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Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:04 pm
by RIP
Absolutely. But MaM ole mate, the clue's in Zip's forum name :wink: - he's going to be getting pretty impatient after some of our group keep stopping every five minutes to pick up our pensions from Mach post office, to change our incontinence pads, to remind the other riders to get their hair cut, and to unwrap yet another Werther's original....

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:45 pm
by middleagedmadness
He did say social reg and what's more social than sharing a bag of werthers, (well maybe the odd whisky before we start off) :-bd

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:25 pm
by Zippy
Looking forward to it. Already abandoned bike 1 as I don't want to bodge it together, so will be on the trusty cotic :smile:

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:33 pm
by middleagedmadness
I have :grin: the whisky covered to add to our tea and toast before we leave :-bd :-bd so just bring the werthers reg ,zip as reg says bring yourself a warm Jacket as reg says I am a serial bimbler

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:48 pm
by thenorthwind
Without trying to steal Reg and MaM's date, I am also riding in a small (5? currently) group and you'd be very welcome Zip. The rough route plan for Saturday is apparently about 40 miles, and involves tea at the Star. I'm going to tentatively suggest this is bimbling pace, though of course one man's bimble is another man's hot lap, and vice versa.

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:49 pm
by JohnClimber
Zippy wrote:(hoping the weather nerds forum thing I'm following and their prediction for a second beast from the east don't materialise
DON'T TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER..................

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:00 pm
by middleagedmadness
thenorthwind wrote:Without trying to steal Reg and MaM's date, I am also riding in a small (5? currently) group and you'd be very welcome Zip. The rough route plan for Saturday is apparently about 40 miles, and involves tea at the Star. I'm going to tentatively suggest this is bimbling pace, though of course one man's bimble is another man's hot lap, and vice versa.
No stealing of anything there Mr wind ,I'm sure our bimbling pace is a bit slower than yourselfs due to all the things reg has already mentioned , :lol: so the more offers for zip the better :-bd

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:11 pm
by Zippy
Thanks All,

I'll say hello to as many people as I can when I arrive, and go with the flow. I've got a bit of a headcold today which I'm hoping won't materialise into anything worse :| But very much looking forward to a weekend in Wales. :cool:

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:35 pm
by JohnClimber
Who's else is at The Star Inn on Friday night?

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:38 pm
by whitestone
JohnClimber wrote:Who's else is at The Star Inn on Friday night?
We'll be there John.

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:58 pm
by RIP
So long as Nige isn't coming I'll be fine, or I won't go to bed until it's time to get up due to having too much fun :grin:.

Nice gentle wobble from Caersws station (rejected mountain road this year), up the nasty-but-fun Llawryglyn incline, proper special-request under-the-counter mug of tea and a welsh cake at Staylittle, purchase any forlorn looking furry animals, then up onto Penycrocbren in the dark to gaze for a while down onto the twinkly lights of Ye Olde Starre Inne. Then blast down the track to a beer. Perfect afternoon right there.

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:24 pm
by summittoppler
I'll be at the bar for approximately 7:24pm :-bd
Looking forward to showing my face!

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 8:40 pm
by BigdummySteve
I’ll be there, driving straight up from work so hopefully should be there around 9 O’Clock. I have a twin room booked if anyone wants to share, you even get your own bed :-bd I’m fairly sure I don’t snore o:-) :^O

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:01 pm
by RIP
I like that pinocchio smiley Stevo - could well be appropriate :wink:.

PS. Nice usage of the 24th minute there Jeffer. It's not one of the rarest ones by any means, but gratifying to see it being aired occasionally. It's not well known that I'm the Chairman of the Campaign for Real Minutes. I do get rather despondent when people lazily use the obvious ones - eg. "I'll see you at half past". Quarter to/from are marginally better but still need more effort. The rarest and most coveted are obviously those noble ones such as xx.37 and xx.51 - the prime-numbered ones especially. But it does take years of training before they can be let loose on unsuspecting recipients. I've seen ambulances called after an xx.17 was deployed for a dinner date without proper and correct preparation.

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:49 pm
by rich.mike
Got my room booked at the Star. Looking at the weather I may chicken out of bivvying and will bring the tent, it barely weighs anymore but always feels less 'Bearbones'. Everyone all happy with their route of choice?

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 9:52 pm
by RIP
Nope. Earmarked pub closed for the winter. Amateurish mistake - on their part not ours :wink:. I'm sure it'll come good in the end - always does.

(w*ea!h@r ain't that bad surely? bit of drizzle(*) when you're quaffing your tea and toast at the start and tropical 8c?)

(*) to go with the lemon variety thereof

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:16 pm
by BigdummySteve
Reg, we’ve gone soft after last winters tropical outing.
We need some more weather like the delight that was the winter bivvy... I’ve re-evaluated my travel plans and due to a comfort break at Telford Services’s (highly recommend) and you’ll be delighted to know that I’m due to arrive at seventeen minutes past nine O’Clock in the evening :-bd

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:49 pm
by RIP
That's more like it.

Just thinking about packing. My valet has laid out a full suit of bam baselayer, freshly laundered and ironed my tarp, positioned some Ti pegs in exactly parallel lines next to it, and decanted 18ml of finest ethanol into my fuel bottle. He really is a treasure. The stableboy is giving my valiant iron horse a good rub down and fettle as we speak.

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:47 pm
by BigdummySteve
I did think about packing some kit but instead removed the handle bars from my bike :-bd

Hopefully DHL will deliver my new ones, I’ll remember to get some tape etc etc, working is really inconvenient.

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 8:33 am
by summittoppler
RIP wrote: ...Nice usage of the 24th minute there Jeffer...
When it comes to bikes and beers, time is critical :grin:

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:36 am
by Zippy
RIP wrote:I like that pinocchio smiley Stevo - could well be appropriate :wink:.

PS. Nice usage of the 24th minute there Jeffer. It's not one of the rarest ones by any means, but gratifying to see it being aired occasionally. It's not well known that I'm the Chairman of the Campaign for Real Minutes. I do get rather despondent when people lazily use the obvious ones - eg. "I'll see you at half past". Quarter to/from are marginally better but still need more effort. The rarest and most coveted are obviously those noble ones such as xx.37 and xx.51 - the prime-numbered ones especially. But it does take years of training before they can be let loose on unsuspecting recipients. I've seen ambulances called after an xx.17 was deployed for a dinner date without proper and correct preparation.
I concur with the senitment. However, if giving a time to the nearest half an hour or quarter of an hour, depending on the circumstances, you're generally allowed a leeway of +/- 5 minutes, whereas specifying to say a non multiple of 5 would indicate a tolerance of +/1 1 minute at most..!

On another note - I'm working from home / half bed ridden today :| I got a lift into work yesterday and then cycled the 22 miles back - that took me 2 hours (all on road, normally takes 1.5 hours or so this time of year), and felt horrible. I'm pretty clued in as to what clothes to wear for what temperature and exertion level on the commute, but I had to get my insulated gilet on part way through the ride as I just couldn't maintain temperature. Yeah, bugger, I'm ill. :cry:
So looking dubious even arriving at the moment, we'll see. If I don't make it - I will Bivvy this weekend regardless.

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:09 pm
by Richard G
BB events seem to make you ill recently!

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:18 pm
by benp1
or soft... :grin:

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:29 pm
by RIP
Bad luck with the lurgi Zippy :sad:. For a few days before an event I generally stay in bed 24/24 with the quilt over my head, breathing through a surgical mask, just to make sure. Although maybe Ben's right :wink: :


Pretty much packed, although having to do an emergency bottom bracket change exactly same as 2 years ago, sigh. On bars: full winter bedroom 1.9kg, although temps look warm so am tempted to take summer(!) bag and reduce to 1.5kg. Out the back: workshop+spares 600g, bathroom & 1st aid 205g, kitchen+breakfast 240g, Rab smock 290g. Stemcell: Trailshot 140g + 500ml water. Fuel tank: lock, money, etc. Say 4kg, excluding worn clothing, still too much. Chambermaid currently helping me with my, er, fitness preparations.

Re: Tomb Raider..... What's your best guess

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:23 pm
by Zippy
Richard G wrote:BB events seem to make you ill recently!
In my defence, missing the BB300 was due to smashing my ribs - but otherwise yes there does appear to be a correlation. :|
More likely to be the 24 degrees C temperature but 21% relative humidity in the office though :roll: