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Pike forks fubar

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 12:26 pm
by Mike
So what do you do with a fairly new pair of hardly used pikes when the holes for the brake mounts are totally screwed.. top one has threaded at the way and the alloy boss has split...? Hmmm quality right there I feel. Is it worth buying new outers or cutting my loss here and buying another pair of forks, maybe I'll just cry in the corner.... oh and stu what you said about re threading it won't work there's not enough alloy around the hole .

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:47 pm
by survivor
New lowers if you need them quick or used If your not in a rush. You may find someone who has wrecked their stanchions so you'll get them cheap.

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:03 pm
by PaulE
Look out for used forks/lowers, but in the mean time is there enough metal to fit a helicoil? I assume that they are post mounts?

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:46 pm
by woodsmith
If they are basicly junk now is there anything to lose from welding up the hole, drilling and tapping?

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:20 am
by Mike
Hmmm I wouldn't know anyone that could alloy weld and donsuch a thing...not an option I had thought of. Stu mentioned helicoil but I don't think there's enough alloy around the hole.

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:22 am
by Cheeky Monkey
Can you drill through,flatten the back and then bolt through it? I have no idea if this is even sensible.

Or get in touch with shop and/or RS and see if they can help?

Shy bairns get nae sweets, as they say


Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:24 pm
by rudedog
What about glueing the caliper adapter/bolt to the legs using metal adhesive? You'd always have to use the same size rotor but that wouldn't be the end of the world.

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:36 pm
by Lazarus
that but with added carbon and or fibreglass wrap and epoxy etc - ugly as hell but you would get it work - I am in no way qualified to make that claim and its your risk but i would try,

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:02 pm
by Bearbonesnorm
Stu mentioned helicoil
No, I said 'insert'. I'm not being pedantic, they're different things and an insert is far stronger than a helicoil. If the hole's 6mm, then you'll need enough material to drill it out to 8mm in order to fit the insert which will take it back to M6.

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:15 pm
by Lazarus
is there enough metal left if you use an insert ?
Without getting the micrometer out you are not going to be left with much metal after drilling for an insert as i doubt you have much more than 2 mm either side as is
They are stronger, but i dont think they will work here , and helicoil is thinner

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:17 pm
by fatbikephil
Could you post a pic Mike? Whilst I'm a bodge merchant I'd be a mite careful with a brake mount as if the caliper ripped out during hard braking it could go spectacularly wrong. My thoughts would be - drill further into the fork leg and extend the thread. Instead of bolts screw a stud in with mucho loctite / araldite and use a nut to hold on the caliper. I think welding might be tricky as it will be cast magnesium. Doable but will need some careful machining...

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:27 pm
by Lazarus
i agree the issue is not much metal and , i assume, pretty large forces when you brake
I was wondering whether you could go in sideways to the bolt?
A sort of U piece over where the bolt goes into the fork and this goes over the caliper and is bolted to the caliper and then bolt that through the hole [ perpendicular to where the bolt was meant to go] - would obviously need to drill a hole sideways through the mounting point and doubt its easy to adjust the calliper sideways once done though[ lots of faff with washers]

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:38 pm
by Bearbonesnorm
A stud's a good idea Phil.

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 8:41 pm
by boxelder
The lowers are the cheap part surely and there must be a few spares/repairs around. Even you could bodge something in a safe enough fashion (doubtful), the alignment will likely be out causing further issues.
Give TF Tuned a call to see what's in their parts bin?

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:22 pm
by Cheeky Monkey
Gotta admit I'd be looking for new lowers. All these weird and wonderful solutions are very interesting but ....

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:36 am
by boxelder
Mentioned this to the bike mechanic at work, who said the insert/helicoil could work, but if not spot on, the braking forces are likely to cause bolts to loosen. He also pointed out that the magnesian lowers are a particularly soft alloy (presumably part of the cause).

They have a pair of 29", boost spaced (110mm) lowers for 35mm stanchions (I think all recent Pikes are 35mm) that you're welcome to if any use? I think they'll be black if that matters. I could pick them up and post, or they are near Keswick.

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:57 pm
by Mike
Hi guys thanks for all the above, most of it is way over my head. The inside of the upper mount is fubar, it's actually split down the length of the thread. I've never had this issue before, been in contact with a shop about new outers but the guy basically said its a 6 month waiting list and they are about 300 quid.. a new fork can be had for not much more... maybe not a pike but...

@boxelder.. this could well be the best option I jave if they are the same thing... I will send you a pm with my email if u send me yours ill send some pictures of what I have and the details of fork. Would you be so kind to ask your mechanic if they are compatible please. Mike

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:23 pm
by Mike
@ boxelder... thanks, but iv just made sure and these are non boost forks. I'll call tf tuned if they can't help ill sell them for scrap parts and stay rigid and save my money!

Re: Pike forks fubar

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:16 pm
by boxelder
No worries. You should get decent money for them, as the internals and stanchions are valuable. I may be interested myself, as my son has non boost Pikes and insists on leaning his bike against walls and scratching the stanchions :oops: