not long into the ride, I spotted a flashing red light up ahead, so I resolved to catch them up, I didn't need to, as they'd stopped to strip off. As I got closer, I noticed they had what looked like a saddle bag, which resolved into a full on bike packing setup as I caught up to where they'd stopped. So I stopped for a chat, which is a bit unlike me. Turns out that they'd been on a six day trip, starting from Lowestoft and heading up to the North Yorkshire coast and back. I'd caught then on their last day, on their way home, and I think they were just keen to get it over and done with. They'd picked a smashing week for it.


I continued on my way round my route, which was tarmac based. With all the nice settled weather, I couldn't help myself and headed off onto a few good quality off road section. I was expecting to puncture, as I'm running tubes, due to the Terenno Zeros being pretty knackered. I got away with it, which was nice.


I finished on 167KM, with tan lines, it was a fantastic day out. Yesterday couldn't have been more different if it had tried, and was less a ride linking up back lanes, and more a ride trying to avoid the snow squalls. The planned route went out the window, as I went this way and that, skirting the edges of the worst of it. The main problem was the wind though, especially to start with, and I found myself having to lean the bike over and nearly lost it a couple of times with strong side on gusts. I even had to pedal downhill at one point, which was quite demoralising.


The legs were just empty though, and just refused to punch up some of the small kickers. I though I was eating and drinking enough, but when I stopped for a coffee in Maglia Rosso at 106KM, I noticed that I'd been hyperventilating without realising, which is a clear sign that I hadn't been. The espresso, date and oat slice, and fifteen minutes out of the wind and cold worked wonders, at least for the next 15KM or so. One of those rides that feel like a total death march, that you just want to be over.


I limped home, practically bang on 160KM, which is a far cry from the original 200KM route I'd planned. That's the last of the free Friday's, so the next batch of pre-WRT long rides will be cycle commuting on Thursdays. I just hope Spring reasserts itself soon...
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Re: Todays ride

Post by fatbikephil »

Did my April century today - about as easy a circuit as you can get around here up to Crieff, across to Lochearn and then cycleway down to Callander finishing with a mix of cycleway and backroads home. I've been plagued by punctures in recent months, pretty much getting one every time I go out. As well as the usual thorns and glass I've had several where something sharp has punched straight through the tyre / tube but not stayed in to be identified, but flattening the tyre within seconds. Most annoying, so I've ended up going tubeless again on the gravel bike.... Todays was at mile 90 when I hit the first urban cycleway in Alloa - a bit of glass typically. After a bit of sealant spraying it sealed but kept squirting stuff out and sealing for a mile or so before a big spray as the bit of glass presumably had pushed right through the tyre. This kept sealing and spraying over the next few miles until it eventually sealed at about 10psi..... Guess I should have bunged a plug in but it was pishing down and I was nearly home so carried on. Less faff than stopping to put a tube in I 'spose but I need to appease the god of punctures somehow, or buy solid tyres ~X(

Right Shaff it's your turn :grin:
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Re: Todays ride

Post by PaulB2 »

Finally got out on the bike for the first time for an age to test out my waterproofs. Just a gentle short loop out on rail trail and then back on the roads but it felt good to stretch the legs. My old waterproof coat needs long sleeves under it to not feel clammy but the new shorts were great.
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Re: Todays ride

Post by GregMay »

Local Audax today, first one I've done in about 5 years. Nice route out into North Yorkshire, quite a bit of climbing (1,600m in 60km apparently) which felt about right for the way my legs are feeling. Had to slow down as I was ahead of the max speed, suits me fine, stopped and watched some lambs frolicking :)
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Re: Todays ride

Post by ledburner »

GregMay wrote: Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:32 pm Local Audax today, first one I've done in about 5 years.......... . Had to slow down as I was ahead of the max speed, suits me fine, stopped and watched some lambs frolicking :)
you Beast!
were you the wolf in sheep's clothing? :lol:
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
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Re: Todays ride

Post by GregMay »

I think I was just giddy :)
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Re: Todays ride

Post by ootini »

WRT kit test ride



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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

A 100KM bimble this morning. Currently planning another for tomorrow, will be wearing lighter weight clothing...
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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

Put the big tyres back on the bike and headed out yesterday morning for my first #GravelWanker ride of the year. Really struggled to get any speed up, so was out way longer than planned. Ended up stressing about not having enough food or fluid, so limped home half broken. Was nice to take in loads of bridelways and byways that I didn't really ride last year, a couple are still "closed" as they're sorting out all the bomb holes and ruts.


I couldn't help but take a slight detour at one point to take in moar grav grav, which meant the distance sneaked over 112KM. The afternoon was spent at the in-laws shovelling carbs into my face.


Woke up fifteen minutes before my alarm this morning, so just got up and was out half an hour earlier than yesterday, which was nice. Headed off in the opposite direction to yesterday too, looping up near Ely, before plunging down and through North Cambridge and home. Again, it was nice to ride various bridleways and byways that I didn't really get to last year, they've even sorted one of them out, so the chest deep ruts have gone, to be replaced with some tarmac chips.


I even managed to convolute the route to take in the new pedestrian / cycle bridge over the Cam at Stourbridge Common, that would've been really handy when I used to cycle commute to the Science Park area. This meant I got to bomb down the path next to the guided busway, which is always fun; so many cyclists out going in the other direction. The legs fell off a bit near the end though, so I'm off to shovel some more callories into my face in preparation for another 100KM tomorrow morning.

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Re: Todays ride

Post by Escape Goat »

I've wanted to cycle to the Lake District from home for such a long time. I was lucky enough to convince two friends at short notice to come and play out.

I wanted to test out my Dales Divide set up before I went (but if you don't know my knee said no way Jose - you're not going).


We had cycle lanes and cycle routes all the way up were actually really rather lovely.


img] ... e685_c.jpg[/img]


We stopped at the Hand and Dagger for food. I was so hungry, I forgot to take a picture of my food. But a fizzy pop, baguette with chicken on and chips was only £12.00 which I thought was rather reasonable.

After our food, we jumped back on the canal and pedaled for ages. Before we knew it - we were constantly pulling thorns out of our tires. Thankfully we all had tubless, but the vote leaned in the direction of coming off the canal and take the road instead. After a horrible bit of A6 we were back into lovely lanes.

Soon after it was food oclock - it's always food o'clock - you'll find this out if you ever ride with me ha!


Simple margarita pizza was the safest option as I struggle with indigestion (usually).


img] ... b4ee_c.jpg[/img]

Tri bars suck (for sale) but they do hold pizza rather well.


I managed to fumble and get the phone out quick enough to get the boarder crossing...


Night started to fall...typical of my rides, we were about 3 hours away from Crook where I had planned for us to stay



By chance, the route took us past Arnside - the start of the DD - this is where I got super nervous thinking that I'd be back here before I knew it...



11pm, cold pizza, beer, whiskey and a good chat about the day we were at camp. We didn't last long before we russled our way into our tents and bivvy bags. It wasn't long after that I was snoring my head off...





The ground at camp ended up being great for pegging out and really rather flat too.




We cycled from Crook to Stavely for breakfast at Wilfs - they were closed, but the other cafe was open. Wilfs are missing a trick not opening at the same time as the other coffee shop.


Hours later we found ourselves at Milnthorpe again for more milkshake and biscuits before we set off for the last leg of my friends trip and the middle part of mine.



Friends dropped off, the last leg of my trip was along the canal - including the thorn-ridden section....night came, I plodded on.


All in I rode 200 miles / 312 kms door to door from the Lakes. All was well, though it showed me that I really need to work on my stretching and tendon strengthening. It's the only thing holding me back.

I made a little film too should you be interested - link in my signiature.

Looking forward to the WRT now!
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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

Another 100KM plus ride this morning, taking some of Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Essex's finest bridleways and byways.


Was absolutely knackered when I got up, felt like someone had scooped my eyeballs out. This feeling lasted way longer than I'd have liked, but it did eventually pass, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.


Well, I enjoyed most of it, I certainly didn't enjoy the restricted byway that was really just a footpath, it also featured two stiles for some reason; not come across that on a byway before. It also had a low hanging branch that I didn't quite duck under, it came through the front of the helmet and took a chunk out of my forehead. There was also one bridleway that was so chopped up with rock hard horse hoof prints, I though I was going to give myself brain damage.


All in all a cracking weekends riding, and some good miles in the legs in preparation for the WRT. Might have to pop out for a bivvy next weekend just to remind myself how to do it...
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Re: Todays ride

Post by GregMay »

Audax day, 110km, 2,200m of up and all the wind in the world. Brutal day out.
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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

Had planned on getting out for a bivvy tonight, but haven't quite got the bike into a state where I can attach all the luggage, i.e. clean and protected with bits of old inner tube. So I've decided to go for an old skool lockdown bivvy. A quick ride this evening, sleep in the garden, then another ride in the morning. Not quite the same as setting up in a ditch, but it'll have to do.

The new Garbaruk drive train worked well 95% of the time, with effortless, and quiet, shifting up and down. One jump is a bit odd, compared to the usual Shimano ratios, but I didn't find myself searching for the right gear quite as much as usual, which is a good sign. Stuck it onto the dinner plate ring at one point, cue the chain jumping all over the place, before falling off the front chain ring. Given that I bought all of this specifically for that 50 tooth ring, I'd better try and sort that out before next weekend...

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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

After a restless night in the garden, I was back into the house at 06:30. While my toes were cold, I'd been warm under my quilt, but I almost immediately started feeling a bit weird and shivery. So I sat and read the internets for a couple of hours till I felt a bit betterer, then got ready and headed out just before 09:00.


I decided to take in a selection of not just my favourite bridleways and byways, but also those I knew would be chopped up, lumpy and bumpy. This was partly to get some riding on lumpy and bumpy surfaces, but also to check that the new drive train could cope with being thrashed about. I think my clutch maybe knackered, as I was getting some pretty horrific chain slap.


While there wasn't a cloud in the sky, the wind had quite the bite to it and kept my gilet, arm and knee warmers on for the whole morning. I passed a lot of cyclists this today, who were either dressed like it was mid-winter, or high summer. One of those days where you really need to carry two outfits.


I took the opportunity to take in a couple of new bridleways, one of which was pretty cool. Although I did get a rear puncture half way a long it, which the sealant eventually took care of. I really do like these Pirelli Cinturato Gravel M tyres, as unlike the Panaracer GravelKing SK's, these actually seal without external intervention.


My average speed was relatively low, plus I stopped regularly to adjust various screws and adjusters in an attempt to stop the chain skipping off the dinner plate ring. I seem to have mostly succeeded with that, there is the occasional bump, but the chain stays put and doesn't effects pedalling, like it did on last nights ride. I get get a rubbing noise at one point, sounded like the rear tyre was rubbing against the frame or something. I couldn't figure it out, as there was plenty of space all the way round, so investigated other bits. Turns out the rear brake caliper wasn't correctly centred, so one of the pads was dragging against the disc. The rubbing noise was still present after fixing that though, which was totes annoying. After another inspection, I noticed one of the cable ties that hold the rear derailleur cable to the frame had vanished, and it was the cable rubbing against the tyre I could hear, so that was easily fixed and the bike was running nice and quietly after that.


It wasn't all plain sailing home though, as a village high street was totally blocked by various morris men and women. I managed to swiftly negotiated my way through the watching throng and was soon on my way. Off the last byway and pass some proper village cricket, nothing like the sound of leather on willow.


All in all a cracking ride, especially as I appear to have sorted out two of the three issues with the bike. Hopefully the third one will get sorted tomorrow. 👍
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Re: Todays ride

Post by ledburner »

:-bd good day out :-bd
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
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Re: Todays ride

Post by redefined_cycles »

So... last week I made a route in prep for eid or just after. Road route with about six climbs of 15 to 20% grade. Came to about 30 miles and about 4000ft so that'll be a nice ride once food is back on the menu.

Then today I went fast as I could to get to my dentist appointment only 5o find that I'm 2 weeks too early! 10 miles there and I briefly pondered going to try Brockholes Lane climb (about 25 percent and continues going up but not as long as anything sinister like Hardknotts. Thankfully I decided against it and did Lockwood Scar instead. Straight up to Castle Hill at the top and that's what leads me to why I wrote this current post!

Currently stood in Primark with the kids/wife doing eid shopping. My calves feel a bit tired and am seriously thinking about getting a foam roller (and starting to take pre and post ride warm ups/down more seriously). Anyone got any thoughts - good and bad - on the good old foam roller... :-)
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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

redefined_cycles wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 6:41 pm Anyone got any thoughts - good and bad - on the good old foam roller... :-)
Don't be cheap and get a half sized one.
They're not as good at getting knots out your calves as quickly as a physio, so be prepared to spend a decent amount of time in front of the telly box rolling back and forth.
They hurt, and cause it's not a physio you're paying, it's very easy to just stop.
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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

Popped out for a final shaker down ride, mostly to check the rear brake. Been so long since I had a working one, I'm not sure if it's actually working correctly or not. Might have another fiddle and check the reservoir to see if any more air has settled. Had to fiddle with the derailleur cable tension again, as it's still skipping slightly when on the dinner plate. It appears the derailleur isn't close enough to the wheel, so it's not feeding the chain in cleanly. I've had to tweak the screw to move down and away from the cassette, might move it back a bit and see if that helps, but it could be a case of just fiddling with the cable tension all weekend.

The main issue though, appears to be my Wahoo ELEMNT is no longer recording the correct distance. I first noticed this over Easter weekend, where each ride was consistently out by a few KMs. Today, on a 36KM ride, it was out by 11KM. Anyone know of any good deals on Wahoo ELEMNT Roams, preferably with an express shipping option...?

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Re: Todays ride

Post by redefined_cycles »

Boab wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:09 pm Wahoo ELEMNT Roams, preferably with an express shipping option...?

Why are you going for the ROAM Bob... Just get the Bolt V2... I've had the v2, then the ROAM, then a v2, then a Garmin 530 - only briefly and thankfully didn't smash it - then another v2. Happily married now and apart from the odd gps position glitch - probably theoretical as based ony previous v2 and the 530 which both had that slight gremlin - which I've not actually checked is there but doesn't seem to be.. It's fantastically ace and 'just does' everything for me. Battery life might be an hour less than the ROAM but everything else including memory is 'dreamy'. :grin:
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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

redefined_cycles wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:42 pm
Boab wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 3:09 pm Wahoo ELEMNT Roams, preferably with an express shipping option...?
Why are you going for the ROAM Bob... Just get the Bolt V2... I've had the v2, then the ROAM, then a v2, then a Garmin 530 - only briefly and thankfully didn't smash it - then another v2. Happily married now and apart from the odd gps position glitch - probably theoretical as based ony previous v2 and the 530 which both had that slight gremlin - which I've not actually checked is there but doesn't seem to be.. It's fantastically ace and 'just does' everything for me. Battery life might be an hour less than the ROAM but everything else including memory is 'dreamy'. :grin:
I'd like a ROAM, as it has features that my current ELEMNT has, that the BOLT doesn't. A biggerer screen is also desirable.
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Re: Todays ride

Post by redefined_cycles »

Never knew that Bob. Will share if I find any ROAM deals in that case. Curious as to which functions are retained that aren't in the BOLT V2... :smile:
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Re: Todays ride

Post by Boab »

redefined_cycles wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 11:50 pm Never knew that Bob. Will share if I find any ROAM deals in that case. Curious as to which functions are retained that aren't in the BOLT V2... :smile:
Other than the bigger screen and larger battery, I'm mostly after the two rows of customizable LEDs.
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