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Nice Building Find For One.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:00 pm
by Ray Young
I regularly drive my stepdaughter towing her horse in a trailer to a yard in East Lothian where she competes in dressage. Nearby is a nice big hill so I always take her dog for a walk there. On the hill I took a side path I'd not used before and came across three small buildings of roughly similar proportions 3/4 of the way up the hill and over looking the Firth of Forth. Two are locked but the third lacks a door. Inside it's slightly less than 4' by 6' and perfect for a single bivi'er even if your feet do stick out the door. You pass water dripping from a slab of rock that would fill a bottle over not too much time but it's been very wet round here lately so when it's not so wet it may dry up quite quickly. Needs a sweep out (just dirt n gravel, no glass) but that's my next bivi spot for this months BAM if I can't make the Scottish Spring Thing. Anyone wanting it's location just pm me.