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Stove geek out!!

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:27 pm
by whitestone
OK, these two videos are comparing gas stoves not our beloved meths burners but they are interesting nethertheless. He's also looking at fuel efficiency rather than speed though he does touch on the latter. So if you've an hour (actually 75mins) to spare, watch on...

Part 1 covers varying burner widths and varying pot widths, lid on vs lid off.

Part 2 looks at efficiency in windy conditions.

General takeaway: a middle sized pot/pan, i.e. not too high and narrow or low and wide, on low flame is most fuel efficient. As wind speed increases then increasing the flame size becomes more efficient.

There's a windscreen episode on the way.

The same guy also has a series on water treatment that I've not watched yet.