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Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:05 am
by Bearbonesnorm
I think it's in danger of "preaching to the converted" and might easily become viewed as nanny-ish. Good luck in overcoming and avoiding those challenges.
I'm not so sure. There's obviously a hardcore of outdoor users who would rather be burnt at the stake than leave rubbish or the like but I reckon there's a far greater number who could perhaps be described as 'casual users'. They probably account for a large percentage of the outdoor industries turnover. I'm not saying that they're all scruffy, uncaring selfish tw@ts but I do believe that many have never given a second thought to such things as LNT.

It was really pushed home to me last weekend at the BSO. I was up early on Sun morning and was saddened by how much litter was strewn about the place ... cans, bottles, wrappers, etc. So saddened that I set about putting it all into bins which ironically were plentuful and only 1/4 full. Alpkit informed me that most attending would fall into the casual outdoor enthusiast group. However, all was not lost as while tidying, I employed the law of finders keepers and came home with a new woolly hat and a headtorch :-bd

Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:13 am
by darbeze
Excellent Stuart!

I believe there are already some bodies in the UK that sing from the same LNT hymn sheet. A friend of my wife claims to be a LNT instructor. I shall make enquiries and try to find out exactly what that means. She wants to come around to learn how make bread so I shall pick her brains then.

I like your proposed slogan too. Very catchy!



Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:42 am
by middleagedmadness
When it's done Stu let me have a copy of it so I can pass it on to the d.o.e instructors at the boys school ,the school's quite forward thinking in terms of educating the kids as in they don't just teach kids to pass exams ,the young fella has already brought the subject up in his geography class and is starting a project on ecological something or other so it would come in handy for him too

Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 3:20 pm
by jameso
Good work. Patches would be a good idea.

The TNR site etc is yours to pop any logos, links or articles on, at least 6 people go on there every week : ) I'd hope that Evans would feature it too. Will ask.

Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:39 pm
by Zippy
JohnClimber wrote:Great idea.

Just let us know what you need us to do to help you

Ditto this exactly.

Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:56 pm
by johnb
Just a suggestion! Litter creates litter, I can't abide it and try to pick up something every time I cycle. People often drop litter based on the excuse that there is already litter there. The other day someone had parked there car in a field entrance.... to enjoy the view and threw out all there McDonalds crap. I couldn't help but pick it up....and put it in neighbors bin! I have no doubt if somebody else had parked up there, they would have done the same. PS the nearest McDonald's is 16 miles away. Car drivers are sooo lazy!

Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:05 pm
by johnb
PPS well done.

Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:39 pm
by Blackhound
A great initiative. Probably a bit late to add to either the jersey or tee-shirt design.

Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:41 pm
by ScotRoutes

Re: LNT campaign, 'tis coming.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:38 pm
by Oli.vert
Great idea Stu.

I know a good number of dive clubs organise beach cleans, and it's one of the campaigns of the British Sub Aqua Club. I have a few contacts at the top there so can point them in your direction once you get things going a bit.

And Oh look, seems to be available. Worth taking I'd have thought.