Bivvy a month 2018.

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by macinblack »

TheBrownDog wrote:
Maybe next time take a go-pro so we can view action shots of the actual bivvy
Reg-Cam :-bd :-bd This must be done.

Perrin-scope perhaps?
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

Sorry for lack of running commentary - dodgy signal. So back to Sellafield and a chat with the bloke cleaning the station windows, all about BNFL's place in the local economy etc etc. Jumped on next train back north to Workington, which was interesting, for nerds like me, as being one of only a handful left still being hauled by a proper locomotive - 'Mary Queen Of Scots' in this case. There's something elemental about standing next to an open train window with the wind screaming past, the roar of the locomotive, the speed and power, the waves crashing on the rocks, and the many combos of light and shade. Rather like a real-world fairground ride - or indeed hammering down a nice downhill trail on an MTB.


Time for a squint round Workington, after a cuppa in a cafe where mine host reckoned I was 'a bit smartly dressed and ought to take care'! I've just spent the bloody night in a hen-house! Still, it is indeed shall we say a lived-in place whose residents have things on their minds and plates. What was a bit wierd was almost everyone had some sort of walking aid - stick, frame, scooter, whatever. It was like the whole place had been struck down by some strange affliction. I took a random photo of the bus station ('UK's first purpose-built indoor bus station' - blue plaque!) and only noticed stick-lady afterwards:


Heading back to the station I suddenly find myself barrelling past an interesting building.. no surely not, but yes! Hey Tim, it's Workington's Working Men's Club!!! And I have to say I was sorely tempted to wait for the evening entertainment which would have been a hoot:


Comedy drag show! It doesn't get much better than that.. well probably not in Workington anyway. Plus 'audience participation' too. Marvellous, sell me a ticket now.

Sadly I'd decided to head back down the coast towards Sellafield, on two wheels this time, via the 'alternative' C2C start point:


Not very inspiring I guess, but very interesting. My random route (and bear in mind this is the third time in 24 hours that I've passed these places) took in some extremely dodgy cliff edges, sadly down-at-heel faded mining and fishing villages nonetheless with people with lots of fascinating chat and stories. As a result of all the nosing around, poking about and nattering, it took me all day to cover about 10 miles to Whitehaven. I suppose it didn't help that half way there I turned a bit inland and doubled back towards Workington, then back south yet again towards Whitehaven. There were loads of scenes from Get Carter.



And eventually to Whitehaven where by total contrast a trendy joint cheered me up with the world's most elaborate sticky toffee pudding:


Carried on towards St Bees to find a spot. This trip seems to be conspiring against tarp usage, because in some sort of Mad Max-style disused industrial works next door to a farm was a... disused caravan! Well that's a considerable step up from a shed so in we go. Bailed out early doors just in case:


(sorry for multiple posts but I'm in a barn near Cockermouth at the moment and don't want to lose the signal again).... (contd
Last edited by RIP on Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:21 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

Next day I thought I might try some 'conventional' scenery and headed off up NCN 71/72 trying hard not to look like a C2C-er.


Curiously there's no escaping the industrial past as the line passes numerous old iron mines and quarries. In fact my whole bike ended up looking like she'd overdone the morning 'slap' while preparing for the day ahead. Here she is covered in red mud at Ennerdale Brewery where I stopped for a cuppa (no really) and a teacake, oh and a free brewery tour ('normally £15') after I got talking with the head brewer. Unbelievably I declined the free samples. Something seriously wrong there.


Continued up past Lamplugh and diverted to the Kirkstile Inn for a sandwich, and a viewing of the village 'millenium plaque' which you might think is some unusual dental problem but is actually a tiny repro of the village in metal. Houses here are only an inch high! :



Took a fairly strenuous detour over an old track to Cockermouth, encountering a freak bike/stile catastrophe on the way (footpath shortcut - mistake)


Picked up a few bits and bobs from Co-op or Spar or whatever it was, and fairly quickly found a reasonably remote barn as a spot for the night - seemed a shame not to play for the trio of wierd shelters instead of tarping it. Fingers crossed the rats are on holiday.....

Tomorrow back to Workington yet AGAIN to catch the 12.48 to Barrow-in-Furness, crossing some lines of latitude for the seventh time in 60 hours and feeling a bit dizzy and disorientated to be honest :wink:
Last edited by RIP on Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by PaulB2 »

I’m up that way in two weeks, probably looking like a C2Cer sans panniers
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

Have fun Paul. Would respectfully suggest not being too slavish with the route 'cos there's loads of interest just off it. And it's just some random person's random line on a map after all anyway :wink:. After a surprisingly chilly night (1degC) I'd like to give a shout for Cockermouth as a place to stop by at, instead of the ridiculous sci-fi movie set known as Keswick with its streets full of strange zombified aliens dressed all over in dayglo orange. Cockermouth is a bit like Mach with proper nice shops including a superb ironmongers and the WI market where I had a great time talking rubbish with all the ladies over a cuppa and second-breakfast WI cakes. Then down to Workington via Broughton where I indulged in a random stop at the bakery for a THIRD breakfast of tea and krispie choccy 'cake'. They must get really fed up with all those mountains getting in the way of the view out of their windows :wink: :


Final stop for lunch in the same Workington cafe, meeting a guy who'd been a journalist on the local paper for 50 years who told me all about pigeon-fancying in minute detail to which I retaliated with minute detail about bikepacking :wink:. Actually we got on like a house on fire. He reckoned at least half the stick/frame/scooter crowd didn't actually need them. Surely not!? Blimey I'm naive sometimes :smile:. The train back down the coast - in bright sunshine this time - has got to be one of the most scenic rides in the world and I'll be back.
Last edited by RIP on Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by TheBrownDog »

The thing I like about Reg's journeys is the inevitable interaction with the local wildlife. I've seen him in action, asking a waitress at flash restaurant if there might be any chance she could find a skerric of milk for his morning porridge. Legend.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

True enough :smile:. I've had some unusual responses to that question too.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

[Tim] 'I love using disused buildings'. Yes I'm trying to get a bit more into this aspect of BP. Must compare notes mate. Got any pix of any bonkers buildings you've sampled? There's huge scope of course. Plenty of stables for instance :smile:.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by BigdummySteve »

When I decided to have a sept BAM trip down the SDW I completely forgot that I’d booked tickets for the family to see Joan High Wycombe to oxford after work, good time was had by all the various family members....back in the car and down the A34... currently bedding down at cheesefoot head :-bd (“it’s a made up name sir, like sillyus sodus or bigus dickus”)
It’s a tad pearl harbour , hopefully the forecast warm weather will show up for tomorrow.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by JohnClimber »

Normally I get my BAM bagged early on, but with holidays and life I just about squeezed this months in last night.

In a break from the norm I had to take a ruck sack with me.
On the bike front was all my bivi gear, on the back of the bike was my pack raft, in the middle was water, tools and cooking.
On my back was my life jacket, oars and anything else I couldn't fit on the bike, but at least it was very light.

The plan was simple, park at a mates a few miles south of Coniston, right up the East side of the "water" and around to Coniston for something to eat, then head south over the West side for as far as I could get.

On the way north I scoped out my planned spot for the night on Peel Island (yes I know it's the one from Swallows and Amazon's and no I've never read it) and noticed that the wind was picking up a bit with white tops to some of the waves, could it be time for a plan B?

After a brief stop for a late lunch (or an early tea) I pushed on, thinking that If I was too scared to cross the lake by pack raft at least I'd have the daylight to retrace my route for the much shorter (and more sensible crossing)

Soon enough the rideable path ran out and it was pushing or paddling time. With 2 miles to go, into a strong(ish) head wind and a lake crossing to be done I thought I'd give it ago so set afloat at 4pm.

The wind had died a little, but was blustery from time to time
My god it was choppy away from the shoreline and quite scary for a novice at times, but I pushed on and braved the crossing. Only when I was closer to the east side did I relax a little, but every time I stopped to get out a camera the wind took me back to where I had come from so it was no time to get all arty.

So I pushed on again. 90 minutes after starting I landed in the quiet harbour on my own island for the night.

Bivi set up before dark, in a sheltered hollow away from the sight of passing boats

8 hours of kip only woken by a spot of rain on the tarp (and my 50 year old bladder :oops: )

I was up packing away at first light and said goodbye to my home for the night on a much calmer morning on the open water

I made it to the shore, put the raft on the bike and rode back to my car, to be home in time for a nice big Sunday lunch

Alpaca Caribou review - It's amazingly stable, pack down small, weighs very little and is easy to paddle.
If you like route planning and faffing with your gear this has to be on your must have list of kit

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by fatbikephil »

Nice one John, when I was a sprog I spent many happy hours on that island swimming and jumping in off the rocks with my brov having paddled out there in our cheapo inflatable dingy - defo not a pack raft!

Bit of a late equalizer for me too this month. The parents were staying in a holiday cottage on the Solway coast near Dalbeattie and hinted that I might like to visit. So the Straggler got chucked in the car after work and I cruised down to Moffat, arriving just as it got dark. An hour or so of pedalling in the cool but dry evening took me into Ae forest via NCN 10. After a few bivvy spot finding faffs previously I'd done a fair bit of homework to scope out a good spot for this one. First choice looked a bit boggy and damp but second choice was a peach - a nice level spot by a wall covered in long but dry grass. Up went to the tarp, into bivvy bag and relaxed with a drop of whisky and a read before turning it at 11.

My official proof of bivvy photo is a rather hideous selfie so I'll just go with this shot of the bike by my spot for the night....

Made use of the facilities at the Ae car park then followed a fine and varied route to Dalbeattie via some more forestry tracks, many pleasant back roads and a couple of other ROWs. Spent some quality time with the folks and had a night of luxury in their holiday cottage. The return route today was shorter but similarly pleasant. Dumfries and Galloway has some very nice riding with loads of wee lanes devoid of traffic as well as plenty of gravel bashing in the various forestry areas. Top scenery too!
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by metalheart »

I've done a few more since my last post.

08 a/b/c: Rode across the country (from the back door) out Starthconnon, Glenuig (pitching up at the ruins shy of Glenuig Lodge).

Then on to Lochcarron where I miss judged thing pretty much as arrived at 11.00, I was meeting SR in strathcarron at 10.50 the next day... :oops:

Headed up past the station and found a secluded spot to hunker down and shelter from the rain.

Met up with SR

Then headed over to Attadale to join the HT route over to Glen Ling

Then on to Dornie and the AKW with a 5km push out of Kintail in the rain with the midgies biting...

We pushed on past the Camben Bothy and the Youth Hostel (even passing up the offer of a cup of tea) and pitched up next the jetty at the head of Loch Affric. I had run out of space on the memory card and didn't get it sorted out until the am so no photo of the camp, just this joy:

We finished the AKW to Drum then the GGW back to Inverness (and me over the Kessock to home).

08 d

The next week I headed out with SD to do the Moray Way (again).

This time we took the road diversion to Delnapot (and missed out the suicide gates and the mud bath to the old railway line).

We made much better time and had a pleasant fish supper in Lossie.

Much better than last time :lol:

We were making good time so we kept on until the light faded and we hit the Roseisle (and our planned spot)



Surely all them must help make up for missing January and February, no? :mrgreen:
Last edited by metalheart on Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by metalheart »

09 Autumn Equinox:

After last years trip (Garve-Ullapool-Garve) me and SR were keen to keep up the tradition of an autumn equinox bivvy trip.

After a major fanny about I finally made the RP (only 40 minutes late for an already 30 minute delayed start...) Moy Bridge car park. We headed out the gravel road to Loch Ossian Youth Hostel and Corrour Station. The restaurant was between shifts so all we had was a bowl of chips between us (mind you it was a big bowl...). Then we set off over the Road to the Isles and along the loch (Rannoch?) before heading up and over to the foot of Loch Ericht where we pitched up just in time to avoid the heaviest/longest rain of the day. It was a bit blowy and it pished most of the night. Morning was lovely though.





We headed on to Ben Alder Cottage (via the shonky bridge)


Then after a brew up in the bothy we headed up round the side of Ben Alder by Bealach Dubh and the nice descent into Loch Pattack when we turned left and headed back to the car/van via Loch Laggan stopping to have a look at Ardverekie Wall on Bhienn Shuas.

Cheers Colin!
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by sean_iow »

I'm not officially doing the BAM this year as I've had other priorities... but I have managed 9 bivi's in 9 months just not one each month. Thought I'd post this here though as it's not worth a thread on it's own. Reading about all the trips here was making me envious so with the wife away at a conference over the weekend I popped out for a quick overnighter :smile: I did wonder as I was riding out to my spot on the Saturday night how I had ended up with a free Saturday night but was going bivying instead of out on the town. I happened to ride through the centre of Newport on my way, largest town on the Island, and one look at the 'yoofs' roaming the streets confirmed I'd made the right choice.

My outward leg was a mere 20 miles, I had dinner at home before I left so I only had to ride about until it was late enough to be setting up. The forecast was dry so I didn't take a tarp. Unfortunately the Island is somewhat lacking in abandoned buildings/chicken sheds/caravans etc. so it was a flat patch of grass just out of sight. The only technical hitch was my pillow deflated in a couple of minutes :sad: I had a lightweight synthetic jacket with me so I had to use that as a pillow. I only took my lightweight bag - rated to 3 degrees, and a Klymit X-lite 3/4 mat and I was a bit chilly in the night. IS it old age that makes me feel the cold more? The wife says it's because I'm thinner now with less fat due to all the riding, at 10st 10lb perhaps she's right?

I could have put the jacket on but then without a pillow I'd get a crook neck. I figured that I'd only be cold until the morning, a pain in my neck might last all the next day so I toughed it out. Good job I didn't bring my 150 quilt as I had first planned. Up at first light, well slightly after. There was a lot of dew and also quite a bit of condensation on the inside of my bivi, Borah gear, but only on the outer fabric of the sleeping bag. A leisurely 16 miles home, stopping to make a coffee part way. Whist I was brewing up 2 dog walkers came past. The had that look as to why I was sitting on a bench looking at a mug on the ground with tin foil around the base :???: The silent BB stove was doing it's thing but it's so small that those not in the know wouldn't guess it's under there :smile:

Picture of my camp site - mainly just to prove it's possible to bivi on the Isle of Wight without a camp fire, the only trace being some flattened grass which I'm sure has recovered by now.


I might keep going with the one a month through the winter. Over here that lack of 'wilderness' means finding locations out of the way can be tricky and it's easier in the winter to arrive after dark and be away before it's light and anyone is about.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

That shonky bridge must've taken a bit of courage :smile:.

I rather like your IoW reports Sean, interesting that you say it's not always easy to find different locations/ideas but there always seems to be something going on and worth hearing about in your write-ups :smile:. And there's a sort of Enid Blyton air about the place which is appealing, but probably totally mis-read by me :smile:.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by TheBrownDog »

Sean, I've not been to the IoW for years but would love a return. If you're planning a Not the BAM in November, reckon you could let us all know? Reg clearly has a "soft" spot for the place too. Us Chilteners have become expert at dossing down in spots that "normal" bikepackers (ie, those with ready access to proper wilderness) would never consider. I've slept in a wee clump of trees on my village common, and once bivvied in the middle of a roundabout off the M40 near Beaconsfield, just because I thought I could.

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

"bivvied in the middle of a roundabout off the M40" - now that's up there with the all-time greats Tim! :-bd Pic? (presumably taken from an HGV bearing down upon you at high speed)
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by JohnClimber »

9/9 - 30th in a row BAM

1min 50secs of "action"
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Very nice John. I was an avid Swallows and Amazons reader as a kid. :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Bearlegged »

Letting two smol people stay up waaaaaaay beyond their bedtime to watch Strictly was always going to end in tears, but once tantrums had subsided, I wheeled the bike out into the night, and set off for the Peak.

It wasn't a great deal of fun, heading out on roads. No unpleasant driving around me, but it wasn't until I turned off the tarmac and onto trails that my spirits lifted. Pootling through a tunnel of trees, I headed towards the promise of nekkid dancers and blood sacrifices...

Promise that turned out to be entirely unfulfilled, unless one counts whatever beasty bit/stung my knee. Still, once I'd got over that, I set up my tarp, cracked open a beer, and bathed in the moonlight before turning in.

Come the morning, the clear skies and been replaced by cloud, dashing my hopes of waking up to a glorious sunrise. However, as I packed up my gear, nature provided me with something equally magnificent:

I then tootled along the tack a but further for a more panoramic view, and somewhere to have a brew and some porridge. This was mostly successful, but would have gone better had I not run out of fuel.

Mostly fuelled and warmed up, I turned for home, making the most of the off-road options. Definitely more rewarding than the direct but tarmacked route. Time to put the winter tyres in methinks...

9th bivvy of the year, 7/9 months (7 in a row) in 2018.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

Blimey, that stag is amazing. Nicely caught in the photo too!
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by sean_iow »

RIP wrote:That shonky bridge must've taken a bit of courage :smile:.
I think I've been over that bridge. I didn't really notice the condition, the fact that you have to lift a loaded bike up on to it, then the bars get caught on the railings and the bike wont move along the bridge to leave room to climb up myself was using up all my energy, and it was about 30 deg c! If you look at the picture you can see the lefthand side is quite some distance off the ground.
RIP wrote:I rather like your IoW reports Sean, interesting that you say it's not always easy to find different locations/ideas but there always seems to be something going on and worth hearing about in your write-ups :smile:. And there's a sort of Enid Blyton air about the place which is appealing, but probably totally mis-read by me :smile:.
I'm glad you like them, makes it worth the effort. :smile: I was at my workshop last night and I was messing about with a tyre and syringing out the sealant and a friend had turned up and was telling me how he was going to run his CX bike tubless this year. He asked how my bivi went and I said my pillow had got a puncture. He said I should go tubeless :lol:
TheBrownDog wrote:Sean, I've not been to the IoW for years but would love a return. If you're planning a Not the BAM in November, reckon you could let us all know?
No problem, it would be nice to have some company. Most of the bivis I've done over the years have been solo so it will make a change to have company. I can literally count the number of people I've bivied with on one hand and I've still got scope to loose a finger :smile:
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

"I said my pillow had got a puncture. He said I should go tubeless" :lol:. November might be a prob for me for IoW bivi (family hoohahs still) but deffo keen to get down there so keep me in the "loop" pls. Dunno what I'm doing for Nov BaM TBH. Maybe locally round Daventry way if any takers.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by middleagedmadness »

RIP wrote:"I said my pillow had got a puncture. He said I should go tubeless" :lol:. November might be a prob for me for IoW bivi (family hoohahs still) but deffo keen to get down there so keep me in the "loop" pls. Dunno what I'm doing for Nov BaM TBH. Maybe locally round Daventry way if any takers.
if its a mid week one reg i may be in ,shift pattern dictates working weekends through november (easier for me to get out towards end of month)
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Bearlegged »

RIP wrote:Blimey, that stag is amazing. Nicely caught in the photo too!
It was great! It just wandered into view, presumably along the main path. Looked at me slightly quizzically, "What's that silly human doing here?" Meanwhile, I was thinking, "Blimey, where's me camera? Will it stay still? Flinkin' zoom function..."
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