MTB Skills Courses

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MTB Skills Courses

Post by Zoglug »

Its the time of year when my missus starts asking me what i want for Christmas. Im fed up of getting slippers, or a dressing gown so im contemplating asking for her to get me a voucher for a MTB skills course.

I only got back into MTBing earlier this year after a few years off and my skills and confidence have dropped drastically, after far to many miles commuting on my road bike. So i am seriously contemplating getting myself onto a two day course, just to begin rebuilding, so i can achieve my aims next year.

Im just curious to see if others have been on any courses and what your thoughts were. Also, anywhere in particular you would recommend? I have already checked out Stu's website, which i am very interested in indeed, but options are open at the moment. Id just like the opportunity to spend the weekend away from Manchester.

Any advice would be great.

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Re: MTB Skills Courses

Post by Zippy »

Very slightly off topic. But I had a time away from doing any real MTBing, but quite a bit of time commuting, a bit like your situation it sounds like.

When back on the MTB (straight onto a black MTB trail centre as you do) I found I was a bit cautious to begin with for the first half an hour, but then was open to re-learning and think after about 2 hours I was probably riding better than I was 6 months ago coz I was allowing myself to be a bit looser etc and was very much open to re-learning how to ride again.
Another time that helped my "skills" was the time I ended up doing some trail centre somewhere without a rear brake :lol:
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Re: MTB Skills Courses

Post by greenmug »

If your skill requirement is to get over any head issue (jumps, corners at speed etc) then go and see Jedi. Quite amazing way to teach MTB skills and the particular skill is his way of messing with your head without you even knowing.
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Re: MTB Skills Courses

Post by Chew »


To be fair i've learnt things just by riding with others and getting out there
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Re: MTB Skills Courses

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Maybe a Bear Bones skills weekend could be in order next Spring? ... obviously it would be at a discounted rate.

Zoglug, I've been coaching for 8 years so hopefully well placed (but possibly a touch biased) to help answer your question.The main thing I'd say is ... firstly decide what you want. I know that sounds odd but it's pretty easy to get caught up in the macho side of mountain biking and spend too much time focusing on the stuff that isn't really relevant to your general riding but you imagine / are lead to believe it ought to be ;)

Riding has 2 sides and they're governed by (a) the laws of physics and (b) your own self preservation instincts and risk perception. The laws of physics can't be changed, so it's a fairly simple task learning how they effect your bike/riding and how to use them to your advantage. Self preservation is a little trickier, obviously you can't remove those instincts but instead they can be replaced and altered. As for risk perception that usually changes as your instincts change.

A coaching course should do much more than turn you into a 'stunt monkey'. It should re-lay the foundations for your riding and arm you with an understanding that'll allow you to evaluate / examine all aspects of your riding long after the course has finished.

Bit of a ramble, sorry ;)
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Re: MTB Skills Courses

Post by Zoglug »

It wasn't a ramble at all, many thanks for the input, gave me a lot to think about last night! Ill drop you a quick pm about it if you don't mind!

And a BB skills weekend certainly sounds like a good idea to me! Providing I had the weekend free I would certainly be interested.
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Re: MTB Skills Courses

Post by YetiTony »

Just to add a bit of variety I went on a skills day with Ed Oxley earlier in the year.
Really nice guy who analyses where you are and gives a great insight into improving your riding.
By the end of the day I was handling the bike completely differently and taking corners and obstacles at far greater speeds.
He's based in Hebden Bridge and also gave us some great guided riding around the area!
Highly recommended.
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