NorthPeaks100 ITT times

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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by stevewaters »

I did the pitching by the dam but there were a couple of walkers munching sandwiches watching so once I had committed to it I couldn't afford to fail !
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by redefined_cycles »

Now then... I just attempted this little beauty once again yesterday. If I'd have finished it then I may have added another item to the key: FF for fully fasted. Alas, I had to shorcut a few sections and really doubt anyone would have a need for such an abbreviation for future completions.

A bit of background. I've had at least 2 attempts at this already. The last one was when my stupid bike broke on the cobbly sections up leading towards Wessenden Head. I had initially expected to attempt it again later in the year. But when my mate Faruq from Bristol went and did a 101 miler fixed the other day, I knew it was more than doable.

So the first thing I did was change the name from Butcher - bit of careful sandpapering and a Sharpie or 2 - to something more respectable. Bruce (the bike) say 'hello world'.

The plan had been to try and get a decent time and be back home in time for 'iftari'. So I needed to minimise my camera usage to just one pic. Unless off course I was riding in which case taking pics were all fair game. But this plan deteriorated well before my 30th mile.

Here's one taken midflight. So the plan was simple, without the inconvenience of food and water, all I needed to concentrate on was 'not dying of dehydration'. At first I expected to take my heart rate monitor, but then what a faff that'd be. Instead I'd just use the 'conversation pace' as my benchmark to ensure I wouldn't go into the red. Not that I felt the continuous urge to keep talking to myself, and at times even saying 'hallo' felt a bit of a chore. But I maintained my manners and kept smiling and waving to whomsoever looks like they'd appreciate it.

The first few miles went without incident. I was enjoying being out there and not having to constantly worry about fighting for my right against cars/traffic. Such a wonderful thing is off roading is it not. Got to the gnarly uphill of Back Lane towards Houses Hill which I quite quickly got off to push up. Wouldn't wanna die so early into the ride would we.

I was still in the 'no stopping for pics' mode. So was thankful I managed to shoot this before it got too steep. Significant as its the first climb that actually hits 25 percent. Well actually more like 24.2% but whats 0.1s of a percent between proper Yorkshire climbs. I did think I'd be walking up here but didn't feel too dead so just slowly climbed it. With deep breathing that a lady mid child-birth would be proud of.

Then it was towards Castle Hill from which you can see Black Hill quite nicely. Here I'd usually take at least a pic or two. But I remained 'self controlled' and kept riding on. Enjoying the view which images can't quite do justice to. Such a beautiful place the peaks of Huddersfield.

Eventually I got to the start of the trail leading to Wessy. A mandatory pic here for my 12Seasons thread. Looking slightly to the left of this image I could see the hills in the distance looking rather black and sorry for themselves. Could it be that I'd actually managed to witness a wonder of nature having taken place.

But no, as I rode on I realised what'd happened. Everything appeared to have been burnt. Cigarette or campfire, not sure but more likely someones careless ciggie dropping. Who knows... Lets have a moments silence shall we :sad:




Then came another couple of mandatory pics for the '12seasons' thread and some evidence that Bruce hadn't broken - 'crash damage' it's called apparently - trying to clear them last cobbles. He managed wonderfully, didn't break and nor did I die. Winner winner, chicken dinner...

The next few miles went unremarkably and I suppose nothing much to report. After getting to the highest point of the ride - Wessy Head - and then descending through some blustery winds, I made ablution and did my prayers before leaving the trail for the road once again. This road is steep and I'd imagine plenty roadies wishing they'd come with discs on here. Then some more lovely pics and obviously I'd given up on my 'no pics' rule.




Ain't the Peaks gorgeous... except for when its trying to freeze you to death. Then I got across the penning trail tarmac section and back round to start heading north. This is where it gets interesting.

Forty or so miles in and I get to this section. Pretty sure the folks around here - based on the speculation that the bridleway signs have all been pulled out - must be rather miserable. Don't blame em as its the most miserable section of the route. Stu would probably be proud. I walked up... trying to avoid the thorny ground covering aswell as not dislodge a hip.

Looking back at grumpy-village. I do hope the dogs have stopped barking by now. Then to make matters 'lovelier' the hail came. Now lets reflect back to the start of the trip when I was packing what I packed...

Fifteen or sixteen miles left, 400g waterproof jacket donned, hands freezing and thinking back and longing for my deep winter gloves. I popped the 'take me home' route into the Wahoo. That saved me 3 miles so it was back to plan A, finish the route once and for all.

Ride a bit, stop to warm the hands... ride a bit more. Think about popping an under helmet hat on, but can't be bothered as the body and head are warm enough. Just the hands... Walk some more and then finally I realise 'the femoral artery'. One hand pushes the bike and the other in the pocket next to the groin. What a relief...

Next I'm almost home but only after having explored an Uber aswell as public transport. 10ish miles left and a 'Karl' happens. Whilst riding through the cow field they all come and gang up on me. Young uns watching in the background and me considering if the orange bike was being mistook for red. I try to turn back but they've blocked my path. Manage to make it out alive and walk up a gentle road climb.

Then 'that picture' happens and I get home with about five percent 'feeling' left in the hands. Some nerve twitches but nothing to report home about :o

Ain't Northpeaks beautiful...
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by whitestone »

Yesterday was pretty grim at times, I'm working just over the hill from Wessenden and there was snow/hail on the ground when I got there in the morning and there were further showers throughout the day.

The fire damage - it was started by either a disposable BBQ or a firework ( :???: ) over by the A62 near Standedge and got blown by the winds over to Wessenden. Even though the wind was blowing it eastwards you could smell the smoke in Delph.
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by ledburner »

pistonbroke wrote: Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:33 am This comes within 500m of where I used to live in Millhouse Green, maybe a redundant suggestion now the die is cast but were you to continue another few hundred metres along the Trans Pennine Trail into Millhouse and exit at the old level crossing onto the A628 towards Penistone for about 500m into Thurlstone then turn left up a lovely track opposite the Huntsman pub, it's called High Bank and brings you out by the windmills and avoids the road climb out of the village. Assuming the route is done anti-clockwise.
I agree, I discovered that track as a return from Kirkburton Trans Pennine link (via Skelmanthorpe (or Shat).
I hope you think you know, what I might of exactly meant.
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by Leerowe76 »

Anyone have the Gpx/Strava file for this route, cheers
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by redefined_cycles »

Leerowe76 wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 5:05 am Anyone have the Gpx/Strava file for this route, cheers
Hi Leerowe... it's in the link in one of the first posts up here. A vewiranger file...

Tony going tomorrow and hopefully me too. Might see you on the trails :smile:
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by redefined_cycles »

Managed to get out there and complete this today. Even though I made the route I've never ridden it in one sitting and (for a softie like me) it felt pretty hard.

Managed to raise over £2000 for human rights charity CAGE (if it's BBC thats usually played in the house then they'll be often referred to in the derogatory) to make a stance against the bullets, water grenades and tear gas being used on worshippers in Jerusalem's Al Aqsa masjid as well as the forced evictions of the Palastinians fromt their homes (nothing new there!). Anyway, I digress... The ride...

Twas nice. Yesterday when I was planning it in my head, the knees and everything else were aching. Often happens to me, but after a half-good sleep I was ready and out. Started at about 1030.

The compulsory - for me - shot pre ride. The plan then was to try have the head down and don't dehydrate to death. Minimise pictures and instead of the saddlepack I brought the Wildcat. Shirley that'd encourage me to finish it this time.

Next must've come the pic at Castle Hill and it had me wondering what 70 years of occupation and constant evictions (of the Palestianians) must feel like. So I made a supplication in my heart that may Allah keep them strong and firm.

Next came the Wessenden Valley, looking gorgeous as usual. Nothing to report except that near the top I spoke to the chap overtaking me. Seemed impressed that I was on a 60 miler but wasn't convinced an ebike like his wasnt good enough for 60 miler mtb missions. Got to the gate and discussed the Scott Ransom he'd returned to Earnshaws as someone sounding like my elder bro ahd bought it. Also turned out he remembered me from some of the Colne Valley Mountain Bike Marathon charity fundraisers (for the local scouts in Golcar and cricket club).

Only problem then was that I couldn't pry myself away from the conversation. What do usual ITT folks use... "erm, I must dash as I'm timing myself against the clock". I never used that and managed to get away politely anyway.

Next came the new to me, 'oh this is beautiful for a pic' area. So i parked up and took a pic. Ain't Bruce looking rather handsome...

Next came the bit that always makes me a bit miserable. Today it wasn't looking too bad although i still walked up it all, watching for thron bushes off course. I turned round and saw this gorgeous beauty of a tree there. Looks like an olive tree, so lets go with that. Doubt it'd ever get olives in this barren climate...

Then I saw this picture and wondered whether the farmer might shoot me one day, mistaking me for a dog. Hmmm, like you do in Israel/Palestine if you're Israel military/police personnel. Got me thinking that maybe I should remove this section from the route like Duncan had originally suggested. Will dwell on it another year if I get lots of thorny-complaints... Or someones dog gets mistakenly shot!

Only two other significant events came by in the form of the chap with the Ra$ha jersey with same logo as mine. Looked unhappy at my "hallo" first time round. Was on his road bike and naturally too posh to reply. Met him again in another area of 'the Peaks'. Naturally, this time I was ecstatic and responded, "so we meet again". He didn't reply... Must've been watching the BBC the night before and mistaken me for a Palestinian that needs evicting.

Next came a chap some miles later. Again a roadie with posh clothes and immaculately clean looking. Must've been disgusted at my 'big fat wave'. Looked at me with a sneer and continued. M.A.A.P jersey.. Must be posher than the clean Ra$ha or maybe watches a more 'evidence based' channel than the British Bullshit Corporation.

Time total: about 9.5 hours.
Time actually riding: about 7.5 hours.
Stern message to self...'must get a grip and fear dehydration less :lol: '.

Time added to initial post...
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by redefined_cycles »

Me and Jonny completed this yesterday. Won't bother adding my times (9h:51min) as it was a duo/social ride but I am happy I'm only a few hours slower than my last attempt. What amazes me about the route is that it almost looks slightly different everytime.

The grumpy farmer who appears to allow the bridleway sign go for walkies, appears to have pulled another one from under his hat. Trying to deter walkers and horses he's now made the fresh looking gate appear seized. We just couldn't open it as much as we tried. Not sure how a horse would get over! Thankfully though at the end of that section the fallen gate has been repaired, so you now don't have to risk getting tangled inside the bars when trying to clamber over!

I tried to walk a bit more than ride as it's my first big ride for almost 5 months. A 6 week chest infection then 2 months away with sciatica, I really needed to be careful. Especially since the test ride last week - where I rode to the rendevouz point 14 miles in - almost totally knackered me. Only 14 miles there (to Blackmoorfoot res where I met Jon) but I tried to go hard and also climbed everything. By the time I left the res I was flagging and had to manage my effort back to the train station!

I set out at about 0415 and met Jon at about 0650. Thankfully I made it in the nick of time so he wasn't waiting for me for long... In pics:

This was the bit where I'd managed the lap but thought I'd see Jon back out of Dewsbury. So got a chance to try to ride the uphill muddy-clay thingy twice which is a mile before this shot.

This is what I told Jon to watch for as it's beautiful, on the opposite side of the reservoir/dam (Winscar I think). Told him it's an epic scene of a village from the top, but turns out it's just a few houses and shows how little I've stopped before now to take a look. Was informed (by Jon) that they probably flooded the houses to make the dam/reservoir and taught it's a hamlet... Something like that - must do some googling!

The actual res... Ain't she pretty Alhamdulillah.

The view up at Wessenden. Always looks amazing in a bland - I've been up here way too often - sort of way.

Thankfully the track between the mountains/hills brought as much joy to Jon as it always does me. I wondered whether one day me and my little one can walk to the foot of the waterfall, but a quick look and I'd decided it's probably not clever!

The first pic with Jon and Wessenden valley in the background...

Did I saw I left at 0415 or something. Well, the sunrise was epic Alhamdulillah and I was so glad to have witnessed it.


Compulsory pic of Black Hill (credit to Gian who spotted it and taught me of it, from 2000 miles away) and where I was headed (somewhere around there!).

The end (for now).
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by Lazarus »

Don't start at that ressie as you end the day with the steepest climbs
Like most MTB routes probably better when dry ( on the ground) which it mainly was .
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by redefined_cycles »

John or Johnny :-bd :o
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Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Post by ton »

Junky. or junkyard, on a sunday.
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