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NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:31 pm
by redefined_cycles
Based upon the rules here
and the fact that my route is less than 100 miles.

So it doesn't technically qualify for that site based on this sentence,
'There are undoubtedly different views on how far a route should be, but for inclusion in this list the benchmark is a route of 100 miles or more'
I'm opening this thread for any attempts that are under 12 hours. It'll be a list of riders times and I'll only add your attempt in the following post below if you wanted me to. All very relaxed and a self test so no probs or bother if you take Tramadol to get through, snort Salbutamol or drink Tizer (just don't tell us and please don't litter). Remember to keep it under 12 hours for inclusion in list (won't get into why).

Dont mind if 1 person wanted 2 times adding to the list (lets call 2, the max per person, as long as there is something differentiating the efforts. Like you used a hardtail on one attempt and a carbon rigid on other. Format of the times would be as such:

Name/date/time/wet or dry/brief bike detail

I might have to modify what you sent me to ensure it fits on one line...

Details of the non-group start if you wished to join in, are below. As are details of the actual finalised route.

viewtopic.php?f=8&t=17245&p=219212&hili ... 00#p219212

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:42 pm
by redefined_cycles
We have our first finisher with a 6 minutes faff time! ...

1) Karl B. July 11th 20. 6H 34min. S-Cuttthroat. D. MP

2) Bob W, 18th July 2020, 6H 51min, Cotic Sol. RigD. G. MP(just).

3) Steve W, 23rd July 2020, 6H 58min, Sonder Transmitter HT, D (underfoot)

4) Dave K. July 18th 2020. 7H 27min. Surly KM. RigD. W

5) Shafiq H. May 12th 2021. 9H 25min. Pinnacle Ramin 3+. RigD. FF, MP.

D= Dry
HT = Hardtail
RigD = Fully Rigid
FS= Full Suspension
SS= Single Speed
F= Fixed
MP = Muddy Puddles
G = Greasy
FF = Fully Fasted

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:44 am
by Karl
Love it - you even put a MP (muddy puddle) key. Trying to think of others now to. Tell you what it was hard to pace such a distance. Normally it's a very long day/multi day ride but this one you could push quite a bit harder knowing it'd be over very soon. Think your on to something with these shorter ITTs :-bd

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:33 am
by pistonbroke
This comes within 500m of where I used to live in Millhouse Green, maybe a redundant suggestion now the die is cast but were you to continue another few hundred metres along the Trans Pennine Trail into Millhouse and exit at the old level crossing onto the A628 towards Penistone for about 500m into Thurlstone then turn left up a lovely track opposite the Huntsman pub, it's called High Bank and brings you out by the windmills and avoids the road climb out of the village. Assuming the route is done anti-clockwise.

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:58 pm
by whitestone
Just out of the bath having done this :-bd

Bob Wightman, 18th July 2020, 6hrs51mins, Cotic Solaris (rigid), G, MP (just)

G is for Greasy! Will explain below.

Strava links. There's two because I missed a turn and the unit didn't inform me so I picked the route up further up the road. I got totally confused as to why the GPS was telling me to turn left not right, etc. so stopped the activity and started a new one. I then ended up doing the "missed" section in reverse!

I parked at the car park on Castle Hill so the combined times of the activities includes 1 min getting to the route and three minutes getting back to the car.

Why greasy? Well it basically never stopped drizzling or light rain so although the ground wasn't "wet" exposed rocks like those by Wessenden House that Shaf is trying to climb clean were very slippery. I walked those and the next two sections of pitched stones so don't worry Shaf :lol:

There was only one muddy puddle I couldn't avoid and that was because of nettles on the chicken route. The only bit that was genuinely muddy/greasy and probably unrideable at the moment was at the top of the initial climb from the official start as it skirts the golf club.

I went wrong a few times, usually accidentally but at the top of Wessenden I headed left for a couple of hundred metres to pick up a VV square :wink: A lot of the errors were GPS related, when the route doubled back on itself such as dropping down from Wessenden on the Isle of Skye road towards Holmbridge it would pick up the "return" path and tell me the turns coming up on that! Very confusing when you know that the path goes right and the GPS is saying "Left turn in 400m", "Left turn in 450m", etc. The one bit I couldn't work out was where you left the old railway track just before Millhouse Green I doubled back for quite a while so it's possibly overgrown. As Pistonbroke states, probably better to continue further on.

Some of the singletrack is starting to get overgrown but it's still rideable. Should still be OK for the group start next weekend.

I was going round thinking that Karl had posted a 5hr34 time and also thinking "crikey, he's not lost much fitness!". So there was lots of justifying to myself why I was slow. :lol:

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 7:57 pm
by FLV
Nice one Bob (and Karl) and Shaf of course.

Also rode it today,

Dave Kane, 18th July 2020, 7hrs27mins, Surly Karate Monkey (rigid), Wet,

Time given is elapsed time, moving time was 6h57m so note to self... Less faffing = faster rides :roll:

Unlike Bob, I'm claiming a wet ride.
Started at Dunford bridge in the dry but it soon started its drizzle and carried on most of the ride. However, sometime around 70km it rained properly and carried on until back at the carpark which made the climb out of Marsden a joy!

Nailed the first rocky bit on Wessenden, failed the next two. Far too slippery (and steep :lol: )
Rode lots of places I may not have so thanks for putting the route together Shaf, sorry I wont make the group start but.. you did give us the route early :grin:

Full disclaimer, I rode with someone else but apart from Mark buying me a sandwich in the co-op to save us both queing there was no assistance. I treat it a bit more as a nice excuse for a good ride out, hope thats ok.

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:48 pm
by redefined_cycles
Thanks guys. Gives me summat slightly more realistuc to aim for. 7.5 hours would kill me but gonna try... Dave, sarnies are good. Hope he never gave you any Salbutamol

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:41 am
by redefined_cycles
one bit I couldn't work out was where you left the old railway track just before Millhouse Green I doubled back for quite a while so
It's there Bob but sometimes a bit blindingly obvious. I did the exact same as yourself durin the prep and finally realised the 2 kneehigh bollards on the side of the TPT which you go through and immediately L brings you to the amusing 'free range children playing'... then the immediate right and down the muddy track through the gate brings you to the industrial section which is the one way system :wink:

Reason why i kept this is cos after getting back on road and turning left, on the R is a lovely but overgrown grassy bridleway. The way the fence has been built it seems obvious that the council have worked hard to ensure it stays put :lol: (you actually missed this but rejoined after the next Rd right a few 100m up... would've been interesting riding through it... mainly a touch of HAB)...

Anyway, trying to keep feet/tyres going through seems like a service to all those that came before us :-bd

Might try Duncans Millhouse Green cut but might aswell keep this as it is. Nowt wrong with a bit of muddy and overgrown... :-bd that reminds me... how's everyone's left arm??

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:50 am
by whitestone
Shaf, what I ended up doing was riding about 500m further where there's a large entrance/exit on the left with metal hoops to stop trail bikes, ... &A=Y&Z=115 turning back left along the road to a farm which is where your route comes in then down a lane to a gate and a BW dropping to the industrial estate.

Part of my problem was that my GPS doesn't have a scrollable/zoomable screen so if I went off-route by more than 100m or so then I'd no idea where it was. I was using a Garmin 520 since my Oregon is borked. Also when I was in the southern and eastern parts of the route I didn't actually have a map as I hadn't got those tiles loaded! It really was just a line on a blank screen. That made things really awkward when the route headed along a small track at 11 o'clock when there was also a track at 12 o'clock: "Why the **** am I off-route?" :lol: The fun bit was in those old quarry workings above Dunford Bridge where there's a myriad of tracks so my unit would say "Turn left", I'd turn left only to be told "Off course" so turn back to find another left about 20m further on! However all paths lead to Rome as it were.

Looks like Dean and Mark started at about the same time as I did so the worst of the weather will have been when they were going over the tops from Holmfirth to Dunford Bridge whereas I got that when I was on the roads through the southern part of Huddersfield or whatever town/village it was.

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:16 am
by redefined_cycles
Thanks for that update Bob... Yes, them 'tracks of a thousand paths' got to me twice now so far. Each time I tried to be a good example and folliw the correct one but I dont think OS/Wahoo/Viewranger even knows which one's correct.

I really can't believe everyones so fast around it but am relieved no one has a time of sub 6H. Means I managed to not make too easy of a loop (IMO). Thanks for telling me about the fact that you didn't manage all 3 of them slab sections through Wessenden (even though it was greasy) as it made me feel a touch better at all my failed attempts. Although that last time I span out then swapped the rear tyre for a Maxxis (courtesy of the forum members) did work out well for me...

My next attempt to get my own time (most likely at the bottom) on the list coming v soon :smile:

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:09 am
by stevewaters
Hi Shaf. For various reasons, myself and a mate are now hoping to ride your route this coming Thursday (23rd). - Really looking forward to it !
We'll do it following ITT rules, but will stay together. Will let you know how we get on. :-bd

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:17 am
by redefined_cycles
stevewaters wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:09 am Hi Shaf. For various reasons, myself and a mate are now hoping to ride your route this coming Thursday (23rd). - Really looking forward to it !
We'll do it following ITT rules, but will stay together. Will let you know how we get on. :-bd
:-bd I hope it puts up more of a challenge for you than it did the rest (in the nicest possible way)... I even put a carefully selected 25 percent climb in there which took me years to find just on my doorstep but it appears they all just powered up it like it was nothing... :o :smile:

Enjoy.... Don't forget Steve, after coming off the TpennineTrail you turn left towards the openeing through the 2 bollard things then left and immediate right and down towards thw gate. After getting out of other end on industrial estate, its actually a one way road so you have to ride left then clockwise (as per the gpx)... :-bd hope that helps and looking forward to attempting it properly myself (maybe with a touch less gear).

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:28 am
by FLV
redefined_cycles wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:17 am I even put a carefully selected 25 percent climb
Where's that Shaf? :lol:

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:03 pm
by redefined_cycles
FLV wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:28 am
redefined_cycles wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:17 am I even put a carefully selected 25 percent climb
Where's that Shaf? :lol:
:lol: Thats the thing... Everyone made it seem pan-flat. To be fair it's not actually 25% and maybe that's why noone noticed the climbing. I've only ever measured it (whilst virtually trying to stop my helmet falling off backwards) at a max of 24.3 or .7 :grin:

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:21 pm
by whitestone
Trying to think (not my best activity :grin: ) - there’s a steep section of setts/stone track on the climb out of Berry Brow to get to the airfield that had me breathing hard. Generally there was nothing that had my front wheel trying to lift which is the usual sign of 25% for me. Just realised: it’s at the start of my second Strava file.

The last hill to the official finish felt harder than it should have! Just a drag really, maybe 16% at most.

Shaf, might be worth indicating where people started/finished. Castle Hill, Huddersfield for me.

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:14 pm
by stevewaters
redefined_cycles wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:17 am Enjoy.... Don't forget Steve, after coming off the TpennineTrail you turn left towards the openeing through the 2 bollard things then left and immediate right and down towards thw gate. After getting out of other end on industrial estate, its actually a one way road so you have to ride left then clockwise (as per the gpx)... :-bd hope that helps and looking forward to attempting it properly myself (maybe with a touch less gear).
Thanks Shaf - Yep ... Hopefully have got that covered. We'll be starting from Dunford Bridge. Forecast suggests we'll have some muddy puddles :grin:

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:28 pm
by redefined_cycles
stevewaters wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:14 pm
redefined_cycles wrote: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:17 am Enjoy.... Don't forget Steve, after coming off the TpennineTrail you turn left towards the openeing through the 2 bollard things then left and immediate right and down towards thw gate. After getting out of other end on industrial estate, its actually a one way road so you have to ride left then clockwise (as per the gpx)... :-bd hope that helps and looking forward to attempting it properly myself (maybe with a touch less gear).
Thanks Shaf - Yep ... Hopefully have got that covered. We'll be starting from Dunford Bridge. Forecast suggests we'll have some muddy puddles :grin:
If I can swindle a visa from the home office then you might just see me out too. Do say hi as you ride past (asian muslim looking chap, short tache, biggish* beard, probably panting up a hill thinking its a 20 when its actually a 10 :smile: whilst you lads stroll by chatting away) if you see me :-bd Now to work on that visa and decide how the heck I can TLS (take less stuff)....


Bob, maybe I got my numbers mixed up and it might be only 19 and 19.7 as I always struggle with my thoughts up that climb whilst trying to spy what the wahoo is capturing the elevation at. Definitely not a 16 though and most likely you're used to 20 percent off roads that when you see a roadie 20 then its morw like a ten to you... Lemme go find the segment for you (and check you didnt miss it by accident). Its the final major climb about a mile or 2 before you wnter the final little singletrack before Castle Hill comes into view on the right..

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:44 pm
by whitestone
Ah, I know where you mean. Had to walk about 100m of that bit, was getting tired but my wheel spun out because of dirt/slime on the road from the building site on the corner - great excuse :lol: Only a couple of km from there to my finish at Castle Hill.

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:29 pm
by redefined_cycles
Bob, ta on the update as you had me worried there for a mo that my legs were totally naff. Thankfully, from going through the leaderboard and Karl and co who've also ony climbed it the once, it did seem to have given them a sting too (ie. their climbing time is slwoer than mine which could only mean that it made em think twice for a brief moment and possibly slow down :-bd ... doubt I've got any other times anywhere faater than any of you all :lol: )...

Anyway, its called Back End Lane segment in Strava but someones appropriately (probabyl a dedicated roadie) called the sharper bit 'I hate cycling now'...

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:56 pm
by stevewaters
My mate Pete and I did the route today from Dunford Bridge. Conditions were pretty good. There was some light rain at times, but it was mainly dry under-wheel.

6 Hours 58 mins elapsed time with one puncture requiring a replacement inner tube. I was on a Sonder Transmitter Carbon HT.

We really enjoyed the route. It felt like a route of three parts. The first was like southern England - rolling fields of wheat and narrow singletrack bounded by grass and vegetation. The second part was Last of the Summer Wine country and the final part was more traditional dark peak riding.

There were some cracking climbs - my favourites being the one with the stone setts that finishes beside a golf course and then the long cobbly climb quite soon after.

I was blown away by the beauty of the Wessenden valley too - what a great way to get to the Isle of Skye road. In fact that whole climb was another of my favourites!

Here is my Strava activity:
Thanks Shaf for going to all the effort of putting together such an interesting and varied route. I will definitely be doing it again. :-bd

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:57 am
by redefined_cycles
Thanks Steve and well done you both. Thanks for giving it a shot and the brief review of it. Really feel happy that so many have tried it and hopefully enjoyed it. For me its a replacement for the MTL (and the Peaks200 is a bit too hard for the mo anyway) and really glad its not too boring for everyone/anyone...

I was also up there today but slightly after yourself. Went to grab some squares but took some pics specifically for yourself (Karl I have some from your day too if you want em posting up) as I realise now that either noone looks up or they at least dont bother taling any pics at all :-bd





I must get the hang of not taking any pics... :smile: for my own (re)attempt

Will get your time up just now and thanks again...

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:01 pm
by stevewaters
Thanks ! - Here are 3 pics from our ride yesterday. By the way Shaf, neither of us cleaned the steep slope that Pete is on in the first photo!
(133.78 KiB) Downloaded 771 times

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:01 pm
by stevewaters
(139.17 KiB) Downloaded 770 times

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:03 pm
by stevewaters
(116.77 KiB) Downloaded 769 times

Re: NorthPeaks100 ITT times

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:56 pm
by redefined_cycles
stevewaters wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:01 pm Thanks ! - Here are 3 pics from our ride yesterday. By the way Shaf, neither of us cleaned the steep slope that Pete is on in the first photo!

Horgeous isn't it... Don't worry, you would have done had you been there trying about 30 times like me. There was a time when I cleared em all (about 15 or 20 years ago) but as bikes have gotten better it seems these climbs have got harder...

Looking forward to you all visiting again :-bd