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Tour du Mont Blanc in 2017 anyone?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:35 am
by TheBrownDog
I've been thinking about this for years and a write-up and pix over on has really peaked my interest again.

Nothing firm yet, but probably be looking at June/July. I'd be driving over there to avoid the faff of airlines and bike boxes and transfers etc.

Anyone interested?

Re: Tour du Mont Blanc in 2017 anyone?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:05 pm
by Scud
Just the pictures on that article are stunning and make you want to do it. I'm pre-registered for the French Divide race, but if i'm not selected, then i'd maybe up for this.

Re: Tour du Mont Blanc in 2017 anyone?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:09 pm
by AlanG
Do it! I did the TMB clockwise from Chamonix over four days in early July this year. The weather was perfect and scenery off the scale. It’s a stunning route. Quite busy with walkers at that time but not a problem. I did a variant via the Cormet du Roseland due to a lot of snow still on the Col du Bonhomme section . Most years I think the snow should be gone by July but if not the variant is also good and very quiet.

Re: Tour du Mont Blanc in 2017 anyone?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:36 pm
by gairym
I've done it a few times in various guises (once anti-clockwise cut short, once clockwise in two halves due to work and then I've ridden all the sections on their own a bunch of times).

Definitely plan on riding it again in 2017 but no thoughts yet about when.

My advice is that clockwise rides better and that the Roseland option is preferable to Bonnehomme whatever the weather (much more rideable/less hike-a-bike both up and down).

You'll have a lot less chance of lingering snow in July but the trails will be that much busier (like Alan said, not a problem really).

If timings were to workout then I'd be up for joining you but if not then we live on the route (in Les Houches) so I can offer a place to park, leave kit and a pre/post-ride beer and chat.

Have a look at a little video I made of it a couple of years ago:

Do it, it's a stunning route!

Re: Tour du Mont Blanc in 2017 anyone?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:02 pm
by TheBrownDog
Cheers Gairy - that's really most helpful and a very generous offer, which I'll happily take you up on if this comes off. Les Houche was where I was thinking of starting, so that would be brilliant. I'm looking at the last week in June probably arriving Sunday 25th and doing the route in lazy 3 or 4 days. (I'm a shocking bimbler BTW) There might be some snow still but it's outside the UK school hols so will mean the ferry crossing etc will be cheaper. Will let you know when it all firms up - it'd be great to have some company, especially someone who knows the route and probably speaks a bit more French that I can manage :-bd

EDIT: cracking little vid there too. Cheers