Bivvy a month 2019

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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by metalheart »


Spring Equinox Bivvy - Strathconnon (Gleann Meinich).

ImageSpring equinox bivvy spot.

Meet up in Muir of Ord after work, coffee and then headed to chipper for tea.

Scotroutes (aka the King of Pfaff) headed off up the road Strathconnon way into the glooming (headwind and, soon, rain). I'd been pretty preoccupied with work and we were heading off later than intended (said work again) and in the wrong direction for the weather...

As the light disappeared (back of 7) it was replaced by rain. KoP had forgotten his garmin (and mine has only sweary daves mapping) and I was struggling with chunky maxxis B+ rubber (and lack of fitness), the wet was beginning to wear us down. 13km to the end of the road we did a kick backwards move to shelter at the Hall and work out where we were and where we were going to head to pitch. KoP half remembered a glen with a ruin and clearing that should provide shelter and thought he'd found it on my garmin. SO off we set and lo, it came to pass that he was indeed correct and about 9pm we found the spot (thanks Colin) not a moment too soon as I was flagging big style.

We pitched (I'd taken my tent tent for a change due to the forecast 30mph winds) and KoP's lunar upended and turned over in the wind... oh boy, this was going to be interesting! As well as his garmin he'd forgotten his hip flask. Luckily I had a wee bottle of red wine (what a ponce, I know) which we shared. Then I headed off to my scratcher.

It was pretty wild night (I had to get up at 12.30 to repeg the end pole) KoP considered heading back to Muir to his van... Rain and wind, nice.

But we saw it out.
ImageGleann Meinich
ImageGleann Meinich, Strathconnon.
ImageThe king of Pfaff...

On the way back to Muir I had to stop and take this photo...
ImageClash wood (return from equinox bivvy).
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by ChrisF »

Not a proper BAM trip as no bikes involved, but a good short trip with my son. We had a delayed start due to family emergencies but got to Llyn Geirionydd car park mid afternoon. Walked along the lakeside to the monument.
ImageUntitled by Chris Farley, on Flickr
Round to Crafnant and a camp up at the head of the valley
ImageCrafnant valley wildcamp by Chris Farley, on Flickr
Beautiful morning today, short walk back to car and breakfast in Conwy.

ImageUntitled by Chris Farley, on Flickr
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Alan63 »

My son Fraser (11) and I have set out to take part in BaM 2019. Have successfully completed January and February so far. Not much time left to bag March. January BaM was to Greensykes bothy. Rode in from Eskdalemuir following Ray Young's Borders 220 route.


February BaM was to Abyssinia bothy in the Arrochar Alps. Opened by MBA in late 2017, it's in a great location.


Hopefully more successful trips to follow.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by postierich »

March Camp rode with stinking cold so felt like crap for the 2 days wind got up in the morning so vacated pretty quickly really enjoyed riding the Frontier many thanks to Alpkit for the loan! ... mk-CK-9yqc
Image55620991_10157284371296474_8449040152654774272_n by Richard Munro, on Flickr
Image55551960_10157284371231474_3050810270730420224_n by Richard Munro, on Flickr
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Zippy »

Alan63 wrote:My son Fraser (11) and I have set out to take part in BaM 2019. Have successfully completed January and February so far. Not much time left to bag March. January BaM was to Greensykes bothy. Rode in from Eskdalemuir following Ray Young's Borders 220 route.

February BaM was to Abyssinia bothy in the Arrochar Alps. Opened by MBA in late 2017, it's in a great location.

Hopefully more successful trips to follow.
Sorry Alan - is this just a recap of your previous two visits, (which I've got tallied up), or is it a post that you've done March - sorry don't quite follow. For now I don't have you down for March.

Everyone else, some very quick stats:

Some people have come out of the woodwork, in January there was pledges from 36 people to take part in BAM, since then we've had reports of an additional 10 people pledging to take part! We've also had 3 people start BAM in Feb, and and 2 people start in March (I'm not gonna carry on counting you're effort into 2020 I don't think...may do, depending on how this goes).

I have counted a total of 97 bivvies posted in this thread (not double counting things like Reg's double February Bivvy).

Only have 13 reports of bivvies in March, and 2 of those are from people who started BAM in March!

My list of people for March so far are:
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Alan63 »

Zippy wrote:
Alan63 wrote:My son Fraser (11) and I have set out to take part in BaM 2019. Have successfully completed January and February so far. Not much time left to bag March. January BaM was to Greensykes bothy. Rode in from Eskdalemuir following Ray Young's Borders 220 route.

February BaM was to Abyssinia bothy in the Arrochar Alps. Opened by MBA in late 2017, it's in a great location.

Hopefully more successful trips to follow.
Sorry Alan - is this just a recap of your previous two visits, (which I've got tallied up), or is it a post that you've done March - sorry don't quite follow. For now I don't have you down for March.

Everyone else, some very quick stats:

Some people have come out of the woodwork, in January there was pledges from 36 people to take part in BAM, since then we've had reports of an additional 10 people pledging to take part! We've also had 3 people start BAM in Feb, and and 2 people start in March (I'm not gonna carry on counting you're effort into 2020 I don't think...may do, depending on how this goes).

I have counted a total of 97 bivvies posted in this thread (not double counting things like Reg's double February Bivvy).

Only have 13 reports of bivvies in March, and 2 of those are from people who started BAM in March!

My list of people for March so far are:
Hi Zippy, we have only BaM'd in January and February so far. Now I have mastered putting pics on the forum, I posted a wee re-cap. Let's Junior see himself on the net. Hope this helps .
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by middleagedmadness »

Zippy there should be 3-4 more posted on Thursday after our Midlands night out on wed ,ooh that will mean I have done 12 in a row after missing Jan and march last year ,does that mean I can send a few pennies off for my patch stu :mrgreen: (13 in total like a idiot I started last Feb when the temps dropped to -7)
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Asposium »

March 2019

Pretty much the same route as Feb; however, a different bike.

Figured Feb route was a good one on which to test the new bike; could i ride those bits i had to walk?
28-40 was certainly an easy gear for climbing
could have done with a little higher than 38-11 for the road
though a reasonable spread of gears, and cadence jumps weren't too bad
Di2 shifting is very impressive
dynamo hub was utter rubbish; average speed too low perhaps?

a random bridleway that just stopped and became two footpaths, very odd.

bit chilly overnight, but a lovely morning.
home for breakfast , swap bike and out for bike polo

ImageBivi-a-month, Mar-2019 by Asposium, on Flickr

ImageBivi-a-month, Mar-2019 by Asposium, on Flickr

ImageBivi-a-month, Mar-2019 by Asposium, on Flickr
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

does that mean I can send a few pennies off for my patch stu
Sure does.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by middleagedmadness »

Bearbonesnorm wrote:
does that mean I can send a few pennies off for my patch stu
Sure does.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Raggedstone »

I guess you had better include me on the list Zippy I seem to have fallen into the challenge.
Headed to Rhayader yesterday afternoon for a trip across to the Twyi forest I knew beforehand that it probably wasn't going to be easy especially as half of it would be in the dark ,it was 2 1/2 hours of the finest bog trotting and Turks head grass that you could imagine more by luck than judgementand and using a very protracted route I arrived at my planned bivi spot at the track into the forest. First time using a tarp all went well made something to eat and drink perfectly sheltered from the wind as soon as I got into my sleeping bag a gust of wind from a new direction blew straight into the tarp and flattened it so back up again to turn it around after initial failure I really like the tarp experience especially as it started raining in the night . Returned through the Twyi forest to Strata Florida and back around Claerwen reservoir . Not a route I intend to repeat !
Definitely need more practice finding the lovely flat dry bivi spots that appear in the pictures .
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Bearlegged »

March ticked off!

After an extended period of doing too much stuff at work, I’d built up a day in lieu, and resolved to make the most of it. Weather forecasts were checked, Storm Gazza abated, and the least mizzly looking day was agreed with my manager. Wednesday rolled around, and with it, blue skies! And actual sunshine! Double digits of degrees Celsius! I got so dizzy with excitment, it was only once I was up the hill out of Sheffield that I realised I’d not packed a waterproof… In fact, there was a long list of things I’d forgotten to do, including oiling my chain, so the first stop was Alpkit in Hathersage, where I scrounged some oil courtesy of Mr Richpips, lovely chap that he is. After a bit of chatting about bikes, gear, and Everesting, I bade him cheerio, and headed on my way, and soon off the tarmac.

Up, onto the moors, past sheep and birdsong and ramblers (Be nice, say hi!), then down a nice steep incline to Bradwell, with a not so nice gert big bog of mud at the bottom. Having retrieved my shoe, I was feeling a bit peckish, so went in search of a bite to eat. Thinking it was a bit too early for serious refuelling, and anticipating another food stop somewhere in Edale, I opted for what I thought would be a light snack.

Blimey. The next climb didn’t go well at all.
Nor did the flat bit at the top, my tyre starting to hiss, and continuing to do so, no matter how many tyre plugs I shoved into it. Having now used up both my tyre repair options and my one spare inner tube, I felt it prudent to find a bike shop, and headed for the nearest one forthwith, only to find they’re closed on Wednesdays. Bah. On to the next one then, by now rather conscious that my inner tube was sharing the tyre with the pointy brass bits from my tyre plugs… Thankfully, tube and brass coexisted happily until I reached Bike Garage, where the lovely James helped me out with tools, a pump, gaffer tape and a hosepipe.
After a chat about the merits of e-bikes, I was off again. I’d previously been umming and ahhing about how best to get to my next planned bit of exploration, but from where I was now, the off-road route was now out of the question, so I headed along country lanes to Ladybower. Andy Chicken Legs will be no doubt overjoyed to learn the reservoir is now back up to its full capacity.

A bit of exploring later, I’d found a way to link up a couple of routes while avoiding the road, and was ready to head back towards civilisation, a hot meal, and a pint, pausing briefly to admire the view.

A hot meal and a pint later, it was now time to find a decent spot to kip, and I had just such a place in mind. I wasn’t the only one on the move though, and my route bivvy-wards was covered in amphibians! I’m pretty sure I didn’t run any over… I was soon at my chosen spot, and set up camp by the light of the moon, before settling down to a mini fire and a mug of brandy.
A decent night’s series of interrupted naps, and I was soon back in Sheffield for breakfast and the school run.

2019 BAM 3/3
2019 total bivvies 3
Current streak (months) 4
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Wotsits »

Add me to the list please Zip :ugeek:

2019 3/12: March ticked off in stylie with double nighter in the Lakes with Ben, brill trip! :-bd

Highlights included- wooden huts for possible future doss, us detting knocked back from a posh restaurant, free pudding, a racecourse, quarries, a howff, loads of deer, a badger, a wino rodent, a splash of whisky & great trails! :cool:
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by RIP »

Forgotten what trail centres are like, feel like I've been ten rounds in a wrestling ring. Lot of fun with MaM, Paramart, Pickers, Gaz, PaulB2 and Mart. Thought we were going to end up in some top secret hideout in the woods, but our final resting place turned out to be an outdoor classroom right next to GoApe so not very stealthy after all :smile: . Very civilised though.

Interesting pub menu:



In the pub we were dead jealous of MaM's special-issue limited-edition (of one, blinking teacher's pet :grin: ) Stu stove (almost as jealous as we were with Rich's ebike), although after breakfast's demonstration we'd all changed our minds. I have to say it wasn't cos of the stove - hilarious and quite shockingly incompetent lack of operator control :grin: resulted in various little fires breaking out all over the table, wind shields ablaze, rivers of meths all over the shop! 10/10 for entertainment value :-bd


C'mon MaM get a grip man! Nice orderly kit layout please (look, even the bag ties are parallel!), our public is watching (unlikely, it was 5.45am) :


Twas good to put some names to faces and to get lost in the woods

38/38 2nd effort
Last edited by RIP on Thu Mar 28, 2019 3:24 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by psling »

We have one of those Go Ape shelters here in FoD Reg - but we won't be using it next month unless, possibly, if it's pi55ing down!).
And 05.45? Not next month, I need my beauty sleep!! :wink:
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by RIP »

Well Mart was up and away at 04.30 which was a very professional bit of bivvying. Yeah don't worry, if I can't smell lunch cooking then I'm up too early.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by middleagedmadness »

Twas a trip of punctures more punctures more punctures trail center gnarlynesss and some very nice secluded trails,trip over to the chase was a bit stop and start due to gaz being a thorn magnet (will let him explain the slightly funny episode of cutting the wrong tube to make some temp patches ) any how after a spot of luncheon it was time to have a quick blast around some of the trail center,I'd forgotten how much fun it could be when only done every few years ,then back to meet para mart a few more trails (& punctures) then down to the pub where reg acted a bit fruitish only having 2 pints ,mart turned up and made up for reg's lack of enthusiasm by having 2 at a time :-bd ,then off to the secluded shelter for sleep :lol: ,yes I did have a slight meths fire when my mug tipped the lot over ,then breakfast and a few more trails before my journey back down the cut ,left paramart bat castle ring and headed home ,great fun good to meet new people and that's 12 in a row ,please let me know cost of badge stu and I'll get it pp over :-bd reg in full gnar mode
Edit- forgot to add very very pleased with the borah bag packs to nothing and no condensation
2019-03-28_02-58-02.jpg (158.3 KiB) Viewed 3984 times
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

please let me know cost of badge stu and I'll get it pp over
I put one in the post this morning :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by middleagedmadness »

Cheers mate :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by paramart »

4 out of 4 for me stu and reg done the waffle, Image Image Image ImageImageImage
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by RIP »

Cheers for showing us round your manor Mart - certainly saw some hidden bits of the Chase....
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by paramart »

RIP wrote:Cheers for showing us round your manor Mart - certainly saw some hidden bits of the Chase....
lots more hidden we only did a couple if your over this way again and i'm not at work you could use the full suspension and dropper on the rad gnar routes :shock: :wink: nice to meet you
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by oldstrath »

Zippy wrote:
Alan63 wrote:My son Fraser (11) and I have set out to take part in BaM 2019. Have successfully completed January and February so far. Not much time left to bag March. January BaM was to Greensykes bothy. Rode in from Eskdalemuir following Ray Young's Borders 220 route.

February BaM was to Abyssinia bothy in the Arrochar Alps. Opened by MBA in late 2017, it's in a great location.

Hopefully more successful trips to follow.

Everyone else, some very quick stats:

Some people have come out of the woodwork, in January there was pledges from 36 people to take part in BAM, since then we've had reports of an additional 10 people pledging to take part! We've also had 3 people start BAM in Feb, and and 2 people start in March (I'm not gonna carry on counting you're effort into 2020 I don't think...may do, depending on how this goes).

I have counted a total of 97 bivvies posted in this thread (not double counting things like Reg's double February Bivvy).

Only have 13 reports of bivvies in March, and 2 of those are from people who started BAM in March!

My list of people for March so far are:

Zippy, did you miss my (admittedly very short) post that I'd be down Feshie in March?
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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by gallowayboy »

March BAM passed with a cold starlit night in the south Pennines. Once again, very local, only three miles from home and handy for work this morning. Must get a weekend night soon and venture further afield. Tried the wee tent this time thinking the extra warmth would be useful - not sure if the condensation then ice in the morning was worth it. Anyway, oatcakes and cheese, brew, book and lights out at 11.15. Reasonable nights sleep, up at 5.30 for 45 minutes of faffing (really must get more organised) then a trundle down the hill to work and a gallon of coffee and a pile of toast! Magic!

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Re: Bivvy a month 2019

Post by whitestone »

gallowayboy wrote:Tried the wee tent this time thinking the extra warmth would be useful - not sure if the condensation then ice in the morning was worth it.
Possibly due to being in a hollow and next to water.
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