Klickfix type bar mounts

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Klickfix type bar mounts

Post by BikeHappy »

Hello, I'm new.

I've spent a bit of lockdown time making a frame bag and a handlebar camera bag. I'm keen to try and make a larger bar mounted bag with a compartment for my camera and I'd like to be able to remove it quickly for pub/cafe stops.

I managed to get a cheap 2nd hand Klickfix mount from ebay to play with and whilst it is very sturdy, just the handlebar end weighs 120g :o

We have a 3d printer so I thought I might look a printing an alternative, lighter design. Has anyone done anything similar or do you know of other lighter systems that I can use as inspiration?

Thank you for any help.
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Re: Klickfix type bar mounts

Post by belugabob »

Unless you really enjoy cutting/drilling/experimenting, then just go for these...

https://wildcat.cc/collections/accessor ... rks-g-funk

(And a strapdeck & voile straps, of course)
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