2018 favourites

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Re: 2018 favourites

Post by metalheart »

Route: I cycled out the back door, along strath connon and glenuaig (solo, nice bivvy shy of the ruins before the lodge) then onwards to Loch/strath carron which helped cleanse my mind a little before meeting up with scotroutes and coming back the AKW (and aforementioned bivvy at the head of the Loch) part of the GGW and home. Loved the descent into Glen Ling, reminded me of exactly why I do this mountain biking thing.

Kit: guess my revelate harness and salty roll (although finally working out that it’s easier if you download gpx tracks to the Garmin it makes things easier - who knew, eh?). oh, and a shiny new frame/forks :oops:
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Re: 2018 favourites

Post by Alec »

Route: the salop sludger route from last weekend, only a short one day ride but really fun.

Kit: my ritchey commando set up singlespeed and drop bars, great fun on the local canals and back roads.
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Re: 2018 favourites

Post by littlegirlbunny »

Favourite route.....Ciro Trail Bosnia

-Favourite piece of kit.......genuinely can't remember buying anything this year biking related. It's been one of those years.

-Favourite piece of media, be it a film, photo or write up......errr. Does Tin Star count? It had mountains in it as well as a diabolical, yet hilarious, storyline.

-Favourite personality......my dog. Total dumbass, loves life, makes me smile every day
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Re: 2018 favourites

Post by thenorthwind »

OK, here goes:

Route: Jennride was one of my favourite experiences of this year, and that's not totally down to the route, but it did have a large part to play. It reminded me (as if I needed reminding) what a fantastic place the Lakes is to play, and introduced me to some bits I don't know so well, tending to frequent the northern end more. So thanks Rich, and well done :-bd

Kit: Difficult one. I don't buy much kit (I think. Relatively :???: ) but I do appreciate when something really makes a difference. Despite only having had them a couple of weeks, the Alpkit pogies I got as a birthday present are already one of my favourite bits of kit. As someone with perpetually cold hands, who generally doesn't expect to feel their fingers between approximately September and April, to be able to ride in fingerless gloves or thin liners (and hence still be able to eat, adjust zips/straps, take photos, etc. etc.) in freezing temps is a game-changer.
Honourable mentions to:
Not-exactly-bikepacking category - My Peak Designs Capture Clip. A stupidly expensive but incredibly useful chunk of CNCed loveliness that keeps my camera on a rucksack strap or belt, secure enough to ride anything I'd care to ride, yet easily accessible with one hand.
Bodging category - Self-amalgamating rubber tape. Wrap a bit round any tube to stop straps sliding or rubbing. Why have I never thought of it before?

Media: I don't watch or read as many videos and write-ups as I'd like to - if you watched/read them all you'd never get out the door yourself. So there are probably better things out there, but I really enjoyed Ben Page's Frozen Road.

Personality: Not many well-known personalities in the bikepacking world, that I know enough about to pass comment on anyway. So, at risk of breaking the "don't embarrass anyone" rule, I'm going to go for our very own Reginald somethingbeginningwithI Perrin (RIP). I always know when Reg has commented on a thread, however mundane the topic, it's going to contain some pithy nugget of whimsy that will raise a wry smile. I'm guessing it's with tongue in cheek, otherwise he's going to be annoyed when he reads this :lol:
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Re: 2018 favourites

Post by RIP »

:oops: :YMHUG: . I'm just one small eccentric cog in the many who make This Place much greater than the sum of its parts, albeit as you say possibly with tongue inserted in cheek more often than most :wink:. Thanks for a great year everyone, and wishing you all the best for '19.
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Re: 2018 favourites

Post by ianfitz »

Bearbonesnorm wrote:
I can't disagree in general, but as a counter point - how about you're living in a dead-end town where few people seem to GAS about life. It's grim, school's pointless as you see so few opportunities and at 13 you think smoking weed with your mates is the only way to have fun. Maybe you have a bike, maybe you're good at wheelies. Before the weed turns to glue or gas and you stop riding a bike, you're exposed to the idea that you can take your bike further than the city and camp out. Someone makes it look possible and fun. Maybe it just seems like a better way of getting out for a cheeky smoke, maybe not, but either way you've been exposed to another side of life. There's a chance that youth workers in all areas can make a difference by inspiring those who are close to having nothing to motivate or inspire them.
I do see what you're saying there James and generally the Sydicate are a very good example - possibly the prime example. However, they might be the exception that proves the rule as I can't think of any other individual, group or company that actively promotes bikepacking at a younger audience in the hope of keeping them from worshipping Satan or sniffing Bisto ... it's mostly for adulation or profit. :wink:
I'd vote Jenny this year. Not only did she smash out a record breaking lap of the planet, she did it entirely with a smile on her face. That is the inspirational part for me! I was one of the behind the scenes helpers so saw a lot of the whatsapp messages and content. Even there she was buzzing the whole way round.

And would agree about the Syndicate doing top work enabling young folks to get involved because its fun and will make you a better person. The Craigie has done that so well that the Scottish Parliament have just appointed her as Active Travel Commisioner as part of an £80million scheme to get Scotland moving!
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